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In this study, we investigated the interaction between givenness and complexity on the choice of syntactic structure, via two experiments using speeded acceptability judgments. Experiment 1 showed that for the Danish dative alternation, given–new orders are only easier to process for double-object or NP constructions, whereas PP constructions are unaffected. This replicates previous findings for the English dative alternation. Experiment 2 revealed that when a long NP precedes a short NP—a suboptimal complexity relation—the effect of givenness is neutralized, whereas givenness remains influential when the complexity relation between the NPs in the sentence is optimal. This is consistent with the view that in online parsing, the actual syntactic structure-building process is primary, whereas any higher-order computations such as discourse linking are secondary. The relative complexity of the NPs in the double-object construction directly affects the structure-building process, whereas the decoding of the discourse structure is a later and less crucial phenomenon, resulting in neutralization of the givenness effect in cases in which the complexity relation is suboptimal.  相似文献   

This article argues that, despite its apparent radicality, Husserl's later, genetic phenomenology ends up confirming and consolidating a very orthodox transcendental egology. First, the article reconstructs an Husserlian phenomenology of givenness; but then, by considering the ambiguous role of intuition, it also establishes (a) the continued prestige of a 'classical' transcendental subject, and (b) the way in which a denial of ontology allows Husserl's transcendental subject to sublate the provocative challenge of primal Gegebenheit . Overall, the article argues that Husserl is subject to a deep egological faultline, brought about by the self-consciously anti-ontological nature of his project: 'givenness without Being', it suggests, necessitates a prioritized and privileged self.  相似文献   

去年八月底,由本会主办,中国人民大学哲学系、中国社会科学院哲学所、辅仁大学哲学系协办,澳门文化局赞助,在澳门举行了“科学精神与人文精神”研讨会。两岸三地有二十四所大学及研究院的四十多位学者参加,共宣读了三十三篇论文。《哲学动态》对大会发表了《评述》以作综合报导。这里选出与该刊范围有关的大会论文,陆续刊登。希望对于促进哲学的学术研究有所帮助。 本栏目由澳门特别行政区政府文化局资助,基于学术自由和文责自负的原则,其中内容并不代表澳门特别行政区政府文化局之立场。  相似文献   

Rosen  Matt 《Human Studies》2021,44(3):333-350
Human Studies - Other people figure in our experience of the world; they strike us as unique and genuinely other. This paper explores whether a Husserlian account of empathy as the way in which we...  相似文献   

据新华社消息现年75岁的罗伯逊是美国基督教联盟创始人和福音派布道家,基督教广播网《700俱乐部》节目主持人,公开要求美国政府派遣特工暗杀委内瑞拉总统查韦斯。查韦斯常说美国要推翻他或者暗杀他。2005年8月22日,罗伯逊在主持节目时说道:“如果他认为我们要暗杀他,我认为我们真的应该那样做。”他还说:“我们有能力把他弄出来,我认为我们实践这种能力的时机到了。”罗伯逊的理由是:“我们有能力干掉他,我认为现在正是实施这项计划的最佳时刻。我们根本不必花费二千亿美元发动一场战争去除掉一个人、一个独裁者,因为有更简便易行的办法达到…  相似文献   

In this essay it is argued that the educational philosophy of John Dewey gains in depth and importance by being related to his philosophy of nature, his metaphysics. The result is that any experiental process is situated inside an event, an existence, a thing, and I try to interpret this “thing” as schools or major cultural events such as the French revolution. This basic view is correlated to Dewey’s concept of transaction, of experience and finally, it is related to a discussion of methods in education.  相似文献   

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