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A number of investigators have used power spectral density (PSD) analysis to try to identify and quantify various sensory systems which are involved in upright standing. Using PSD analysis, over a frequency range from 0.02-2.5 Hz, the present study examined two trials of lateral sway in each of 80 men. The results showed that little change occurred in PSD values between the first and second trials. Exponential curves were fit to the averaged trials data of each subject. The values of the parameter estimates obtained from the curve-fitting were regressed on the values of various direct, and derived anthropometric variables to try to explain the variance of the parameter estimates in terms of the anthropometrics. The subject’s center of gravity location accounted for no more than 15.8% of the parameter variance, whereas the remaining anthropometrics explained even less. The overall averaged data suggest that three functions (related to visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive processes) may underlie the sway pattern over this frequency range. PSD curves of individuals with a history of high-level athletic activity clearly differed from those of sedentary subjects.  相似文献   

The authors examined the function for learning a discrete timing task from a dynamical systems perspective rather than solely the traditional curve-fitting viewpoint. Adult participants (N = 8) practiced a single-limb angular movement task of 125 ms over 20 degrees for 200 trials. There was no significant difference in percentage of variance accounted for in 3 parameter exponential and power-law nonlinear fits to the individual and averaged data. The percentage of variance increased in both exponential and power-law equations when the data were averaged over participants and trials. Drawing on a dynamical systems approach to time scales in motor learning and on analysis of the distinctive features of exponential and power-law functions, however, the authors conclude that the exponential is the learning function for that task and that level of practice.  相似文献   

The magnitude of perceived roughness was haptically estimated as subjects freely explored linear gratings with either the bare finger or a rigid stylus-shaped probe. A considerably expanded range of ridge and groove width was investigated, relative to the extant literature. The four experiments collectively indicate that, for both finger and probe-end effectors, the variance in the estimates of perceived roughness was predominantly predicted by a single parameter: groove width. The functions relating perceived roughness to groove width increased over a narrow band relative to the full range of values, then flattened. These data have archival values for models of roughness perception involving both direct and indirect touch.  相似文献   

The generalizability framework was employed to estimate variance components and reliability of performance in a positioning task. The subjects (n =70) performed 16 trials at each of three target lengths of 25 cm, 45 cm, and 65 cm. The data were analyzed using a subjects x targets x trials repeated measures ANOVA. Two reliability coefficients were estimated. The first (R) provided an estimate of performance reliability generalized over targets and trials. The second (R') treated targets as a source of true-score variance and hence was generalized over trials alone. Both reliability coefficients were higher for algebraic error than for absolute error, and R1 provided higher reliability estimates than R for both dependent variables. Increasing the number of positioning trials from 2 to 16 at each target length did not appreciably alter either reliability coefficient. The overall low reliability of R appears to compound the dependent variables and statistical power problems associated with short-term motor-memory studies.  相似文献   


Studies have used the latent differential equation (LDE) model to estimate the parameters of damped oscillation in various phenomena, but it has been shown that correct, non-zero parameter estimates are only obtained when the latent series exhibits little or no process noise. Consequently, LDEs are limited to modeling deterministic processes with measurement error rather than those with random behavior in the true latent state. The reasons for these limitations are considered, and a piecewise deterministic approximation (PDA) algorithm is proposed to treat process noise outliers as functional discontinuities and obtain correct estimates of the damping parameter. Comprehensive, random-effects simulations were used to compare results with those obtained using a state-space model (SSM) based on the Kalman filter. The LDE with the PDA algorithm (LDEPDA) successfully recovered the simulated damping parameter under a variety of conditions when process noise was present in the latent state. The LDEPDA had greater precision and accuracy than the SSM when estimating parameters from data with sparse jump discontinuities, but worse performance for diffusion processes overall. All three methods were applied to a sample of postural sway data. The basic LDE estimated zero damping, while the LDEPDA and SSM estimated moderate to high damping. The SSM estimated the smallest standard errors for both frequency and damping parameter estimates.  相似文献   

The reporting of exaggerated effect size estimates may occur either through researchers accepting statistically significant results when power is inadequate and/or from repeated measures approaches aggregating, averaging multiple items, or multiple trials. Monte-Carlo simulations with input of a small, medium, or large effect size were conducted on multiple items or trials that were either averaged or aggregated to create a single dependent measure. Alpha was set at the .05 level, and the trials were assessed over item or trial correlations ranging from 0 to 1. Simulations showed a large increase in observed effect size averages and the power to accept these estimates as statistically significant increased over numbers of trials or items. Overestimation effects were mitigated as correlations between trials increased but still remained substantial in some cases. The implications of these findings for meta-analyses and different research scenarios are discussed.  相似文献   

Applications of item response theory, which depend upon its parameter invariance property, require that parameter estimates be unbiased. A new method, weighted likelihood estimation (WLE), is derived, and proved to be less biased than maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) with the same asymptotic variance and normal distribution. WLE removes the first order bias term from MLE. Two Monte Carlo studies compare WLE with MLE and Bayesian modal estimation (BME) of ability in conventional tests and tailored tests, assuming the item parameters are known constants. The Monte Carlo studies favor WLE over MLE and BME on several criteria over a wide range of the ability scale.  相似文献   

The authors used two analyses developed within the framework of the uncontrolled manifold hypothesis to quantify multimuscle synergies during voluntary body sway: analysis of intertrial variance and analysis of motor equivalence with respect to the center of pressure (COP) trajectory. Participants performed voluntary sway tasks in the anteroposterior direction at 0.33 and 0.66 Hz. Muscle groups were identified in the space of muscle activations and used as elemental variables in the synergy analyses. Changing mechanical and vision feedback–based constraints led to significant changes in indices of sway performance such as COP deviations in the uninstructed, mediolateral direction and indices of spontaneous postural sway. In contrast, there were no significant effects on synergy indices. These findings show that the neural control of performance and of its stability may involve different control variables and neurophysiological structures. There were strong correlations between the indices of motor equivalence and those computed using the intercycle variance analysis. This result is potentially important for studies of patients with movement disorders who may be unable to perform multiple trials (cycles) at any given task, making analysis of motor equivalence of single trials a viable alternative to explore changes in stability of actions.  相似文献   

Subjective frequency estimates for large sample of monosyllabic English words were collected from 574 young adults (undergraduate students) and from a separate group of 1,590 adults of varying ages and educational backgrounds. Estimates from the latter group were collected via the internet. In addition, 90 healthy older adults provided estimates for a random sample of 480 of these words. All groups rated words with respect to the estimated frequency of encounters of each word on a 7-point scale, ranging from never encountered to encountered several times a day. The young and older groups also rated each word with respect to the frequency of encounters in different perceptual domains (e.g., reading, hearing, writing, or speaking). The results of regression analyses indicated that objective log frequency and meaningfulness accounted for most of the variance in subjective frequency estimates, whereas neighborhood size accounted for the least amount of variance in the ratings. The predictive power of log frequency and meaningfulness were dependent on the level of subjective frequency estimates. Meaningfulness was a better predictor of subjective frequency for uncommon words, whereas log frequency was a better predictor of subjective frequency for common words. Our discussion focuses on the utility of subjective frequency estimates compared with other estimates of familiarity. The raw subjective frequency data for all words are available at http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/dbalota/labpub.html.  相似文献   

The current paper presents an extension of the Parallel Episodic Processing model. The model is developed for simulating behaviour in performance (i.e., speeded response time) tasks and learns to anticipate both how and when to respond based on retrieval of memories of previous trials. With one fixed parameter set, the model is shown to successfully simulate a wide range of different findings. These include: practice curves in the Stroop paradigm, contingency learning effects, learning acquisition curves, stimulus-response binding effects, mixing costs, and various findings from the attentional control domain. The results demonstrate several important points. First, the same retrieval mechanism parsimoniously explains stimulus-response binding, contingency learning, and practice effects. Second, as performance improves with practice, any effects will shrink with it. Third, a model of simple learning processes is sufficient to explain phenomena that are typically (but perhaps incorrectly) interpreted in terms of higher-order control processes. More generally, we argue that computational models with a fixed parameter set and wider breadth should be preferred over those that are restricted to a narrow set of phenomena.  相似文献   

Statistical significance tests are derived and evaluated for measuring apparent differences between an obtained and an expected binormal ROC curve, between two independent binormal ROC curves, and among groups of independent binormal ROC curves. A binormal ROC curve is described by two parameters which represent the spread of the means and the ratio of the standard deviations of the two underlying Gaussian decision variable distributions. To test the significance of apparent differences between or among ROC curves, approximate χ2 statistics for each of the three tests were constructed from maximum likelihood estimates of the two parameters defining the binormal ROC curve. The performance of each test statistic was evaluated by simulating five-category rating scale data with equal numbers of noise and signal-plus-noise trials (set at 50, 250, and 500) for each of three typical ROC curves. For the significance test involving only one ROC curve, rating scale data were generated from the chance diagonal of the ROC space also. Although test performance was found to be somewhat dependent on the number of trials and on the location of the ROC curve in the ROC space, comparisons of the obtained and expected fractions of (falsely) significant results at various α levels showed the proposed statistical significance tests to be reliable under practical experimental conditions.  相似文献   

This study assessed sex and individual differences in sway-position and velocity power spectra and reliability of power frequency with 30 health young people. The body sway for 1 min. was measured twice over a 1-min. rest. There were no significant sex differences in the spectra. Frequency bands with a large coefficient of variance over 10.0 appeared up to 0.6 Hz. 75% relative accumulated power frequency appeared at 1.10-1.23 Hz in the position and at 2.00-3.05 Hz in the velocity spectra. Most power was in the low frequency band (A and B frequency intervals) of the international standard. Relative accumulated power frequency of position and velocity power spectra was reasonably reliable. It may be necessary to establish a new evaluation frequency interval by direction of sway-position and velocity using relative accumulated power frequency for healthy people.  相似文献   

This study was done to examine age-stage (preschool children, young adults, and elderly people) differences in the center-of-pressure sway using body-sway factors (unit-time sway, front-back sway, left-right sway, and high frequency-band power), power-spectrum distribution, and relative accumulation of power frequency (25%, 50%, and 75% RAPF) of the center-of-pressure spectrum. The center-of-pressure movement for 1 min. was measured twice using Anima's stabilometer. Data-sampling frequency was set at 20 Hz. Significant age-stage differences were found for 3 factors except for left-right sway, which was larger for preschool children and elderly than for young adults. The power spectrum of body sway in any age-stage was noted mainly in low frequency bands. A marked age-stage difference was found at 75% RAPF. Body-sway characteristics in each age-stage differ, and differences of postural-sway frequency are marked in the low frequency bands.  相似文献   

Previously, we reported that posttraining paradoxical sleep deprivation (PSD) resulted in an enhancement of the subsequent avoidance performance for rats trained for 15 trials in a Y-maze brightness avoidance discrimination task. A series of experiments were conducted to try to further understand the reasons for results which were contrary to those of the bulk of the sleep-learning literature. Experiment 1 investigated the effectiveness of the PSD technique. Rats (N= 4) were sleep recorded while residing on a “swimming pool” apparatus for 24 h. Compared to their baseline values, all animals showed a very large reduction in paradoxical sleep and spent significantly more time awake. Slow-wave sleep was unchanged. In Experiment 2, proactive motor effects were tested. Rats were deprived of PS for 24 h and then tested in a hole board motor activity task. There was a slight effect of PS deprivation on the day following the PSD and no effect when the rats were retested 1 week later. Experiment 3 investigated possible proactive effects of PSD on avoidance performance. Rats exposed to PSD in the 24 h before training in the Y-maze task did not demonstrate any facilitative effect on the subsequent avoidance performance. Experiment 4 investigated the possibility that the PSD facilitative effect could be due to partial training. Rats were given 75 acquisition trials in the brightness discrimination Y-maze avoidance before being subjected to 24 h of PSD. PS-deprived animals showed superior avoidance scores compared to non-PSD controls when retested 24 h later. In Experiment 5, the same strain of rats (N= 11) were sleep recorded after exposure to a partial acquisition in a Y-maze brightness avoidance discrimination task. They were then continuously monitored for 4 consecutive days. The percent PS for the Trained rats was significantly lower than that for the Control animals. This drop in percent PS was not confined to any particular time period in the 24-h day. None of the other sleep parameters reached significance. Analyses of the present results suggest that PSD exerts its facilitative effects on posttraining consolidation processes. We present arguments suggesting that PSD can have effects opposite to those generally reported, in animals demonstrating poor avoidance abilities, in an avoidance task.  相似文献   

《Ecological Psychology》2013,25(2):75-104
In 2 experiments, participants made judgments of their own maximum sitting height. During judgments, participants stood normally or on 10 cm blocks attached to their feet. The blocks increased participants' actual maximum sitting height. For many participants, judgments changed over trials, becoming more accurate, despite the absence of practice at sitting, or feedback about judgment accuracy. Learning was observed not only when participants wore the blocks but also when they stood normally. In Experiment 2, we measured motion of the head and torso. We identified changes in body motion that corresponded to engagement in the judgment task: Across trials, sway variability was stable during judgments but increased during the intervals between judgments. Other changes in sway were limited to participants whose judgments improved over trials; that is, sway was specifically associated with learning about maximum sitting height. We discuss the results in the context of perception–action and the learning of affordances.  相似文献   

The effect of full-field sinusoidal visual roll motion stimuli of various frequencies and peak velocities upon the orientation of subjective visual vertical (SV) was studied. The angle of the optokinetically induced displacement of SV was found to be a linear function of the logarithm of the stimulus oscillation angle. Interindividual slopes of this function varied between 2 and 9. The logarithmic function is independent of stimulus frequency within the range of .02 Hz to .5 Hz and of peak stimulus velocity from 7.5°/sec to 170°/sec. It holds for oscillation angles up to 100°–140°. With larger rotational angles, saturation is reached. With small stimulus angles, a surprisingly high threshold (5°-8°) was observed in our experiments. This may reflect the unphysiological combination of visual roll stimuli without corroborating vestibular and proprioceptive inputs normally present when body sway produces visual stimulation. Under natural conditions, the visual feedback about spontaneous sway stabilizes body posture by integrating rotational velocity over stimulus duration which is equal to rotational angle.  相似文献   

BackgroundWe have previously shown that objective measurements of postural sway predicts fall risk, although it is currently unknown how limits of stability (LOS) might influence these results.Research question: How integrated postural sway and LOS measurements predict the risk of incident falls in a population-based sample of older adults.Methods:The sample for this prospective observational study was drawn from the Healthy Ageing Initiative cohort and included data collected between June 2012 and December 2016 for 2396 men and women, all 70 years of age. LOS was compared to postural sway with measurements during eyes-open (EO) and eyes-closed (EC) trials, using the previously validated Wii Force Plate. Fall history was assessed during baseline examination and incident falls were collected during follow-up at 6 and 12 months. Independent predictors of incident falls and additional covariates were investigated using multiple logistic regression models.Results:During follow-up, 337 out of 2396 participants (14%) had experienced a fall. Unadjusted regression models from the EO trial revealed increased fall risk by 6% (OR 1.06, 95% CI 1.02–1.11) per each centimeter squared increase in sway area and by 16% (OR 1.16, 95% CI 1.07–1.25) per 1-unit increase in Sway-Area-to-LOS ratio. Odds ratios were generally lower when analyzing EC trials and only slightly attenuated in fully adjusted models.Significance:Integrating postural sway and LOS parameters provides valid fall risk prediction and a holistic analysis of postural stability. Future work should establish normative values and evaluate clinical utility of these measures.  相似文献   

Choice reaction time involves, at least two components of response latency, decision time and movement time. Studies of choice reaction time usually provide values of these two components averaged over a given number of trials. The aim of the present study of depressed subjects was to investigate changes across practice on Decision Time (DT) and Movement Time (MT) before and after clinical improvement. 19 depressed subjects were given two sessions of 50 trials each, one before treatment (Di) and one after recovery (Df). Decision time and movement time exhibited quite different patterns. Decision time significantly decreased with clinical improvement. No significant variation across trials was found, in either session. Movement time values varied across trials but the variations observed on Di and Df were significantly different, whereas before treatment latencies recorded at the end of the session were greater than those scored at the start, the contrary was observed after clinical recovery. No significant difference was found between values of movement time scored at the start of the two sessions.  相似文献   

The psychophysical responses to vibration of two age groups (22 or 25 and 66 years) were compared for two tasks using suprathreshold levels of vibrotactile stimulation. At a vibration frequency of 25 Hz, the two age groups gave similar curves of subjective magnitude determined by the method of absolute magnitude estimation. At 250 Hz, the curve of the older group showed no recruitment over low levels of intensity. Instead, their magnitude estimates were depressed over the entire range of intensities. Sensory persistence, measured by a matching procedure, was more marked in the older group.  相似文献   

A category-judgment experiment is the reported. Rating-scale judgments of loudness were made with five or eight intensity levels of a tone and with different frequencies of presentation of the stimuli. Obtained ROC curves for pairs of stimuli were judged to support application of signal-detection theory. However, certain common assumptions of the theory are called into question by the data. Discrimination was poorer when more categories were available. This is attributed to an increase in criterion variance with an increase in the number of criteria. The slope of the ROC curves for different stimulus pairs suggested that stimulus variance is neither constant nor does it necessarily increase with stimulus intensity It is argued that stimulus variance may depend upon the distribution of internal observations over all trials.  相似文献   

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