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采用空间线索化任务、点探测任务并用眼动仪记录被试眼动指标,考察脆弱型高自尊高中生对攻击性线索注意加工特点.实验一结果显示:在无效线索提示条件下,脆弱型高自尊高中生攻击性词语反应时显著长于中性词语.实验二结果显示:脆弱型高自尊被试和安全型高自尊被试总注视时间偏向分数差异显著.研究表明,脆弱型高自尊高中生对攻击性线索存在注意解脱困难.  相似文献   

对89名大学生被试在自我威胁条件下的归因与情绪模式进行了实验室研究。结果发现:(1)自我威胁条件下,脆弱高自尊个体会产生即刻的强烈羞愧情绪,之后通过外归因将这种向内的羞愧转换为向外的高敌意;(2)低自尊个体在自我威胁条件下,也会产生即刻的强烈羞愧感,但其外归因和敌意情绪均保持在较低水平,未出现归因与情绪转换。研究结果支持自我威胁后的归因与情绪转换假设。  相似文献   

为考察攻击性信息对脆弱型高自尊大学生返回抑制的影响机制,本研究采用线索靶子范式,分别将攻击性及中性词汇作为靶子(实验1)和线索(实验2)呈现。实验1发现,脆弱型和安全型高自尊组对攻击性信息均存在注意捕获,从而使攻击性信息的返回抑制量降低。实验2发现,脆弱型高自尊组对攻击性信息存在注意解除困难,从而使攻击性信息的返回抑制量降低。脆弱型高自尊大学生对攻击性信息存在过多的注意维持,降低了视觉搜索效率,这可是其好发攻击性行为的潜在认知加工机制。  相似文献   

自尊只有高低之分吗?——高自尊的异质性及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张向葵  田录梅 《心理学探新》2006,26(3):20-22,34
传统观点认为,高自尊者比低自尊者有更好的适应性,但越来越多的研究者认为这种自尊水平的二分法过于简单,因为每种水平内部,尤其是高自尊内部还存在质的差异,即高自尊的异质性。该文对此进行了简要介绍并指出了它对未来自尊研究及教育的重要启示。  相似文献   

高自尊的异质性研究述评   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
自尊不只有高低之分,很多研究者分别从实证研究的结果矛盾性、对自尊的概念及其测量方法的理论思考等方面论述了高自尊异质性存在的可能性,并分别从不同角度提出了高自尊的不同类型及其测量方法,如,不稳定的高自尊与稳定的高自尊、防御的高自尊与真诚的高自尊、相倚的高自尊与真正的高自尊、高外显低内隐自尊与高外显高内隐自尊、脆弱的高自尊与安全的高自尊等,其测量方法也因不同类型而不同。这些研究均说明高自尊存在异质性,需在未来的自尊研究中加以注意  相似文献   

内隐自尊与外显自尊的关系:多重内隐测量的视角   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
杨福义  梁宁建 《心理科学》2007,30(4):785-790
本研究以102名大学生为被试,从多重内隐测量的视角出发,运用内隐联想测验(IAT)、Go/No-go联想任务(GNAT)和外部情绪性Simon任务(EAST)三种实验程序对内隐自尊及其特性进行了测量和研究,同时运用结构方程建模对内隐自尊和外显自尊的结构关系进行了探讨。结果表明:(1)IAT、GNAT和EASI这三种基于反应时范式的内隐自尊测量方法是有效的,均能有效检测出内隐自尊效应,内隐自尊的特性表现为个体倾向于将自我与积极属性或事物相联,将他人与消极属性或事物相联;(2)内隐自尊与外显自尊是分离的结构,两者是相对独立的两个自我评价系统,支持内隐自尊和外显自尊的两维结构说;(3)双重态度模型和信息加工双过程模型两种理论模型都可以解释内隐自尊和外显自尊的分离现象。  相似文献   

已有研究表明,上行比较对高自尊个体产生积极效应。然而鉴于高自尊包括安全性高自尊和防御性高自尊,有必要在上行比较影响不同任务领域内的行为表现这一观点的基础上探讨高自尊的不同类型对上行比较与行为表现之间关系的影响。两个实验均采用高自尊类型、上行比较和任务领域一致性的2×2×2混合因素设计,不同之处在于其分别采用创造性测验和非创造性的语词测验作为不同领域任务。结果表明,防御性高自尊个体没有像安全性高自尊个体那样采取领域转换策略来修复自我关注,由上行比较所引起的领域转换只对安全性高自尊个体产生积极影响。  相似文献   

在不同的文化背景中,自尊既有相似性,也有差异性。在东西方文化中,自尊在其根源性、包容性及表达性等方面均存在差异。树立文化差异性与普遍性的意识,加强对自尊文化差异的研究对于科学地认识社会心理现象和学科建设都具有重要意义。未来可以从自尊的内涵、自尊研究的内容及研究方法等方面开展自尊的中国化研究。  相似文献   

自尊水平与自尊稳定性的关系:完美主义的中介作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用中介性调节分析方法,探讨了青少年外显自尊、内隐自尊、完美主义和自尊稳定性的关系.研究发现:外显自尊通过在乎缺点这一中介变量影响着自尊稳定性,外显自尊与自尊稳定性之间的关系不存在追求高标准的中介作用;内隐自尊调节着外显自尊和在乎缺点、自尊稳定性的关系,在低外显自尊者中,内隐自尊低者倾向于在乎自己的错误,表现出较高的自尊不稳定性;外显自尊通过在乎缺点影响自尊稳定性的间接效应在低内隐自尊者中更为明显.进一步的研究应考虑内隐自尊稳定性在自尊研究中的作用.  相似文献   

本研究试图结合自尊这一人格因素来探讨大学生的防御方式及日常人际冲突解决方式,对自尊的划分除传统的高、低自尊外,还把高自尊细分为防御性高自尊和真正性高自尊。结果表明不同水平上自尊的个体在以上两方面都存在一定的差异,防御性高自尊和真正性高自尊的个体仅在一些防御机制上存在差异,在人际冲突解决方式上不存在差异,而在这一点上与国外类似研究结果不同。  相似文献   

边缘性人格障碍是一种最常见的人格障碍。描述性精神病学、心理测验和精神分析的研究发现,边缘性人格障碍可能是由若干个异质性的亚群体组成,不同的亚群在症状表现、病因、心理病理机制、对治疗干预的反应和预后等方面可能都存在着很大的差异,可以根据不同的维度将其进行亚型分类,而使同一个亚群中的个体差异小于不同亚群之间的个体差异。  相似文献   


Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is characterized by instability in interpersonal relationships, volatile perceptions of self-image and affects, and marked impulsivity, presenting in various contexts. Current BPD treatments are individual-centered, coping skills based, with a reduced emphasis on identifying etiology and systemic components. Narrative therapy focuses on deconstructing and reauthoring personal stories. A clinical case study shows narrative therapy to be efficacious, however, sometimes psychotherapeutic interventions alone are inadequate in managing these symptoms. Medication can serve as a useful adjunct in addressing self-injurious behaviors, suicidal ideation, and dissociation. Researchers further discuss the integration of naltrexone into treatment of BPD symptoms.  相似文献   

Borderline personality disorder and externalizing disorders are associated with suicide-related behaviors. The present study examined whether symptoms of borderline personality disorder mediate the relationship between externalizing disorders and suicide-related behaviors. Diagnostic interviews were administered to 344 participants (n = 233 women). Results indicated that symptoms of antisocial personality disorder, alcohol use disorders, and drug use disorders each were significantly associated with suicide threats and self-injurious behavior in women and symptoms of antisocial personality disorder were associated with suicide attempts in women. With the exception of the association between symptoms of alcohol dependence and self-injurious behaviors, borderline personality disorder symptoms mediated or partially mediated all associations between externalizing disorders and suicide-related behaviors in women. These results highlight the importance of assessment and treatment of borderline personality disorder symptoms in individuals with externalizing disorders, particularly in the presence of suicide-related behaviors.
Lisa M. JamesEmail:

ABSTRACT— The standard view of personality disorder is that it is a maladaptive expression of personality traits, which are relatively stable and unchanging. Thus, personality disorder has been considered to have its roots in childhood and adolescence, to persist in adulthood, and to be difficult to change. However, recent research has challenged this view, revealing that personality continues to change, albeit more slowly, well into adulthood, and that the maladaptive manifestations of personality disorder are much less stable than previously believed. These research findings are described, and factors that influence stability and change in personality disorder are discussed. The emerging view of personality disorder has important implications for diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of personality pathology.  相似文献   

本文探讨了个体心理变量(人格特质、自尊)和环境变量(社会支持、生活状况)对男性吸毒者吸毒行为的影响。结果表明:(1)男性吸毒者的人格特质、自尊、社会支持、生活状况与吸毒行为存在部分相关;(2)回归分析表明人格特质、自尊和社会支持都影响吸毒行为,人格特质又影响社会支持,社会支持影响自尊;(3)路径分析证明,人格特质→社会支持→自尊→吸毒行为的假设关系成立。  相似文献   

Findings that clinicians diagnose Histrionic Personality Disorder more frequently in women may be due to the feminine gender weighting of the criteria or because the diagnostic label elicits a feminine stereotype. Using a method derived from the act-frequency approach, undergraduates generated behavioral examples of the DSM-IIIR and DSM-IV Histrionic criteria without regard to sex or according to sex role instructions that elicited masculine or feminine sex roles. A national sample of psychologists and psychiatrists rated the representativeness of the symptoms for the Histrionic criteria or for Histrionic Personality Disorder. Feminine behaviors were rated more representative of Histrionic Personality Disorder and somewhat more representative of the Histrionic criteria than masculine behaviors suggesting that the feminine sex role is more strongly associated with the label than the criteria. Masculine behaviors were also rated less representative than sex-unspecified examples. Results provide a possible explanation for the higher rates of diagnosis of Histrionic Personality Disorder in women.  相似文献   

This article endorses the contention that God suffers from a mental disorder, but challenges J. Henry Jurgens’ diagnosis of bipolar disorder as reported in The Onion (“God diagnosed with bipolar disorder”, 2001) and proposes narcissistic personality disorder instead. It uses the diagnostic criteria for narcissistic personality disorder from The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders—DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, Washington, DC, 1994) and various biblical citations in support of this diagnosis. It rejects the idea that a major personality change is reflected in the New Testament and claims that God did not experience a major transformation of his narcissistic personality structure as described by Heinz Kohut (Forms and transformations of narcissism, in A. P. Morrison, Ed., Essential papers on narcissism, pp. 61–87, New York University Press, New York, 1966/1986). However, it concludes that God’s creativity accounts for the stability of his narcissistic personality structure and helps to explain his lack of empathy toward human beings.
Donald CappsEmail:

国外人格障碍五因素模型研究述评   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近些年来,国外许多心理学家致力于将基础的人格理论和人格障碍研究相结合的工作,其中将五因素模型引入人格障碍的研究已经取得了很大进展。文章主要总结了这方面的研究成果,探讨了将五因素模型应用于临床诊断和干预的可能性,最后讨论了未来人格障碍的研究方向  相似文献   

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