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The present study examined patient and problem characteristics as well as therapy process factors associated with success and failure in sex therapy for secondary orgasmic dysfunction. Ss were 23 married couples selected for emotional and marital stability; all wives were suffering from secondary orgasmic dysfunction. Sexual functioning and satisfaction were evaluated before and after 15 sessions of therapy. Ss also engaged in daily self-monitoring throughout the therapy program. Two criteria of therapeutic success were used: the couples' global sexual harmony and the females' frequency of orgasmic response in couple sexual activity. Higher pre-treatment masturbation rates by the female, as well as better awareness of her partner's sexual tastes and preferences, were related to poor therapeutic outcome. Greater pre-treatment enjoyment of non-genital caressing by the female as well as higher incidence of interpersonal orgasmic response in the past were associated with therapeutic success. The theoretical and research implications of the present findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Forty-eight couples complaining of secondary orgasmic dysfunction were randomly allocated to one of three treatment methods or to a control group. Sexual function, sexual anxiety and satisfaction with the total relationship were evaluated in a pretest, an intermediate test (after 12 therapeutic sessions) and a follow-up test. The intermediate test revealed significant improvement in the sexual function of women treated by systematic desensitization, and that of women and men treated by an adapted version of the Masters and Johnson method. The follow-up test showed significant improvement in women and men treated by desensitization. Both methods significantly improved the satisfaction with the total relationship in men and women, and desensitization significantly reduced sexual anxiety in men and women. The results of combined treatment —desensitization followed by treatment according to Masters and Johnson—were very poor. The control group showed no significant changes. Evaluation of the differences between the treatments revealed a near-significant difference in sexual function of women in the intermediate test, with desensitization and the Masters and Johnson method yielding better results than combined treatment or no treatment.  相似文献   

In the current study, the degree of bias is calculated for each of the personality disorder and clinical syndrome scales of the MCMI-II. In general, most of the MCMI-II scales are prone to only mild or moderate biases. However, the paranoid personality disorder, somatoform, bipolar: manic, thought disorder, and delusional disorder scales are prone to severe biases. When the MCMI-II is utilized to make diagnostic decisions, bipolar and schizophrenic disorders are apt to be grossly underestimated. The implications of bias in diagnostic prevalence rates are discussed and an equation is offered which provides for adjustments to be made when the percentage of positive MCMI-II test results are used to determine prevalence rates for clinical or research populations. The observation is made that imperfect sensitivity and specificity for the MCMI-II scales will result in inaccurate estimates of personality disorders and clinical syndromes when the MCMI-II is used to survey various populations.  相似文献   

An organizational field study (N = 257) investigated employees' acceptance of a new merit pay system as involving an assessment of whether merit pay can make their earnings more fair, compared to their earnings in the current, seniority-based pay system. We expected that improvement of unfair earnings, and consequently acceptance of merit pay, is considered likely when existing procedures that produce these earnings are unfair, because merit pay improves such procedures. We also expected improvement of unfair earnings, and increased merit pay acceptance, to be likely when employees anticipate fair performance evaluation in a new system, as indicated by fair interpersonal treatment by their supervisor. Results showed that procedural and interpersonal fairness in the existing pay system indeed moderated the relationship between fairness of current outcomes and merit pay acceptance as predicted. Implications for the introduction of merit pay in organizations and for our understanding of the different roles of procedural and interpersonal fairness in outcome evaluations are discussed.  相似文献   

Women who were sexually victimized as children report problems in relating to both men and women. Studies have found that victims are less satisfied with their current sexual relationships and with the quality of their relationships with men in general. Fear of sex, arousal dysfunction and desire dysfunction were the most common sexual disturbances found in incest victims.The purpose of this paper was to examine the differences in sexual functioning in abused women who perceived themselves to be adjusted to the trauma of their sexual abuse and those who did not.A sample of 57 nonclinical adult women who had been sexually abused as children was studied. Data were analyzed by means of cross-tabulation, chi square statistics, analysis of variance, and multiple regression.Orgasm was experienced by 63% of the women. There was a significant interaction among ability to be an orgasmic, sexual esteem and adjustment to abuse. Over 56% of the women experienced physical discomfort during intercourse and 36% indicated that they needed sex therapy. The implications of these and other findings are discussed.  相似文献   

In recent years in research on intergroup relationships, the assumption has increasingly been made that discrimination dominates decisions when individuals allocate resources between (members of) own and other group. Conversely, in empirical studies of interpersonal decision-making, including an extensive literature on the development of children's allocation rules within dyadic relationships, it has been repeatedly observed that in dyadic relationships choices though responsive to various changes in the environment, are more strongly governed by fairness rules. The present research extends the interpersonal fairness paradigm to the intergroup case, and examines the effects of some of those variables, namely, children's age, input and attitudes toward other, that have been observed to influence choice behaviour within interpersonal relationships. The findings indicate that as children are socialized, fairness rules also play an increasing dominant role in intergroup allocation decisions, and that both relative input and the language of the outgroup influence such decisions. At the same time, there is some preliminary evidence to indicate that the relative strength of self-interest may be somewhat stronger in intergroup than in interpersonal relationships. Finally, a number of the issues that must be confronted in comparing the two more important forms of human social choices, interpersonal and intergroup decision-making, are considered.  相似文献   

In an article based on her presentation to the 114th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Janet Helms described a concept of test fairness. Helms's approach to fairness appears to be based on the premise that socialization consists of experiences received from one's environment, which are simply internalized as personal attributes. From an ecological perspective, this is incorrect, misleading, and oddly evocative of social-cognitive and psychodynamic notions. Individuals are not passive recipients of culture, and they do not necessarily simply reflect their experiences. Although Helms intended her model to apply to racial and cultural groups, it seems that she has overlooked the potential of applying her concept of fairness to another important level of social organization: the family. R. J. Griffore suggests that it is unfair to avoid using valid tests that are said to be unfair because of racially or culturally based construct-irrelevant variance if those tests can help individuals make decisions that lead to success outcomes. The use of race or culture as a variable that in any way jeopardizes the prediction of success for individuals or groups is unfair for all groups for whom the test is used.  相似文献   

攻击者的注意偏向与归因偏向及其关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在攻击者的认知偏向中,注意偏向与归因偏向尤为引人注目。攻击者常偏向于注意敌意性的刺激,并会对模棱两可的情境作出敌意性的解释。二者的关系存在注意优先模型与解释优先模型两种可能性,注意优先模型认为注意过程先于解释过程,解释优先模型则相反。两种假设各有论据支持,而攻击者注意偏向与归因偏向的关系尚无定论。今后的研究当改进实验方法、运用多种技术从理论和应用两方面更深入地探讨攻击者的这二种偏向及其关系。  相似文献   

While there is substantial research examining how recipients react to allocations that vary in procedural fairness (Colquitt, Conlon, Wesson, Porter, & Ng, 2001 ), previous research has not examined how those dividing resources among themselves and others manipulate procedural fairness (Tyler & Smith, 1998 ). In this paper, we introduce a measure that allows us to compare procedural fairness across resource allocations, and we use an experimental procedure in which participants vary the procedural fairness of their allocations. In three studies, we show that those dividing resources make proactive tradeoffs between distributive and procedural fairness. Participants increased the procedural fairness of their allocations when they knew recipients would observe their procedures, but they were less likely to divide the resources equally among recipients. The decreased emphasis on distributive fairness when procedures were observable resulted in higher joint outcomes, suggesting that the observability of procedures has important implications for the efficiency of resource allocation in groups. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study sought to identify the standards people invoke when judging the fairness or unfairness of outcomes of everyday events, and to determine whether their standards of judgment vary according to the fairness of the outcome and to their perspective, i.e. whether the outcomes are ones they personally experienced or witnessed. The standards of fairness laypeople were found to invoke, even when unprompted, coincided with the standards social scientists have emphasized (e.g. distributive, procedural) in their theories of psychological justice. However, laypeople emphasized these standards differently when accounting for the fairness–unfairness of personal experiences versus those they had witnessed, and when accounting for fair versus unfair outcomes. As predicted, they were more likely to invoke procedural and interpersonal criteria when judging the fairness–unfairness of their own outcomes, but more likely to invoke distributive criteria when judging others' outcomes. Regardless of perspective, laypeople cited procedural criteria as the major determinants of their fairness judgements; but cited procedural, distributive and interpersonal criteria as comparably influential in determining their unfairness judgments. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the relative effectiveness of the various components of a program designed to help women attain orgasm for the first time. The Ss were six couples with the presenting complaint of primary orgastic dysfunction. Treatment consisted of six phases. Repeated measurements on a number of variables were collected at the end of each phase. The onset of the treatment was staggered in a non-concurrent multiple-baseline across-individuals design. All the women who attained an orgasm, did so with the use of a vibrator in the Partner-involvement with No Intercourse phase. The question of whether the use of a vibrator without the other phases of the program would be sufficient for orgasm to occur is discussed. Significant improvement in non-targeted behavior was observed in all Ss: these included: degree of sexual satisfaction; level of sexual arousal; degree of sexual comfort; extent of sexual knowledge; frequency of sexual activity and self-concept. Factors contributing to program effectiveness and the effect of the program on marital adjustment are discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the scores obtained on the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI) by Black and White male psychiatric inpatients to determine the presence or absence of racial bias. In predicting psychopathology for the two races, comparisons of MCMI performance indicated significant differences for all diagnoses except the personality disorders. The subjects were then matched into two groups of 209 patients each, according to DSM-111 psychiatric diagnoses. The data were analyzed at the item, scale, and structural levels. At the item level, application of the Mantel-Haenszel Procedure revealed that 45 of the 175 items of the inventory were answered significantly different by the two racial groups. Because this number was higher than what could be expected by chance, the finding suggested possible deficiencies in terms of the culture-fairness of the items used in the test. At the scale level, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) demonstrated that the scores obtained by the Black and White groups were significantly different in 9 of the 20 scales (Histrionic, Narcissistic, Antisocial, Paraphrenia, Hypomania, Dysthyrnia, Alcohol Abuse, Drug Abuse, and Psychotic Delusion). With the exception of the Dysthymic scale, all of the differences were in the direction of the Blacks obtaining a higher score than the Whites. At the structural level, however, a principal components factor analysis performed on each group resulted in factor structures that looked identical.  相似文献   

The influence of specific emotions (guilt and revulsion) on the self-serving bias was investigated. Participants were recruited from an undergraduate population. There were 360 participants (132 male) with a mean age of 19.41 years. Participants took part in an online study, which involved taking a ten-question test, completing an emotional induction, receiving test feedback, and making an attribution for test performance. Results revealed a significant effect of feedback (p < 0.001) indicating the self-serving bias. Results also revealed a significant effect of emotion over this self-serving bias. Both guilty and revolted participants made less self-enhancing attributions for success (p = 0.04), and less self-protecting attributions for failure (p = 0.006). The hypothesis that the valence of specific emotions influences the self-serving bias was supported. No support was found for the hypothesis that the appraisal dimensions of specific emotions influence the self-serving bias. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Explored the issue of confirmatory bias in counselors' clinical hypothesis testing. Recent research suggests that counselors are subject to a confirmatory bias when using information to test a client hypothesis. The current research tested the robustness of this finding by adding realism and accountability to the experimental situation. Two experiments examined the facts that experienced counselors recalled (a) about a coached client in a naturalistic situation, and (b) when they selected information from a client narrative when told that they would later be held accountable for their selection. In Experiment I, experienced counselors recalled more confirmatory than disconfirmatory information from a coached client's live presentation of factors. In Experiment 2, counselors-in-training selected more confirmatoty than disconfirmatory information from a case history despite the accountability implied by the experimental instructions. The authors concluded (a) that the confirmatory bias is a robust one that may be a natural part of any judgment situation and (b) that counselor education should explicitly train counselors to avoid this confirmatory bias.  相似文献   

Two studies are reported which show how endorsement of the Protestant ethic is related to the perceived fairness of using various equity inputs. In Experiment 1, male undergraduates scoring high and low on the Protestant Ethic (PE) Scale made salary decisions for hypothetical workers who differed with respect to their performance quantity and duration. High PEs paid workers in proportion to their total productivity by taking into account both quantity and duration. However, low PEs ignored differences in quantity by paying workers the same amount, but did pay in proportion to duration. In the follow-up study, high PEs reported that it is fairer to base reward on performance when differences are attributable to internal causes than external causes, while the reverse was found for low PEs.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the question of why fairness matters to people. On the basis of fairness heuristic theory, the authors argue that people especially need fairness when they are uncertain about things that are important to them. Following terror management theory, the authors focus on a basic kind of human uncertainty: fear of death. Integrating these two theoretical frameworks, it is proposed that thinking about their mortality should make fairness a more important issue to people. The findings of three experiments support the authors' line of reasoning: Asking participants to think about their mortality led to stronger fair process effects (positive effects of perceived procedural fairness on subsequent reactions) than not asking them to think about mortality. It is argued that these findings suggest that fairness especially matters to people when they are uncertain about fundamental aspects of human life such as human mortality.  相似文献   

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