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雍少宏  王娟 《心理科学进展》2012,20(11):1735-1748
提出企业家民族特性理论和企业家行为人文社会精神理论并对其展开实证研究。突破了传统的企业家行为理论将企业家置于职业特性的研究范式和企业家行为特质只具有市场竞争精神的单维度结构。从回族商业文化特征研究入手, 构建企业家行为特质的二维结构模型, 开展回汉族企业家行为特质比较研究和回族企业家行为绩效评价研究。本项目可扩展企业家行为理论研究范畴, 推进学术界对我国少数民族商业文化及其企业家行为研究的关注, 丰富组织行为理论和民族理论等, 同时, 本研究对我国在转型期借鉴少数民族独具特色的商业文化成果重构中华民族商业文明, 促进企业家特别是少数民族企业家成长, 充分发挥企业家在经济建设和社会进步的作用, 推动少数民族经济繁荣以及少数民族特色产业企业绩效提高等方面, 也具有较高的应用潜质。  相似文献   

Exit from street gangs has received increased attention in recent years; however, a number of important questions regarding the process of leaving remain unanswered. Relying on identity theory, we present a cognitive-emotional theory of gang exit that emphasizes functional dimensions of anger in terms of motivating individuals to pursue identity change related to gang membership. Specifically, anger provides gang members with an opportunity to identify the gang as a major source of their problems. According to identity theory, anger is generated when there is an inability to meet an identity standard. This article argues that an inability to meet identity goals produces disillusionment and anger, which reduces the relative importance of the gang identity and facilitates exit from gangs.  相似文献   

History abounds in everyday life: It is in the discourse of the politician who makes a patriotic use of World War II, in the epic movie of medieval inspiration, in the latest museum opening in town, or in the magnet on your fridge that makes a humoristic use of advertisement posters from the 1950s. What tools can help us understand how history is used in these contexts, and with what purposes? And, more importantly perhaps, how to understand the effects these uses have on us? To answer these questions, this article proposes a framework to study the uses of collective memory in everyday life. After a short review of the history of collective memory, the concept of memory act is outlined, based on three theoretical traditions: James's pragmatism, Austin's speech acts, and Mead's social acts. They are used to argue that everyday uses of collective memory are better understood as intersubjective and discursive acts that are part of larger activities. Finally, some of the consequences of this theory are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study tests the theories of reasoned action and planned behavior in the context of women's participation in collective action. Participants were 387 women who completed two questionnaires with an interval of 1 year. In the first questionnaire, participants were asked to provide measures of attitudinal, normative, and control factors, as well as measures of intention to participate in 4 group-related activities over the coming year. One year later in the second questionnaire, the same women provided measures of the degree to which they had actually participated in these behaviors during the course of the year. Findings showed strong relationships between attitudinal factors and intentions, and between intentions and behavior. The addition of perceived behavioral control, as specified by the theory of planned behavior, made little difference in regression analyses. Further analyses focused on the mediating role of identification as an activist. This revealed that attitudinal considerations were only important in the prediction of intention for those individuals with a weaker sense of themselves as activists. It is suggested that expectancy-value calculations may be less important in predicting the intentions of strongly committed individuals to engage in group-relevant acts.  相似文献   

Anti-Semitism represents one of the most penetrating forms of prejudice, yet social research has failed to address the causal underpinnings of the phenomenon. To this end, we empirically test the notion that anti-Semitism builds on the legacy of the Holocaust. Standing as the benchmark for collective suffering, the Holocaust creates competition over recognition of the status of the victim. Upward comparisons between victimized ingroups with other victimized outgroups trigger social prejudice. Victimhood, thus, creates an antagonistic view of the Jews that, in turn, fuels anti-Semitic prejudice. We test this theory using data from Greece—the European nation with the highest proportion of anti-Semites—leveraging two survey experiments and a natural experiment. Our results confirm our theoretical expectations, showing that perceived victimhood fuels anti-Semitism. The findings of our research carry important implications for dealing with anti-Semitism and for combating various forms of outgroup prejudice.  相似文献   

In order to assess the generality of a theory of collective induction that has previously been supported for face-to-face interaction (Laughlin and Hollingshead, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 1995), three experiments compared face-to-face and computer-mediated interaction for four-person groups for three successive rule induction problems. The predictions of the theory fit the obtained probabilities of group hypotheses for distributions of member hypotheses better than four other plausible models for both face-to-face and computer-mediated groups, over four levels of potential information, and for group versus member choice of evidence. There were comparable numbers of correct hypotheses for face-to-face and computer-mediated interaction, increasing correct hypotheses with increasing potential information, and comparable numbers of correct hypotheses for group versus member choice of evidence. The three experiments indicate the generality of the theory for both traditional face-to-face interaction and computer-mediated interaction, four levels of potential information, and group versus member choice of information. The comparisons of face-to-face and computer-mediated interaction extend the emphasis on social communication processes on decision and idea generation tasks of previous research to social combination processes in the acquisition and processing of new information in cooperative rule learning.  相似文献   

时限性自我调节理论是在“意图-行为”模型基础上,强调时间、行为优势和自我调节能力对健康行为共同影响的新理论.该理论认为一致性观念和时限性效价影响行为意图,行为优势和自我调节能力调节“意图-行为”联系的强度或直接影响行为.与其他健康行为模型的主要区别在于加入了影响行为的自我调节能力和时间因素.未来研究应进一步明确针对健康行为的干预措施,给予行为优势合理的定位.  相似文献   

This study examines the cross-cultural generality of Hering's (1878/1964) color-opponent theory of color appearance. English-speaking and Somali-speaking observers performed variants of two paradigms classically used to study color-opponency. First, both groups identified similar red, green, blue, and yellow unique hues. Second, 25 English-speaking and 34 Somali-speaking observers decomposed the colors present in 135 Munsell color samples into their component Hering elemental sensations—red,green,blue, yellow, white, and black—or else responded “no term.” Both groups responded no term for many samples, notably purples. Somali terms for yellow were often used to name colors all around the color circle, including colors that are bluish according to Hering's theory. Four Somali Grue speakers named both green and blue elicitation samples by their term for green. However, that term did not name the union of all samples called blue or green by English speakers. A similar pattern was found among three Somali Achromatic speakers, who called the blue elicitation sample black or white. Thus, color decomposition by these Somali-speaking observers suggests a lexically influenced re-dimensionalization of color appearance space, rather than a simple reduction of the one proposed by Hering. Even some Somali Green-Blue speakers, whose data were otherwise similar to English, showed similar trends in yellow and blue usage. World Color Survey data mirror these results. These within- and cross-cultural violations of Hering's theory do not challenge the long-standing view that universal sensory processes mediate color appearance. However, they do demonstrate an important contribution of language in the human understanding of color.  相似文献   

This qualitative study explored environmental factors that influence adolescents’ responses to problem situations involving peers. Interviews were conducted with 106 middle school students (97% African American) from an urban school system. Participants were asked to describe factors that would make it easier and those that would make it more difficult for adolescents to make specific responses to problem situations. Two types of responses were presented: nonviolent responses identified as effective in a previous study, and fighting responses. Qualitative analysis identified 24 themes representing family, peer, school, and neighborhood and broader social factors that were related to both nonviolent behavior and fighting. The identification of environmental influences on fighting and nonviolent responses has important implications for efforts to reduce aggression and promote effective nonviolent responses to problem situations encountered by adolescents.  相似文献   

集群行为:界定、心理机制与行为测量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
集群行为有两个特征:以群体行为的姿态出现; 行为的目的在于提升群体的利益。集群行为理论、精细化社会认同理论和去个性化理论都分别从不同的角度对集群行为的形成、发展及维持进行了解释。其中, 社会认同、愤怒情绪以及效能感描述了集群行为发生前的心理准备状态; 群际间不良的互动模式以及志同道合者的出现, 是大规模集群行为得以引爆的重要条件; 而在集群行为爆发后, 群体内所形成的暂时性的、情境性的“规则”则是集群行为得以维持的关键。目前集群行为研究常用的方法有:特定情境下的参与行为意向测量和对历史数据的回溯。西方集群行为的理论与研究对于探讨我国群体性事件具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to offer a diagnosis and a resolution to generality problem. I state the generality problem and suggest a distinction between criteria of relevance and what I call a theory of determination. The generality problem may concern either of these. While plausible criteria of relevance would be convenient for the externalist, he does not need them. I discuss various theories of determination, and argue that no existing theory of determination is plausible. This provides a case for the no determination view: there are no facts that determine relevant types. This is the diagnosis of the generality problem. The externalist, however, may embrace the no determination view. This is what provides a resolution to the generality problem.  相似文献   

计划行为理论述评   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
计划行为理论是社会心理学中最著名的态度行为关系理论,该理论认为行为意向是影响行为最直接的因素,行为意向反过来受态度、主观规范和知觉行为控制的影响。计划行为理论在国外已被广泛应用于多个行为领域的研究,并被证实能显著提高研究对行为的解释力和预测力。文章对这一理论进行了全面概述,包括理论的提出、内涵、测量方法以及理论研究的新进展,并指出了理论仍存在的问题和今后的研究方向  相似文献   

Gottfredson and Hirschi (1990 Gottfredson , Michael and Travis Hirschi . 1990 . A General Theory of Crime . Standford , CA : Standford University Press . [Google Scholar]) contend that all deviance is subsumed under self-control theory and that individuals who commit any one deviant act will tend to commit other deviant acts as well. This research tests the correlation of illicit sexual behaviors with crime as they relate to measures of self-control. Secondly, this research examines the Gottfredson and Hirschi argument that their theory is a “general theory” and predicts all forms of deviance whereby low self-control is a predictor of both sexual deviance and crime. These analyses report illicit sexual behaviors are positively correlated with criminal behaviors providing support for Self-Control Theory. Furthermore, the analyses of this data support that low self-control is a predictor of illicit sexual behaviors and crime.  相似文献   


Research has seldom examined how identity mechanisms facilitate violence among gang members. Relying on life history interviews with self-identified former gang members, we use identity theory to explore the relationship between commitment to the gang identity and violence. Results indicate that the relationship between commitment and violence is complex. Specifically, for individuals with a high degree of cognitive commitment to the gang identity, violence will be used to achieve positive and confirming reflected appraisals. However, once gang members have achieved congruence between reflected appraisals and identity standards, a threshold is reached where violence is no longer required.  相似文献   

This study uses the case of Holocaust Day in Israel to examine the premise that national days impact national identity and collective memory. Specifically, the study examines whether a very unique type of national day—Holocaust Day—impacts national identification, nationalism, and collective memory in the form of Israeli Jews' perceptions of the “lessons” of the Holocaust. This study uses panel survey design data on national identity and perceptions of the Holocaust's lessons from the same sample of Israeli Jews (N = 665) collected two months prior to Holocaust Day and again during and after Holocaust Day. During and after Holocaust Day, respondents expressed increased levels of nationalism and more perceptions of both particularistic and universalistic Holocaust lessons. Participation in Holocaust Day practices had a stronger relationship with nationalism and national identification during Holocaust Day than before but a weaker relationship with the perception of a universalistic lesson during Holocaust Day. These findings indicate that Holocaust Day impacts national identity and collective memory and highlights the multifaceted nature of the relationships between national identity, collective memory, and national days. The theoretical implication of the findings as well as the case comparability are discussed in light of the findings.  相似文献   

In a representative sample of boys who were in the 7th grade of an urban public school system at the start of a 6-year longitudinal study, more African American boys (23.8%) than non-Hispanic White boys (3.9%) had entered an antisocial gang by age 19. There were too few White gang members to study, but among African American boys, first gang entry was predicted prospectively by both baseline conduct disorder (CD) behaviors and increasing levels of CD behaviors prior to gang entry. This suggests that gang entry may be a further developmental step for some boys who are already on a trajectory of worsening antisocial behavior. Having friends prior to gang entry who engaged in aggressive delinquency increased the risk of gang entry further, but only during early adolescence. Family income and parental supervision also independently predicted gang entry, but the direction of their influences depended on the youth's age.  相似文献   

This collective case study investigated the experiences of bilingual counselors‐in‐training who assessed school‐wide cultural competence in public schools. Analysis and interpretation of data resulted in the identification of 5 themes: eye‐opening experiences, recognition of strengths, the role of school leaders, road maps for change, and empowering marginalized groups. Implications and recommendations are discussed. Este estudio de caso colectivo investigó las experiencias de consejeros bilingües en formación que evaluaron la competencia cultural institucional en escuelas públicas. El análisis e interpretación de los datos dieron como resultado la identificación de 5 temas: experiencias reveladoras, reconocimiento de puntos fuertes, el papel de los líderes académicos, hojas de ruta para el cambio y empoderamiento de grupos marginalizados. Se discuten las implicaciones y recomendaciones.  相似文献   

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