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Previous experimental work on the origin of the after-effect of seen movement is discussed and the relevance of the argument from transfer, which is generally used to demonstrate that the effect is central, is brought into question. The problem is reformulated in terms of whether a retinal contribution is necessary throughout the aftereffect and experiments are described which support the hypothesis that it is necessary. It is suggested that perception of the movement after-effect also involves normal movement perception, which itself is dependent on the integrity of cerebral functioning.  相似文献   

It is found that a stationary spiral pattern gives an appearance of movement in a flickering light, and, furthermore, that this apparent rotation gives rise to the same kind of after-effect as a spiral actually rotating. The illusion is obtainable over a wide range of conditions. Detailed results are given in the case of six subjects, but a large number of subjects experienced the illusion. The experimenter has as yet found no one who was not subject to the illusion itself. The after-effects are not universally experienced.  相似文献   

The relationship between the contrast and bar width of adapting and test gratings in the determination of the magnitude of the tilt after-effect was explored. When the contrast of adapting and test gratings is varied concomitantly over four levels, the magnitude of the tilt after-effect does not change. When the contrast of the adapting grating is higher than the test grating, the magnitude of the after-effect is increased and when its contrast is lower than the test grating, the magnitude of the after-effect is decreased. When the bar width of the test grating is narrower or broader than that of the adapting grating, the magnitude of the after-effect does not change. The implications of these results for a neurophysiological explanation of the tilt after-effect are discussed.  相似文献   

When Os were presented with ISO-Hz vibrotactile bursts at two loci on the skin of the thigh and permitted to adjust the time between burst onsets, they reported good apparent movement between the loci. The time between stimulus onsets for optimal movement was found to vary directly with the duration of the stimulus. Replication of the experiment with electrocutaneous stimuli at 1 KHz yielded similar results. Comparison of the data with results from a study of visual apparent movement revealed no difference between the two modalities for the relationship between stimulus onset intervals and stimulus duration. The significance of the results for hypotheses about the processes underlying perception of apparent movement is discussed.  相似文献   

When as were presented with 150-Hz vibrotactile bursts at two loci on the skin of the thigh and permitted to adjust the time between burst onsets, they reported good apparent movement between the loci. The time between stimulus onsets for optimal movement was found to vary directly with the duration of the stimulus. Replication of the experiment with electrocutaneous stimuli at 1 KHz yielded similar results. Comparison of the data with results from a study of visual apparent movement revealed no difference between the two modalities for the relationship between stimulus onset intervals and stimulus duration. The significance of the results for hypotheses about the processes underlying perception of apparent movement is discussed.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we investigated the relative perceived duration of a full bandwidth iniage and a set of high- and lowpass filtered images of a scene, briefly presented on a visual display unit. In Experiment 1, the various images were compared with each other, using a paired comparison method. All images were presented for 40 msec, and observers were asked to judge which of each pair of images had the longest duration. The results showed that images containing a wide spatial frequency bandwidth were judged to be of longer duration than were images of a narrower bandwidth, regardless of whether the latter were high- or lowpass filtered. In Experiment 2, a 40-msec presentation of each of the images was compared with a presentation of a probe that was 20,40, 60, or 80 msec in duration. Observers again judged which of each pair of images had the longest duration. The results were very similar to those of Experiment 1, with wide bandwidth images being judged to be of longer duration than were narrow bandwidth images. In Experiment 3, instead of comparing the various filtered versions of the image with each other, we attempted to obtain a direct measure of perceived duration by comparing a flashing LED to a 40-msec flash of a subset of the images used in the previous experiments. The observers’ task was to adjust the duration of the LED flash to match the perceived duration of each image. The results confirmed the results of the previous experiments, again indicating that wide bandwidth images are perceived to have longer phenomenal durations than narrow bandwidth images are perceived to have. These results could be predicted from previous research in the literature on the effects of spatial frequency on perceptual lag but not from research on visual persistence. It is argued that the effects described here can probably be explained best by postulating a link between perceived duration and the integration of separately processed spatial frequency information.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we investigated the relative perceived duration of a full bandwidth image and a set of high- and lowpass filtered images of a scene, briefly presented on a visual display unit. In Experiment 1, the various images were compared with each other, using a paired comparison method. All images were presented for 40 msec, and observers were asked to judge which of each pair of images had the longest duration. The results showed that images containing a wide spatial frequency bandwidth were judged to be of longer duration than were images of a narrower bandwidth, regardless of whether the latter were high- or lowpass filtered. In Experiment 2, a 40-msec presentation of each of the images was compared with a presentation of a probe that was 20, 40, 60, or 80 msec in duration. Observers again judged which of each pair of images had the longest duration. The results were very similar to those of Experiment 1, with wide bandwidth images being judged to be of longer duration than were narrow bandwidth images. In Experiment 3, instead of comparing the various filtered versions of the image with each other, we attempted to obtain a direct measure of perceived duration by comparing a flashing LED to a 40-msec flash of a subset of the images used in the previous experiments. The observers' task was to adjust the duration of the LED flash to match the perceived duration of each image.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

An experiment on apparent movement reported by Brown and Voth and referred to by Osgood and Bartley was repeated. The results obtained differed from those reported by Brown and Voth, but exhibited phenomena not described by them. Further experiments derived from their theories were also carried out, the results failing to support Korte's laws and raising some new points.  相似文献   

R P Power 《Perception》1983,12(4):463-467
A small light source viewed in the dark through an afterimage produced by an electronic flash may appear to move along short random paths. Experiment 1 shows that this is not an instance of the autokinetic phenomenon, and experiment 2 shows that it is not related to the 'fluttering hearts' phenomenon. On the basis of experiments 1 and 3 it is concluded that small-scale ocular drifts, microsaccades, and possibly tremors cause the whole afterimage to move. The afterimage serves as a frame of reference and induces movement of the light source.  相似文献   

The space-time relationships satisfying Korte’s third law of apparent movement were studied in three experiments. The results generally confirm and extend Corbin’s conclusion that apparent movement is not a projection-level phenomenon, but one involving spatial constancy, i.e., some representation of tridimensional space. Between situations in which the stimuli were retinally matched, the time interval necessary, for apparent movement varied w~th their phenomenal separation, whether the latter was determined by the distance of stimuli from the O, deviation of sttmuli from the frontal plane, or illusory slant of the stimulus plane produced by a perspective gradient.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variables in Korte’s third law of apparent movement were studied in pictorial arrays in which size constancy could be expected to prevail. The thresholds for apparent movement were determined under conditions in which two squares appeared on a plane either with or without perspective information for depth. The results suggest that apparent movement varies with the perceived depth separation only if the size of the stimulus pair is congruent with contextual depth representations. The obtained psychophysical function relating thresholds for third-dimensional movement to pictorial depth scale supports the view that apparent movement preserves gradient-of-texture information.  相似文献   

A figure which is more distant from the eye than another but subtends the same visual angle is usually seen as the larger. This phenomenon is called perceptual size constancy. Experiments have been reported which show that sometimes the apparent and sometimes the retinal sizes of the stimulus figures determine the direction of the figural after-effect. These experiments are reviewed and two further experiments are reported. In the first experiment two types of stimulus figure (discs and annuli) which subtended a visual angle of 1° 36' resulted in figural after-effects, the direction of which would have been predicted by the retinal sizes of the figures. In the second experiment larger figures were used which subtended a visual angle of about 4° and which were the same as those used by Sutherland (1954). In this experiment the after-effects were generally in a direction which would have been expected if apparent size determined the direction of the after-effect. In the interpretation of the results attention is drawn to the “Central Tendency Effect” which has been observed in size judgements of stimulus figures of varying size. Two hypotheses are suggested; one is that the true figural aftereffect has been obscured by the “Central Tendency Effect” in successive judgements, and the other is that time error in successive judgements of size is essentially a figural aftereffect. Some supportive evidence for the latter hypothesis is reported. It is concluded that apparent size is not a critical determinant of the figural after-effect.  相似文献   

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