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心理契约破坏研究现状与展望   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
心理契约破坏(psychologicalcontractbreach)是雇员对于组织未能充分履行心理契约中承诺责任的主观感知。文章阐述了心理契约破坏的概念界定、它产生的主要原因及其后果,以及相关的跨文化研究,并重点介绍了心理契约破坏对员工工作态度和行为产生影响过程中的相关权变因素(中介变量和缓冲变量)。在此基础上进一步提出未来研究应着重以下几方面:(1)心理契约破坏的心理机制及干预措施研究;(2)跨文化比较研究;(3)个体间差异的研究;(4)研究方法的改进  相似文献   

Workplace Familism and Psychological Contract Breach in the Philippines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cette étude cherche à promouvoir des investigations à fondement théorique sur le vécu familial du travail. Elle apporte sa contribution en proposant et en évaluant la fonction régulatrice du vécu familial du travail en ce qui concerne aussi bien la rupture du contrat psychologique que le comportement civique. Nous avons enquêté auprès de 267 salariés à plein‐temps et avons mis en évidence des effets majeurs des deux sortes de vécu familial du travail (c’est‐à‐dire le vécu familial organisationnel et le vécu familial de la relation avec le supérieur hiérarchique) et de la rupture des obligations relationnelles sur les conduites civiques. Le vécu familial des rapports avec le supérieur intervient aussi dans la relation entre la rupture et le comportement civique, la relation négative entre ces deux termes étant plus affirmée quand le vécu familial vis‐à‐vis du chef est fort. On peut en conclure que les salariés vivant une étroite relation de type familial avec leur supérieur risquent de se sentir trahis et par suite de réagir plus négativement s’ils sont confrontés à une rupture de contrat. On analyse les retombées de ces travaux sur la pratique et les orientations des recherches à venir. The present study addresses the call for theory‐based investigations on workplace familism. It contributes to the literature by proposing and testing the moderating role of workplace familism between psychological contract breach and civic virtue behaviour. We surveyed 267 full‐time employees and found main effects of both types of workplace familism (i.e. workplace organisational and workplace supervisor familism) and breach of relational obligations on civic virtue behaviour. Workplace supervisor familism also moderated the relationship between breach and civic virtue behaviour, with the negative relationship between breach and civic virtue behaviour stronger when workplace supervisor familism was high. This suggests that employees with a high level of workplace supervisor familism may feel a sense of betrayal and, therefore, respond more negatively to contract breach. Implications for practice and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The present research intends to understand the influence of employee’s perception of psychological contract breach on their organizational citizenship behaviour and trust on employers. The study was carried out in private banks of North Delhi. Data were gathered from 90 junior level executives using convenience sampling method. Result revealed that psychological contract breach significantly predicts organizational citizenship behaviour and trust. The findings imply that the organization needs to understand and manage employee’s psychological contract properly otherwise perception of its breach can jeopardize employee’s citizenship behaviour and also their trust in employer which in turn may affect their job performance.  相似文献   

心理契约破坏对员工态度与行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
齐琳  刘泽文 《心理科学进展》2012,20(8):1296-1304
心理契约破坏是指在雇佣关系中员工对组织未能履行的责任或承诺的认知评价。本文从概念上区分了心理契约破坏与心理契约违背, 然后从直接影响和间接影响(中介效应与调节效应)两方面回顾了国内外有关心理契约破坏对员工工作态度与行为影响的实证研究, 并对研究方法、理论依据存在的不足进行评述, 提出未来的研究应该:(1)基于中国的文化背景, 开发适合中国企业的心理契约量表; (2)从组织-员工双向视角考察心理契约破坏对双方影响的的动态过程。  相似文献   

Psychological Contract Breach as a Source of Strain for Employees   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The present study investigated the role of psychological contract breach in employees' experience of emotional exhaustion and job dissatisfaction. Employees (N = 161) from a large financial corporation completed questionnaires assessing work-related attitudes and behaviors. Fulfillment of organizational obligations predicted both emotional exhaustion and job satisfaction, and job demands predicted only emotional exhaustion. Supervisory support and control did not predict emotional exhaustion or job satisfaction when controlling for fulfillment of organizational obligations and job demands. The results suggest that psychological contract breach contributes to employee experience of job strain.  相似文献   

This study examined the mentoring relationship as a context for the development of psychological contracts and investigated the obligations that mentors and protégés feel that they owe and are owed in the mentoring relationship. By using psychological contract theory, we develop new insights into the dynamics of the mentoring relationship and extend psychological contract research by applying the theory to a relation outside the employer–employee context. Results indicate that both parties perceive that they owe and are owed obligations, and these perceptions are influenced by the formality of the relationship and the supervisory status of the mentor. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

国外心理契约破坏及结果变量与调节变量:述评与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石晶  崔丽娟 《心理科学》2011,34(2):429-434
心理契约破坏是个体对组织未能履行其在心理契约中应承担责任的认知评价。文章首先结合以往研究探讨了心理契约破坏与相应结果变量的关系,然后探讨了调节变量的作用,最后从被试群体、研究方法及理论模型的构建上对未来研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

心理契约破坏感对员工工作态度和行为的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
沈伊默  袁登华 《心理学报》2007,39(1):155-162
通过对398名企业员工的问卷调查,探讨了组织支持感(POS)和领导—部属交换(LMX)在心理契约破坏感对员工工作态度和行为影响中的中介作用。结果表明:(1)POS在心理契约破坏感与员工工作态度(组织认同和留职意愿)的关系中起中介作用,但POS只能部分中介心理契约破坏感与留职意愿的关系。(2)LMX在心理契约破坏感与员工组织公民行为(利他行为、个人主动性、人际和谐和保护公司资源)间起完全中介作用。(3)LMX对员工的工作态度(留职意愿和组织认同)不具有直接的影响作用,它主要是通过POS的中介对其产生间接的影响  相似文献   

To better understand the conditions under which committed consumers continue to support their preferred brand after a transgression versus turn against the brand and the underlying theoretical process, we study the interplay between brand commitment and specific types of transgressions. Across three scenario‐based and field studies, we show that consumers have psychological contracts with brands, which dictate the terms of the relationship, and for committed consumers, violations of any aspect in (out of) the contract results in a negative (indifferent) response. Furthermore, we demonstrate that consumer trust is the underlying mechanism: committed consumers exhibit more negative responses to in‐contract transgressions as a result of their lower trust in the brand.  相似文献   

In this article we argue that commercial boycotting is not an uncontested economic right. Rather, the practice of boycotting often requires further moral justification. We argue that this justification should not rely solely on the consequences of boycotting, nor should it rely solely on the complicity of the consumer. We suggest that both justifications are subject to pressing objections. In light of these objections, we outline an alternative non‐consequentialist justification of commercial boycotting that is grounded in the moral values of conscience and personal integrity. We then explore the scope of this justification in the legal realm. We focus on cases where consumers lack freedom of exchange due to their contractual obligations and conclude by defending a qualified legal right to breach contracts on conscientious grounds.  相似文献   

This study examined the moderating role of equity sensitivity in determining the relationship between psychological contract breach and employees' attitudes and behaviors. Entitled individuals were expected to have greater increases in negative affect toward their organization and greater decreases in job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior than benevolent individuals following a breach of extrinsic outcomes (i.e., pay, benefits). Conversely, benevolents were expected to respond more negatively than their entitled counterparts following a breach of intrinsic outcomes (i.e., autonomy, growth). Results supported most of the study's propositions. Practical implications as well as directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

王艳丽  戴枫 《学海》2008,10(3):120-126
效率违约理论源于霍姆斯法官的"契约选择"理论,波斯纳法官在此基础上创造出"有效率的违约"理论,后有学者正式命名为"效率违约"并得以进一步发展.该理论以科斯定理和帕雷托优势理论为基础,以社会财富最大化为价值取向.该理论的基本适用条件包括:赔偿损失具有与实际履行相当的救济效果;赔偿损失主要是对期待利益的赔偿并具有可预见性.效率违约理论自提出就遭到激烈的批判,该理论介绍到我国为时20年,赞成和反对者皆有,后者占据影响优势.该理论在我国并非一无用处,合同法完全可以吸纳其合理之处,用以完善违约责任体系.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of information-seeking behaviors on the relationship between personality and psychological contract (PC) breach.


This study takes an interactionist (person × situation) perspective to examine how PC breach can be reduced in organizations. Survey data were obtained from 184 graduate students from psychology departments across the United States on variables related to personality, information-seeking behaviors, and PC breach.


Results indicated that external locus of causality (LoCa) is positively associated with PC breach, while information seeking from supervisors is negatively associated with breach. From an interactionist perspective, the positive association of external LoCa attribution style with breach was lessened as information seeking from supervisors increased, but heightened for participants who obtained information from peers, but not supervisors.


Such knowledge can potentially be used to help inform norm-setting strategies of organizations to possibly reduce the unwanted negative effects of PC breach.


This finding helps advance our theoretic understanding of the intersection between individual differences and situations and is the first study to examine interactions between LoCa and information sources with respect to PC breach.  相似文献   

Purpose  The purpose of the study was to examine the combined interactive effects of a situational variable (procedural justice) and a dispositional (equity sensitivity) variable on the relationship between breach and employee outcomes. Design/methodology/approach   Data were obtained from 403 full-time employees representing a wide variety of business sectors in the Philippines. Supervisors were requested to provide an assessment of their subordinate’s civic virtue behavior. Findings  Results showed that equity sensitivity and breach interacted in predicting affective commitment. The negative relationship between breach and affective commitment was stronger for employees with an input-focused approach to organizational relationships (referred to as benevolents) than for those with an outcome-focused approach (referred to as entitleds). Results also indicated a stronger negative relationship between contract breach and civic virtue behavior under conditions of high procedural justice. Finally, a three-way interaction was found between contract breach, procedural justice and equity sensitivity in predicting affective commitment. Implications  Our findings provide a new insight suggesting that worse outcomes are to be anticipated especially if employees have an expectation that procedural justice can prevent any form of contract breach. In addition, although previous research has portrayed benevolents as more accepting of situations of u under-reward, this study has demonstrated that they too have their limits or threshold for under-reward situations. Originality/value  This research suggests that the type and intensity of one’s reactions to psychological contract breach is influenced by interactive forces of the individual’s disposition and the organizational procedures. A portion of this paper was presented at the 64th annual meeting of the academy of management meeting, New Orleans, USA, August, 2004.  相似文献   

We assumed that a breach in psychological contract had an effect on soldiers' well-being and not only promoted their burnout levels but decreased their levels of engagement. In a longitudinal study with 387 individuals on a peacekeeping mission, we analyzed the impact of the noncompliance of Army obligations in this mission on the burnout and engagement of soldiers. We found that during the mission their levels of burnout increased, whereas their engagement levels dropped. At the end of the mission, however, this breach in psychological contract did not influence their burnout levels, in spite of a continued reduction in the soldiers' engagement. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed and limitations and suggestions for future research are presented.  相似文献   

四类不同心理契约关系的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
余琛 《心理科学》2004,27(4):958-960
根据企业对自己义务履行程度和员工对自己义务履行程度的不同,将员工的心理契约分成四种类型,两种情况。不同的情况下,员工的组织公民行为、离职倾向和对高层的信任存在显著差异。  相似文献   

王永跃  段锦云 《心理科学》2014,37(1):172-176
本研究选取了影响员工创新行为的组织(人力资源管理实践)、个体(对心理契约破裂的感知)及领导因素(上下级沟通),通过402名企业员工的问卷调查,采用有调节的中介研究设计,对人力资源实践影响员工创新行为的机制进行研究。结果发现:(1)人力资源管理实践水平与员工创新行为正相关;(2)心理契约破裂在人力资源管理实践与创新行为关系间起部分中介作用;(3)上下级沟通水平调节了心理契约破裂与创新行为的关系,也调节了心理契约破裂对人力资源实践与创新行为关系的中介作用。  相似文献   

This study identifies the impact of individual and organizational factors on employee’s relational and transactional psychological contract. The study also investigates the effects of psychological contract on innovative work behavior and psychological ownership. The sample consisted of 307 employees working in four organizations in India. The results show that while creditor ideology predicted relational psychological contract, perceived organizational support emerged as the predictor of both relational and transactional contract. In terms of the outcomes of psychological contract, while transactional psychological contract emerged as a significant predictor of psychological ownership as well as innovative work behavior, relational psychological contract emerged as a significant predicator of only psychological ownership. Managerial Implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   



This study extends the research on counterproductive work behavior (CWB) by examining the psychological contract breaches that trigger employee CWB. Specifically, we explored the relationship between transactional and relational contract breach and five forms of CWB (abuse, production deviance, sabotage, theft, and withdrawal). Further, we considered the role of situational and individual factors that mitigate CWB engagement and examined the moderating effects of organizational policies meant to deter CWB and personality (conscientiousness, agreeableness, and emotional stability).  相似文献   

心理契约的内容、维度和类型   总被引:66,自引:0,他引:66  
市场经济本质上是契约经济,契约是组织存在的基础。在深层水平上,契约表现为员工和组织所持信念的独特组合,这就是心理契约。经济模式的转变和经济全球化的发展使员工和组织之间的心理契约发生了巨大变化。文章首先对西方实证研究中心理契约的内容、维度、类型进行分析,然后对心理契约的时代特点加以阐述,最后对西方心理契约研究中存在的问题,以及开展心理契约研究对我国企业人力资源管理的意义进行讨论。  相似文献   

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