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跨情境下集群行为的动因机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张书维  王二平  周洁 《心理学报》2012,44(4):524-545
群体性事件是当下我国典型的集群行为。本研究通过实验室情景设计的方法, 考察了跨情境下群体相对剥夺如何通过群体认同作用于集群行为, 及群体愤怒和群体效能对集群行为的影响。结果表明:1) 同一触发情境下, 群体认同调节群体相对剥夺-集群行为(意向)之间的关系。一般群体认同凸显的个体在高群体相对剥夺水平下有更强烈的集群行为参与(意向)。这源自群体认同对群体相对剥夺不同水平下群体效能与集群行为意向之间的二次调节。对于特定群体认同凸显的个体, 无论群体相对剥夺水平的高低, 都有较高的集群行为参与(意向)。这当中, 群体愤怒起到了部分中介的作用。2) 不同触发情境下, 群体认同对群体相对剥夺与集群行为意向的调节作用出现差异。该调节作用仅出现在利益无关情境中。此外, 群体愤怒与群体效能对集群行为意向的影响在不同情境下有区别:在利益无关情境中, 群体愤怒的影响显著大于群体效能; 在利益相关情境中, 群体效能与群体愤怒的影响无显著差异。本研究扩展了集群行为的双路径模型, 并为政府预防和化解群体性事件提供思路。  相似文献   

集群行为:界定、心理机制与行为测量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
集群行为有两个特征:以群体行为的姿态出现; 行为的目的在于提升群体的利益。集群行为理论、精细化社会认同理论和去个性化理论都分别从不同的角度对集群行为的形成、发展及维持进行了解释。其中, 社会认同、愤怒情绪以及效能感描述了集群行为发生前的心理准备状态; 群际间不良的互动模式以及志同道合者的出现, 是大规模集群行为得以引爆的重要条件; 而在集群行为爆发后, 群体内所形成的暂时性的、情境性的“规则”则是集群行为得以维持的关键。目前集群行为研究常用的方法有:特定情境下的参与行为意向测量和对历史数据的回溯。西方集群行为的理论与研究对于探讨我国群体性事件具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

民族地区的群体性事件已严重危害社会的稳定,又因其涉及民族、宗教问题就更为复杂,探讨民族地区群体性事件发生的心理机制可以为有效预防此类事件提供理论依据。这类事件的社会心理因素主要涉及群体(民族)认同、群体相对剥夺、群体效能、群体愤怒情绪,其中相对剥夺在群体认同和群体性事件间起中介作用;群体效能在群体认同和群体性事件间起中介作用;群际情绪在群体认同与群体性事件间起中介作用;群际情绪在相对剥夺与群体性事件间起中介作用;群际情绪在群体效能与群体性事件间起调节作用。根据它们之间的关系建构其社会心理模型,以期为民族地区群体性事件的减少提供帮助。  相似文献   

殷融  张菲菲 《心理科学进展》2015,23(9):1637-1646
在集群行为背景下, 群体认同对个体的集群行为意愿既具有直接的动员作用, 同时也可以调节群体情绪和群体效能变量与人们行为意愿间的关系。政治认同、共同认同与双重认同等特殊形式的群体认同对集群行为的发生具有不同的影响。从动态性研究的角度看, 参与集群行为会强化个体对内群体的认同感, 而强烈的群体认同则会对参与者的行动产生持续影响。今后的研究应根据集群行为的不同触发情境、不同形式及不同发展阶段对群体认同的复杂工作机制进行探讨。  相似文献   

群体性事件形成的心理机制分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国正处在社会转型时期,由各利益主体之间的磨擦而引发的群体性事件日益增多,诱发群体性事件的原因也复杂多样。如果从人类行为发生的内在机理看,它们主要遵循刺激——反应机制。导致群体性事件的发生既有直接诱因,也包括弱势群体的大量存在等社会诱因,而各种认识的偏差则是群体性事件的主观心理性因素。我们只有通过改变条件或作用方式,正确调整社会心理,使群体性事件丧失其发生的前提,才能达到预警预防群体性事件的目的。  相似文献   

以598名大学生为被试,采用问卷法考察群体相对剥夺与网络集群攻击行为的关系,检验以群体愤怒和群体效能为中介变量的双路径模型及群体认同在双路径模型中所发挥的调节作用。结果发现:(1)群体相对剥夺显著正向预测网络集群攻击行为;(2)群体愤怒和群体效能在群体相对剥夺与网络集群攻击行为之间有中介作用;(3)群体认同在群体相对剥夺通过群体愤怒和群体效能影响网络集群攻击行为的双路径模型中起调节作用。  相似文献   

为考察群体愤怒对集群行为意向影响的阶层差异,本研究基于集群行为的双加工模型,通过操纵群体愤怒情绪和社会阶层,测量被试参与集群行为的意向。结果发现:群体愤怒情况下,较高社会阶层者偏向采取规范的集群行为,相反,较低社会阶层者偏向采用非规范的集群行为。本研究的结果表明,社会阶层和集群行为类型是影响群体愤怒与集群行为意向关系的重要因素。  相似文献   

为探究多元社会认同如何通过群体情绪、自我和群体效能路径,影响现实或网络集体行动参与,研究者分别以中日撞船事件、利比亚事件和就业性别歧视现象为背景蓝本,开展问卷调查和实验研究,结果发现:群体愤怒情绪主要对现实集体行动有显著影响,效能感对现实和网络集体行动皆有显著影响;与事件相关的、更大范畴的社会类别认同,通过情绪路径或效能路径影响集体行动参与,与集体行动组织方的认同则只通过效能路径影响集体行动参与;两类社会认同与两条路径之间是调节而非中介关系。不同事件背景与不同行动场域下的综合分析表明网络集体行动参与决策更具工具理性特征。  相似文献   

在集体行动发展过程中,新的群际互动事件会对参与者心理及行为产生重要影响。本研究采取调查问卷与实验情境设计相结合的方法,考察了集体行动失利情境下参与者情绪体验对其未来行动意愿的影响,以及群体认同与群体效能对情绪的作用机制。研究结果显示:1)集体行动的消极结果会引发参与者愤怒与沮丧情绪体验,且愤怒情绪对其未来行动意愿有正向预测作用,沮丧情绪对其未来行动意愿有负向预测作用;2)群体认同与群体效能会影响群体成员因集体行动失利而产生的愤怒感与沮丧感,参与者对内群体的认同感越强,效能评估越高,在集体行动遭遇挫败时体验到的愤怒感就越强,体验到的沮丧感就越弱。本研究扩展了集体行动的情绪研究取向,并为探讨集体行动的动态演变提供了新的研究思路。  相似文献   

石晶  崔丽娟 《心理科学》2014,37(2):412-419
采用问卷法(研究一)和实验法(研究二)探讨群体愤怒与群体效能对集体行动意愿的影响及其内在心理机制。结果表明:(1)群体愤怒与群体效能对集体行动意愿有显著的预测作用;(2)内在责任感中介群体愤怒与群体效能对集体行动意愿的影响;(3)应对群体问题的自我效能感是联接群体效能与内在责任感的桥梁(中介变量)。  相似文献   

As part of a mail survey about their work experiences, university faculty members reported their specific emotional reactions to group inequities in faculty pay and benefits. The results indicate that sadness, fear, and anger are distinct emotional responses to a collective disadvantage. Group-based anger mediated the relationship between collective disadvantage and willingness to protest whereas group-based sadness mediated the relationship between collective disadvantage and organizational loyalty. Based on an integration of cognitive appraisal models of emotion with RD theory, four other predictors of intergroup emotions—(1) the legitimacy of the process that produced the deprivation, (2) whether another agent was responsible, (3) group efficacy, and (4) whether the situation would improve or become worse—were identified and tested. The measurement of specific emotional reactions to perceived collective disadvantage extends and refines RD approaches to collective action and organizational loyalty.  相似文献   

集体行动现象一直备受社会科学共同体关注。20世纪早期, 社会心理学曾是集体行动研究界的主导视角, 后逐渐转至社会学与政治学视角。最近20多年, 社会心理学视角开始复苏, 进入研究复兴期。社会心理学家先后确认工具理性、社会认同和群体愤怒这三种影响个体参与集体行动的主要前因变量, 并分别建构了包含工具理性和群体愤怒路径、包含工具理性和社会认同路径, 以及包含社会认同、工具理性和群体愤怒路径的三种重要集体行动参与模型。未来的集体行动社会心理学研究应重视行动情境类型、个体心理特征和除愤怒之外的群体情绪在集体行动参与中的作用, 考察理想信念等潜在新前因变量的可能地位, 加强与群际关系、歧视动机等其它经典研究领域的联系。  相似文献   

Events affecting an ingroup with which one identifies trigger group-based emotions. Thus, identification with a group seems to be a crucial determinant of group-based emotions. However, some theories (e.g., Russell, 2003) suggest bi-directional causal links between components of emotions. The current research examines whether group-based emotions may also influence ingroup identification. In a study, type of emotion (happiness vs. anger) and object of emotion (ingroup vs. outgroup) were manipulated. The results show an interaction effect of type of emotion and object of emotion on change in ingroup identification. Identification increases with happiness towards the ingroup or anger towards the outgroup, whereas identification decreases with anger toward the ingroup and happiness toward the outgroup. Moreover, the intensity of emotions determines the degree of change in identification. The implications for approaches of group-based emotions are discussed.  相似文献   

In recent years, China has undergone rapid economic reform and dynamic organizational changes. Several major developments have given special momentum to those changes: China entering the WTO, opening the western regions of China, building up an information network, transforming new management systems nationwide, and encouraging innovations and entrepreneurship. These developments call for more comprehensive and adaptive competencies and new approaches to organizational psychology in China. This provides a national and cultural context of personnel assessment, selection, and development of organizational psychology. Organizational psychology is one of the most active fields for research and application in psychology in China. Three aspects of recent trends are described under a framework of managerial competency modelling. (1) Leadership competence assessment for personnel selection and development has become one of the key aspects of human resources (HR) management in China. Based upon the results from the structured interview and strategic hierarchical job analysis, a model of leadership competency with four dimensions of leadership characteristics and the managerial performance was proposed. The four dimensions are: psychological traits; leadership predispositions; managerial skills; and professional knowledge. (2) HR competency for person‐job‐organization fit. This includes competencies for compensation and motivational strategies, organizational commitment and career management competence, team competence, and group decision‐making skills. (3) Organizational competency for culture and change. This includes an integrative approach to link values with culture, and cross‐cultural leadership skills. On the basis of the recent practice and research developments, a Chinese approach to organizational psychology with important characteristics is summarized: active theoretical development and conceptualization; continuous methodological improvement; close link with HR and management practices; and systematic cross‐cultural socioeconomic perspective. This becomes a key framework for understanding organizational psychology. New directions for research and application in China are highlighted.  相似文献   

心理授权研究的现状   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
心理授权是授权的个体内心体验的综合体,包含意义、自我效能感、自我决定以及影响四个维度。个体心理授权的影响因素方面包括个体特征、工作特征以及团体和组织特征等三个方面。心理授权不仅能作为自变量对相关工作态度、工作行为及绩效发挥积极的作用,也能作为中介变量对某些因素之间的关系起着中介作用。该文最后在对心理授权的相关研究进行总结的基础上,指出未来的研究有必要加强对心理授权的纵向过程研究等四方面问题的考察  相似文献   

Intergroup emotions theory (IET) posits that when social categorization is salient, individuals feel the same emotions as others who share their group membership. Extensive research supporting this proposition has relied heavily on self-reports of group-based emotions. In three experiments, the authors provide converging evidence that group-based anger has subtle and less explicitly controlled consequences for information processing, using measures that do not rely on self-reported emotional experience. Specifically, the authors show that intergroup anger involves arousal (Experiment 1), reduces systematic processing of persuasive messages (Experiment 2), is moderated by group identification (Experiment 2, posttest), and compared to intergroup fear, increases risk taking (Experiment 3). These findings provide converging evidence that consistent with IET, emotions triggered by social categorization have psychologically consequential effects and are not evident solely in self-reports.  相似文献   

Social identity, shared grievances, and group efficacy beliefs are well-known antecedents to collective action, but existing research overlooks the fact that collective action often involves a confrontation between those who are motivated to defend the status quo and those who seek to challenge it. Using nationally representative data from New Zealand (Study 1; = 16,147) and a large online sample from the United States (Study 2; = 1,513), we address this oversight and demonstrate that system justification is negatively associated with system-challenging collective action, but positively associated with system-supporting collective action, for members of both low-status and high-status groups. Group identification, group-based injustice, group-based anger, and system-based dissatisfaction/anger mediated these relationships. These findings constitute the first empirical integration of system justification theory into a model of collective action that explains when people will act collectively to challenge—and, just as importantly, defend—the status quo.  相似文献   

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