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John C. Norcross has made significant contributions in the areas of the transtheoretical model of change, psychotherapy integration, and empirically supported psychotherapy relationships. This interview explores the contributions of pragmatic philosophy and his personal upbringing to his work as a psychotherapy researcher and practitioner. Dr. Norcross discusses the status of the psychotherapy integration movement, the work of the Task Force on Empirically Supported Psychotherapy Relationships, and future trends in psychotherapy over the next 25 years. He emphasizes the importance of a methodological rigor that recognizes the unique characteristics of the psychotherapy relationship. He describes his current interest in the psychotherapy of psychotherapists, illustrating it with his personal challenges in balancing work and home.  相似文献   

From 1910 to 1917, Karl S. Lashley's research moved from bacteriology to neuropsychology through intermediate stages of zoology, comparative psychology, and the psychology of learning. This shift is examined with particular reference to Lashley's associations with John B. Watson, Shepherd I. Franz, and Herbert S. Jennings. Watson's impact was substantial, for he attracted Lashley to comparative psychology and was the source of many of his later research interests. The bridge to neuropsychological research was provided by Franz who trained Lashley in the lesion method of investigating the brain bases of learning. The influence of Jennings, Lashley's Ph.D. supervisor, was most evident in the divergence of the post-1915 interests of Lashley and Watson. Lashley's search for brain mechanisms of learning, as contrasted with Watson's concern with behavioral prediction and control, mirrored a similar earlier difference between Jennings and Jacques Loeb.  相似文献   

This essay considers the ways in which graphic caregiving memoirs complicate the idealizing tendencies of ethics of care philosophy. The medium’s “capacious” layering of words, images, temporalities, and perspectives produces “productive tensions. . . The words and images entwine, but never synthesize” (Chute 2010, 5). In graphic memoirs about care, this “capaciousness” allows for quick oscillation between the rewards and struggles of care work, representing ambiguous, even ambivalent attitudes toward care. Graphic memoirs effectively represent multiple perspectives without synthesis, part of a structural and thematic ambivalence that provides a provocative counterpart to the abstract idealism of ethics of care philosophy.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates how John Dewey's notion of habit can help us understand gender as a constitutive structure of bodily existence. Bringing Dewey's pragmatism in conjunction with Judith Butler's concept of performativity, 1 provide an account of how rigid binary configurations of gender might be transformed at the level of both individual habit and cultural construct.  相似文献   

道德建设与市场经济:适应、引导、超越   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
道德建设要适应社会主义市场经济的发展要求,这是道德建设发挥作用的前提和基础.然而,道德建设还要引导社会主义市场经济的发展,这不仅是经济社会发展的客观要求,也是道德成其为"道德"的本性所然.道德建设要实现其"引导"功能,其根本是道德建设能够超越社会主义市场经济的发展.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of a job applicant's verbal statements on interviewer ratings of an applicant's interpersonal characteristics. Applicant verbal statements were coded as containing affective, behavioral, and cognitive components. Verbal statements were analyzed using regression analysis and findings indicated that behavioral and cognitive speech components significantly impacted interviewer ratings of an applicant's self-confidence. In turn, interpersonal characteristics of enthusiasm, self-confidence and effectiveness had a significant influence on an interviewer's rating of an applicant's overall quality and the ultimate hiring decision.  相似文献   

拉美的马克思主义与拉美的艺术和历史相关联。该访谈呈现了D.克雷文自1979年以来在艺术理论领域的理论贡献,揭示了拉美马克思主义的种种艺术理论。克雷文认为,在艺术理论领域,拉美的马克思主义决不是单一的,而是多样化的。巴斯克斯的艺术观就是非正统的马克思主义,他在艺术领域广泛接纳了多元主义的观点,发展了独特的马克思主义的美学等,不过他的理论在对待艺术的抽象与现实的关系问题上是宿命论的。拉美的女性主义艺术理论对法兰克福学派进行反思,其对艺术理论的研究发展了现实主义,其中特拉巴通过对马克思《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中有关艺术理论和现实主义的认同,坚持艺术创作的政治立场、艺术的阶级属性。  相似文献   


This study offers a new comparison between Thomas More's and John Colet's ideology concerning wealth and property and their activities with the Mercers’ Company, in order to demonstrate their humanist aims of bringing virtue (pietas) and learning to society partly by means of business. It is argued that, as in the wider Church, there was a reciprocal relationship between profit and piety in the life and works of the two humanists, despite their apparent dismissive attitudes to money in their writings. As a result of their work, not only did the Mercers benefit from the two men's skills, but London gained a new school, the re-foundation of the Guild of the Holy Name of Jesus and the improvement of the hospital of St. Thomas of Acre along with More's legal and diplomatic services, which improved international trade relations, especially with the Low Countries. Their humanist philanthropy exhibited the active side of their devotional lives in their educational aims, civic service and social reform.  相似文献   

<正>一、个人经验访者(以下简称为访):莫兰教授,很荣幸能与您做这次访谈。正如我们所知,您在都柏林大学获得学士学位之后,获得资助在耶鲁大学进行硕士和博士研究生学习。您能和我们分享您的学术经验吗?尤其是您在耶鲁大学的学习和研究  相似文献   

以事观之,主要是从"事"这一角度出发来对人和世界加以理解,而不是对"事"本身做出某种终极的哲学论述。现实世界与真实存在的生成过程,与人所从事的多样活动——人所作的多样之事——无法相分。西方没有类似"事"这样的概念,这表明了中国哲学的独特意义:中国哲学包含不少其他文化传统所缺乏的概念,后者有助于我们更深入地理解现实世界和人类生活。就意识层面而言,作为意识主体的自我和作为反观对象的自我之间的关联,实在地发生于做事过程。在事的展开过程中,知识与价值的问题密切联系在一起,做事既需要解决做什么的问题,也需要解决怎么做的问题。从事的角度来看,儒道两家的理想人格呈现出不同特点。道家以自然为第一原则,主张"为无为",儒家则更重视参与活动的合目的性。从事的角度来理解世界和人,既着眼于大的哲学问题,也关注于伦理学、语言哲学等具体领域的思考。  相似文献   

This article contains edited excerpts from a panel discussion held at the 1984 AACD convention and sponsored by the Association for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW). The three interviewers are members of the Commission on Family Counseling of ASGW. The focus of the interview was on the therapeutic process in family and group counseling and on the delineation of the similarities and differences in the group dynamics in the two modalities.  相似文献   

In light of the intractable disagreements, both theological and theoretical, which emerge at every turn in contemporary discussions of homosexuality and religion, this essay advances an epistemological approach to the discussion. The advantage of an epistemological approach is that it sidesteps many of the narrow denominational discussions, making almost no reference to Romans, to natural law, or to a sexual ethic based on love and mutuality. By drawing upon analytic philosophy of religion (Alvin Plantinga and Richard Swinburne specifically), I hope to show how a failure explicitly to face epistemological challenges has undermined pro-gay claims and arguments and contributed to religious confusion. Constructively, the work of St. John the Cross helpfully offers a powerful epistemological vision that importantly supplements the analytic projects of Plantinga and Swinburne, thereby helping us comprehend more fully what is implied and required in justified pro-gay religious conviction.  相似文献   

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