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SPSS and SAS programs for generalizability theory analyses 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The identification and reduction of measurement errors is a major challenge in psychological testing. Most investigators rely
solely on classical test theory for assessing reliability, whereas most experts have long recommended using generalizability
theory instead. One reason for the common neglect of generalizability theory is the absence of analytic facilities for this
purpose in popular statistical software packages. This article provides a brief introduction to generalizability theory, describes
easy to use SPSS, SAS, and MATLAB programs for conducting the recommended analyses, and provides an illustrative example,
using data (N= 329) for the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Program output includes variance components, relative and absolute errors and
generalizability coefficients, coefficients for D studies, and graphs of D study results. 相似文献
Brian P. O’Connor 《Behavior research methods》1999,31(4):718-726
This paper describes simple and flexible programs for analyzing lag-sequential categorical data, using SAS and SPSS. The programs read a stream of codes and produce a variety of lag-sequential statistics, including transitional frequencies, expected transitional frequencies, transitional probabilities, adjusted residuals, z values, Yule’s Q values, likelihood ratio tests of stationarity across time and homogeneity across groups or segments, transformed kappas for unidirectional dependence, bidirectional dependence, parallel and nonparallel dominance, and significance levels based on both parametric and randomization tests. 相似文献
When multiple regression is used in explanation-oriented designs, it is very important to determine both the usefulness of
the predictor variables and their relative importance. Standardized regression coefficients are routinely provided by commercial
programs. However, they generally function rather poorly as indicators of relative importance, especially in the presence
of substantially correlated predictors. We provide two user-friendly SPSS programs that implement currently recommended techniques
and recent developments for assessing the relevance of the predictors. The programs also allow the user to take into account
the effects of measurement error. The first program, MIMR-Corr.sps, uses a correlation matrix as input, whereas the second
program, MIMR-Raw.sps, uses the raw data and computes bootstrap confidence intervals of different statistics. The SPSS syntax,
a short manual, and data files related to this article are available as supplemental materials from http:// brm.psychonomic-journals.org/content/supplemental. 相似文献
Alyssa Counsell Robert A. Cribbie 《The British journal of mathematical and statistical psychology》2015,68(2):292-309
Equivalence tests are an alternative to traditional difference‐based tests for demonstrating a lack of association between two variables. While there are several recent studies investigating equivalence tests for comparing means, little research has been conducted on equivalence methods for evaluating the equivalence or similarity of two correlation coefficients or two regression coefficients. The current project proposes novel tests for evaluating the equivalence of two regression or correlation coefficients derived from the two one‐sided tests (TOST) method (Schuirmann, 1987, J. Pharmacokinet. Biopharm, 15, 657) and an equivalence test by Anderson and Hauck (1983, Stat. Commun., 12, 2663). A simulation study was used to evaluate the performance of these tests and compare them with the common, yet inappropriate, method of assessing equivalence using non‐rejection of the null hypothesis in difference‐based tests. Results demonstrate that equivalence tests have more accurate probabilities of declaring equivalence than difference‐based tests. However, equivalence tests require large sample sizes to ensure adequate power. We recommend the Anderson–Hauck equivalence test over the TOST method for comparing correlation or regression coefficients. 相似文献
Levels-of-analysis issues arise whenever individual-level data are collected from more than one person from the same dyad,
family, classroom, work group, or other interaction unit. Interdependence in data from individuals in the same interaction
units also violates the independence-of-observations assumption that underlies commonly used statistical tests. This article
describes the data analysis challenges that are presented by these issues and presents SPSS and SAS programs for conducting
appropriate analyses. The programs conduct the within- and-between-analyses described by Dansereau, Alutto, and Yammarino
(1984) and the dyad-level analyses describedby Gonzalez and Griffin (1999) and Griffin and Gonzalez (1995). Contrasts with
general multilevel modeling procedures are then discussed. 相似文献
Brian P O'Connor 《Behavior research methods, instruments & computers》2004,36(1):17-28
Levels-of-analysis issues arise whenever individual-level data are collected from more than one person from the same dyad, family, classroom, work group, or other interaction unit. Interdependence in data from individuals in the same interaction units also violates the independence-of-observations assumption that underlies commonly used statistical tests. This article describes the data analysis challenges that are presented by these issues and presents SPSS and SAS programs for conducting appropriate analyses. The programs conduct the within-and-between-analyses described by Dansereau, Alutto, and Yammarino (1984) and the dyad-level analyses described by Gonzalez and Griffin (1999) and Griffin and Gonzalez (1995). Contrasts with general multilevel modeling procedures are then discussed. 相似文献
Robert MacCallum 《Psychometrika》1983,48(2):223-231
Factor analysis programs in SAS, BMDP, and SPSS are discussed and compared in terms of documentation, methods and options available, internal logic, computational accuracy, and results provided. Some problems with respect to logic and output are described. Based on these comparisons, recommendations are offered which include a clear overall preference for SAS, and advice against general use of SPSS for factor analysis. 相似文献
D. V. M. Bishop 《Behavior research methods》1980,12(3):367-371
Programs suitable for pocket calculators using reverse Polish notation are described. Program 1 computes regression coefficients, correlation coefficient, and standard error of estimate for paired data. Program 2 performs at test to compare the slopes of two regression lines. Program 3 computes F ratios to test the departure of a regression slope from zero and to test linearity of the regression. Programs 4 and 5 test the significance of (differences between independent and correlated correlation coefficients, respectively. 相似文献
This article describes the functions of a SAS macro and an SPSS syntax that produce common statistics for conventional item
analysis including Cronbach’s alpha, item difficulty index (p-value or item mean), and item discrimination indices (D-index, point biserial and biserial correlations for dichotomous items
and item-total correlation for polytomous items). These programs represent an improvement over the existing SAS and SPSS item
analysis routines in terms of completeness and user-friendliness. To promote routine evaluations of item qualities in instrument
development of any scale, the programs are available at no charge for interested users. The program codes along with a brief
user’s manual that contains instructions and examples are downloadable from suen.ed.psu.edu/~pwlei/plei.htm. 相似文献
In this study, we explore the effects of non-normality and heteroscedasticity when testing the hypothesis that the regression lines associated with multiple independent groups have the same slopes. The conventional approach involving the F-test and the t-test (F/t approach) is examined. In addition, we introduce two robust methods which allow simultaneous testing of regression slopes. Our results suggest that the F/t approach is extremely sensitive to violations of assumptions and tends to yield misleading conclusions. The new robust alternatives are recommended for general use. 相似文献
Dyadic research is becoming more common in the social and behavioral sciences. The most common dyadic design is one in which
two persons are measured on the same set of variables. Very often, the first analysis of dyadic data is to determine the extent
to which the responses of the two persons are correlated—that is, whether there is nonindependence in the data. We describe
two user-friendly SPSS programs for measuring nonindependence of dyadic data. Both programs can be used for distinguishable
and indistinguishable dyad members. Inter1.sps is appropriate for interval measures. Inter2.sps applies to categorical variables.
The SPSS syntax and data files related to this article may be downloaded as supplemental materials from brm.psychonomic-journals.org/content/supplemental. 相似文献
To ease the interpretation of higher order factor analysis, the direct relationships between variables and higher order factors
may be calculated by the Schmid-Leiman solution (SLS; Schmid & Leiman, 1957). This simple transformation of higher order factor
analysis orthogonalizes first-order and higher order factors and thereby allows the interpretation of the relative impact
of factor levels on variables. The Schmid-Leiman solution may also be used to facilitate theorizing and scale development.
The rationale for the procedure is presented, supplemented by syntax codes for SPSS and SAS, since the transformation is not
part of most statistical programs. Syntax codes may also be downloaded from www.psychonomic.org/archive/. 相似文献
GENGERELLI JA 《Psychometrika》1948,13(3):135-146
A method of exhaustion has been described for calculating regression coefficients. This method dispenses with the solution of simultaneous equations but utilizes a process of successive extraction in obtaining's, where each successive is maximized. This procedure permits the worker to discard as he goes along those weights which are deemed unsatisfactory for purposes of prediction. The coefficients and theR in a problem involving a criterion and six independent variables were calculated in sixty minutes. TheR's obtained by this method are smaller than those yielded by the Doolittle technique, but in problems which have been considered this discrepancy has not exceeded .05. 相似文献
The authors conducted a Monte Carlo simulation of 8 statistical tests for comparing dependent zero-order correlations. In particular, they evaluated the Type I error rates and power of a number of test statistics for sample sizes (Ns) of 20, 50, 100, and 300 under 3 different population distributions (normal, uniform, and exponential). For the Type I error rate analyses, the authors evaluated 3 different magnitudes of the predictor-criterion correlations (rho(y,x1) = rho(y,x2) = .1, .4, and .7). For the power analyses, they examined 3 different effect sizes or magnitudes of discrepancy between rho(y,x1) and rho(y,x2) (values of .1, .3, and .6). They conducted all of the simulations at 3 different levels of predictor intercorrelation (rho(x1,x2) = .1, .3, and .6). The results indicated that both Type I error rate and power depend not only on sample size and population distribution, but also on (a) the predictor intercorrelation and (b) the effect size (for power) or the magnitude of the predictor-criterion correlations (for Type I error rate). When the authors considered Type I error rate and power simultaneously, the findings suggested that O. J. Dunn and V. A. Clark's (1969) z and E. J. Williams's (1959) t have the best overall statistical properties. The findings extend and refine previous simulation research and as such, should have greater utility for applied researchers. 相似文献
Hsin‐Yun Liu Professor Li‐Jen Weng 《The British journal of mathematical and statistical psychology》2009,62(2):385-400
Since Cronbach proposed the α coefficient in 1951, researchers have contributed to the derivation of its sampling distribution and the testing of related statistical hypotheses. Yet, there has been no research on effect size index relevant to coefficient α to our knowledge. Considering the importance of effect size in understanding quantitative research findings, we therefore developed an effect size index Δ for the comparison of two independent αs with equal test length based on the asymptotic distribution of under the assumptions of normality and compound symmetry. Simulations indicated that the index was applicable when the sample size was at least 100. The robustness of the derived index when the required assumptions were violated was also explored. It is suggested that the index should be applicable in most cases of unequal test lengths and could be extended to non‐normally distributed component scores. Moreover, a small simulation was conducted to explore the behaviour of Δ with correlated errors, a frequently studied situation violating the assumption of compound symmetry. The proposed index was found to be robust unless a large number of highly correlated errors were present in the data. 相似文献