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To investigate the validity of the trait, Energetic, two studies were conducted in which trait ratings of Energetic and objective measures of performance were recorded. The first study used naive raters (N= 55) who observed pairs of subjects perform in a laboratory setting. There was 84% agreement (p < .001) among the raters as to which person was more Energetic, and people rated as more Energetic performed more energetically on the objectively measured tasks (p < .001). The second study used peer ratings of Energetic and objective measures of energetic behavior in a laboratory setting. There was high agreement among the peers in ratings of Energetic, r = .95 (N = 30) and r = .93 (N = 31) for two groups. Nine men from the upper-quartile and nine men from the lower-quartile of the Energetic scores were tested in the laboratory and were given a structured interview regarding their physical activities. The correlation between peer ratings and laboratory performance was .56 and between peer ratings and the interview data, .64. The results support the position that trait ratings can be valid indicators of regularities in behavior. The procedures used in these studies could be a generally useful model for investigations of the validity of trait ratings.  相似文献   

Based on proposed hierarchical relations derived from the Neo-Socioanalytic Theory of personality [Roberts, B. W., & Wood, D. (2006). Personality development in the context of the Neo-Socioanalytic Model of personality. In D. K. Mroczek & T. D. Little (Eds.), Handbook of personality development (pp. 11–39). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers], the present study examined the relationships between trait and motivation constructs and health-related outcomes. Participants (N = 201) completed a Big Five measure of personality traits, parallel exercise and diet behavioral identity trait measures, measures of personal values, exercise and diet-related personal strivings, and exercise and diet self-reports. Participants also completed a physical activity assessment and were weighed on a calibrated electronic scale from which body fat percentage could be determined. It was expected that contextualized trait and motivation constructs would mediate the relations between broad trait and motivation constructs and the health-related outcomes. The patterns of relations across trait and motivation constructs also were explored. The trait domain exhibited the expected pattern of hierarchical relations, but the motivation domain showed a more complex pattern of relations. The results are discussed in relation to a hierarchical model of personality and behavior that brings together trait and motivation constructs at multiple levels of analysis.  相似文献   

An interactionist principle of trait activation is proposed, emphasizing situation trait relevance (i.e., opportunity for trait expression) as a moderator of trait–behavior relations and cross-situational consistency (CSC). One hundred fifty-six students completed trait measures and expressed intentions in 10 scenarios targeted to each of five traits (e.g., risk taking). Trait–intention correlations within scenario sets were themselves correlated with mean situation trait relevance ratings provided by 26 proficient judges; CSCs in intentions (45 correlations per trait) were correlated with an index of shared trait relevance in situation pairs. In support of trait activation, (a) trait–intention relations for three traits were higher in more relevant situations (e.g., second-order r = .66 for risk taking) and (b) CSCs were higher in scenarios jointly high in targeted trait relevance (e.g., second-order r = .55 for risk taking). Discussion highlights applications of trait activation in diverse research domains.  相似文献   

In two studies the authors examined the accuracy of stranger ratings of daily behavior based on thin slices of natural conversations. Methodologically, the studies extend past research by using a behavioral accuracy criterion, benchmarking zero-acquaintance accuracy against target and informant accuracy, and employing a representative design that sampled contexts from targets’ daily situations. Theoretically, the studies investigate how stereotypes influence the accuracy of first impressions depending on their sample-based validity. Across both studies, after listening to five conversational snippets (2.5 min total), the ratings of strangers were as accurate as the targets’ and informants’ ratings. Further, ratings for gender-stereotypic behaviors with a kernel of truth resulted in greater initial accuracy than ratings for gender-stereotypic behaviors with no kernel of truth.  相似文献   

Relationships among maternal characteristics, ratings of child behavior, and observed mother-child interactions were examined in a sample of 40 4- to 12-year-old children with externalizing disorders. Mothers and children were observed in a task interaction and mothers provided self-reports of depressed mood, parenting self-esteem, marital satisfaction, social support, and life stress. Child behavior was rated by both mothers and teachers. Several significant correlations were found among observed mother and child behaviors and among maternal self-report measures. However, few significant relationships were found between maternal characteristics and observed mother or child behavior. Although life stress predicted increased child negativity, maternal depressed mood was related to more appropriate child behavior. Mother and teacher ratings of child behavior demonstrated few significant relationships with other measures. These results suggest that, in samples comprised primarily of children with attention deficit disorder from socially advantaged families, few relationships exist between maternal characteristics, parenting behavior, and child behavior.This study was part of a doctoral dissertation conducted by the first author at Florida State University, under the direction of the second author, and supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Portions of the data also appear in a chapter by Johnston titled A behavioral-family systems approach to assessment: Maternal characteristics associated with externalizing behavior in children. In R. Prinz (Ed.),Behavioral assessment of children and families (Vol. 4, pp. 163–189). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. The authors express appreciation to Alan Lang, Barbara Licht, and Richard Tate, for their thoughtful comments. We are grateful to Beverley Atkeson and a dedicated group of coders and to Dr. C. E. Cunningham and the staff of the Chedoke Child and Family Center for their support. Finally, our thanks to the families who participated.  相似文献   

The five factor model, a dominant model of personality today, is based on the pre-structuring of test-components and factor analytic (FA) interpretations. These procedures have been criticised, especially FA’s limitation to accurately identify the underlying structure of constructs. This paper examined whether the NEO-PI-R revealed the same trait structures when analysed through alternative statistical procedures. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) was employed alongside FA techniques (= 384). FA indicated the presence of five factors, but NMDS suggested a more parsimonious arrangement, comprising three (similar to Eysenck’s PEN model), or even two “super structures”. Furthermore, a circular trait arrangement was a reasonable alternative, suggesting that traits can be meaningfully (re)classified based on their kind and their integrative centrality. Over-reliance on FA models might not be the most appropriate approach for a better understanding of personality.  相似文献   

Wood D 《Journal of personality》2007,75(6):1103-1126
In an earlier work (Wood & Roberts, 2006), the Personality and Role Identity Structural Model (PRISM) was proposed as a model for organizing the relations between diverse self-perceptions, with a person's general identity ("how I am in general") organized above diverse role identities (e.g., "how I am as an employee"), which in turn is organized above role-specific behaviors and experiences (e.g., typical interactions with coworkers). In the present article, I argue that despite the fact that role trait measures are often much more related to role behaviors than general trait measures in cross-sectional analyses, general trait measures better capture the dispositional causes of a person's role behavior. In support of this, a brief study is presented illustrating how general traits may be better predictors than role-contextualized trait ratings of the evolution of an individual's experiences or behaviors within a given context. Finally, I contend that the basic framework of the PRISM, where a person's behaviors and identities within multiple contexts are assessed simultaneously and longitudinally alongside general personality ratings, is necessary to make strong statements concerning the nature of the relationships between personality traits and role experiences.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between teachers' ratings of children's behavior on the Behavior Problem Checklist and children's selfreported personality source traits on ageappropriate Personality Questionnaires. The sample consisted of 254 children from first through eighth grades and 13 teachers in a rural Maine elementary school. Analysis of the data revealed that teachers' ratings and children's self-reports in grades four through six agreed more frequently about problematic behavior than did children's self-reports and teachers self-ratings in grades one through three and seven and eight. In general, the study (1) supported the validity of teacher judgments made with the Behavior Problem Checklist, (2) demonstrated the ckitical need for more than one perspective when identifying and defining maladaptive behaviors potentially indicative of emotional disturbance, and (3) suggested the need to increase the accuracy of teachers' perceptions and evaluations of children's behavior.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the efficacy of a teacher behavior rating instrument for identifying special needs students. Using a modified form of theDevereux Elementary School Behavior Rating (DESB)Scale 35 kindergarten through grade 6 regular classroom teachers completed ratings on all of their 876 students. Subsequently, extensive aptitude, academic, social, and behavioral assessment was conducted and those students were identified who were in need of supportive educational programming to function adequately within the regular class setting. Analysis of the teacher behavior ratings indicated a highly significant difference between those students identified for special supportive services and their regular classroom peers on 9 of 11 behavioral factors. The findings lend clear support for the use of classroom teachers' behavior ratings in the identification process.  相似文献   

The hypothesis tested was that we attend to aspects of our interpersonal environment that correspond to prominent features of our own personality. One hundred fifty-four men and women rated the way in which they typically communicate and interact with significant other people (e.g., mother, father, lover) on 11 bipolar adjective scales and the way in which those other people interact with them. An individual differences multidimensional scaling analysis of interstimulus distances among the significant other people based on the ratings of the subject's interaction with those other people indicated that subjects who weighted a particular dimension tended to think they possessed a personality trait corresponding to the dimension. Reasons for the individual difference hypothesis were given.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to examine direct, indirect, and moderating links between facet-level personality traits of the five-factor model, the theory of planned behavior (TPB) constructs [Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50, 179–211.], and exercise behavior.DesignCross-sectional.MethodUniversity students (N = 507) completed the NEO-PI-R [Costa, P. T., McCrae, R. R. (1992). The NEO-PI-R personality inventory: Professional manual. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.], the Leisure-time Exercise Questionnaire [Godin, G., Shephard, R. J. (1985). A simple method to assess exercise behavior in the community. Canadian Journal of Applied Sport Science, 10, 141–146.], and measures assessing the TPB constructs.ResultsPreliminary analysis revealed the extraversion and conscientiousness facet-level traits of activity and self-discipline respectively were independent predictors of exercise behavior. An integrated structural model with both facet-level traits revealed that 46% of the variance in exercise behavior and 70% of the variance in intention was explained. Significant indirect effects of activity and self-discipline and the TPB constructs of affective attitude, instrumental attitude, and subjective norm, on exercise behavior through intention and perceived behavioral control were also observed. Finally, the anxiety facet trait of neuroticism significantly moderated the intention–behavior relationship.ConclusionsOur findings showed that the facet-level personality traits of activity and self-discipline are important motivational variables that link the TPB constructs to exercise behavior. Future research that integrates personality with the TPB within experimental interventions is warranted.  相似文献   

Objectives: To replicate findings for a direct effect of the activity personality trait on exercise behavior while controlling for the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), and to investigate a possible moderating effect for gender.Method: Undergraduate students (N=298) completed measures of the TPB, activity trait, and a two-week follow-up of exercise behavior.Results: The activity trait had a significant (p<0.01) direct effect on both exercise intention and behavior while controlling for the TPB, with no moderating effect of gender (p>0.05).Conclusions: The activity trait predicts exercise intention and behavior independent of social cognition even over a short two week period. The TPB may need to broaden its measurement domain in order to mediate the effect of personality on behavior. Moreover, exercise practitioners may need to consider personality when developing interventions.  相似文献   

Following highly negative events, people are deemed resilient if they maintain psychological stability and experience fewer mental health problems. The current research investigated how trait resilience [Block, J., & Kremen, A. M. (1996). IQ and ego-resiliency: Conceptual and empirical connections and separateness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70(2), 349–361, ER89] influences recovery from anticipated threats. Participants viewed cues (‘aversive’, ‘threat’, ‘safety’) that signified the likelihood of an upcoming picture (100% aversive, 50/50 aversive/neutral, or 100% neutral; respectively), and provided continuous affective ratings during the cue, picture, and after picture offset (recovery period). Participants high in trait resilience (HighR) exhibited more complete affective recovery (compared to LowR) after viewing a neutral picture that could have been aversive. Although other personality traits previously associated with resilience (i.e., optimism, extraversion, neuroticism) predicted affective responses during various portions of the task, none mediated the influence of trait resilience on affective recovery.  相似文献   

John R. Hurley Ph.D. 《Group》1986,10(3):161-176
Early and late in 18 2-day solo-led psychodynamic groups for mental health professionals, 185 participants rated their own behavior and each other's on composite measures of Acceptance versus Rejection of Self (ARS) and of Others (ARO). Only on ARO were leaders consistently rated more favorably than members. Considered by group units, members' mean ratings of peers made modest but significant early-to-late advances on both measures. About two-thirds of all intergroup differences in members' net shifts were separately predictable from ratings of leaders by self and also by pooled group members each time. Groups' ARO shifts were best predicted by members' ratings of leaders toward Warm versus Cold. Leader self-ratings toward Accepts others versus Rejects others best predicted groups' ARS shifts. Featuring interpersonal behavior's two principal dimensions and bridging the common split between studies of group outcome versus group processes, these findings generally support Roger's (1959) theory of personality change.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Personality assessment, in contrast to psychodiagnosis, psychological testing, and the measurement of individual differences, attempts to delineate the person as a whole through the use of a multiplicity of procedures and emphasizes the more favorable and positive aspects of personality and its potentialities for effective functioning. Developed during World War II, the method has been most extensively used by the Institute of Personality Assessment and Research, University of California. Berkeley, in its studies of highly creative persons. In these researches the characteristics of such persons have been effectively revealed, e.g., through the use of life history interviews, personality trait ratings, an adjective check list, and the Q-sort method, and their level of creativeness predicted by multiple regression analyses.  相似文献   

The present investigation examined the correspondence of teacher ratings and direct observations of classroom behavior. Techers, extraclass raters, and observers completed standard rating scales and/or measures of overt classroom behaviors of psychiatric inpatient children (N=32). The study assessed if the correspondence between ratings and direct observations was influenced by who evaluates the child (teachers, raters) and the assessment format (general ratings, discrete behaviors). The results indicated that (1) measures from different assessors correlated in the low to moderate range, (2) data from extraclass raters corresponded more closely with direct observations than with data from teachers, (3) teacher and rater estimates of overt child behavior did not correlate more highly with direct observations than did standard rating scales, and (4) teachers and raters viewed child behavior as more appropriate than direct observations indicated. Measures from teachers, raters, and observers readily distinguished attention deficit disorder children with hyperactivity from their peers. However, teacher evaluations delineated these children more sharply than other assessors.Completion of this paper was facilitated by a Research Scientist Development Award (MH00353) to the first author from the National Institute of Mental Health.  相似文献   

Recent discussions of the idiographic-nomothetic debate were initially reviewed in this paper. Three important issues stemming from this debate were then expounded within the context of Personal Construct Theory and evaluated in an empirical study. Participants were required to rate themselves and people they knew on 25 marker items for the Big Five personality traits and on 12 of their own unique personal constructs. The ratings were analyzed using a number of novel statistical methods, including a simple type of confirmatory factor analysis and an informative graphing procedure. Results indicated that at least half of the statistical information derived from the idiographic, personal construct ratings was unique when compared to ratings on the nomothetic Big Five items. The implications of these methods and results for person-centered and trait conceptualizations of personality were discussed.  相似文献   

We explored the possibility that male and female adolescents respond differently to the personality traits of their male and female peers. Students (381 boys; 389 girls) completed personality measures in Grades 7 (Mean age 12.28) through 10, and completed peer-ratings of adjustment and likeability in Grades 9 and 10. Analyses indicated that girls’ adjustment ratings were influenced by boys’ level of agreeableness, conscientiousness, and Eysenckian psychoticism, whereas boys’ ratings were relatively uninfluenced by these characteristics in girls. Girls and boys liked extraversion in the opposite-gender more than they liked it in the same gender. We discuss the implications of these findings for understanding peer relationships and gender differences.  相似文献   

A growing body of research demonstrates that older individuals tend to score differently on personality measures than younger adults. However, recent research using item response theory (IRT) has questioned these findings, suggesting that apparent age differences in personality traits merely reflect artifacts of the response process rather than true differences in the latent constructs. Conversely, other studies have found the opposite—age differences appear to be true differences rather than response artifacts. Given these contradictory findings, the goal of the present study was to examine the measurement equivalence of personality ratings drawn from large groups of young and middle‐aged adults (a) to examine whether age differences in personality traits could be completely explained by measurement nonequivalence and (b) to illustrate the comparability of IRT and confirmatory factor analysis approaches to testing equivalence in this context. Self‐ratings of personality traits were analyzed in two groups of Internet respondents aged 20 and 50 (n = 15,726 in each age group). Measurement nonequivalence across these groups was negligible. The effect sizes of the mean differences due to nonequivalence ranged from –.16 to .15. Results indicate that personality trait differences across age groups reflect actual differences rather than merely response artifacts.  相似文献   

This short-term longitudinal study investigated cross-cultural universality (similarities) and cultural specificity (differences) in American and Italian first-time mothers’ perceived parenting efficacy and observed parenting behavior in early infancy. Thirty-two mother–infant dyads from the United States (n = 16) and Italy (n = 16) participated in this study at 1 and 3 months across the first developmental transition. Maternal self-efficacy in parenting was assessed by self-reports. Mothers’ parenting behavior was observed and videotaped in a feeding situation. Both micro- (15-s time sampling) and macro-analytic (global ratings) strategies were employed to measure maternal and infant behaviors. Results revealed both cross-cultural similarities and differences in American and Italian mothers’ perceived parenting efficacy and observed parenting behavior. Both American and Italian mothers perceived themselves as becoming more efficacious in their parental role from 1 to 3 months and demonstrated significant stability in their individual differences over time. Compared to American mothers, Italian mothers displayed greater social/affective and handling/holding behavior. Whereas American mothers showed more synchronous responses to their infants when they were resting, Italian mothers spent significantly more time in synchronous dyadic social exchanges with their infants. The findings are discussed from the perspective of cultural organization of parenting, which suggests that parents structure everyday activity for their infants in accordance with cultural values and expectations.  相似文献   

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