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顿悟:是进程监控还是表征转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任国防  邱江  曹贵康  张庆林 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1265-1268
当前解释顿悟问题解决机制的理论主要有表征转换理论和进程监控理论。进程监控理论主要解释了顿悟问题为什么困难,但事实上它并没有说明顿悟问题为什么会解决,只回答了在什么情况下被试才会寻求其他的方法,而且它把顿悟问题解决的一般过程看成是同常规问题解决方法相同的过程。而表征转换理论主要解释了顿悟是如何获得的——顿悟的获得是由于问题解决者对问题的表征实现了正确的转变,但它并没有解释表征什么时候、怎么样才能转变?顿悟问题的解决经历了三个认知加工阶段,顿悟问题的解决需要在消除定势情况下激活正确的启发信息(线索),并验证了顿悟问题的原型激活和关键启发信息理论假说。  相似文献   

顿悟认知机制的研究述评与理论构想   总被引:24,自引:5,他引:19  
张庆林  邱江  曹贵康 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1435-1437
顿悟是创造性思维的主要形式,它一直以来都是心理学家感兴趣的研究课题。该文对有关顿悟认知机制的现象学描述作了介绍,比较了表征转变与进程监控两种认知观点,探讨了初级加工与顿悟认知机制间的关系。初步提出了顿悟问题解决中原型激活及其启发信息质量的理论假说,对未来研究做出了设想,以期能最终揭示出顿悟的内部发生机制。  相似文献   

记忆的顿悟优势效应指, 与加工非顿悟问题相比, 加工顿悟问题能够产生更优的记忆保持量。该效应在顿悟的两种操作性定义以及不同实验材料中稳定出现。基于顿悟阶段观, 研究者提出两种理论解释记忆的顿悟优势效应的认知机制:认知的生成效应和表征转化理论认为, 顿悟加工过程中的认知努力、适当迁移加工以及顿悟的表征转换加工促进记忆的保持效果; 情绪的“啊哈”体验理论认为, 加工顿悟问题后的情绪对后续的信息提取具有促进作用。未来的研究可从优化顿悟的指标、巩固记忆的顿悟优势效应、评估其持续性以及更加系统探讨记忆的顿悟优势效应的认知机制等四个方面展开。  相似文献   

窦东徽  沃建中 《心理科学》2007,30(2):362-364,372
本研究以Puzzle任务为材料,对135名高二学生特定线索下的操作水平进行测查,结果表明:(1)表征的抑制解除理论对顿悟问题解决的机制具有一定的解释效力,表现为总体上经历了高操作失败次数的被试在线索敏感性上明显高于未经历操作失败次数的被试。(2)而被试在特定阶段的操作水平未出现朝向解决目标的线性增长而是出现停滞的现象证明了问题的表征复杂性对抑制解除的过程存在制约作用,使其宏观上表现为渐进-停滞-跃升的变化模式。  相似文献   

顿悟体验是伴随顿悟问题解决过程的心理和现象学体验,主要包含伴随题解闪现的啊哈体验和因思维定势自动激活而催生的僵局阶段体验。现有研究显示,顿悟体验可能是多类认知与情绪要素构成,兼具认知和情绪加工特性的多维复合体。加工流畅性可部分解释顿悟体验的产生机制,杏仁核、眶额区和脑岛等情绪和奖赏加工的脑区则可能是其脑功能基础。未来须用多元方法从新旧交替视角深化两阶段顿悟体验的研究。  相似文献   

顿悟作为创造性思维的重要形式之一,一直受到心理学家的重视并对该领域进行了大量实验研究.在顿悟的关键信息启发理论的基础上,运用"靶问题-源问题-靶问题"的实验范式,探讨了元认知监控和归纳意识对顿悟问题解决的影响.结果表明:提示归纳会不同程度的促进顿悟问题的解决;获得关键启发信息时,元认知监控程度高的被试顿悟问题的解决比元认知监控程度低的被试表现优秀.  相似文献   

研究基于解释水平理论,探讨了不同社交媒体平台上口碑信息对购买意愿的影响及机制。结果发现:(1)不同社交媒体平台可以激发不同社会距离感;(2)接收高解释水平口碑时,社会距离远平台的用户购买意愿更高,接收低解释水平口碑时,社会距离近平台的用户购买意愿更高,平台类型与口碑类型在解释水平上匹配时影响力最大;(3)其机制是:口碑类型通过调节用户心理表征的解释水平对加工流畅性的影响,进而调节了“平台类型→解释水平→加工流畅性→购买意愿”这一链式中介路径。  相似文献   

顿悟的大脑机制   总被引:47,自引:5,他引:42  
罗劲 《心理学报》2004,36(2):219-234
自从柯勒1917年提出顿悟的概念以来,这个问题一直吸引着心理学家的关注。但有关顿悟过程的精确的大脑机制却始终未被触及。从心理过程上看,顿悟是一个瞬间实现的、问题解决视角的“新旧交替”过程;它包含两个方面,一是新的有效的问题解决思路如何实现,二是旧的无效的思路如何被抛弃(即打破思维定势)。我们以谜语作为材料,利用功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)技术精确记录了人类的大脑在实现顿悟的一瞬间的活动状况。结果显示顿悟过程激活了包括额叶、颞叶、扣带前回、以及海马在内的广泛脑区。根据各方面的综合证据,本文认为:顿悟过程中,新异而有效的联系的形成依赖于海马,问题表征方式的有效转换依赖于一个“非语言的” 视觉空间信息加工网络,而思维定势的打破与转移则依赖于扣带前回与左腹侧额叶。  相似文献   

探讨了抑制功能在顿悟问题解决过程中的作用。在实验1中,以148名大学生为被试,使用Stroop任务、潜伏抑制任务、提取抑制任务等多种抑制功能任务和若干初始搜索空间不同的言语类顿悟问题,探讨了抑制功能在言语顿悟问题解决中的作用;在实验2中,以159名大学生为被试,使用Stroop任务等抑制功能任务和初始搜索空间不同的空间类顿悟问题,探讨了抑制功能在空间顿悟问题解决中的作用。研究结果表明:(1)自发性侧抑制功能和主动性抑制功能对于顿悟问题解决均有不利影响;(2)抑制功能主要作用于顿悟问题解决的重构阶段。这些结果表明抑制功能对于顿悟问题解决的重构过程具有重要影响。  相似文献   

袁登华  杨双  肖玫 《心理科学进展》2012,20(9):1337-1346
品牌不安全感是指消费者对某品牌存在潜在或现实威胁的主观感知和担忧。以往文献中, 与品牌不安全感有关的研究主要隐含在两个领域:一是以产品伤害危机为中心的品牌心智变化研究; 二是以企业伦理责任为中心的品牌心智变化研究。但这两个领域都尚未揭示消费者品牌不安全感的实质、心理表征、危害机制和预警功能等。品牌不安全感是消费者回避或拒绝某品牌的心理根源之一。因此基于产品伤害事件频发的事实和品牌心智理论, 有必要对品牌不安全感作系统研究, 具体探索品牌不安全感的本质内涵、导致品牌不安全感的威胁源、品牌不安全感的心理表征、危害机制、预防和化解策略、以及品牌心理安全管理理论等问题。  相似文献   

Testing two cognitive theories of insight   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Insight in problem solving occurs when the problem solver fails to see how to solve a problem and then--"aha!"--there is a sudden realization how to solve it. Two contemporary theories have been proposed to explain insight. The representational change theory (e.g., G. Knoblich, S. Ohlsson, & G. E. Rainey, 2001) proposes that insight occurs through relaxing self-imposed constraints on a problem and by decomposing chunked items in the problem. The progress monitoring theory (e.g., J. N. MacGregor, T. C. Ormerod, & E. P. Chronicle, 2001) proposes that insight is only sought once it becomes apparent that the distance to the goal is unachievable in the moves remaining. These 2 theories are tested in an unlimited move problem, to which neither theory has previously been applied. The results lend support to both, but experimental manipulations to the problem suggest that the representational change theory is the better indicator of performance. The findings suggest that testable opposing predictions can be made to examine theories of insight and that the use of eye movement data is a fruitful method of both examining insight and testing theories of insight.  相似文献   

An eye movement study of insight problem solving   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The representational change theory of insight claims that insight problems cause impasses because they mislead problem solvers into constructing inappropriate initial representations. Insight is attained when the initial representation is changed. In the present study (N = 24), we tested three specific implications of these hypotheses against eye movements recorded while participants solved matchstick arithmetic problems. The results were consistent with the predictions, providing converging evidence with prior findings using solution rates and solution times. Alternative theories of insight can explain individual findings, but only the representational change theory accounts for both the performance data and the eye movement data. The present study also suggests that eye movement recordings provide an important new window into processes of insight problem solving.  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence for a possible generalization of Knoblich and colleagues’ representational change theory [Knoblich, G., Ohlsson, S., Haider, H., & Rhenius, D. (1999). Constraint relaxation and chunk decomposition in insight problem solving. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 25, 1534-1555; Knoblich, G., Ohlsson, S., & Raney, G. E. (2001). An eye movement study of insight problem. Memory and Cognition, 29, 1000-1009] outside its original scope of application. While this theory has been proposed to explain insight problem solving, we demonstrate here that its main concepts, namely, constraint relaxation and chunk decomposition, are applicable to incremental problem solving. In a first experiment, we confirm, as already shown by problem solving and reasoning researchers, that individuals avoid the construction of alternative representations of the problems when possible. In the second and third experiments, we show that alternative representations of arithmetic problems are easier to construct and maintain when they violate constraints of narrow rather than wide scope. The specificity of insight problem solving is discussed in the light of these new findings.  相似文献   

以停车场问题为实验材料,以42名大学生为被试,探讨认知灵活性高和低的被试在不同练习类型下顿悟问题表征转换的差异。结果表明:1)不同的练习类型对顿悟表征转换有影响,被试在难度逐渐增加的练习类型下比在简单的练习类型下顿悟产生得更快;2)顿悟表征转换的速度因认知灵活性的不同有差异,在简单的练习类型下,认知灵活性高的被试比认知灵活性低的被试顿悟产生得更早,在难度逐渐增加的练习类型下两者无差异;3)认知灵活性高的被试比认知灵活性低的被试顿悟问题解决更快。  相似文献   

摘要 采用顿悟-分析自我报告范式,以远距离联想任务为实验材料,从工作记忆容量和工作记忆负荷两个角度考察了工作记忆对顿悟和分析型问题解决的影响。结果表明,高工作记忆容量个体分析型问题解决的表现优于低工作记忆容量者,但在顿悟表现上无显著差异;工作记忆负荷较小时个体分析型问题解决表现更佳,但对顿悟表现没有影响。说明通过分析解决创造性问题的表现依赖于工作记忆的支持,而通过顿悟解决问题的表现与工作记忆无关。  相似文献   

Mental set is the tendency to solve certain problems in a fixed way based on previous solutions to similar problems. The moment of insight occurs when a problem cannot be solved using solution methods suggested by prior experience and the problem solver suddenly realizes that the solution requires different solution methods. Mental set and insight have often been linked together and yet no attempt thus far has systematically examined the interplay between the two. Three experiments are presented that examine the extent to which sets of noninsight and insight problems affect the subsequent solutions of insight test problems. The results indicate a subtle interplay between mental set and insight: when the set involves noninsight problems, no mental set effects are shown for the insight test problems, yet when the set involves insight problems, both facilitation and inhibition can be seen depending on the type of insight problem presented in the set. A two process model is detailed to explain these findings that combines the representational change mechanism with that of proceduralization.  相似文献   

辛自强  张丽 《心理学报》2006,38(4):532-542
Karmiloff-Smith的表征重述理论认为表征重述是人类获取知识的重要途径,并且表征变化的过程包括程序、元程序和概念化三个阶段。采用微观发生法(包括前测、练习和迁移3个阶段,共8个期间),以数字分解组合任务为研究材料,探讨了120名小学一、二年级儿童问题解决中的表征变化及所受年龄和练习模式等因素的影响。结果表明,前测中存在发展性差异,即二年级儿童达到概念化阶段的人数显著多于一年级儿童,但前测处于程序阶段的儿童接受5次解题练习过程中以及在近迁移题目上都没有表现出年级差异,而在远迁移题目上二年级儿童的完成情况好于一年级儿童。练习模式对表征变化的影响主要体现在三个方面:(1)从变化的路线看,与简单模式相比,复杂模式更能促进儿童的表征发生变化,而且这时儿童表征变化的路线更丰富,表征变化发生循环的人数比例也更高。(2)从变化的速度看,复杂模式下儿童在插入难题的两次练习期间表征变化比较迅速,其余期间变化较小;简单模式下儿童在第二次和第三次练习期间表征变化比较迅速,随后变化比较平稳。(3)从变化的广度看,练习中所获表征能力(在最后三次练习中达到元程序或概念化阶段)的推广,无论是在近迁移题还是远迁移题上两种练习模式之下的被试没有明显差异;但两组被试在近迁移题上的表现均好于远迁移题  相似文献   

Recent research has reported successful training interventions that improve insight problem solving. In some ways this is surprising, because the processes involved in insight solutions are often assumed to be unconscious, whereas the training interventions focus on conscious cognitive strategies. We propose one mechanism that may help to explain this apparent disconnect. Recognition of a barrier to progress during insight problem solving may provide a point of access to the tacit constraining assumptions that have misled the solution process. We tested this proposal in an experiment that examined the effects of different training routines on problem solving. The experiment compared four training routines, focusing either on barriers and assumptions combined, barriers alone, assumptions alone, or goals, with two control conditions. Outcomes were measured using eleven spatial insight problems. The results indicated that training that combined focus on barriers and assumptions was significantly more effective than all other conditions, supporting the proposition that recognizing and reinterpreting barriers may assist in surfacing the unwarranted assumptions that prevent problem solving.  相似文献   

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