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A study of 100 consecutive persons who terminated, once a week, psychoanalytically oriented group psychotherapy shows that it is an effective treatment for neurotic persons with good ego strength who remain in therapy a year or longer. Analytically oriented group therapy was less effective in treating severely ego-impaired persons, and group members of all levels of ego strength often required augmentation of their group therapy by individual sessions and psychotropic medications. Early dropouts (less than 30 sessions) seemed related to lack of motivation and poor fit with the group. Later dropouts (sessions 30–60) seemed related to low ego strength.  相似文献   


Lindbom-Jakobson M, Lindgren L. The Framework of Psychoanalytically Oriented Psychotherapy with Traumatised Patients and the Institution. Int Forum Psychoanal 1997;6:217-224. ISSN 0803-706X.

Psychotherapies performed at multidisciplinary institutions will be influenced by the ongoing dynamics and inevitable group processes of the institution. The difficulties of these processes become extremely hard to handle when the patient category is a severely traumatised one. The prerequisite of psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy, the illusion of the sealed room and fixed framework, gets disturbed by the information flow in an institution. The institutions for these patients tend to become stages on which the patients as well as staff can perform and repeat their intrapsychic and interpersonal conflicts, non-adaptive defences and disturbed object relations. The predominant dynamic that arises around tortured refugees as a patient category is sado-masochistic relating.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the ‘border’ position of counselling services in Italian universities. The concept of ‘border’ has great relevance in the work of psychoanalytically oriented university students’ counsellors. Counselling is part of a continuum of interventions, from befriending to psychotherapy. This closeness encompasses the need for identifying specificities and differences among interventions. Moreover, a university counselling service occupies a ‘marginal’ position, continuously confronted with the risks of rejection and/or assimilation. The concept of ‘border’ is also useful to define the developmental phase of university students, crossing the border between late adolescence and young adulthood, as represented by Conrad's novel The shadow line (1917/1999), recently analysed by Green (2008) as the metaphoric demarcation line between youth and adulthood. Finally, most of the students referring to our counselling service come from families that for the first time crossed the border of university education.  相似文献   

A seven-week group-centered dynamic therapy course was conducted with 12 patients within the framework of a long-term treatment for schizophrenic patients. The purpose and method of treatment and the course of the group sessions are described. Analysis of the Freiburg personality inventory yielded no changes; the degree of agreement between the group mean profile and that of neurotics was striking. Analysis of the Frankfurt complaint questionnaire (Suellwold) revealed a reduction in the number of affirmative answers during and after treatment. The treatment is considered to have had positive results, although it has to be embedded in a more comprehensive treatment plan with supportive individual psychotherapy, psychopharmaceutic treatment and sociotherapy.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest, both internationally and in South Africa, in strengthening the relationship between psychoanalytic practice and research. This paper reports on a psychoanalytically oriented doctoral programme offered at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa. The programme is described in relation to the broader context of the historical relationship of psychoanalysis to the university as well as to the specific context of the history of psychoanalysis in South Africa. Key challenges of the programme, specifically concerning research tensions and methodological and theoretical tolerance, are subsequently explored. The way in which these challenges manifested within a group context illustrates their potential for conflict as well as productive debate. The paper reflects on how this specific programme illuminates and extends some of the broader debates in the field of psychoanalysis.  相似文献   

15 patients with psychosomatic diseases and the phenomenon of alexithymia, together with neurotic patients are treated psychotherapeutically in half-open groups. Contrary to the neurotics the patients show some special features regarding the process diagnostics. In assessing the wished and really experienced nearness to the group members there is a deficient ability to differentiate. During the therapeutic process the intrapsychic tension (EMI - Inventory of Emotionalities) is subject to great fluctuations or doesn't change. The occurrence of fluctuations in the EMI and of greater differentiations in the N-D-Test (Nearness-Distance-Test) suggest a good prognosis. A therapy of psychosomatic patients together with neurotic patients seems to be more effective than the treatment in homogeneous groups.  相似文献   

The present work investigated cognitive, linguistic and narrative abilities in a group of children suffering from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, an allelic X-linked recessive disorder caused by mutations in the gene encoding dystrophin. The patients showed mildly reduced IQ with lower Verbal than Performance Intelligence Quotient and were mildly affected in visual attention and short-term memory processing. At the linguistic assessment, neither receptive (word comprehension) nor expressive (naming tasks and fluency) lexical abilities were impaired. However, their narratives were qualitatively inferior with respect to those produced by a group of typically developing children. Their speech samples were characterized by the presence of fewer verbs and complete sentences. It is suggested that the reduced production of complete sentences is due to a selective problem in verb argument structure generation. Since the lack of dystrophin is assumed to produce effects on the maturation of the cerebellum, whose involvement has been recently suggested in verb and syntactic processing, these findings may lend indirect support to the hypothesis of a cerebellar-cortical circuit specialized in verb and sentence production.  相似文献   

Paradigmatic complexes in family psychotherapy have been indicating a revolutionary change and the creation of new paradigms for the past thirty years. Starting with the application of the general systems theory and the development of those concepts that have been emerging regarding psychosomatic illnesses we discuss the epistemological confusion created, the methodological problems and the dissociation between theory and practice. We suggest a double process of investigation of the family structure using a knowledge of the basic attitudes and the development of a psychotherapy programme within the family of the psychosomatic patient.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the main findings of a prospective study based at the Cassel Hospital, a centre dedicated to the psychoanalytically informed residential treatment of severe personality disorders. The results‐showing that significantly greater improvements on a number of outcome indicators were found in patients exposed to the psychoanalytically informed treatment programmes compared to a general psychiatric approach based on management and pharmacotherapy alone‐underscores the importance and the centrality of the psychoanalytic input in the treatment of severe personality disorders. However, the results of the study also suggested that some features of long‐term hospital treatment might carry the risk of iatrogenic and anti‐therapeutic effects for a sub‐group of patients with severe borderline core pathology. The authors present the clinical and psychodynamic implications of the study results based on an understanding of the internal and interpersonal mode of functioning of borderline patients.  相似文献   

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