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Six experiments employed an odor-aversion paradigm to investigate the role of the duration of exposure to an odor in determining that odor's subsequent associability with illness. Rats were exposed to an odor at times T1 and T2, and the second of these exposures was followed by toxicosis. When the initial odor exposure was brief, the odor aversion was attenuated with a moderate T1-T2 interval of 3 hr (Experiment 1) but not with long intervals of 28 hr and 76 hr (Experiment 2). In contrast, when the initial odor exposure was long, the odor aversion was attenuated at a long T1-T2 interval (Experiment 3). With a T1-T2 interval of 24 hr, a brief initial exposure did not attenuate odor aversions when the context either remained the same or was changed from T1 to T2, whereas a long initial exposure attenuated such aversions when the context remained the same but not when the context was changed (Experiment 4). With a T1-T2 interval of 3 hr, a brief initial exposure attenuated odor aversions when the context remained the same or was changed from T1 to T2, whereas a long initial exposure attenuated such aversions when the context remained the same but not when the context was changed (Experiment 5). A brief exposure at T1, either with or without a subsequent context "extinction," attenuated odor aversions when the T1-T2 interval was 3 hr but not when this interval was 24 hr; a long initial exposure at T1, without a subsequent context "extinction," attenuated odor aversions when the T1-T2 interval was 4 hr and 24 hr but with a subsequent context "extinction" did not attenuate such aversions at either 4-hr or 24-hr T1-T2 intervals (Experiment 6). The results demonstrate that the duration of exposure to an odor determined whether that odor presentation caused short- or long-term decrements in odor conditionability and are discussed in terms of the relation between self- and retrieval-generated processes.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the possibility that attention directed to a distractor during rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) can produce an attentional blink (AB). A to-be-ignored distractor (D1) preceded a target word (T2) by a variable lag in RSVP streams of black false-font distractors. D1 was highlighted by color and was a word, a string of consonants, a string of digits, or a string of false-font characters. Recall of T2 was significantly suppressed at short D1-T2 lags (the AB) but only when D1 contained letters; the AB was completely absent when D1 was composed of digits or false-font characters. Thus, the AB can be triggered by a highlighted distractor if the distractor shares features with a target.  相似文献   

The present experiments were concerned with the overshadowing by a novel flavour which preceded the pairing of a target flavour and toxicosis. This effect was demonstrated in Experiment I as was reciprocal overshadowing by a novel flavour which was interpolated between the target flavour and illness. Experiment 2 indicated that such overshadowing only occurred if the novel flavour was presented immediately prior to the target flavour; an interval of 10 min between the two abolished the effect. Experiment 3 indicated that the failure to observe overshadowing with a delay of 10 min between the two flavours was not due to a lack of association between the interfering flavour and illness. These data were interpreted as demonstrating that the introduction of the interfering flavour on the training day resulted in a perceptual generalisation decrement and a subsequent reduction in the aversion displayed to the target flavour.  相似文献   

Five experiments employed a toxiphobia conditioning paradigm to examine the strengths of odour and flavour aversions when conditioned separately and in compound. When conditioned in compound, odour aversions were stronger than when conditioned separately, i.e., the flavour potentiated the odour (Experiment Ia), but flavour aversions were weaker than when conditioned separately, i.e., the odour attenuated the flavour (Experiment Ib). The duration of exposure to the reinforced compound governed the nature of the interaction between the components: at a brief exposure, the flavour overshadowed the odour; at a long exposure, the flavour potentiated the odour (Experiment II). The remaining experiments examined the mechanism subserving the potentiation effect. Experiment III demonstrated that extinction of the flavour associate of the odour attenuated the odour aversion but further conditioning of the flavour did not strengthen the odour aversion. Experiment IV confirmed this effect of extinction but also found a comparable attenuation of the odour aversion from extinction of a separately conditioned flavour. Experiment V examined the previous failure to influence the strength of the odour aversion by strengthening the flavour aversion. In this experiment, conditioning the flavour associate or a separately conditioned flavour with a more potent US augmented the strength of the odour aversion. The results did not provide support for the idea that the potentiation phenomenon reflects the formation of within-compound associations but did indicate that a potentiated odour aversion could be modulated by manipulations designed to alter the US representation.  相似文献   

Five-year-old children explored multidimensional objects either haptically or visually and then were tested for recognition with target and distractor items in either the same or the alternative modality. In Experiments 1 and 2, haptic, visual, and cross-modal recognition were all nearly with familiar objects; haptic and visual recognition were also excellent with unfamiliar objects, but cross-modal recognition was less accurate. In Experiment 3, cross-modal recognition was also less accurate than within-mode recognition with familiar objects that were members of the same basic-level category. The results indicate that children's haptic recognition is remarkably good, that cross-modal recognition is otherwise constrained, and that cross-modal recognition may be accomplished differently for familiar and unfamiliar objects.  相似文献   

In four experiments we investigated the role of contextual cues in the habituation of neophobia in rats. Experiment 1 showed that the consumption of a novel flavour increased across a series of presentations in one context (A) but fell when the flavour was subsequently presented in a second, novel, context (B). In Experiments 2 and 3, subjects again received exposure to a flavour in context A, but also were familiarized with the test context, B. These subjects consumed the flavour with equal readiness, whether it was presented in Context A or in Context B at test. Experiment 4 replicated the results of Experiment 1 and also showed that the consumption of a novel flavour was not influenced by whether it was presented in a novel or a familiar context. Several mechanisms by which the novelty or familiarity of the context might interact with the novelty or familiarity of the flavour were discussed.  相似文献   

The present study examined predictions of the early-phase-elevated-attention hypothesis of the attentional boost effect (ABE), which suggests that transient increases in attention at encoding, as instantiated in the ABE paradigm, should enhance the recognition of neutral and positive items (whose encoding is mostly based on controlled processes), while having small or null effects on the recognition of negative items (whose encoding is primarily based on automatic processes). Participants were presented a sequence of negative, neutral and positive stimuli (pictures in Experiment 1, words in Experiment 2) associated to target (red) squares, distractor (green) squares or no squares (baseline condition). They were told to attend to the pictures/words and simultaneously press the spacebar of the computer when a red square appeared. In a later recognition task, stimuli associated to target squares were recognised better than stimuli associated to distractor squares, replicating the standard ABE. More importantly, we also found that: (a) the memory enhancement following target detection occurred with all types of stimuli (neutral, negative and positive) and (b) the advantage of negative stimuli over neutral stimuli was intact in the DA condition. These findings suggest that the encoding of negative stimuli depends on both controlled (attention-dependent) and automatic (attention-independent) processes.  相似文献   

It remains unclear whether a salient distractor directly affects performance accuracy and the perceptual resolution of a target. In order to investigate this issue, the present study employed object substitution masking (OSM) to index perceptual hypothesis testing of a target. Trailing-mask duration of the four-dot mask was varied to investigate how the representation of the masked target decayed over time. Participants responded to the presence of a vertical line on a target ring that was isolated by a four-dot mask while an irrelevant salient distractor was presented in a subset of trials. The results revealed that the salient distractor only impacted performance when the mask and target offset concurrently (Experiment 1) or at short mask durations (Experiment 2). At longer mask durations performance in the distractor present condition was identical to performance in the distractor absent condition, suggesting that involuntary capture of attention did not affect OSM. These results show that the perceptual resolution of a masked target can operate independently of involuntary attentional selection.  相似文献   

Mackintosh (1973) has suggested that rats readily associate flavours with illnesses in cue-to-consequence studies because they have already learned that changes in internal states are unrelated to changes in external stimuli. An implication of this suggestion is that learned predispositions may also subserve the ability of rats to form long-delay, flavour-illness associations. Six experiments tested this idea by examining the strengths of aversions in a delayed flavour-toxicosis paradigm after exposure to a paired or unpaired relation between another flavour and toxicosis. Exposure to a paired relation enhanced the strengths of subsequently established flavour aversions (Experiment I). The enhanced aversions were associative in origin (Experiment II), observed with delays of 3 h and 1·5 h in, respectively, a forward (Experiment III) and backward (Experiment IV) delayed conditioning paradigm and with a 10-day interval between the flavour-toxin pairing and the delayed paradigm (Experiment V). The enhanced aversions, however, were removed by the extinction of the original flavour aversion prior to the delayed flavour-toxin pairing (Experiment VI). The results supported the idea that the ability of the rat to form long-delay, flavour-illness associations reflects an associative history involving flavours and internal changes and were discussed in terms of Mackintosh's (1975) theory of the mechanism underlying stimulus selection. The effects of a flavour-toxicosis pairing upon long-delay, flavour aversion learning.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1 rats were presented with two flavours, A and B, that were accompanied either by a third common flavour, X, or by two different flavours, X and Y, respectively. An aversion was then established to A, and the extent to which this aversion generalized to B was measured. Stimulus generalization was found to be more marked when A and B had both been presented with the same flavour, X, during pre-exposure than when A and B had been presented with X and Y. In Experiment 2 three target flavours, A, B, and C, were initially presented. In one pre-exposure condition presentations of A and B were accompanied by X, and C was presented alone; in a second condition A and B were presented in isolation, and C was accompanied by X. After an aversion had been established to A, half of the animals in each of the pre-exposure conditions were tested with B, and the remainder were tested with C. In both of the pre-exposure conditions the generalized aversion was more substantial to B than to C. An analysis of these results in terms of the mechanisms that have been supposed to underlie sensory preconditioning is presented.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated whether subjects could selectively attend to a target item presented in close spatial proximity to a distractor element. Typically, the display consisted of two curved lines, one a target and the other a distractor. The task was to judge the direction of curvature of the target. When subjects attended to a target away from fixation, performance was affected by the presence of a distractor within an area of 1° around the target. In contrast, the distractor did not influence target processing when subjects fixated on the target location. Two modes of visual attention are proposed. When a target is located away from fixation, a “wide” attentional span is employed. With the present stimuli, this led to the detailed processing of items within 1° of the attended position. However, when targets are at fixation a “narrow” span can be adopted, with the result that there is differential processing of attended items even within the formerly critical area.  相似文献   

A number of recent conditioned taste aversion (CTA) experiments have demonstrated a super-latent inhibition (LI) effect—namely, a time-induced increase in the effects of stimulus preexposure when the interval between acquisition and test is spent in a context that is different from the other experimental contexts. Two CTA experiments with rats were conducted to examine the role of primacy in producing super-LI. In Experiment 1, one of two flavours was pre-exposed, following which a second flavour was preexposed. After the second preexposure, animals were conditioned by pairing a compound of the two preexposed flavours with LiCl. The test stage was conducted 1 or 21 days after conditioning, with the interval being spent in either the same or different contexts. In the test, animals were confronted with two bottles, each with one of the two preexposed flavours. Super-LI was obtained only for the first preexposed flavour in the 21-day delay group that spent the interval in a different context. Experiment 2 was designed to ensure that the effects in Experiment 1 represented LI, and to control for order of presentation of the flavours and time between preexposure and acquisition. The results replicated those of Experiment 1. The two experiments support the importance of primacy in the general super-LI experiment where CS-alone preexposure precedes CS-US.  相似文献   

Changes in palatability of tastes and flavours as a result of flavour preference conditioning were examined. In Experiment 1, when tastes were paired with glucose in a reverse-order differential conditioning paradigm, rats acquired conditioned preferences for CS + and displayed more hedonic responses to CS + than to CS - in a postconditioning taste reactivity test. In Experiment 2, rats that received oral infusions of flavours as CSs during a reverse-order conditioning procedure expressed both palatability shifts and conditioned preferences for CS + . Rats that received a forward conditioning procedure acquired a preference for CS + , but the palatability of CS + was unchanged. In Experiment 3, hungry rats drank mixtures of a flavour CS and a calorific or sweet tasting reinforcer in a long-exposure conditioning paradigm. When tested hungry, rats preferred CS + whether they had acquired flavour-calorie or flavour-taste associations. However, CS + became more palatable only for rats that acquired flavour-calorie associations. These results suggest that acquisition of flavour preferences, as measured by 2-bottle tests, may not always be accompanied by enhanced palatability.  相似文献   

Colored target words were presented with distractor nonwords in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) task. In Experiment 1, the attentional blink (AB) effect on T2 accuracy was larger when T1 was a difficult (low-frequency) word than when it was a high-frequency word. In Experiment 2 the effect of T1 frequency on the AB was replicated in a between-participants design, and the frequency of T1’s one-letter different neighbors (e.g., case, bare, for care) interacted with T1 frequency in its effects on T2 accuracy. Experiment 3 confirmed the effect of T1 frequency over 6 T1-T2 lags. The effects of T1 characteristics were sensitively assessed in the AB and were more consistent with resource depletion theories than control-process accounts.  相似文献   

Identification of the second of two targets (T1, T2) inserted in a stream of distractors is impaired when presented 200–500 ms after the first (attentional blink, AB). An AB-like effect has been reported by Nieuwenstein, Potter, and Theeuwes, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 35, 159-169, (2009, Experiment 2), with a distractor stream that contained only one target and a gap just before the target. Nieuwenstein et al. hypothesized that the gap enhanced the salience of the last distractor, causing it to be processed much like T1 in conventional AB studies. This hypothesis can also account for Lag-1 sparing (enhanced target performance when presented directly after the last distractor, without an intervening gap). We propose an alternative account of the Lag-1 sparing in the single-target paradigm based on observer strategy, and test it by presenting the single-target and dual-target conditions to separate groups (Experiment 2) instead of mixed across trials (Experiment 1 and Nieuwenstein et al.'s study). The single-target condition exhibited Lag-1 sparing when it was mixed with the dual-target condition, but Lag-1 deficit when it was done in isolation. This outcome is consistent with an observer-strategy account but not with an enhanced salience account of the Lag-1 sparing effect in the single-target condition.  相似文献   

Negative priming effects have been offered as evidence that distractor stimuli are identified. We conducted two experiments to determine if such effects occur even when it is easy to discriminate target from distractor stimuli. In Experiment 1, we found the usual negative priming effect when target and distractor positions varied from trial to trial, but not when these positions remained fixed. Experiment 2 extended these results to a situation where the ease of selection varied only in the prime display. These findings argue that irrelevant inputs can be filtered out prior to stimulus identification under certain circumstances and therefore pose problems for strict late selection theories.  相似文献   

Rats were exposed to a novel environment (E1) at time T1, given a footshock at time T2, and tested for freezing in E1 or in a second environment (E2). The function relating freezing to the T1-T2 interval among rats tested in E1 was an inverted U-shape. Rats exposed to short T1-T2 intervals displayed just as much freezing in E2 as in E1, whereas rats exposed to longer intervals froze less in E2 than in E1. These differences between the freezing responses in E1 and in E2 were obtained when the T1-T2 intervals were varied, but time spent in the shocked E1 was equated. Rats given two shocks in E1 differentiated between E1 and E2 when the initial shock occurred some time after exposure to E1, but not when the initial shock was presented shortly after that exposure. Rats shocked some time after exposure to E1 on Day 1 and shortly after exposure to that environment on Day 2 differentiated between E1 and E2 more than did rats exposed to the reverse sequence of T1-T2 intervals. The results were attributed to the formation of a network of connections among the E1 cues in rats exposed to moderate or long T1-T2 intervals, and to an impairment in the formation of this network as a result of the conditioning of a subset of cues in rats exposed to short T1-T2 intervals.  相似文献   

The role of salience in localized attentional interference (LAI) was examined. In two experiments, target discrimination performance was measured as a function of the spatial separation between the target and a salient distractor item. In Experiment 1, both the salience of the distractor and that of a target were manipulated. Distractor salience was manipulated via size changes to the distractor, and target salience was manipulated by using unmasked or onset targets. When the target was of low salience, the magnitude of interference from the distractor increased with distractor salience. However, when the target had an abrupt onset, the distractor had no impact on target performance. In Experiment 2, the attentional salience of the distractor was manipulated using a probability manipulation. Displays contained both a target and a color singleton distractor. The color singleton produced LAI when it was predictive of the target location but not when it was unpredictive of the target location. The results of both experiments are consistent with models of competition-based attentional selection.  相似文献   

Dux PE  Harris IM 《Cognition》2007,104(1):47-58
Do the viewpoint costs incurred when naming rotated familiar objects arise during initial identification or during consolidation? To answer this question we employed an attentional blink (AB) task where two target objects appeared amongst a rapid stream of distractor objects. Our assumption was that while both targets and distractors undergo initial identification only targets are consolidated in a form that allows overt report. We presented line drawings of objects with a usual upright canonical orientation, and separately manipulated the orientation of targets and distractors. In two experiments, targets were defined by colour, whereas in a third experiment they were defined by semantic category. Target 1 orientation influenced the AB, with objects rotated by 90 degrees causing a larger second target deficit than upright and upside-down objects. However, distractor orientation did not affect the magnitude of the second target deficit, regardless of whether targets were defined by colour or semantic category. Taken together, these findings suggest that the visual representations involved in the preliminary recognition of familiar objects are viewpoint-invariant and that viewpoint costs are incurred when these objects are consolidated for report.  相似文献   

A toxiphobia conditioning paradigm was used to examine the relation between the intertrial interval (ITI) and the extinction of an aversion. The design employed was based upon that developed by Davis (1970) to study the relation between the ITI and the habituation of a response. After conditioning, the conditioned stimulus (CS) was presented on two occasions at times T1 and T2, and this interval (the ITI) was varied across groups. However, the interval from the CS exposure at T2 to the extinction test was common for all groups. On the test, ITIs of 6 to 24 hr were found to have promoted more extinction than ITIs of 0.5 hr with odour (Experiments 1a and b) and flavour (Experiment 1c) CSs. Further, this facilitation of extinction by the long ITIs compared to the short ones was not due to differences in the intervals between the initial CS exposure at T1 and the test (Experiment 2). The final experiment examined the relation between the ITI and extinction when different CSs were presented at T1 and T2. A short interval between the presentation of CS1 at T1 and the presentation of CS2 at T2 was found to have facilitated the extinction of the aversion to CS2 compared either to a long interval between these presentations or to the presentation of CS2 in the absence of a prior CS1 presentation. The results were discussed in terms of the model developed by Wagner (1981).  相似文献   

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