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应激与应对的理论发展构建了污名应对研究的基本框架。污名应对策略是指被污名者在具体污名情境中为减少压力的消极影响而有目的地采用的情绪、认知和行为反应。目前, 关于被污名者应对污名策略的研究, 特别是艾滋病污名应对策略的研究日趋增多。根据不同的划分标准, 可以区分出问题聚焦性与情绪聚焦性策略、卷入与摆脱策略以及前摄性与反应性策略; 对于可隐藏污名而言, 还涉及到表露/隐藏策略。在研究方法上, 质性研究范式日益发挥重要作用。未来应该注重污名应对策略的情境性, 加强不同污名领域的专题研究, 关注对应对策略的评价并构建污名应对策略的层次模型。  相似文献   

污名现象及其心理效应   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
污名本质上是一种消极的刻板印象,是社会对某些个体或群体贬低性的、侮辱性的标签,对被污名者有着深刻的影响。文章从三个方面对污名的相关研究做了简要的回顾。首先介绍了几种污名的相关定义;然后介绍了污名的心理效应,包括污名他人的功能,污名对群体和个体的影响,以及社会公众对污名的态度和应对过程;第三介绍了两个污名研究的主要领域:一个是污名群体知觉、应对歧视规律的污名歧视研究,另一个是可隐匿污名的相关研究,如隐匿污名的心理过程,隐匿的情绪反应以及揭示污名的心理意义等。最后,提出了未来研究的几点展望,可隐匿污名的相关研究,内隐社会认知研究和消除污名消极影响的干预研究  相似文献   

性少数人群包括男女同性恋者和双性恋者。性少数压力模型认为,性少数个体因性少数身份而受到压力,性少数压力对性少数个体的心理健康有重要的影响。性少数压力包括外部压力(偏见、歧视、污名)和内部压力(身份认同、身份隐藏与出柜)。性少数压力与健康的研究主要有两种研究取向。群体间研究取向着重将性少数个体与异性恋者进行比较,发现性少数人群存在更多的消极心理问题。群体内研究取向以性少数压力模型为基础,证实了性少数压力对心理健康的影响。  相似文献   

污名是指个体所具有不受欢迎的特征, 这种特征会导致个体在一定社会背景下被主流文化群体贴负性标签、贬低、侮辱而遭受到污名化。污名化对个体或群体本身会有消极影响, 不仅会使个体遭受到来自他人的歧视、排斥或拒绝等这些直接作用于自身的外部影响, 还会进一步消极影响被污名个体在人际互动中的表现和行为反应。被污名个体与主流文化群体之间的消极互动又会进一步加剧主流文化对被污名个体或群体的排斥, 形成恶性循环。从被污名个体的角度出发, 有助于更加深入地探讨污名化对被污名个体人际互动方面的影响以及被污名个体采取的应对方式。  相似文献   

体重污名指个体因超重或肥胖受到的社会污名,主要表现为公众对这一群体的歧视、偏见、消极态度,其测量主要从公众和被污名群体自身展开。它会对被污名个体的心理、行为、身体产生消极影响,且这些影响之间存在递进关系。现有体重污名干预研究主要聚焦于减少公众污名、降低体重以及缓解体重污名消极心理影响三个方向。未来研究可以在体重污名影响机制、测量工具和行之有效的干预策略方面进一步扩展。  相似文献   

国外心理疾病烙印影响研究概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心理疾病污名足加诸在心理疾病患者身上的耻辱标记,世界卫生组织2001年指出"心理和行为障碍患者康复的最大阻碍就是社会对他们的污名和与之相连的歧视".作者对国外污名领域的研究进行了回顾,论述了心理疾病污名的概念、有关其影响机制的理论和实证研究.从公众污名和自我污名两方面论述了污名对心理疾病患者的影响以及消除污名的方法.  相似文献   

作为现代社会当中一个普遍而又特殊的社会现象,污名不仅是一种社会分类,同时也是一种身份建构,其导致了蒙受污名者与常人之间的分别与对立,更使蒙受污名者成为常人社会当中的他者。在现实生活中,污名实际是作为一种"恶名"而被界定和运用,具有非常鲜明的道德倾向性,这使其成为一种道德反思的对象。当前学界对于污名的研究,主要集中在社会学与心理学范畴,但对于污名的道德研究却乏人问津,本文因此试图对此进行一个针对性的探讨。  相似文献   

季浩  严进  国维潇 《心理学报》2022,54(2):182-191
职业污名对从业者的工作态度和工作行为有着重要影响。以往研究从个体职业身份的视角解释职业污名的作用, 忽略了从业者个体身份认同的多重属性。本研究基于身份边界理论, 提出职业污名会通过牵连家人污名这一机制影响从业者的离职倾向。另外, 这一机制的强弱取决于个体的家庭卷入程度。本研究通过对分属不同职业的384名从业者的3轮问卷调研发现, 家庭卷入调节了牵连家人污名在职业污名与离职倾向之间的中介作用。当个体的家庭卷入水平高时, 这一中介作用更强; 家庭卷入水平低时, 该中介作用更弱。本研究在理论上提出并检验了职业污名影响的新机制, 同时对实际管理工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

对男同性恋身体意象的研究有近30年的历史。男同性恋比男异性恋更容易出现负面身体意象、身体不满意和进食障碍等。男同性恋追求瘦而有肌肉的理想身体。针对这些特点, 研究者提出一些理论假设进行解释, 包括性客观化理论、内化同性恋污名、性别角色假设、进化心理学假设和AIDS/HIV假设等。未来研究要进行整合的和多样化的研究取向, 方法上采用以网络调查为主的定量研究和以现象学分析为主的定性研究。最后, 国内研究要更注重文化特异性。  相似文献   

李婕 《心理科学》2016,39(2):424-429
本研究从侵犯者角度出发,探讨受害者不同应对策略是否会影响侵犯者的再次侵犯。研究1采用囚徒困境范式,考察62名大学生应对策略和报复机会对再次侵犯的影响。研究2采用故事情境法,考察227名被试应对策略、年龄对悔改动机和再次侵犯的影响。结果发现,应对策略、年龄的主效应显著,二者交互作用显著,被试年龄越大对报复者侵犯的可能性越低。启示我国目前仍应以报应性司法模式为主,可在青少年群体尝试恢复性司法。。  相似文献   

The present study explores stigma against rural‐to‐urban migrants in China, drawing on a dialogical approach. It investigates the processes of stigmatization from two sides: that of the stigmatizer and that of the stigmatized. Open‐ended individual interviews were conducted with 138 participants (60 urban residents and 78 rural‐to‐urban migrants) in Tianjin, China. Findings from this study indicate that migrants were stigmatized by urban residents as having an unattractive physical appearance, potential perils of disease or crime, and discredited places of origin. Such stigma was embedded in China's unique hukou system and generated from a social categorization of superior and inferior groups. Migrants reported a number of coping strategies to counter such stigma: blaming fate, stigma reversal and upward mobility. However, migrants did not view themselves contemptuously and expressed positive feelings about their lives as migrants. They regarded internal migration as a way of pursuing happiness. Overall, urban residents stigmatized migrants legitimated by the hukou system, while migrants were surprisingly resilient against stigma, and did not internalize it, due to their economics‐driven internal migration. This study underscores that stigma in a given society is dialogically interdependent with its socio‐cultural context and that the perspectives of both the stigmatizer and the stigmatized need to be taken into consideration. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study adopted an intergroup perspective on immigrant acculturation, which views immigrants as members of a disadvantaged social category. Its primary purpose was to relate the relative disadvantage of certain immigrant groups to a preference for collective acculturation strategies. Questionnaires were administered to immigrants from four ethnic groups, two of which (blacks from the Caribbean, and Chinese) were considered to be relatively more “stigmatized” within the Canadian context than the other two (Greeks and Italians). In addition, a cross-generational methodology provided comparisons between first-generation immigrants (n = 116), and their adult children (n = 133). It was hypothesized and found that the more “stigmatized” immigrants perceived themselves to be at a greater social disadvantage and were more supportive of a collective integration orientation than less stigmatized immigrants. Parents were more likely to endorse a collective acculturation orientation and exhibited a stronger ethnic identification than their children. The results are interpreted using an intergroup approach to immigrant acculturation.  相似文献   

The present paper examines test anxiety from a cross-cultural perspective with specific reference to the Indian and American cultures. The construct of test anxiety has been examined in many cultures all over the world. In this review, the importance of understanding and incorporating contextual factors in cross-cultural research is emphasized. Moreover, some of the methodological issues related to investigating culture-behavior relationship are discussed. Specifically, the derived-etic approach for conducting cross-cultural research is espoused. Then, research findings from western, cross-cultural, and Indian studies on test anxiety are reviewed. Consistent with the individualistic orientation of the western society, much of the research in the western world has adopted a de-contextualized approach. Inasmuch as many of the cross-cultural and Indian studies on test anxiety have their roots in western research, they have ignored the cultural context as well. To address this void, contextual variables relevant to test anxiety in the Indian setting are examined and hypotheses regarding the nature of test anxiety in Indian children are proposed. Finally, a research agenda is presented to examine these hypotheses using a derived-etic approach.  相似文献   

If contact avoidance is used to avoid harmful people, then this can play an important role when people choose a spouse, by eliminating undesirable people from the list of candidates. The purpose of this study was to reveal the sex difference in contact avoidance toward people with stigmatic attributes, who are therefore disadvantaged as spouse candidates. A total of 228 university students (101 men, 127 women) participated in the survey. Seven types of men and women with stigmatic characteristics were presented and the respondents asked how much they wanted to avoid contact with each type of person in eight physical contact situations. Female respondents wanted to avoid contact with stigmatized men more than with stigmatized women. On the other hand, male respondents showed comparable responses to both stigmatized men and women. The results were considered from the perspective of mate selection based on evolutionary psychology.  相似文献   

Deferred imitation is used to assess declarative memory in infants. Although a lot of studies show that infants from 6 months onwards are able to re-enact actions following a delay, only a few studies describe early declarative memory longitudinally. From a variable-centred approach, these studies found a modest relationship between measurement occasions that increases with age. However, no studies have analysed the differential aspect of memory development from a person-centred perspective. The present study analyses memory stabilities both from a variable-centred and person-centred approach within a sample of N = 87 infants of a 2-wave longitudinal design (12- and 18-month-olds). From a variable-centred perspective, the results indicate that, first, there was a significant increase in infants' memory performance and, second, that although reliable, the stability of infants' memory performance was relatively low. From a person-centred perspective two vs. three groups of infants were differentiated showing different developmental growth trajectories and stability correlations but no differences in language, cognitive and motor development. The implications of those results in terms of further test development are discussed. Furthermore, important methodological expansions for the analysis of infants' memory data are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Two studies investigated the extent to which empathizing with a single member of a stigmatized group can yield positive attitudes toward other stigmatized groups. Participants read a scenario in which a member of a socially stigmatized group described the experiences of group membership. Participants then reported their attitudes toward the target group and a second group. Both studies revealed a generalization effect such that experiencing empathy for the target was associated with more positive attitudes, both toward the target group and the second group. Study 2 demonstrated that this generalization effect is confined to those groups located within the same superordinate category. Implications of these findings for attempts to structure people's orientation to stigmatized groups are discussed.  相似文献   

People (selectors) sometimes make choices both for themselves and for others (recipients). We propose that selectors worry about offending recipients with their choices when recipients are stigmatized group members and options in a choice set differ along a stigma-relevant dimension. Accordingly, selectors are more likely to make the same choices for themselves and stigmatized group member recipients than non-stigmatized group member recipients. We conducted eight studies to study this hypothesis in different choice contexts (food, music, games, books) and with recipients from different stigmatized groups (the obese, Black-Americans, the elderly, students at lower-status schools). We use three different approaches to show that this effect is driven by people’s desire to avoid offending stigmatized group members with their choices. Thus, although prior research shows that people often want to avoid being associated with dissociative groups, such as stigmatized groups, we demonstrate that people make the same choices for self and stigmatized other to minimize offense.  相似文献   

Two experiments tested the prediction that stigmatized individuals can avoid backlash when they confront others about bias if they first ask questions designed to activate self-affirmation processes. Experiment 1 showed that compared to a no-strategy control condition, highly prejudiced perceivers tended to express less desire to meet an Arab-American when he asked them to take his perspective on prejudice, but they expressed more desire to meet him when he asked self-affirming questions prior to making the perspective-taking request. Experiment 2 replicated this effect with a different affirmation and revealed that asking self-affirming questions reduced perceptions that the target was being confrontational when asking others to take his perspective. Together, these studies show that stigmatized targets can effectively challenge prejudiced individuals to reduce their biases if they first use a subtle strategy that reduces defensiveness.  相似文献   

Multicultural education emerged from the political struggles of the 1960s and 1970s and advocated the inclusion of women and ethnic and racial groups in school curricula and children's media. Recently multiculturalism has evolved to include a critical perspective by focusing on stigmatized social identities such as race, class, sexuality, ethnicity, and disability. Little Bill, a children's animated television series, is an example of applied critical multiculturalism. In this chapter, we present a case study of one episode, "A Ramp for Monty," to illustrate the merits of this approach, which may increase the number of social identities children relate to and increase the degree of understanding they may bring to the differences inherent in social identities.  相似文献   

Most research on swingers focus on the participants of this lifestyle. While research has examined swingers from a relational perspective, few, if any, have specifically examined the sources that facilitated swingers’ networks. In this paper, we are interested in how websites promote themselves and manage such a stigmatized activity. Specifically, we examine what aspects of swinging these websites focus on in order to attract members. Our findings indicate that these websites employ strategies that do not confront the stigma directly. In fact, this approach in and of itself is another strategy to swing around stigma. In addition, these websites are gendered and clearly target heterosexual men.  相似文献   

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