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Parental cigarette smoking and cognitive performance of children   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A prior study identified a relationship between parental cigarette smoking and cognitive performance by adolescent children who did not smoke. That study was stimulated by the reasoning that environmental smoke might influence performance through oxygen deprivation. The present study, using longitudinal data from the Child Health and Development Studies (1987), extended the earlier research by controlling for mother's prenatal smoking and other potentially confounding variables and by examining four different measures of cognitive performance. The findings indicate that the relationship between parental smoking and at least one of the cognitive measures persists with controls and that there is a dose-response relationship between parental smoking and cognitive performance. Findings are discussed in the context of mechanisms that might explain the association between parental smoking and child cognition.  相似文献   

Two studies of self-modeling are described. Study 1 investigated whether self-modeling would inhibit cigarette smoking behavior. Fourteen cigarette smokers (four males and 10 females) served as subjects for a repeated-measures design. In the self-modeling condition, the subjects watched themselves on a television monitor while smoking; in the control condition, they watched a short cartoon film on the same monitor, also while smoking. The following were measured: (1) the amount of tobacco consumed, (2) the amount of time lit cigarettes were in contact with the subjects’ lips, and (3) the subjects’ physiological responses (GSRs). Study 2 investigated the role of cognitive factors in self-modeling. It followed much the same self-modeling procedures as Study 1. However, unlike Study 1, it incorporated a manipulated cognitive variable: attitudes toward cigarette smoking. Self-modeling reduced the amount of smoking relative to the control condition in Study 1. In Study 2 it was found that cognitive factors influenced the amount of smoking. Smoking increased in subjects supplied with information favorable to smoking, whereas it decreased in those supplied with information unfavorable to smoking. These findings and additional research on the efficacy of self-modeling relative to other procedures suggest the importance of cognitive factors in self-modeling.  相似文献   

Measurements were made of the pressure exerted by human lips on the filter of a cigarette during normal smoking conditions using a small, fluid-filled bulb attached to a low-compliance pressure transducer. In two series of measurements, the mean lip pressure and standard error were 34.2 (±2.6) and 35.8 (±3.1) torr respectively. These pressures compared favorably with those applied by the Cambridge holder (used in the standard FTC testing procedure), but were much lower than the pressures exerted by the Filtrona and Borgwaldt holders, both of which are constructed from a rigid cylindrical housing with a segment of latex tube mounted inside. Pressures measured by these two holders were in close agreement with the pressures predicted by a nonlinear theoretical model for the distention of latex rubber tubes.  相似文献   

Family cigarette smoking and test performance by adolescents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This research considers test performance by adolescents as a correlate of cigarette smoking by their families. Scores obtained by adolescents on the California Achievement Test decreased as the amount of cigarette smoking by other members of their families increased. The relationship was not accounted for by active cigarette smoking of the adolescent or by 20 other social and psychological variables.  相似文献   

A questionnaire concerning interactions between the need to smoke and the external situation was used to select 8 "low-arousal smokers" and 8 "high-arousal amokers." The former were smokers who generally experienced their strongest need to smoke in low-arousal situations, characterized by e.g., monotony or boredom, while the latter experienced their strongest need to smoke in high-arousal situations, characterized by, e.g., anxiety or excitement. Members of each group were examined under smoking and nonsmoking conditions in a low-arousal situation, i.e., performing a vigilance-type sensorimotor task, and in a high-arousal situation, i.e., performing a complex sensorimotor task. It was shown that the two groups reacted differently to smoking in the two situations. In low-arousal smokers performance and general well-being were favourably affected by smoking in the low-arousal situation only. Conversely, performance and well-bing of the high-arousal smokers were enhanced by smoking in the high-arousal situation only.  相似文献   

In an earlier study, we found that men who smoked a cigarette and then engaged in a mildly stressful activity (video game) evidenced pronounced increases in heart rate and blood pressure, which were approximately equal to the sum of the effects produced by either smoking alone or stress alone. In the present study, a 2 (smoke vs. sham smoke) X 2 (stress vs. no stress) factorial design was used to evaluate the impact of stress and smoking on the cardiovascular responses of young women. The results revealed that the combination of stress and cigarette smoking produced blood pressure and heart rate responses that were larger than the additive effects of smoking and stress taken separately.  相似文献   

The number-Stroop paradigm was used to investigate changes in the inhibitory system and in numerical processing in healthy elderly and individuals with dementia of Alzheimer's type (DAT). The size-congruity effect (i.e., relative to neutral trials, incongruent pairs interfere and/or congruent pairs facilitate either numerical or physical comparison) was found in all groups, though the pattern of interference and facilitation varied across them. Overall, the selective attention breakdown was reflected by the increase in interference shown by the older group and the DAT group. On the other hand, the observation of a standard laterality effect andof automatic numerical processing in all groups suggests that access and retrieval of numerical information is relatively resistant to cognitive deterioration.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to reduce the cigarette smoking of three subjects by means of a special cigarette case that delivered aversive shock when opened. The number of cigarettes smoked was recorded by a counter in the cigarette case. The validity of the counter readings as a measure of smoking was obtained by a specially designed participant-observer technique. It was found that the rate of smoking decreased as a function of the intensity of the shock. Also, the smoking returned to its previously unpunished level after the shock punisher was discontinued. Both of these findings confirm the results of laboratory studies of punishment of simpler responses and extends them to more complex responses in a naturalistic situation. Surprisingly, the duration for which the apparatus was worn also decreased as a function of the intensity of the shock. This finding reveals that this aversive shock technique produced avoidance behavior that prevents the technique from having extensive applicability for eliminating smoking. The same limitation may apply to the use of aversive shock for eliminating other undesirable behaviors.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effects of modality presentation on the verbal learning performance of 26 older adults and 26 younger cohorts. A multitrial free-recall paradigm was implemented incorporating three modalities: Auditory, Visual, and simultaneous Auditory plus Visual. Older subjects learned fewer words than younger subjects but their rate of learning was similar to that of the younger group. The visual presentation of objects (with or without the simultaneous auditory presentation of names) resulted in better learning, recall, and retrieval of information than the auditory presentation alone.  相似文献   

10 habitual smokers, aged 19-25 yr., were randomly assigned to smoke either a very low nicotine "Placebo" cigarette (.05-mg nicotine delivery as estimated by the FTC method) or a Nicotine cigarette (.7-mg estimated nicotine delivery). Each participant was asked to abstain from smoking for 4 to 7 hr. prior to testing. After completing a presmoking test of lexical decision-making, participants smoked either a Nicotine or Placebo cigarette and were then retested for reaction times and accuracy on the lexical decision test. When presented the most difficult lexical decisions, participants responded significantly faster after smoking a Nicotine cigarette than they did before smoking; smoking a Placebo cigarette did not affect reaction times. Response accuracy was unaffected by smoking either kind of cigarette. These results suggest that smoking a nicotine cigarette may improve attention or memory retrieval after several hours of smoking abstinence.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the importance of impaired physical health and age in normal cognitive aging. In our cross-sectional, clinical and explorative study, medical and neuropsychological data from 118 voluntary healthy controls aged 26-91 years were collected from five recruitment occasions. Health was assessed according to a criterion reflecting clinical and subclinical severity. The examinations included a clinical investigation, brain neuroimaging, and a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment. Regression analyses showed a significant incidence of clinical and subclinical medical disorders that explained 10.8% of the variation in cognitive performance, while age-related impairment explained 5.6%. Findings of the central nervous system were important but various other medical findings explained about half of the health-related variation. Cognitively demanding tasks were more susceptible to impaired physical health while tasks comprising salient motor- and visual spatial elements were more prone to be impaired by age. Our findings suggest (1) that impaired physical health is more important than chronological age in accounting for cognitive impairment across the adult lifespan, (2) that age and health dissociate with regard to cognitive functions affected, and (3) that selection for so-called "super healthy" elderly people might be justified in cognitive research. Because the prevalent diseases in normal aging are potentially preventable, the present findings promise good prospect for prevention of future cognitive disability among elderly people.  相似文献   

Patterns of cigarette smoking, treated as series of discrete events in time, were investigated with a variety of quantitative techniques designed to characterize individual subject smoking series and to illuminate the relationship between cigarette smoking and environmental events. Data were collected from a total of 35 subjects who were either participants in residential laboratory studies or in a smoking cessation program. Cigarette smoking events were found to be fairly irregularly distributed with respect to time within individual subject series. However, strong dependencies were found between the occurrence in time of individual acts of cigarette smoking and coffee drinking. In addition, the distribution and frequency of smoking events throughout one-hour activity sequences were found to be dependent upon the nature of the activity, and the temporal scheduling of activities was found to affect several quantitative indices of smoking patterns.  相似文献   

The current research assessed the prevalence of cigarette smoking in Shiraz, Iran by randomly selecting 1,335 subjects (782 men and 553 women) from the city for a face-to-face interview and completion of a questionnaire. Of the participants, 205 (26%) of the men and 20 (3.6%) of the women reported being current smokers. The mean ages of smokers and nonsmokers were 41.8 and 37.0 yr., respectively (range between 16 and 90 years for smokers and nonsmokers). The mean age of starting to smoke cigarettes was 21.3 yr. (range of 10 to 60). The most common reasons for current cigarette smoking were Need to avoid withdrawal symptoms, Release of tension, and Pleasurable purposes. Foreign filter-tipped cigarettes were the most common type consumed. The mean number of cigarettes per day was 13.4 (SD = 10.3). Reports for onset of cigarette smoking included Modeling, Release of tension, and Pleasurable purposes. Cigarette smoking was reported by more males than females. The most common reason for onset of cigarette smoking was different from that for current smoking. Frequencies of smokers within age groups were varied.  相似文献   

An ecological view of cigarette smoking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Aging has previously been shown to produce a generalized proportional slowing of all cognitive operations. In contrast, the present results suggested that Alzheimer's disease produces a disproportionate reduction in the speed with which patients carry out one or more mental operations. The tasks that demented patients found particularly difficult involved either a self-directed search of their lexicon or the use of familiarity information.  相似文献   

Young and old subjects were investigated to examine whether: the effects of priming are influenced by aging; there is independence between primed word-fragment completion and recognition performances; and the dependence between different tests is influenced by aging. A successive test paradigm was employed involving repeated assessment of to-be-remembered words by means of recognition and primed word-fragment completion. The results show that implicit memory declines with increasing age, and that correlations between different memory tests decrease with age. The outcome suggests that age-related memory decline involves several forms of memory, including primed word-fragment completion, and is reflected in correlations between measures of implicit and explicit memory.  相似文献   

There is currently little consensus regarding what must be explained by theories of cognitive aging. In the present article, four empirical generalizations that seem to imply certain constraints in theorizing are identified. These generalizations, and their possible implications or constraints, are that (1) age-related differences are found in a wide range of cognitive variables, implying that either a large number of specific factors or a small number of general factors must be contributing to the age-related differences; (2) the age-related influences on different cognitive variables are not independent, and unique age-related influences appear to be few in number and small in magnitude, implying that some fairly general factors need to be postulated to account for the shared age-related influences; (3) only a small proportion of distinct age-related variance occurs late in practice and at long presentation durations, implying that adequate explanations must include factors operating when the individuals are just beginning to perform the task and when the stimuli can first be registered; and (4) measures of how quickly very simple cognitive tasks can be performed share considerable age-related variance with many cognitive variables, implying that factors related to simple processing efficiency need to be incorporated into the explanations.  相似文献   

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