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Retention of a classically conditioned reflex response in spinal cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Retention of classically conditioned flexion reflex facilitation was examined in unanesthetized, decerebrate, acute spinal cats. Flexion reflex facilitation, recorded from the tibialis anterior muscle, was obtained by pairing saphenous nerve stimulation (the conditioned stimulus) with superficial peroneal nerve stimulation (the unconditioned stimulus). The flexion reflex declined in control animals receiving the same number of nerve stimuli over the same time span, but in an explicitly unpaired sequence. To investigate retention, conditioned stimuli were presented at 5-min intervals following acquisition for a 2 1/2-h period. During this time a significant difference between conditioning and control groups was maintained even to the last trial, with no indication that the difference was subsiding over time. The results support the possibility that a classical conditioning paradigm applied to the spinal cord can induce alterations in spinal reflexes of long duration. Furthermore, the results appear to rule out post-tetanic potentiation as a mechanism producing the observed long-term effects.  相似文献   

In a series of 4 experiments, the effects of extinction on flavor preferences conditioned by mixing flavor cues with a nutrient were examined. In each experiment it was observed that rats preferred a flavor cue that had not undergone extinction to one that had. In addition, this preference was reversed in subjects trained thirsty (Experiments 1 and 2) if the associated nutrient had been devalued prior to the test or the preference for the nonextinguished cue was attenuated by nutrient devaluation in subjects trained hungry (Experiments 3 and 4). The results suggest that extinction may weaken associations between the flavor and the specific sensory properties of the nutrient and, for subjects trained hungry, between the flavor and the motivational components of the nutrient as well.  相似文献   

Smith-Lemli-Opitz (SLO) syndrome is a congenital disorder characterized by severe mental retardation. Patients with SLO lack 7-dehydrocholesterol (7 dH) reductase, which catalyzes the last step of cholesterol synthesis. Administration of an agent that blocks 7 dH cholesterol reductase, BM 15.766 (BM), leads to a biochemical profile which resembles that of SLO patients, i.e., lower plasma, liver, and brain cholesterol levels accompanied by the appearance of the precursors 7 dH and 8 dH cholesterol. In this article we address the functional consequences of chronic BM treatment on new motor learning by assessing acquisition of the classically conditioned eyeblink response. Just-weaned rats were fed BM by gavage for four months, with half of these rats given exogenous cholesterol during the last two months of BM treatment. Acquisition of the eyeblink response was impaired in BM-treated rats. Impaired acquisition of the eyeblink response was not accompanied by alterations in responsiveness to either the conditioned or unconditioned stimulus. Exogenous cholesterol, a clinically relevant countertreatment, failed to correct for the learning impairment produced by BM treatment. Chronic treatment with a cholesterol synthesis-blocking agent impaired associative learning in just-weaned rats.  相似文献   

Four groups of rats were trained on different sucrose solutions in a straight runway. Terminal running speed was a monotonic function of reinforcement magnitude. After training each group was subdivided, one subgroup being extinguished under spaced, the other under massed conditions. In spaced extinction the animals trained on non extreme reward magnitudes showed most resistance to extinction. It was concluded that resistance to extinction is an inverted U-shaped function of reinforcement magnitude found in training. The massed extinction trials were conducted with a very short inter-trial interval. The animals showed an immediate drop in running speed followed by a gradual recovery and a subsequent decline. The number of trials taken to reach the peak recovery speed was a function of reinforcement magnitude found in training. Results on both massed and spaced extinction trials were interpreted in terms of the facilitatory and inhibitory effects of momentary and conditioned frustration.  相似文献   

Several recent studies with rats (Sprague-Dawley strain) have documented that an odor previously paired with shock potentiates the acoustic startle response, a phenomenon referred to as conditioned odor potentiation of startle (OPS). A surprising finding in these studies was that OPS did not extinguish even though the odor was present throughout the 25-min test session. Therefore, the present study more fully examined extinction of OPS. The results of Experiment 1, which employed both within-subject and between-group comparisons, showed that extinction of OPS occurred in adult rats only after several days of testing. Experiment 2 used the between-group procedure and found similar results with 23-day-old rats, the youngest age that exhibits the OPS effect. Experiment 2 also showed that giving rats 15 odor-shock pairings at 16 days of age, an age where they acquire the odor-shock association but cannot express it via OPS, does not increase subsequent resistance to extinction following odor-shock pairings at 23 days of age. Taken together, the results of this study show that (1) although OPS is somewhat resistant to extinction, it does extinguish with repeated tests and (2) suggests that there are no age differences in the rate of extinction of OPS.  相似文献   

It is well established that the cerebellum and its associated circuitry are essential for classical conditioning of the eyeblink response and other discrete motor responses (e.g., limb flexion, head turn, etc.) learned with an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US). However, brain mechanisms underlying extinction of these responses are still relatively unclear. Behavioral studies have demonstrated extinction as an active learning process distinct from acquisition. Experimental data in eyeblink conditioning suggest that plastic changes specific to extinction may play an important role in this process. Both cerebellar and hippocampal systems may be involved in extinction of these memories. The nature of this phenomenon and identification of the neural substrates necessary for extinction of originally learned responses is the topic of this review.  相似文献   

In two experiments, pigeons were trained on a multiple-chain schedule, in which the initial link for one chain was a variable-interval (VI) 100 s schedule and for the other chain a VI 10 s schedule. The terminal links were both fixed-time 30 s schedules signaled by differently colored stimuli. Following training, the pigeons had their preference for the terminal-link stimuli tested either by presenting these stimuli in concurrent probes or by presenting these stimuli as reinforcement for completing novel initial links. In Experiment 1, pigeons significantly preferred the terminal-link stimulus that followed the long initial link in three of the five conditions. This preference was observed across all three testing procedures (concurrent chains, concurrent chains probes, and concurrent probes). Experiment 2 was a replication of this effect in one of the conditions from Experiment 1. The results demonstrate that temporal context does impact the value of a conditioned reinforcer in a manner consistent with delay-reduction theory, and inconsistent with other choice theories, such as the contextual choice model and scalar expectancy theory.  相似文献   

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