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Children have been shown to prefer faces rated as highly attractive by adults over faces rated as quite unattractive. We investigated to what extent this agreement holds not only for the general direction of preferences but for preference strengths as well. In a choice experiment, we presented 40 nine-year-old girls and their mothers and 40 twelve-year-old girls and their mothers with pairs of women's and girls' faces and asked the subjects to pick the face that appeared prettier to them. Preference frequencies and simple attractiveness scales derived from these preference frequencies by fitting the Bradley-Terry-Luce rule (Luce, D. R. (1959). Individual choice behavior: a theoretical analysis. New York: Wiley) were compared across subject groups. For the women's faces, we found no difference in preferences between nine-year-olds, twelve-year-olds, and adults, neither in direction nor in strength. For the girls' faces, we also found no major differences in preference direction, however, we did find reliable differences in preference strengths. To a considerable part these differences were due to the fact that the children showed less pronounced preferences between face stimuli than the adults. These results suggest a role of developmental factors in the perception of facial attractiveness.  相似文献   

A new theory, called the tilt constancy theory, claims that the Ponzo illusion is caused by the misperception of orientation induced by local visual cues. The theory relates the Ponzo illusion-along with the Z?llner, Poggendorff, Wündt-Hering, and cafe wall illusions-to the mechanisms that enable us to perceive stable orientations despite changes in retinal orientation or body orientation. In Experiment 1, the magnitude of the misperception of orientation was compared with the magnitude of the Ponzo illusion. In Experiment 2, predictions of the tilt constancy theory were compared with accounts based on (1) low spatial frequencies in the image, (2) memory comparisons (pool-and-store model), and (3) relative sizejudgments. In Experiment 3, predictions of the tilt constancy theory were tested against predictions of the assimilation theory of Pressey and his colleagues. In the final experiment, the orientation account was compared with theories based on linear perspective and inappropriate size constancy. The results support the tilt constancy theory.  相似文献   

In a recent study, Pelli (1999 Science 285 844-846) performed a set of perceptual experiments using portrait paintings by Chuck Close. Close's work is similar to the 'Lincoln' portraits of Harmon and Julesz (1973 Science 180 1194-1197) in that they are composite images consisting of coarsely sampled, individually painted, mostly homogeneous cells. Pelli showed that perceived shape was dependent on size, refuting findings that perception of this type is scale-invariant. In an attempt to broaden this finding we designed a series of experiments to investigate the interaction of 2-D scale and 3-D structure on our perception of 3-D shape. We present a series of experiments where field of view, 3-D object complexity, 2-D image resolution, viewing orientation, and subject matter of the stimulus are manipulated. On each trial, observers indicated if the depicted objects appeared to be 2-D or 3-D. Results for face stimuli are similar to Pelli's, while more geometrically complex stimuli show a further interaction of the 3-D information with distance and image information. Complex objects need more image information to be seen as 3-D when close; however, as they are moved further away from the observer, there is a bias for seeing them as 3-D objects rather than 2-D images. Finally, image orientation, relative to the observer, shows little effect, suggesting the participation of higher-level processes in the determination of the 'solidness' of the depicted object. Thus, we show that the critical image resolution depends systematically on the geometric complexity of the object depicted.  相似文献   

Hibbard PB  Bradshaw MF 《Perception》2006,35(10):1297-1305
There is now a well established dissociation between perception and action based primarily on neuropsychological evidence [Milner and Goodale, 1995 The Visual Brain in Action (Oxford: Oxford University Press)]. Although equivocal, an important source of evidence from normal observers is that 'perceptual illusions' may affect the systems differently. We investigated the relative effects of 2-D tilt and 3-D slant illusions in the two domains, using similar tasks to those employed originally by Milner and Goodale. Subjects were required to either post a card through, or set a paddle to match the orientation of, a plane that was presented in two conditions: surrounded by a striped surface tilted between +90 degrees and -90 degrees (2-D tilt contrast), or surrounded by a disparity defined surface slanted in depth between +60 degrees and -60 degrees (3-D depth contrast). For 2-D tilt, action and perception were equally affected by the illusion, whereas in the 3-D condition they were not. Here, the illusion appeared greater in the posting than in the perceptual task. We conclude that, although no qualitative differences exist, there were quantitative differences between perception and action tasks in the binocular condition.  相似文献   

Kinetic occlusion, the progressive deletion or accretion of texture elements as one surface covers or uncovers another, has been shown to be an important source of information for determining depth order. In the present study, the importance of this information for 2-D contour perception was examined. In Experiment 1, subjects were asked to discriminate four different target shapes defined solely by kinetic occlusion. Discrimination increased with an increase in texture density and velocity, with density as the major factor. In Experiment 2, the targets were defined by static untextured regions as well as by kinetic occlusion. Overall, accuracy was similar to that found in Experiment 1, indicating that the presence of static information had little impact on accuracy. In Experiment 3, subjects were unable to discriminate among the four targets when presented with static versions of the displays used in Experiment 2. The results from these experiments indicate that kinetic occlusion can be used for discrimination of different 2-D shapes and that density has a more important role in determining accuracy than velocity.  相似文献   

In order to understand better the processes involved in the perception of shape through touch, someelement of control is required over the nature of the shape presented to the hand and the presentation timing. To that end, we have developed a cost-effective, computer-controlled apparatus for presenting haptic stimuli using active touch, known as a virtual haptic display (VHD). The operational principle behind this device is that it translates black and white visual images into topographic, 2-D taxel (tactile pixel) arrays, along the same principle using in Braille letters. These taxels are either elevated or depressed at any one time representing white and black pixel colors of the visual image, respectively. To feel the taxels, the participant places their fingers onto a carriage which can be moved over the surface of the device to reveal a virtual shape. We conducted two experiments and the results show that untrained participants are able to recognize different, simple and complex, shapes using this apparatus. The VHD apparatus is therefore ideal at presenting 2-Dshapes through touch alone. Moreover,this device and its supporting software can also be used for presenting computer-controlled stimuli in cross-modal experiments.  相似文献   

In order to assess the role of blur in a rod-and-frame task, an afocal blurring technique was developed that restricted the blur to the frame. Three levels of blur were investigated, along with a nonblurred, directly viewed frame. Results showed a significant drop in the rod-and-frame effect (RFE) with increasing blur (decreasing spatial frequency), but spatial frequencies even as low as .092 cpd failed to reduce the RFE to zero. Decreasing luminance was correlated with increased blur, but control studies showed that variation in luminance levels between .007 and .0015 cd m?2 had no effect on RFE. The finding of a spatial frequency dependency in the rod-and-frame task permits the development of a neuropsychological theory of individual and gender differences typically found in studies of static spatial orientation.  相似文献   

Lightness constancy in complex scenes requires that the visual system take account of information concerning variations of illumination falling on visible surfaces. Three experiments on the perception of lightness for three-dimensional (3-D) curved objects show that human observers are better able to perform this accounting for certain scenes than for others. The experiments investigate the effect of object curvature, illumination direction, and object shape on lightness perception. Lightness constancy was quite good when a rich local gray-level context was provided. Deviations occurred when both illumination and reflectance changed along the surface of the objects. Does the perception of a 3-D surface and illuminant layout help calibrate lightness judgments? Our results showed a small but consistent improvement between lightness matches on ellipsoid shapes, relative to flat rectangle shapes, under illumination conditions that produce similar image gradients. Illumination change over 3-D forms is therefore taken into account in lightness perception.  相似文献   

The relative effectiveness of the ground surface and other environmental surfaces (the ceiling and sidewalls) in determining perceived layout was investigated in five experiments and a real-world demonstration. In the first three experiments, two vertical or horizontal posts were positioned between two surfaces (ground and ceiling in all three experiments, left wall and right wall in Experiment 1), and optical contact was manipulated so that the two surfaces provided contradictory information about the relative distances of the posts. Observers judged which of the two posts appeared to be closer. In Experiment 4, to control the height on the posts at which the distance judgments were made, a blue dot was attached to both vertical posts at varying heights and observers judged which dot appeared closer. In Experiment 5, the posts were replaced by two gray ellipses to eliminate the effects of the regular shape and texture. Our findings were that (1) among all four surfaces tested, observers showed a preference to respond according to the optical contact information provided by the ground surface--a ground dominance effect, (2) this effect did not depend on the height of the posts in the image, (3) as the scene was tilted away from a ground/ceiling orientation, the ground dominance effect decreased, and (4) this effect was not due to the location of the judgment.  相似文献   

According to Rock [1990, in The Legacy of Solomon Asch (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates)], hierarchical organisation of perception describes cases in which the orientation of an object is affected by the immediately surrounding elements in the visual field. Various experiments were performed to study the hierarchical organisation of orientation perception. In most of them the rod-and-frame-illusion (RFI: change of the apparent vertical measured on a central rod surrounded by a tilted frame) was measured in the presence/absence of a second inner frame. The first three experiments showed that, when the inner frame is vertical, the direction and size of the illusion are consistent with expectancies based on the hierarchical organisation hypothesis. An analysis of published and unpublished data collected on a large number of subjects showed that orientational hierarchical effects are independent from the absolute size of the RFI. In experiments 4 to 7 we examined the perceptual conditions of the inner stimulus (enclosure, orientation, and presence of luminance borders) critical for obtaining a hierarchical organisation effect. Although an inner vertical square was effective in reducing the illusion (experiment 3), an inner circle enclosing the rod was ineffective (experiment 4). This indicates that definite orientation is necessary to modulate the illusion. However, orientational information provided by a vertical or horizontal rectangle presented near the rod, but not enclosing it, did not modulate the RFI (experiment 5). This suggests that the presence of a figure with oriented contours enclosing the rod is critical. In experiments 6 and 7 we studied whether the presence of luminance borders is important or whether the inner upright square might be effective also if made of subjective contours. When the subjective contour figure was salient and the observers perceived it clearly, its effectiveness in modulating the RFI was comparable to that observed with luminance borders.  相似文献   

The Stoffregen and Riccio (1988) hypothesis that perceived orientation is determined primarily by balance dynamics was tested. Perception of orientation was evaluated in the context of a task that required Ss to control the roll orientation of a device in which they were seated. The device's direction of balance was manipulated across trials and thus was independent of gravity. Eighteen Ss participated in the investigation. After each trial, Ss estimated their mean tilt with respect to upright. Correlations of perceived tilt with tilt from balance were consistently higher than the correlations with gravity tilt. The dominance of balance over gravity depended on the magnitude of tilt from balance.  相似文献   

Inconsistency in the spelling-to-sound mapping hurts visual word perception and reading aloud (i.e., the traditional consistency effect). In the present experiment, we found a consistency effect in auditory word perception: Words with phonological rimes that could be spelled in multiple ways produced longer auditory lexical decision latencies and more errors than did words with rimes that could be spelled only one way. This finding adds strong support to the claim that orthography affects the perception of spoken words. This effect was predicted by a model that assumes a coupling between orthography and phonology that is functional in both visual and auditory word perception.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that the perception of limb orientation depends on inertial eigenvectors against the alternative that it depends on the center of mass. In all experiments, each participant pointed at visible targets with his or her occluded right arm while center-of-mass and inertial eigenvectors were manipulated independently. In Experiments 1 and 2, the arm was constrained to rotate exclusively about the shoulder, whereas in Experiment 3, the arm was allowed to rotate freely about both the shoulder and the elbow. The mechanical manipulations were applied either in the horizontal (Experiments 1 and 3) or vertical (Experiment 2) plane. Across experiments, pointing direction was affected by the center of mass and not by the inertial eigenvectors, albeit that simultaneous manipulation of both resulted in a more pronounced pointing bias than the isolated center-of-mass manipulation. These findings challenge the inertial eigenvector hypothesis and suggest that the center of mass plays a generic role in the perception of limb orientation.  相似文献   

The perception of orientation in the left and right visual half-fields has been investigated. No evidence for interfield differences was obtained for the discrimination of single lines by line matching or in magnitude of the systematic orientation distortion in orientation contrast and rod-and-frame experiments. Furthermore, increasing the time interval between test and comparison lines in successive matching provides no evidence for a differential operation of short-term spatial memory in the two hemispheres. It is concluded that hemispheric asymmetries do not arise at the level of sensory processing of spatial signals.  相似文献   

Our study examined whether perception of novel emotions, as with perception of novel objects, elicits a cardiac orientation reaction. Using a habituation-dishabituation paradigm, data from 11 adult subjects showed that orientation to both novel emotions and novel objects elicited a heart-rate deceleration. Results suggest that the orientation reaction may be an integral part of perception of emotion. Perception of emotions, therefore, is a complex, multistep process that includes an early orientation reaction.  相似文献   

Observers viewed monocular animations of rotating dihedral angles and were required to indicate their perceived structures by adjusting the magnitude and orientation of a stereoscopic dihedral angle. The motion displays were created by directly manipulating various aspects of the image velocity field, including the mean translation, the horizontal and vertical velocity gradients, and the manner in which these gradients changed over time. The adjusted orientation of each planar facet was decomposed into components of slant and tilt. Although the tilt component was estimated with a high degree of accuracy, the judgments of slant exhibited large systematic errors. The magnitude of perceived slant was determined primarily by the magnitude of the velocity gradient scaled by its direction. The results also indicate that higher order temporal derivatives of the moving elements had little effect on observers' judgments.  相似文献   

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