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The role of qualitative research in psychological journals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kidd SA 《心理学方法》2002,7(1):126-138

Scott Spector 《Jewish History》2006,20(3-4):349-361
Between the Enlightenment and the Holocaust, a wide range of German-speaking Jewish subjects shared certain assumptions about a problematic associated with being Jewish and living in a non-Jewish German society (and the concomitant process of relative “assimilation”). The categories of identity and culture that undergirded this problematic became part of a shared lexicon of a German-Jewish “identity crisis”—a lexicon that was handed down to the historiography of German Jews that would develop after the community’s destruction. The author of this contribution challenges the validity of some of these categorical assumptions by setting them against the varied background of German-Jewish experience in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, offering a model of subjectivity (rather than identity) that might allow the historiography to break out of the cyclical repetition in which it currently finds itself. By examining specific exemplars, including Gershom Scholem, Edith Stein, Martin Buber, and others, the author models a reading strategy that would be appropriate for German-Jewish subjectivity.  相似文献   

This article uses field visits (including photographs) to examine the construction of religious memory in the commemoration of Kristallnacht (Crystal Night) in contemporary German society. Over the last two decades there has been a proliferation of Kristallnacht memorials to the synagogues that were destroyed during the pogroms of November 9, 1938. Based on research at 50 of these memorial sites, I explore the way in which violence against the synagogue (and Jewish sacred objects) has become the symbol of Jewish genocide in German Holocaust remembrance. The findings strongly suggest that the missing synagogue and its destroyed relics have replaced the murdered Jewish citizenry as the predominant subject of memory in public monuments and memorials throughout the country. However, this visual trope as a representation of the sacred is complicated by other attempts at humanizing (and thus implicitly Christianizing) the suffering and sacrifice of the Holocaust.  相似文献   

Developmental paths of psychological health were examined for 236 participants of the Berkeley Growth Study, the Berkeley Guidance Study, and the Oakland Growth Study. A clinician-reported aggregate index, the Psychological Health Index (PHI), based on California Q-Sort ratings, was created for subsets of participants at 14, 18, 30, 40, 50, and 62 years of age. Latent curve analysis was then used to explicate the life span development of psychological health. Psychological health development could be successfully modeled via 2 piecewise latent growth curves. Psychological health appears to be stable in adolescence and to steadily increase from 30 to 62 years of age. A moderately strong positive correlation between the 2 developmental curves indicates that those with greater psychological health in adolescence show more improvement in adult psychological health tend to also. Results illustrate the value of the PHI and the power of latent curve analysis to explicate longitudinal stability and change.  相似文献   

Recently, concern has arisen that meta-analyses overestimate the effects of psychological therapies and that those therapies may not work under clinically representative conditions. This meta-analysis of 90 studies found that therapies are effective over a range of clinical representativeness. The projected effects of an ideal study of clinically representative therapy are similar to effect sizes in past meta-analyses. Effects increase with larger dose and when outcome measures are specific to treatment. Some clinically representative studies used self-selected treatment clients who were more distressed than available controls, and these quasi-experiments underestimated therapy effects. This study illustrates the joint use of fixed and random effects models, use of pretest effect sizes to study selection bias in quasi-experiments, and use of regression analysis to project results to an ideal study in the spirit of response surface modeling.  相似文献   

Intra-individual variability (IIV) and psychological flexibility (PF) in affect both describe affective change over time (i.e., within-person variability). However, IIV and PF might differ from each other and predict different psychological and physical health outcomes. A large sample of adults (n = 793) completed two assessments of daily stress, daily affect, and health over a 10-year interval in The National Study of Daily Experiences (an 8-day daily diary portion of the Midlife Development in the United States study). IIV and PF in affect were modestly reliable within and between assessments. IIV, operationalized as total variability, predicted worse psychological and physical health concurrently and prospectively. PF, operationalized as changes in dimensionality, predicted better psychological and physical health concurrently and prospectively. Other operationalizations of PF were not consistently related to health. Within-person variability in affect could therefore be adaptive or maladaptive depending on how it was defined.  相似文献   

Many studies document the changes that have taken place in the new German states, the former German Democratic Republic (GDR), since the end of socialism. Most research looks at the changes that took place after the unification of East and West Germany, but little is known about the differences between the present, somewhat settled situation in the new German states and the stable situation in the GDR before the system change.
The goal of this study was to enlarge our knowledge on these differences. With a trend analysis, aspects of work in the GDR in 1980 ( n =337) were compared with the new German states in 1995 ( n =168). Results showed that there was more job control and complexity, more activity in work improvement and better work organisation in the new German states than in the GDR. There was no difference in stress variables and social support by colleagues between both groups. Relationships with supervisors and appreciation for suggestions for work improvement were better in the GDR than after the introduction of capitalism.  相似文献   


The author has argued that psychoanalytic psychotherapy was seen in Scotland as a way to purify Christianity of supernaturalism and moralism, and to propel the faith in a scientifically rational and socially progressive direction. In making this historiographic claim, certain disciplinary protocols are followed, such as the symmetry postulate and a deprecation of reductive psychohistorical explanation. Nonetheless, the contemporary historian of psychotherapy is a psychologized subject whose historical practice rests upon a complex, prereflective background of psychological presuppositions.  相似文献   

Over a period of five years, 31 architects, 28 artists, and 26 engineers, a total of 85 outstanding individuals in their respective fields, were studied intensively with a psychological test battery consisting of the Holtzman Inkblot Technique, Time Estimation measures, the Stroop Color-Word Test, the Embedded Figures Test, the Autokinetic Effect, Byrne's Repression-Sensitization Inventory, the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale, and the Welsh Figure Preference Test. Each subject in the study was chosen by a panel of faculty members as the most outstanding advanced students in nonrepresentational abstract art, architecture, and engineering drawing Highly significant differences were found between the three groups for a number of variables that had been predicted on the basis of previous research and theoretical considerations. These results served to validate the meaning of the perception variables while also giving additional insight into the differences between these three contrasting modes of visual experience as exemplified by the three occupational groups  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to evaluate for depressive symptoms and undiagnosed diabetes in children with familial history of early-onset type 2 diabetes. Studies have shown that diabetes doubles the risk for depression and that the duration of diabetes is related to the severity of the depression. Individuals with depression are also said to be at greater risk for developing diabetes. In many cases diabetes is detected whilst screening for depression. Fifty-three children aged between 6 and 17 years were screened for diabetes and assessed for depressive symptoms using the Children Depression Rating Scale, revised version (CDRS-R). Thirty-six (68.0 %) of the children with a family history of early-onset type 2 diabetes had CDRS-R scores consistent with likely or very likely major depressive disorders. Depressive symptoms score was predicted best by the number of generations of diabetes in the family, with an associated r = .65 and adjusted R(2) = .41. As the generations of diabetes increased, the more likely it was for a child to have diabetes (r = .38, p = .005). Four (7.5%) of the children were diagnosed with diabetes. The findings suggest that depressive symptoms are common in children with a family history of early onset type 2 diabetes and may co-exist with diabetes. The independent variable that reliably predicted the child depressive symptoms score was the number of generations of diabetes in the family.  相似文献   

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