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Comparative perceptions of salespersons and sales managers with respect to dimensions of the formers' job were examined. It was shown that the two groups have similar perceptions regarding several dimensions, but that these perceptions relate only somewhat to subordinates' job performance and not at all to supervisors' performance.  相似文献   

Using Judgments to Understand Decoy Effects in Choice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Students were presented choice triads from several different domains, with alternatives described along two dimensions. In Experiment 1, the decoy alternative in each set was dominated by only one of the two other alternatives in the set. In Experiment 2, the decoy alternative was dominated by both of the other alternatives in the set. Within different blocks of trials, participants rated (a) overall attractiveness of each alternative, (b) importance of the different dimensions, (c) attractiveness of each attribute value, and (d) the justifiability of each alternative. Significant effects of manipulating the decoy were found for justifiability ratings and value ratings, with these combining to predict effects on attractiveness ratings. Results argued against a weight-change model of decoy effects and supported value-shift and value-added models.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to test whether or not a biodata instrument could be used to predict turnover, organizational commitment, and job performance in healthcare organizations. A criterion‐related, predictive validation strategy was used using a sample of 672 employees from two different hospitals in the southeastern United States. Supervisory ra0tings of organizational commitment and job performance were highly correlated with responses to the organizational commitment scale and the total score on the biodata instrument, respectively. Actual turnover was correlated with responses to the retention scale, although the effect size was small. Additionally, the study examined the fairness of biodata in this context as it relates to differences in performance among minority and non‐minority candidates. The findings in this study suggest that using such an instrument may provide organizations with the potential to improve organizational commitment and job performance, while reducing turnover with minimal group differences.  相似文献   

In this conceptual article we introduce a model examining emotional intelligence (EI) and its effects on job performance in team sport. Moreover, we propose that both coaches and athletes actively engage in emotional labor (EL) as a means to performing in their respective job roles. A conceptual model linking EI to EL, positive affect, and subsequently job performance is introduced to serve as a conceptual foundation for better understanding the role of EI in sport. Concurrently, research propositions are introduced linking EI to job performance. Finally, implications for future research and practice, as well as potential limitations, are discussed.  相似文献   

Although the field of personnel selection has amounted around 100 years of research, there has been an overrepresentation of American and Western European samples in these studies. In particular, samples from Latin America have been almost entirely absent from industrial and organizational psychology journals. Thus, it is unknown whether well‐documented findings, such as the prediction of job performance based on general mental ability and conscientiousness, replicate in this region. This research intended to address this gap in the literature with three studies conducted in Chilean organizations, using different research designs, and different operationalizations of predictors and criteria. Results are generally consistent with previous studies, showing that conscientiousness and general mental ability significantly predict job performance in these Chilean samples.  相似文献   

A preliminary study was conducted to examine the possible utility of an abbreviated version of a group support program for job placement with clients of the Job Service. Such procedures may be helpful both in achieving job placement for clients and in assisting clients in meeting personal needs related to the stress of job seeking. Suggestions for further empirical validation of results are included.  相似文献   

The current study used a microworld simulation to investigate the direction of the relationship between group cohesiveness and performance. The study involved ten 4‐person teams who undertook 12 sessions of an air traffic control simulation. Performance and cohesiveness data were collected at each 1‐hr session. Using hierarchical linear modeling, group performance was found to predict group cohesiveness and not vice‐versa. These findings are discussed with respect to previous research and popular theories of group development.  相似文献   

The resurging interest in identifying personality predictors of job performance has led researchers to use the five-factor model of personality as an important conceptual tool. Two recent meta-analyses illustrated the potential predictive power of the model within an employment context. In this study, we evaluated the relations between a well-validated self-report measure of the five-factor model and supervisor ratings of performance. Fifty-two women and 159 men completed the NEO Personality Inventory (Costa & McCrae, 1985) and were independently rated on various performance dimensions by their supervisors. Scores on the Conscientiousness scales correlated with all the performance ratings over this diverse number of occupational groups. Low Neuroticism and high Extraversion scores also predicted high performance. Low straightforwardness (a facet of agreeableness) was associated with ability to accomplish work-related goals and to adapt to changing work conditions. The results support the utility of the five-factor model as a predictor of job performance.  相似文献   

Recent meta‐analyses investigating the relationship between personality and job performance have found that openness to experience is the least predictive of the Big Five factors. Unlike other research that has sought to explain the low criterion‐validity with relation to job performance, this study explores the actual construct of openness to experience, suggesting that it consists of two dimensions that relate differentially to job performance thus reducing correlations between overall measures of openness to experience and performance criteria. Exploratory factor analysis of the six sub‐dimensions, or facets, of the NEO PI‐R (a popular measure of the Big Five factors) produced two factors of openness to experience corresponding to different areas to which people are open. A confirmatory factor analysis on a second set of data provided some support for this result. A pattern of differential relationships between the two factors and other variables including personality, biodata and supervisor‐rated performance offered further support for the multidimensionality of openness to experience. The implications of these findings for future research in the selection context are discussed.  相似文献   

Job satisfaction and job performance represent two of the most important and popular constructs investigated in organisational psychology. Issues relating to the nature and significance of their relationship has fascinated organisational researchers since the beginning of this discipline. In the present study, we aimed to clarify the direction of plausible influences between these two constructs by using a dynamic latent difference score model (McArdle, 2009 ) and a large sample of employees who were followed for five years (N = 1,004). The findings provided support for a reciprocal model of relationships. Satisfied workers generally demonstrated higher job performance over time than did unsatisfied workers. Job performance, however, is a significant contributor of an individual's satisfaction with their work. The contribution of this study to the literature lies in its use of Latent Difference Score models to more accurately capture the longitudinal dynamics of the relationships between job performance and job satisfaction.  相似文献   

Des échantillons de chefs d'entreprise aux USA et en Iran ont été comparés quant aux pressions au travail (contrainte, orientation du rôle du responsable/tâche, travail/maison et le support à ne pas travailler), cinq agents tenseurs (la dissatisfaction au travail, la tension mentale, la tension physique, l'intention de quitter le travail et l'absentéisme) et le sentiment de contrôle (LOC) au travail. Comme attendu, les chefs d'entreprise iraniens étaient davantage externes et davantage sous pression sur les cinq types d'agents stressants. Les américains ont montré de plus fortes corrélations entre les agents stressants. Les relations entre pression et tension au travail étaient similaires dans chacun des échantillons et dans les deux échantillons le LOC interne était associéà un niveau de stress plus bas. Bien que la statut marital n'ait pas été associé au stress au travail et aux agents stressant chez les américains, de fortes relations existent chez les iraniens.
Samples of Iranian and US managers were compared on four sources of job pressure (constraints, managerial role/tasks, home/work, and nonwork support), five strains (job dissatisfaction, mental strain, physical strain, intention of quitting the job, and absence), and work locus of control. As expected Iranian managers were more external and were higher on pressure and on all five job strains. Americans showed higher intercorrelations among strains except for absence, whereas Iranians had higher correlations among sources of pressure. Relations between pressure and job strains were similar across both samples, and in both samples internal locus of control was associated with lower strain. Although marital status was not associated with job stressors and strains among Americans, it showed strong relations among Iranians.  相似文献   


The present study examined how multiple operationalizations of Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) scores (raw scores; temporal profiles, based on cluster analysis; and the Deviation from a Balanced Time Perspective, or ‘transformed’ methodology) were related to both alcohol-related problems and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Participants were a large (N?=?816) university sample in the United Kingdom. A total of four time perspective profiles were observed: Futures, Presents, Past Negative-Futures, and Fatalists. Having a Present profile was associated with the worst alcohol-related outcomes. With regard to psychopathology, individuals with a Future profile reported the least anxious and depressive symptoms, and individuals with a Fatalistic profile reported the highest levels of depression. The effect of transformed scores was less robust, though greater deviation from a balanced perspective was associated with somewhat higher symptoms of anxiety and depression. Further, models using raw ZTPI dimension scores explained a greater amount of variance than models using the transformed scores. This study suggests that operationalizing the ZTPI in different ways produces results, which differ both in magnitude and statistical significance. We recommend that future studies using the ZTPI employ these various operationalizations in order that consensus on the optimal approach can be reached.  相似文献   

A job requirements approach to biodata item specification, similar to the content-valid job analysis approach developed by Pannone (1984), is used to predict customer service. Applicants rate the extent to which their current and previous jobs involve tasks and behaviours that have been identified through an analysis of the target job. On a sample of 245 employees in an international hotel, the criterion-related validity of job requirements biodata compares favourably with traditional construct-oriented biodata measures of customer service, cognitive ability and personality (Conscientiousness, Agreeableness and Extroversion). The job requirements approach provides a simple, direct and content-valid method of biodata item specification. As the approach can also be tailored for particular jobs or organizations, validity is also potentially optimized.  相似文献   

In the development of Roman Catholic social thought from the teachings of the scholastics to the modern social encyclicals, changes in normative economics reflect the transformation of an economic terrain from its feudal roots to the modern industrial economy. The preeminence accorded by the modern market to the allocative over the distributive function of price broke the convenient convergence of commutative and distributive justice in scholastic just price theory. Furthermore, the loss of custom, law, and usage in defining the boundaries of economic behavior led to a depersonalization of economic relationships that had previously provided effective informal means of protecting individual well-being. Hence, recent economic ethics has had to look for nonprice, nonmarket mechanisms for distributive justice. This is reflected, for example, in the shift in attitude from the medieval antipathy toward unions to the contemporary defense of organized labor on moral grounds.  相似文献   



This study tested competing predictions about the impact of nepotistic hiring on perceptions of nepotism beneficiaries, focusing specifically on the performance attributions made about nepotism hires. Of particular interest is how the qualifications of the family member compared to other applicants impacts perceptions of the nepotism hire.


Two experimental studies, using scenarios that simulated the hiring process, were conducted. Participants reviewed materials describing the hiring process for a manager and then completed a questionnaire assessing their perceptions of the person hired.


Results showed that successful performance of nepotism beneficiaries was attributed more to political skills and relationships with upper management and less to ability and effort than was the case for non-beneficiaries and that they were perceived as less competent and as having fewer characteristics of successful managers. These negative perceptions occurred regardless of the family member’s qualifications.


This study contributes to our understanding of nepotistic hiring practices. More negative performance attributions and perceptions of competence for nepotism beneficiaries may hinder their effectiveness on the job. Knowledge gained from this study may help businesses who want to hire family members of current employees to manage this process more effectively.


This is one of the first studies to examine the consequences of nepotistic hiring for nepotism beneficiaries and the first study to examine how nepotistic hiring effects the performance attributions made about nepotism beneficiaries. It is also the only study to empirically examine how the qualifications of the nepotism beneficiary influence others’ reactions to them.

Spirituality and religion are important concerns for many people; consequently, counselors must possess the knowledge and skills required for assisting clients with these issues. This article offers a conceptual framework, based on E. H. Erikson's (1980) notion of identity formation, for understanding, assessing, and discussing spirituality and religion. Religion can play a significant role in the structure of identity and can be categorized into four statuses: Diffusion, Foreclosure, Moratorium, and Achievement. Religious identity status can provide direction and guidance for counselors who wish to integrate spirituality and religion into counseling.  相似文献   

This field study tested the GN-GO model of job growth opportunity, a modification of the job characteristics model, with dependent variables and a type of growth opportunity not hitherto investigated. As predicted by the model, employees with high growth need strength responded positively to a growth opportunity while those with low growth need strength did not. The data gave better support to the GN-GO model than to the job characteristics model.
Le champ de cette étude testa le modèle GN-GO des possibilités de promotion professionnelle, modèle modifié du job characteristics, avec des variables dépendantes et une dimension de la promotion professionnelle non encore explorée jusque là. Comme prévu par le modèle, les employés à fort désir de promotion répondent positivement à une opportunité de promotion tandis que ceux à faible désir de promotion ne le font pas. Les résultats donnent la primauté au modèle GN-GO par rapport au modèle job characteristics.  相似文献   

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