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现代美德伦理学对于道德心理问题有着特殊的兴趣和重视。它对现代规则伦理学的批评以及由此获得的吸引力,在很大程度上与它对行为者心理状况的深入理解相关。然而,现代美德伦理学提出的心理知识必须接受现代心理科学的考察与评判。在经验证据的基础上,追求经验性和实证性并最终对包括心理现象做出物理主义的还原和解释,是现代心理科学的抱负与诉求。但是,这种物理主义挑战错误地判断了心理现象与生理现象之间的关系,在两者之间建立一种并不充分的因果联系。作为某种心理状态的美德品质,既不能也无须被还原为或等同于物理的脑神经活动。关于心灵问题的物理主义还原论立场,无论是在科学上还是在哲学上,都是不充分的。  相似文献   

庞立生 《哲学研究》2012,(2):3-8,128
<正>精神生活是一种人类生活的基本维度,是人类生命获得意义和价值的重要的生活样式,也是人的存在本质、价值追求、文化教养乃至一个民族或社会文明发展程度的重要表征。伴随着席卷全球的现代化浪潮和时代精神的转变,精神生活问题已经成为我们这一时代的焦点问题之一。反思人类精神生  相似文献   

Daniel E. Palmer 《Ratio》1998,11(2):159-169
In The Rediscovery of the Mind , John Searle offers a novel theory of consciousness that attempts to overcome the traditional debates within the philosophy of mind between dualism and materialism. Searle maintains that one can be a thoroughgoing materialist without denying the existence of mental phenomena that are inherently subjective in nature. In this paper I argue that Searle's view does not so easily bypass the traditional philosophical debate between materialism and dualism, and, indeed, that Searle's attempt to have it both ways is inconsistent. More specifically, I examine Searle's discussion of the causal reducibility of consciousness and his claim that consciousness is just another property of certain biological systems and argue that in both cases Searle has failed to show that consciousness can be both irreducibly subjective and a normal physical feature of the brain.  相似文献   

唯物史观的重读及其对现代哲学的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于现代哲学的性质及其何去何从的问题,在学界已经争论良久且观点相当对立.哲学确无定论.但这并不意味着哲学的演进没有一以贯之的逻辑,也不表明现代哲学没有现代的规定性.马克思创立的唯物史观就是一个非常值得我们重新思考和研究的思想理论样本,重新探析唯物史观,对于理解和推进现代哲学,发展马克思主义哲学都有重要的启示意义.  相似文献   

The success of the Scientific Revolution led to the development of the worldview of scientific naturalism, or the belief that the world is governed by natural laws and forces that can be understood, and that all phenomena are part of nature and can be explained by natural causes, including human cognitive, moral and social phenomena. The application of scientific naturalism in the human realm led to the widespread adoption of Enlightenment humanism, a cosmopolitan worldview that places supreme value on science and reason, eschews the supernatural entirely and relies exclusively on nature and nature’s laws, including human nature.  相似文献   

This manifesto, discussed by 20 scholars, representing diverse lines of creativity research, marks a conceptual shift within the field. Socio-cultural approaches have made substantial contributions to the concept of creativity over recent decades and today can provide a set of propositions to guide our understanding of past research and to generate new directions of inquiry and practice. These propositions are urgently needed in response to the transition from the Information Society to the Post-Information Society. Through the propositions outlined here, we aim to build common ground and invite the community of creativity researchers and practitioners to reflect up, study, and cultivate creativity as a socio-cultural phenomenon.  相似文献   

再论唯物史观与启蒙   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唯物史观近年来复又成为学界探讨的重点。其中唯物史观同欧洲思想传统的关系,成为探讨的重要方向。笔者曾发表《唯物史观对启蒙的超越与转化》(见《哲学研究》2008年第6期),对问题作了一些初步探讨。近年来,我们一直在拓展相关研究。①本文结合课题的现当代视域,再作一些探  相似文献   

The major personality correlates of materialism are high neuroticism and low agreeableness. While neuroticism and materialism have been examined in the literature, there is little research with agreeableness and materialism. In this study, three large samples of University students were tested comparing four neuroticism–agreeableness profile combinations. High materialists had the profile of low agreeableness–high neuroticism. Medium materialists had the profiles of either high agreeableness–high neuroticism or low agreeableness–low neuroticism. Low materialists were high agreeableness–low neuroticism. This pattern may be found because low agreeableness is related to lower effortful control so therefore, an inability to regulate materialistic impulses. With neuroticism, materialistic tendencies may be the anxious attempt to compensate for past experiences of feelings of deprivation.  相似文献   

本文分析了毛泽东基于辩证唯物主义发展而来的历史观,并提出这一社会主义历史学有助于当前共和国政权反思其过去和未来的关系。我们知道,资本主义与共产主义的矛盾不仅存在于经济和政治领域,也在于它们所提供的完全不同的时间观念。就毛泽东主义而言,未来的不确定性能够鼓舞人们投入革命行动。本文将通过考察毛泽东的原文和各种毛主义学者的解释,探讨什么是毛主义的辩证法;也将研究毛泽东诗词,探讨他的浪漫主义历史观。  相似文献   

This article presents terror management theory (TMT) as a way to understand how the human awareness of death affects materialism, conspicuous consumption, and consumer decisions. The pursuit of wealth and culturally desired commodities are hypothesized to reinforce those beliefs that function to protect people from existential anxieties. Following a brief overview of TMT and research, evidence is reviewed that explicates how intimations of mortality increase materialism as a way to enhance self‐esteem and affects consumer decisions that support one's cultural worldview. Adverse consequences of materialistic and consumeristic worldviews are described and the challenges for future research to discover ways to alleviate them are considered.  相似文献   

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