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Target location probability was manipulated in a visual search task. When the target was twice as likely to appear on 1 side of the display as the other, manual button-press response times were faster (Experiment 1A) and first saccades were more frequently directed (Experiment 1B) to the more probable locations. When the target appeared with equal probability at each location in this search task, performance benefited from repetition of target location in the preceding trials (Experiment 2). When the trial sequence was constrained so that target location did not repeat within a series of 4 trials, there was no longer an advantage for more probable locations (Experiment 3). The authors conclude that the search benefits for more probable locations resulted from short-term target location repetitions.  相似文献   

Previous research on numerosity judgments addressed attended items, while the present research addresses underestimation for unattended items in visual search tasks. One potential cause of underestimation for unattended items is that estimates of quantity may depend on viewing a large portion of the display within foveal vision. Another theory follows from the occupancy model: estimating quantity of items in greater proximity to one another increases the likelihood of an underestimation error. Three experimental manipulations addressed aspects of underestimation for unattended items: the size of the distracters, the distance of the target from fixation, and whether items were clustered together. Results suggested that the underestimation effect for unattended items was best explained within a Gestalt grouping framework.  相似文献   

Combination of information from the parallel processing of different basic features (color, size, etc.) can be used to guide attention to targets defined by conjunctions of those features. Wolfe et al. (1990) argued that, although it was possible to guide attention to the conjunction of, for instance, color and orientation, it was not possible to guide attention to targets defined by conjunctions of two colors or two orientations. The present experiments demonstrate an exception to this rule. Although it is true that attention cannot be guided to a target that hasred and green parts, attention can be guided to an item that can be described as awhole red target with agreen part. In Experiments 1 and 2, we illustrate this point. In Experiments 3 and 4, we rule out some simple size-based accounts of this finding- In Experiments 5 and 6, we begin to explore the nature of these first steps toward dividing the visual scene into parts and wholes.  相似文献   

Effects of load (i.e., the number of stimuli in the display) have been observed in multiple-frame studies using a consistent mapping of stimuli to responses (e.g., Fisher, 1982, 1984). In a series of four experiments, it is shown that these effects are not the consequence of differences across the high- and low-load conditions in either decision noise or peripheral masking. Additionally, it is shown that of two modes of limited capacity (a limited-channel and divided-capacity model) considered as possible explanations of load effects in tasks where subjects are required to locate a target, only one--the limited-channel model--is consistent with the results from all three location tasks. Finally, it is argued that the limited-channel model predicts not only the behavior observed in the four consistent-mapping experiments reported in this article but also the behavior observed in several related consistent-mapping tasks (Kleiss & Lane, 1986; Shiffrin & Gardner, 1972).  相似文献   

We investigated the role of spatial probabilities in target location during participants' performance of a visual search task. Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrated that spatial probabilities could serve as a powerful attentional bias that produced faster detection of targets in high-probability locations than of those in low- or random-probability locations. The effect could not be explained by repetition priming alone. Moreover, responses to targets in low-probability locations were slowed only when a distractor was present in the high-probability location. In Experiments 3-5, we compared the effects of spatial probability with an explicit endogenous cue and a salient exogenous cue. Facilitation due to spatial probability was independent of any benefit afforded by the explicit endogenous cue but interacted with the salient exogenous cue, such that the exogenous cue validity effect was compressed for targets in the high-probability location. Together, these results suggest that the spatial probabilities governing target location constitute a potent bias of visual processing and, as such, can be considered an attentional cue that differs from both typical explicit endogenous and salient exogenous cues.  相似文献   

In visual search detection of a target on one display facilitates its subsequent recognition on the next (Rabbitt, Cumming and Vyas, 1977). Experiment I shows that facilitation also occurs when a different display intervenes between two displays containing targets. Two further experiments show that detection of target letters among background letters is also facilitated if the same background letters recur on successive displays. Facilitation is greatest if background letters reappear in identical left-to-right spatial locations, but is also evident when the same background letters recur in different locations on successive displays. The results suggest modifications to models for the ways in which selective attention is continuously modulated by successive events during serial search.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the unsettled question of whether the visual search process is selfterminating or exhaustive. In the experiments three letters were placed on an imaginary circle round the fixation point. Two different letters were used, one of which was defined as the ‘signal’. Ss had to respond ‘yes’ when one or more signals were in the display, ‘no’ otherwise. In both experiments the number of signals in the display was varied from 0 to 3.Decreasing latencies with increasing number of signals were observed in both experiments, indicating a selfterminating visual search. In experiment 1 a significant increase in latencies with increasing visual angle was found, in experiment 2 an increase in latency resulting from neighbouring contours. Both factors probably contribute to the slope of the function relating positive responses to display size and to the slope of the function relating negative responses to display size when stimuli are presented in linear arrays as in the experiment by Atkinson et al. (1969). As a result the slopes become more equal, falsely suggesting an exhaustive visual search process.  相似文献   

A curved target can be found efficiently among straight distractors in a visual search task. This could reflect the status of curvature as a basic feature for visual search. Alternatively, curvature could be detected as a locus of high variation in orientation. In a series of experiments it is shown that efficient search for curvature is possible even if local variation in orientation is eliminated as a cue. This suggests that curvature is part of the set of basic features for visual search and that this set is derived relatively late in the course of visual processing.  相似文献   

During visual search for words, the impact of the visual and semantic features of words varies as a function of the search task. This event-related potential (ERP) study focused on the way these features of words are used to detect similarities between the distractor words that are glanced at and the target word, as well as to then reject the distractor words. The participants had to search for a target word that was either given literally or defined by a semantic clue among words presented sequentially. The distractor words included words that resembled the target and words that were semantically related to the target. The P2a component was the first component to be modulated by the visual and/or semantic similarity of distractors to the target word, and these modulations varied according to the task. The same held true for the later N300 and N400 components, which confirms that, depending on the task, distinct processing pathways were sensitized through attentional modulation. Hence, the process that matches what is perceived with the target acts during the first 200?ms after word presentation, and both early detection and late rejection processes of words depend on the search task and on the representation of the target stored in memory.  相似文献   

Selection in multiple-item displays has been shown to benefit immensely from advance knowledge of target location (e.g., Henderson, 1991), leading to the suggestion that location is completely dominant in visual selective attention (e.g., Tsal & Lavie, 1993). Recently, direct selection by color has been reported in displays in which location does not vary (Vierck & Miller, 2005). The present experiment investigated the possibility of independent selection by color in a task with multiple-item displays and location precues in order to see whether color is also used for selection even when target location does vary and supposedly dominant location precues can be used. Precues provided independent information about the location and color of a target, and each type of precue could be either valid or invalid. The precues were followed by brief displays of six letters in six different colors, and participants had to discriminate the case of a prespecified target letter (e.g., R vs. r). Performance was much better when location cues were valid than when they were invalid, confirming the large advantage associated with valid advance location information. Performance was also better with valid advance color information, however, both when location cues were valid and when they were invalid. But these color benefits were dependent on the closeness of the colored letter to the cued location. Our results thus suggest that selection by color in a multiple-item display, where location and color information are independent from each other and equalized, is mediated by location information.  相似文献   

Low target prevalence is a stubborn source of errors in visual search tasks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In visual search tasks, observers look for targets in displays containing distractors. Likelihood that targets will be missed varies with target prevalence, the frequency with which targets are presented across trials. Miss error rates are much higher at low target prevalence (1%-2%) than at high prevalence (50%). Unfortunately, low prevalence is characteristic of important search tasks such as airport security and medical screening where miss errors are dangerous. A series of experiments show this prevalence effect is very robust. In signal detection terms, the prevalence effect can be explained as a criterion shift and not a change in sensitivity. Several efforts to induce observers to adopt a better criterion fail. However, a regime of brief retraining periods with high prevalence and full feedback allows observers to hold a good criterion during periods of low prevalence with no feedback.  相似文献   

Prior studies have shown that between-category visual search (e.g., looking for a “6” among letters) is easier that within-category search (e.g., looking for a “6” among other digits). Four experiments were performed to determine what particular benefits are conferred in between-category search. The first experiment demonstrates that this category-effect occurs even when the subject has to identify the target, this suggests that the between-category search can “tag” the categorially different item for further processing. Three further experiments provide evidence that this tag is based on the item’s spatial location within the array.  相似文献   

What we have recently seen and attended to strongly influences how we subsequently allocate visual attention. A clear example is how repeated presentation of an object’s features or location in visual search tasks facilitates subsequent detection or identification of that item, a phenomenon known as priming. Here, we review a large body of results from priming studies that suggest that a short-term implicit memory system guides our attention to recently viewed items. The nature of this memory system and the processing level at which visual priming occurs are still debated. Priming might be due to activity modulations of low-level areas coding simple stimulus characteristics or to higher level episodic memory representations of whole objects or visual scenes. Indeed, recent evidence indicates that only minor changes to the stimuli used in priming studies may alter the processing level at which priming occurs. We also review recent behavioral, neuropsychological, and neurophysiological evidence that indicates that the priming patterns are reflected in activity modulations at multiple sites along the visual pathways. We furthermore suggest that studies of priming in visual search may potentially shed important light on the nature of cortical visual representations. Our conclusion is that priming occurs at many different levels of the perceptual hierarchy, reflecting activity modulations ranging from lower to higher levels, depending on the stimulus, task, and context—in fact, the neural loci that are involved in the analysis of the stimuli for which priming effects are seen.  相似文献   

Do letter and digit recognition depend on the same or different cognitive mechanisms? Letters are detected more quickly among digits than among letters; likewise, digit search is facilitated when distractors are letters, as opposed to digits. This effect suggests that different mechanisms underlie recognition of these two categories. There are, however, systematic physical differences between letters and digits that might account for the effect. We used target and distractor stimuli that facilitated within-category search when inverted, and category identity was, thereby, attenuated. However, in conditions of upright search, in which category identity was more salient, between-category search was more efficient for the same stimuli. These findings suggest that letter and digit recognition are, at least to a degree, functionally independent.  相似文献   

Two experiments examine whether set for a categorial difference or set for a target category is necessary in order to obtain the category effect in visual search. Eliminating a set for categorial difference does not diminish the size of the effect. When subjects are prevented from developing a useful set for the target category, however, the category effect is eliminated.  相似文献   

Specific practice in a visual search task can result either in a selective elaboration of the feature lists of the task stimuli or in a selective emphasis of their status within the task (targets vs. nontargets). According to the first explanation, which is related to the differentiation principle of perceptual learning, specific practice enhances the operation of stimulus identification. According to the second explanation, which is related to the enrichment principle of perceptual learning, it enhances the operation of response selection. Evidence from two transfer experiments with a reversal paradigm argues in favor of the second view, at least for tasks with easily codable letter stimuli. The results are discussed in the framework of a recent model of information integration in visual search.  相似文献   

When a sequence of visual stimuli is presented in a fixed location, immediate serial recall of the sequence is characterized by only a small recency effect. According to Battacchi, Pelamatti, and Umiltà (1990), the distribution of visual stimuli over space, as well as time, greatly enhances the recency effect. After an initial failure to find a strong visual recency effect with distributed presentation (Experiment 1), in the remaining experiments an attempt was made to more closely approximate Battacchi et al.'s methodology by eliminating articulatory suppression (Experiments 2-7), using their stimuli (Experiments 3-7), blocking conditions (Experiments 4-7), requiring written rather than typed responses (Experiments 5-7), and using their list length (Experiments 6 and 7). Nevertheless, even when their method was followed as closely as possible (Experiment 7), distributed presentation did not produce a strong visual recency effect. The influence of distributed presentation on the visual recency effect would seem to be, at best, limited.  相似文献   

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