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We conducted this cross-sectional study among 392 Japanese and 294 Vietnamese mothers who attended routine child health visits in a Japanese city and at a tertiary hospital in Vietnam, in order to investigate the prevalence and associated sociodemographic, parenting, and psychological characteristics of low maternal confidence in child rearing among them. All data were collected from medical files in Japan, and from medical files and self-administered questionnaires in Vietnam. The proportion of mothers without secure feeling of confidence in the present study was 22% in Japan and 66% in Vietnam. Significant factors associated with a lack of confidence were first-time motherhood and unintended pregnancy in the Japanese dataset and younger age in the Vietnamese dataset. In both groups, a higher proportion of mothers who lacked confidence reported negative parenting outcomes than did confident mothers. Among the three psychological measurements (mood, self-efficacy and depression), higher self-efficacy was associated independently with a significantly reduced risk of not having confidence in child rearing. These results suggest the importance of developing parenting support programs to help Japanese and Vietnamese mothers, particularly those who are young, first-time mothers or who became pregnant unexpectedly, improve their self-efficacy.  相似文献   




陈国鹏  王晓丽 《心理科学》2005,28(4):812-815
采用横向研究方法探索短时记忆及策略的一生发展状况。测量120名6—70岁被试在三种材料上的记忆广度,并通过观察记录策略的运用。结果发现,记忆广度在16岁达到最高峰,以后下降。不同材料的记忆广度具有相同的发展趋势,近似于年龄对数的二次函数。策略成熟的时间与记忆广度的最高峰的年龄基本相同,在成年期一直保持在较高水平。45岁以后,策略应用的效率有所下降。论文还根据本研究的结果探讨了短时记忆一生发展的具体模式。  相似文献   

调查老年膀胱癌患者术后生活质量现状及其影响因素,为护理干预和健康管理提供依据。选择我院2013年6月至2014年1月收治的老年膀胱癌患者142例作为研究对象,于患者术后3个月采用膀胱癌特异性量表(FACT-BL),社会支持评定量表(SSRS)进行数据收集。结果老年膀胱癌患者术后FACT-BL平均得分为(94.33±8.31)分,SSRS平均得分为(33.70±4.42)分,不同手术方式躯体状况(PWB),社会/家庭状况(FWB),FACT-BL 得分差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),老年膀胱癌患者术后生活质量与社会支持呈正相关关系(P<0.05)。手术方式与老年膀胱癌患者术后生活质量密切相关,应结合患者的具体情况选择合适的手术方式,实时观察患者的社会支持水平。  相似文献   

Self-efficacy is an important indicator of a woman’s successful transition to her maternal role and an important predictor of a mother’s infant care behavior. This study aimed to evaluate the validity of the maternal self-efficacy scale in Iranian mothers. This cross-sectional study was conducted on 437 newly delivered mothers who were referred to health care centers in Bonab, Iran. A simple random sampling was performed. The research instrument included maternal self-efficacy. Translation validity was performed using the forward and backward translation method. Content validity was determined in qualitative (assessment of experts’ opinions) and quantitative areas using the content validity ratio (CVR) and Content Validity Index (CVI). Face validity was determined on 30 newly delivered mothers. To determine the construct validity, exploratory factor analysis was used. The reliability was determined in terms of reproducibility via Intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) by test–retest and internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha). CVI and CVR were 0.91 and 0.94 respectively. Further, the reliability was approved both in terms of reproducibility (ICC = 0.98) and internal consistency (α = 0.89). Construct validity was confirmed using exploratory factor analysis (KMO = 0.90, Bartlett’s test p < 0.001) for the scale. The findings supported the validity and reliability of the research instrument. Therefore, it is recommended that the instrument can be used in both clinical practice and research.  相似文献   

9-24月龄婴儿母亲敏感性的预防性干预实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王争艳  许玉玲  吴东红 《心理科学》2008,31(6):1381-1384
本研究根据依恋理论和相关的干预研究成果编制了母亲敏感性干预手册,并对9-24月龄要儿的母亲实施了预防性干预.有16对母婴对分别进行了家庭录像观察.其中10位母亲作为培训组参加为期两个月的干预,干预目标集中于提高母亲敏感性,并提高母亲与婴儿的互动行为水平.另外6位母亲为对照组.三个月后,干预完成并再次对培训组和对照组进行家庭观察.用AinSwonh母亲敏感性量表和母亲行为Q分类方法分别对两次家庭观察录像进行编码分析.结果表明:培训组在信号敏感、可得、阻碍和接纳四个方面都有改善;该干预模式有效提高了母亲的敏感性.同时,该干预对母婴互动行为水平也略有提高.在文章中讨论了存在的问题和今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

错误记忆影响因素的实验研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
本研究采用DRM范式,考察了关联性、学习程度和时间间隔对错误记忆的影响,结果表明:(1)低学习程度和中学习程度下的再认错误率显著高于高学习程度下的再认错误率,说明错误记忆随着学习程度的增加而降低;(2)低关联程度下的再认错误率显著低于中关联程度和高关联程度下的再认错误率,说明关联性高低是引发错误记忆的重要变量;(3)时间间隔对错误再认率没有影响,说明错误记忆不具有时间上的衰退效应,一旦产生后极其顽固,不容易消退,可能更多地受无意识加工的影响。实验结果揭示了错误记忆与真实记忆之间存在着较为复杂的关系。真实记忆可能是错误记忆的根源,而二者的关系在不同影响因素条件下则既有共变又有分离。  相似文献   

父母意识的影响因素分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
本研究运用父母意识调查表分析探讨父母意识可能的影响因素,主要得出如下结论:①父母的年龄对母性意识和父性意识有明显的影响,而父亲的文化水平、职业对其父性意识没有显著影响;②母亲的文化水平、职业对其母性意识有明显的影响,而父亲的文化水平、职业对其父性意识没有显著影响;③家庭中由不同的人来承担抚养孩子的职责,对父性意识和母性意识均有较大的影响,并且这种影响对父母有明显的不同;④孩子的年龄和性别对总体的母性意识没有显著影响,但影响母性意识的某些构成因子;孩子的年龄对总体的父性意识没有显著影响,但影响父性意识的某些构成因子;孩子的性别明显影响其父亲的父性意识;⑤居住地不同对父母意识没有明显影响。  相似文献   

We examined whether vicarious life stories about mothers and fathers differed in their relationships with personal life stories and well-being. Seventy-six emerging adults completed scales measuring well-being and described three chapters in their personal, mothers’, and fathers’ life stories. Chapters were self-rated and content coded for emotional tone and positive/negative person change. Characteristics of personal life stories were positively correlated with characteristics of vicarious life stories for mothers and fathers. Personal life stories were higher on positive person change than vicarious life stories about mothers and fathers. Higher well-being was related to rating all three life stories as more positive, but results for content coding were more mixed. The results indicate that vicarious life stories for mothers and fathers are related in similar ways to personal life stories and well-being.  相似文献   

对668名麻风治愈者的生存质量进行调查研究,发现麻风治愈者生存质量各领域评分均低于常模,生理、心理领域和总的生存质量及健康状况评分低于家属组.住院组和畸残组各领域评分分别低于社区组和无畸残组.家庭人均收入、文化程度、生活地点、病程和畸残等因素对麻风治愈者生存质量影响较大.  相似文献   

This study explored the impact of the disclosure of sexual abuse of the daughter by the father or father figure on the mother. Data were collected from seven mothers aged between 31 and 48 years whose daughters had a history of sexual abuse by the biological father, stepfather or live-in boyfriend. The children's ages ranged between 5 and 11 years with disclosure having taken place in the last two years before data collection. Data were collected using an interview schedule. The results obtained from the thematic content analysis indicate that the mothers were traumatized by the disclosure of the sexual abuse. The most prevalent symptoms were anger, anxiety, guilty, depression, insomnia, headache and fatigue. It is recommended that mothers be provided with psychological intervention in order to assist them deal with the trauma associated with the disclosure of the father-daughter incest.  相似文献   

研究以Eyelink2000车载眼动仪为工具,采用6×3×2×2的四因素混合设计,借助经典的移动窗口技术,探讨了72名被试阅读知觉广度的发展情况,以及材料难度和阅读能力对知觉广度的影响。结果表明:(1)年级、材料难度、阅读能力均各自独立地影响知觉广度。(2)小学三年级被试知觉广度的右侧范围为1~2个字,小学五年级被试接近成人大学生的知觉广度,右侧范围均为2~3个汉字。(3)难度对知觉广度有影响,被试阅读难材料的知觉广度为2~3个汉字,易材料为2~4个汉字。(4)高阅读能力被试的知觉广度大于低阅读能力被试,阅读容易材料时比低阅读能力被试有更大的向右眼跳幅度。  相似文献   

Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings - Identify predictors of maternal bonding and responsiveness for mothers of very preterm infants (&lt;?32 weeks gestational age) at 6...  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to estimate the health-related quality of life (HrQoL) of asylum seekers and refugees that arrived during the European migrant and refugee crisis in Germany between 2014 and 2017. The analysis was based on the 2016 and 2017 refugee samples of the German Socio-Economic Panel (n = 6821). HrQoL was measured using a modified version of the SF-12v2 questionnaire and presented as physical (PCS) and mental (MCS) component summary scores. PCS and MCS scores for the total sample, males and females were calculated by sociodemographic characteristics. Associations between PCS and MCS scores and sociodemographic variables were examined by a linear regression with bootstrapped standard errors. The mean PCS and MCS scores of the sample were 53.4 and 47.9, respectively. Female sex was statistically significantly associated with lower PCS and MCS scores. The SF-12 subscale general health was valued highest with a score of 55.4, whereas the subscale role emotional was valued lowest with a score of 46.9. Employment was statistically significantly associated with higher PCS and MCS scores. Persons from Afghanistan had statistically significantly lower MCS scores than persons from Syria, whereas MCS scores were statistically significantly higher for persons from Eritrea. Physical and mental HrQoL of asylum seekers and refugees that arrived during the European migrant and refugee crisis in Germany between 2014 and 2017 was higher and lower than the German norm, respectively. Female sex, older age, unemployment and being separated, divorced or widowed were negatively associated with HrQoL. The three largest ethnical groups of asylum seekers and refugees, Syrians, Afghans and Eritreans, differ inherently in their HrQoL.


采用自编学习力及学习力影响因素问卷,对3056名高中生进行调查,建构学习力与影响因素的数学模型,探究各影响因素对高中生学习力的影响路径。结果发现,(1)影响高中生学习力的因素有六个,分别是认知能力、动机水平、精神状态、人际协调、身心优势感和学习氛围。(2)对学习力解释的贡献率大小排列依次为:精神状态、动机水平、学习氛围、认知能力、身心优势感和人际协调。(3)学习方法运用力主要受动机水平、精神状态、学习氛围、认知能力等4因素的影响;学习态度调控力主要受到精神状态、动机水平、学习氛围及认知能力等4因素的影响;学习自控力主要受精神状态的影响;提问互惠力主要受认知能力、精神状态、动机水平及学习氛围的影响。  相似文献   

品牌忠诚:概念、测量和相关因素   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
早期研究者对品牌忠诚的定义多是操作性的,主要为行为论和态度论观点。将品牌忠诚看作复杂多维度概念,则成为当前研究者广泛接受的观点。品牌忠诚度是对消费者品牌忠诚的测量,依研究目的不同而有多种形式。消费者认知、态度和行为方面的一些变量,和品牌忠诚相互作用。  相似文献   

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