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Hsu LM 《心理学方法》2000,5(3):333-342
The proportion of studies that use one-tailed statistical significance tests (pi) in a population of studies targeted by a meta-analysis can affect the bias of the sample effect sizes (sample ESs, or ds) that are accessible to the meta-analyst. H. C. Kraemer, C. Gardner, J. O. Brooks, and J. A. Yesavage (1998) found that, assuming pi = 1.0, for small studies (small Ns) the overestimation bias was large for small population ESs (delta < or = 0.2) and reached a maximum for the smallest population ES (viz., delta = 0). The present article shows (with a minor modification of H. C. Kraemer et al.'s model) that when pi = 0, the small-N bias of accessible sample ESs is relatively small for delta < or = 0.2, and a minimum (in fact, nonexistent) for delta = 0. Implications are discussed for interpretations of meta-analyses of (a) therapy efficacy and therapy effectiveness studies, (b) comparative outcome studies, and (c) studies targeting small but important population ESs.  相似文献   

Research into the effects of sad mood on prosocial action is reviewed and is used as a vehicle for examining the transformation of altruism from a punishing to a gratifying event. A three-step model of the socialization of altruism as a reinforcer is proposed. The model argues for (a) an initial stage (presocialization) in which altruism occurs rarely among young children because of its punishing function, (b) a second stage (awareness of norms) in which altruism functions as a mechanism for the receipt of positive sanctions, and (c) a final stage (internalization) in which, by adulthood, altruism has acquired a gratifying function through its status as a conditioned reinforcer. Evidence for the functional equivalence of self-gratification and adult altruism is also presented.  相似文献   

By analysing some 500 counselling and psychotherapy cases of survivors of organized violence as a therapist and supervisor over ten years the author developed a heuristic framework for a process model of ethnocultural counselling considering: (1) African counsellor's indigenous concepts, (2) a WHO-UNHCR approach, (3) a heuristic approach to psychotherapy, (4) a constructive narrative perspective, (5) an ethnopsychotherapeutic approach, and (6) a counselling approach for lay counsellors. The counselling process model comprises the following components: (1) Establishing a counselling relationship and motivation for change; (2) defining the problem, explanatory models, goals, and finding interventional means; (3) social comparison, cognitive undoing, metaphors, shared experiences and relaxation techniques; (4) working through the trauma, testimony approach; (5) ritualistic, cognitive and supportive approaches; (6) principle of education and advice; (7) evaluating and revizing treatment and stabilizing behaviour. These seven counselling components are described and counselling case examples are provided from Sudanese refugees in a large camp in Uganda and Malawian torture survivors in Malawi.  相似文献   

Six male volunteer subjects underwent five weeks (15 sessions) of electrical stimulation (ES) of the triceps brachii muscle (medial head), participated in a pretest, and five weekly post-treatment performance tests of an elbow extension task. Response time (RSP) was electronically fractionated into the two components of reaction time (RT): premotor reaction time (PMT) and motor reaction time (MT): and movement time (MVT) for 45 degrees of elbow extension. Acceleration characteristics of the movement were quantified via a piezoelectric accelerometer mounted on a specially-built mechanism that allowed the desired motion in a transverse plane. Statistical analysis did not indicate significant treatment effects on the criterion measures, however, a significant linear trend for MT and significant linear and quadratic trends for MVT were indicated. Neuromuscular adaptation to the passage of electric current through nerve and muscle tissue was indicated by a significant quadratic trend and significant differences between all weekly accumulative (treatment) voltages. An unexpected significant negative correlation between PMT and MT was considered cause for further study. The particular technique of ES administration, although it produced consistant changes in RSP components (Ward and Grabiner 1981) was not as effective as methods described by other investigators for increased human performance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was (a) to determine if a declassification occurs when estimated learning potential (ELP) is used in reevaluation of special education students and (b) to assess the effects of the use of ELP by multidisciplinary teams. Subjects included 107 black and 13 white students (83 males and 37 females) referred for reevaluation from classes for the mentally retarded. Data analysis consisted of determining the percentage of students who would be classified as mentally retarded according to the main criterion of (a) Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) scores, or (b) ELP scores, or (c) multidisciplinary teams' placement. A chi-square test of independence indicated a significant difference between WISC-R and ELP scores; and between multidisciplinary teams' placement and ELP scores (p<.05). Students already in special education classes for the mentally retarded were not determined to be ineligible for services by multidisciplinary teams, even though 15% of the students would be ineligible for services according to ELP scores.  相似文献   

The current study examined the reinforcing effects of choosing among alternatives in a four-part evaluation. In the first study, initial-link responses in a concurrent-chains arrangement resulted in access to terminal links in which the completion of an academic task resulted in (a) the choice of a reinforcer (choice), (b) the delivery of an identical reinforcer (no choice), or (c) no material reinforcer (control). Three patterns of responding emerged: persistent preference for choice (3 participants); initial preference for choice, which did not persist (2 participants); and preference for no choice (1 participant). Additional evaluations determined if preference for choice could be enhanced (Study 2) or established (Study 3) by including more stimuli from which to choose. Choice-link selections systematically increased for all participants when more items were available from which to choose. Study 4 identified the precise value of the opportunity to choose by progressively increasing the response requirement during the choice terminal links for 3 children and determining the point at which these children stopped selecting the choice link. All children continued to select the choice link even when the work required in the choice link was much greater than that arranged in the no-choice link.  相似文献   

In the present study, an attempt has been made to investigate the complete 'pattern' of a suicide attempter (SA) within the set of Big Five traits. Two models were used: M1, which includes the five main dimensions of Big Five in the analysis; and M2, which includes facets of those dimensions which were identified as important in M1. The study consisted of a group of SA (men - 326, women - 299) and a group of healthy volunteers (HV) (men - 143, women - 190) with a similar age range. Discriminant analysis (DA) showed that the factors most significant in discriminating the personality pattern of a male SA are (in decreasing order): (E) Extraversion, (N) Neuroticism, (C) Conscientiousness and (O) Openness; and for a female SA these factors were (E) Extraversion, (C) Conscientiousness and (A) Agreeableness. In M2 for men, the largest contribution to pattern recognition is (N3) Depression. Moreover, in M2 for men significant characteristics were (in descending order): (E6) Positive Emotions, (O1) Fantasy, (E4) Activity, and also (N2) Angry Hostility, (C3) Dutifulness, (C4) Achievement Striving, (C2) Order and (O6) Values; and for women: (E4) Activity, (C6) Deliberation, (C2) Order, (A6) Tender-Mindedness, (E5) Excitement Seeking, (E6) Positive Emotions, (C4) Achievement Striving, (A2) Straightforwardness, (C5) Self-Discipline and (E1) Warmth. Analysis of the obtained data demonstrates that suicide attempts amongst males, can largely be associated with personality variables reflecting negative emotions; while female suicide attempts are primarily associated with variables regarding activity and self-regulation.  相似文献   

Subjects were asked to rate their fear of four categories of animals both before and after viewing one of three brief video films. Subjects watched either (a) a video depicting extreme violence, (b) a video depicting revulsive scenes from a hospital operation, or (c) a video showing neutral landscape scenes. The results suggested that exposure to violent material produced an increase in fear ratings for animals in the Hi Fear/Hi Predatory category (e.g., lion, tiger, shark) which was significantly different from a decrease in fear ratings recorded for all other categories of animals. However, exposure to revulsive material produced an increase in fear ratings to animals in both the Hi Fear/Lo Predatory category (e.g., rat, spider, snake) and the Hi Revulsion category (e.g., slug, maggot, snail) which was significantly different to the decrease in fear ratings recorded for animals in the remaining categories. The neutral landscape scenes produced a decrease in mean fear ratings for all categories of animals. These results are considered further support for a disease-avoidance model of common animal fears, and suggest a causal link between disgust sensitivity and fear of certain fear-relevant animals.  相似文献   

The effect of multiple childhood sexual assaults on the believability of a repressed memory of the assault was assessed using mock jurors. Participants read a fictional civil trial summary about a child sexual assault case presented in one of three reporting conditions: (a) immediate condition-the alleged victim testified immediately after the assault(s); (b) repressed condition-the alleged victim reported the assault(s) 20 years later, after remembering it/them for the first time; or (c) no-repressed condition-the alleged victim reported the assault(s) 20 years later, but the memory of the assault(s) had been present for those years. The number of assaults was either one or 30. The results showed that for all reporting conditions 30 alleged assaults led to relatively more decisions for the plaintiff than the defendant, and greater believability of the plaintiff. The increases in decisions rendered and believability were also generally true for the immediate condition compared to when there was a delay in reporting. The results are discussed in terms of mock jurors' perceptions of child sexual assault, both those reported immediately and those reported after many years.  相似文献   

Toilet training sometimes requires considerable time. An intensive learning procedure was devised for shortening this training time and tested with 34 children who were experiencing toilet training problems. The procedure had the following major characteristics: (1) a distraction-free environment, (2) an increased frequency of urination by increased fluid intake, (3) continuous practice and reinforcement of the necessary dressing skills, (4) continuous practice and reinforcement in approaching the toilet, (5) detailed and continuing instruction for each act required in toileting, (6) gradual elimination of the need for reminders to toilet, (7) immediate detection of accidents, (8) a period of required practice in toilet-approach after accidents as well as (9) negative reinforcement for the accident, (10) immediate detection of correct toileting, (11) immediacy of reinforcement for correct toiletings, (12) a multiple reinforcement system including imagined social benefits as well as actual praise, hugging and sweets, (13) continuing reinforcement for having dry pants, (14) learning by imitation, (15) gradual reduction of the need for immediate reinforcement and (16) post-training attention to cleanliness. All 34 children were trained and in an average of 4 hr; children over 26 months old required an average of 2 hr of training. After training, accidents decreased to a near-zero level and remained near zero during 4 months of follow-up. The results suggest that virtually all healthy children who have reached 20 months of age can be toilet trained and within a few hours.  相似文献   

A study of the time required for Ss to perceive the two meanings of ambiguous sentences, supports the following conclusions: (I) Perception time (PT) is a function of the type of ambiguity, three of which are defined in this study. (2) A similar relative function was obtained for thePT in sentences with more than one ambiguity and for sentences with only a single ambiguity. (3) ThePT for finding a single ambiguity in such multiply ambiguous sentences was significantly longer than in singly ambiguous sentences. (4) When one of the interpretations of certain types of ambiguous sentences is less likely than the other (where likeliness is defined in terms of the number of Ss perceiving that inter-pretation first)PT is high. (5) Complexity of the surface and underlying structures (which are defined in transformational grammar) is an important determinant of thePT for surface and underlying structure ambiguities, respectively.  相似文献   

Short-term recognition memory was tested by presenting six letters, one after the other, followed by a target letter and having S indicate whether or not the target matched one of the six letters. Recognition memory for a letter was better when it was embedded in a six-letter word, rather than a nonword, and when it was included in a sequence presented left-to-right, rather than right-to-left (Experiment 1). Reducing the presentation rate from 4/sec to 2.5/sec largely eliminated the left-to-right effect (Experiment 2). The effect of direction of presentation was greater for redundant (Experiment 1) than for nonredundant sequences (Experiment 3) and was greater for Ss who more frequently formed a word out of the sequence (Experiments 1 and 2), but was no greater for words than nonwords (Experiments 1 and 2) and no greater for letter than for line-figure sequences (Experiment 3). These findings suggest that the left-to-right effect depends as much, or more, on “peripheral” processes (e.g., eye movements) as on “central” processes (e.g., reading).  相似文献   

The psychometric properties of a Swedish translation of Shafer's (1999a) Big Five Marker (BFM) scale were assessed. The assessment was based on self-ratings on the BFM scale obtained from 694 subjects (82% women and 18% men) residing in Sweden. The following main results were obtained: (a) The factor structure was clear and simple. (b) The factor reliabilities were satisfactory. (c) The heterotrait-heteromethod coefficients indicated construct validity for the scale. (d) The BFM scale showed similar psychometric properties for the older, employed, Swedish sample of the present study to those obtained for the younger, psychology undergraduate, USA sample in Shafer's study (1999a). The conclusion is that the BFM scale has satisfactory and stable psychometric properties and that due to its brevity and documented psychometric evaluation will facilitate research within the Big-Five factor domain, not least in Sweden.  相似文献   

The cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) has many cellular functions in vertebrates and insects that affect complex behaviors such as locomotion and foraging. The foraging (for) gene encodes a PKG in Drosophila melanogaster. Here, we demonstrate a function for the for gene in sensory responsiveness and nonassociative learning. Larvae of the natural variant sitter (for(s)) show less locomotor activity during feeding and have a lower PKG activity than rover (for(R)) larvae. We used rover and sitter adult flies to test whether PKG activity affects (1) responsiveness to sucrose stimuli applied to the front tarsi, and (2) habituation of proboscis extension after repeated sucrose stimulation. To determine whether the differences observed resulted from variation in the for gene, we also tested for(s2), a sitter mutant produced on a rover genetic background. We found that rovers (for(R)) were more responsive to sucrose than sitters (for(s) and for(s2)) at 1-, 2-, and 3-wk old. This was true for both sexes. Differences in sucrose responsiveness between rovers and sitters were greater after 2 h of food deprivation than after 24 h. Of flies with similar sucrose responsiveness, for(R) rovers showed less habituation and generalization of habituation than for(s) and for(s2) sitters. These results show that the PKG encoded by for independently affects sensory responsiveness and habituation in Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of 41 studies examined the effect of choice on intrinsic motivation and related outcomes in a variety of settings with both child and adult samples. Results indicated that providing choice enhanced intrinsic motivation, effort, task performance, and perceived competence, among other outcomes. Moderator tests revealed the effect of choice on intrinsic motivation was stronger (a) for instructionally irrelevant choices compared to choices made between activities, versions of a task, rewards, and instructionally relevant options, (b) when 2 to 4 successive choices were given, (c) when rewards were not given after the choice manipulation, (d) when participants given choice were compared to the most controlling forms of control groups, (e) for children compared to adults, (f) for designs that yoked choice and control conditions compared to matched designs in which choice was reduced or designs in which nonyoked, nonmatched controls were used, and (g) when the experiment was conducted in a laboratory embedded in a natural setting. Implications for future research and applications to real-world settings are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have routinely shown that individuals with a laryngectomy (IWL) have a decreased quality of life (QoL). However, the questionnaires frequently used are not specifically designed for persons with laryngeal cancer and may not reflect the issues of most concern to IWL. The purpose of this study was to investigate (1) the overall communication adjustment of IWL in Turkey, (2) the differences in communication adjustment among types of surgery for the treatment of laryngeal cancer, and (3) the differences in communication adjustment among types of speech following treatment for laryngeal cancer. Fifty-two patients (50 males and two females) who underwent surgical treatment for laryngeal cancer (i.e. total, supraglottic, frontolateral, vertical, supracricoid) and were being seen for follow-up care were recruited from an ENT clinic in Bursa, Turkey. Patients were provided with a written translation of the Self-Evaluation of Communication Experiences after Laryngectomy (SECEL) which yielded information on three subscales (General, Environment, and Attitude) and a Total score. Kruskall-Wallis and Wilcoxon signed ranks nonparametric tests of significance showed that overall adjustment was within the well-adjusted range for all types of surgery and modes of speech with two exceptions: Mean scores for supracricoid laryngectomy with cricohyoidopexy (28.5) and esophageal speech (29.3) were both within the poorly adjusted range on the Environment subscale [lowest mean score?=?8.7 (supraglottic)]. Total mean scores ranged from 19.8 (supraglottic) to 49.9 (esophageal speech). Mean scores of the General subscale ranged from 4.0 (electrolaryngeal speech) to 7.7 (tracheoesophageal speech). Mean scores of the Attitude subscale ranged from 6.2 (supraglottic) to 19 (electrolaryngeal). Results of the Kruskall-Wallis test also showed a significant difference between type of surgery for the Environment subscale (p?=?0.003), the Attitude subscale (p?=?0.039), and the Total score (p?=?0.007). The results suggest that overall, IWL in Turkey are well-adjusted to their new voice. However, results also showed that certain conservation surgeries (i.e. supraglottic, frontolateral, vertical) yielded more favorable outcomes than either supracricoid laryngectomy or speech following total laryngectomy. This finding is most likely related to the amount of tissue preserved following conservation surgery, in particular the preservation of the vocal folds.  相似文献   


This study surveyed a randomly selected group of Approved Supervisors of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (n=318) and their supervisees (n=299) on their perceptions of the effectiveness of several supervisor interpersonal skills. Both supervisors and supervisees had high ratings for the majority of the interpersonal skills and rated “respects the supervisee” most effective. Trends in supervisors' and supervisees' responses were assessed for (a) theoretical orientation, (b) supervision setting, (c) gender, (d) number of years supervising family therapists (for supervisors), and (e) number of years practicing family therapy (for supervisees).  相似文献   

In this research, we examined children's awareness of inconsistencies in messages that are meaningful for children, instructions for games. In the first experiment, kindergarten (n = 25) and second- (n = 25) and fourth-grade (n = 26) children were individually read the instructions for two games, each of which included two inconsistent statements. Chi-square analyses yielded a significant effect for grade for one game (p < .05) and a marginally significant effect for a second game (p < .10). In a second experiment, second- (n = 40), fourth- (n = 40), and sixth-grade (n = 40) children were read the instructions for two games, each of which included two statements that were inconsistent. An analysis of variance demonstrated that with an increase in grade, there was a significant increase (p < .001) in awareness that a message contained an inconsistency. The analysis also indicated that the subjects were more willing (p < .08) to question an adult than they were to question a child about an inconsistency. Moreover, a regression analysis indicated that awareness of inconsistencies in the rules for games was significantly related to memory (p < .001) and to one's ability to note inconsistencies in shorter, simpler messages (p < .001).  相似文献   

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