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Treatment motivation is required for virtually all psychosocial treatments because clients must participate actively in the treatment process. In child and family treatments, it is the parent who must be motivated to manage treatment participation; however, no measures are currently available for evaluating parent motivation for treatment. The authors developed and evaluated a brief rating scale, the Parent Motivation Inventory (PMI), to measure parent motivation to participate in treatment. Results supported a uni-dimensional measure with strong internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Increases in parent motivation predicted the perception of fewer barriers to treatment participation, which was significantly associated with greater treatment attendance. The PMI provides a reliable and valid method of assessing parents’ motivation to participate in treatment and has implications for the prediction and potential modification of barriers to treatment and treatment participation.  相似文献   

Two studies examined parents' pre-treatment expectancies for their child's psychotherapy among children (N = 405, ages 2–15) referred for oppositional, aggressive, and antisocial behavior. Study I focused on the development of a measure to assess expectancies. The results indicated that the measure was internally consistent. Moreover, socioeconomic disadvantage and ethnic minority status, severity of child dysfunction, child age, and parental stress and depression were significant predictors of lower parent expectancies for child therapy. Study II examined the relation of parent expectancies and participation in therapy. The results indicated that parent expectancies predicted subsequent barriers to treatment participation, treatment attendance, and premature termination from therapy. Overall, these findings have implications for the study of expectancies for therapy, for identifying families at risk for premature termination from treatment, and for the development of interventions designed to increase parent participation in child therapy.  相似文献   

Members of racial/ethnic minority groups are less likely than Caucasians to access mental health services despite recent evidence of more favorable attitudes regarding treatment effectiveness. The present study explored this discrepancy by examining racial differences in beliefs about how the natural course and seriousness of mental illnesses relate to perceived treatment effectiveness. The analysis is based on a nationally representative sample of 583 Caucasian and 82 African American participants in a vignette experiment about people living with mental illness. While African Americans were more likely than Caucasians to believe that mental health professionals could help individuals with schizophrenia and major depression, they were also more likely to believe mental health problems would improve on their own. This belief was unrelated to beliefs about treatment effectiveness. These findings suggest that a belief in treatment effectiveness may not increase service utilization among African Americans who are more likely to believe treatment is unnecessary.  相似文献   

Poor Mental Health Literacy (MHL), i.e. knowledge and beliefs about bulimia nervosa (BN), among health professionals may contribute to low rates of recognition and less optimal management. The aim of this study was to investigate the BN-MHL of health professionals. A total of 534 professionals selected randomly from Internet based lists were surveyed with a MHL questionnaire regarding a fictional vignette of a woman with BN. One hundred and thirty-six dieticians, 68 psychologists and 97 counselors, total 56% (n = 301) responded. The majority of respondents indicated the woman in the vignette suffered from BN (49%) or an eating disorder (20%) and endorsed evidenced based approaches. On post hoc between group analyses there was a trend (p = .02) for dieticians and psychologists to be more likely than counselors to accurately identify the diagnosis of BN. Dieticians and psychologists were also more likely than counselors to endorse a psychologist as the most helpful treatment provider (p<.001) and to be more likely to endorse cognitive behavioral therapy as the most helpful treatment (p<.001). These results indicate a need for greater training and support for non specialist primary care health professionals.  相似文献   

Research has demonstrated that individuals with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) hold unhelpful beliefs about worry, uncertainty, and the problem-solving process. Extant writings (e.g., treatment manuals) also suggest that other types of maladaptive beliefs may characterize those with GAD. However, these other beliefs have received limited empirical attention and are not an explicit component of cognitive theories of GAD. The present study examined the extent to which dysfunctional attitudes, early maladaptive schemas, and broad self-focused and other-focused beliefs explain significant variance in GAD symptoms, over and above negative and positive beliefs about worry, negative beliefs about uncertainty, and negative beliefs about problems. N = 138 participants classified into Probable GAD and Non-GAD groups completed self-report measures. After controlling for trait anxiety and depressive symptoms, only beliefs about worry, negative beliefs about uncertainty, and schemas reflecting unrelenting standards (e.g., “I must meet all my responsibilities all the time”), the need to self-sacrifice (e.g., “I'm the one who takes care of others”), and less positive views of other people and their intentions (e.g., lower endorsement of views such as “other people are fair”), were unique correlates of Probable GAD versus Non-GAD or GAD severity. Theoretical and clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The majority of individuals in the UK with severe haemophilia treat themselves at home with clotting factor. The aim of this study was to examine patient's beliefs about their haemophilia, their beliefs regarding treatment with clotting factor and to assess whether relationships existed between these factors and adherence to home treatment. Patient beliefs were assessed by posting individuals with severe haemophilia A and B ( n = 104) the Illness Perceptions Questionnaire (IPQ) and the Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire (BMQ). The final analysis was based on 65 questionnaires yielding a response rate of 63%. Adherence to the frequency and to the amount of each clotting factor dose was assessed for individuals treating prophylactically and the amount of each clotting factor dose for those only treating 'on-demand'. Adherence scores were calculated by comparing individual patient treatment records with recommended regimens. Regression analysis indicated that perceptions of illness identity and treatment necessity explained a significant amount of the variance in adherence to frequency of prophylactic infusions and that illness identity was associated with the adherence to the amount of each prophylactic dose. Further regression analysis also showed that the amount of each dose of clotting factor administered on-demand was associated with perceptions regarding the necessity of treatment. Analysis with a combined measure of adherence to dose amount indicated that patients treating on-demand or with prophylaxis who under treated, recorded significantly lower perceptions of illness consequence than individuals who were fully adherent or who over-treated. The results suggest that assessing illness perceptions, especially beliefs regarding identity , consequence and necessity of treatment, may play a valuable role in identifying which individuals are least likely to adhere to treatment.  相似文献   

Therapists and parents were given vignettes describing the behavioural and emotional difficulties of two nine-year-old children and were asked to rate the importance of a number of possible explanations for such difficulties. Broad agreement was found between parents and therapists, but also there were a number of significant differences. Parents endorsed more child centered explanations and put greater emphasis on physical and developmental factors, while therapists endorsed relationships factors and saw the beliefs of other family members as important. Therapists who were parents showed a pattern of responses that lay between those of parents and non-parent therapists.  相似文献   

Objectives: Within a trial of medical and surgical treatments for gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GORD), involving randomised arms and preference arms, we tested the applicability of the Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire (BMQ) and developed and tested the validity of a new Beliefs about Surgery Questionnaire (BSQ). Methods: Patients with GORD (N = 43) were interviewed to elicit their beliefs about medical and surgical treatments. These contributed to the development of BSQ items. The BMQ and BSQ were completed by trial participants at baseline (randomised trial: N = 325; preference trial: N = 414). Factor analysis and discriminant function analysis were used to assess validity. Results: Principal components analysis (PCA) largely replicated the four-factor BMQ structure. PCA of the combined BMQ/BSQ yielded six factors explaining 54.5% variance. BSQ items loaded onto distinct factors, demonstrating divergence from BMQ. As predicted, BMQ/BSQ scores enabled correct classification of 78.5% of participants to medication and surgery groups in the preference trial (χ2(6) = 205.9, p < 0.001) but only 54.5% (no better than chance) in the randomised trial (χ2(6) = 9.4, p = 0.154). Conclusions: The BSQ is a valid measure of perceptions about surgical treatments for GORD. With the BMQ, it provides information that may guide patients’ choices about treatment. This measure may be applicable to other conditions.  相似文献   

To examine the factors associated with social participation and to determine whether social participation is predictive of mortality, a cohort of 1405 randomly selected older people aged 65 years and over, living in Settsu, Osaka Prefecture, was followed up for 66 months. By multivariate analysis using logistic regression, female sex, older age, disability, medical treatment, no use of health checks, no daily preventive health practices, and no life worth living (no Ikigai) were independent risk factors for no participation in social activities. From the analysis using the Kaplan–Meier method, the cumulative survival rates were higher among those who took part in social activities than among those who did not in both age groups, 65–74 years and 75 years and older, for men and women. Application of the Cox proportional hazards model resulted in adjusted hazard ratio of no participation in social activities for mortality of 1.53 (95% confidence interval: 1.11–2.11), controlling for other potential factors. These results suggest that participation in social activities is closely associated with health and psychosocial conditions and may be an independent risk factor for mortality among community-residing older people.  相似文献   

This study examined whether the link between risk factors for conduct problems and low rates of participation in mental health treatment could be decoupled through the provision of integrated prevention services in multiple easily-accessible contexts. It included 445 families of first-grade children (55% minority), living in four diverse communities, and selected for early signs of conduct problems. Results indicated that, under the right circumstances, these children and families could be enticed to participate at high rates in school-based services, therapeutic groups, and home visits. Because different sets of risk factors were related to different profiles of participation across the components of the prevention program, findings highlight the need to offer services in multiple contexts to reach all children and families who might benefit from them. Ellen Pinderhughes's and Karen Bierman's colleagues in the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group are, in alphabetical order, John D. Coie, Duke University; Kenneth A. Dodge, Duke University; E. Michael Foster, University of North Carolina; Mark T. Greenberg, Pennsylvania State University; John E. Lochman, University of Alabama; and Robert J. McMahon, University of Washington.  相似文献   

Exposure-based therapies for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety disorders remain underutilized, despite their effectiveness and widescale dissemination efforts. This study surveyed a broad range of licensed providers (N = 155) to examine rates at which prolonged exposure (PE) and other interventions are used to treat PTSD and to investigate provider characteristics linked to exposure beliefs and utilization. While 92.3% of clinicians reported understanding of or training in exposure, only 55.5% of providers reported use of PE to treat PTSD. Clinicians with current cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) orientation, CBT training orientation, a doctoral degree, and training in PE endorsed greater likelihood of exposure utilization for PTSD (ps < .001, ds = 0.82–1.98) and less negative beliefs about exposure (ps < .01, ds = 0.55–2.00). Exposure beliefs also differed based on healthcare setting (p < .001). Among providers trained in exposure (n = 106), master’s degree and non-CBT current theoretical orientation were associated with high utilization yet also negative beliefs. Results suggest exposure training, accurate beliefs, and utilization still lag among some groups of providers. Additionally, negative beliefs and misunderstanding of the exposure rationale may persist even among providers who are trained and report high utilization.  相似文献   

To elucidate processes underlying therapeutic change in a large-scale randomized clinical trial, we examined whether alterations in self-reported parenting practices were associated with the effects of behavioral, medication, or combination treatments on teacher-reported outcomes (disruptive behavior, social skills, internalizing symptoms) in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Participants were 579 children with Combined-type ADHD, aged 7–9.9 years, in the Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with ADHD (MTA). We uncovered 2 second-order factors of parenting practices, entitled Positive Involvement and Negative/Ineffective Discipline. Although Positive Involvement was not associated with amelioration of the school-based outcome measures, reductions in Negative/Ineffective Discipline mediated improvement in children's social skills at school. For families showing the greatest reductions in Negative/Ineffective Discipline, effects of combined medication plus behavioral treatment were pronounced in relation to regular community care. Furthermore, only in combination treatment (and not in behavioral treatment alone) was decreased Negative/Ineffective Discipline associated with reduction in children's disruptive behavior at school. Here, children in families receiving combination treatment who showed the greatest reductions in Negative/Ineffective Discipline had teacher-reported disruptive behavior that was essentially normalized. Overall, the success of combination treatment for important school-related outcomes appears related to reductions in negative and ineffective parenting practices at home; we discuss problems in interpreting the temporal sequencing of such process-outcome linkages and the means by which multimodal treatment may be mediated by psychosocial processes related to parenting.  相似文献   

In this study the effects of virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) were investigated in patients with acrophobia. Feelings of presence in VRET were systematically varied by using either a head-mounted display (HMD) (low presence) or a computer automatic virtual environment (CAVE) (high presence). VRET in general was found to be more effective than no treatment. No differences were found in effectiveness between VRET using an HMD or CAVE. Results were maintained at 6 months follow-up. Results of VRET were comparable with those of exposure in vivo (Cyberpsychology and Behavior 4 (2001) 335). In treatment completers no relationship was found between presence and anxiety. Early drop-outs experienced less acrophobic complaints and psychopathology in general at pre-test. They also experienced less presence and anxiety in the virtual environment used in session one as compared to patients that completed VRET.  相似文献   

Wanda Deifelt 《Dialog》2010,49(2):108-114
Abstract : Martin Luther never developed a political theory, but his theology does inform the way Christians live in society, making it both public and political. Luther's “two kingdom theory” often has been misinterpreted to justify passivity and obedience toward civil authorities. Under closer examination, however, his theology applies to the everyday practices of politics, economics, and religious affairs. In the context of nation‐building, a Lutheran theology fosters citizenship not only as individual rights and responsibilities, but as active participation in civil society.  相似文献   

Anxiety disorders are among the most frequently diagnosed mental disorders in late life. As older adults comprise a growing segment of the population, evidence-based treatments for anxiety disorders in late life have come into sharper focus. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for anxiety disorders in late life has received less empirical attention and widespread dissemination relative to other age groups. Increasing older adults’ access to timely assessment and effective treatment can help reduce the personal and societal costs of anxiety disorders. The purpose of this review paper is to discuss important considerations for the assessment of anxiety disorders in older adults and offer adaptations to CBT treatment for this population. As part of assessment considerations, we discuss how physical health conditions, cognitive impairment, and functional limitations can impact anxiety disorder diagnoses with older adults. We also outline validated self-report measures of anxiety disorder symptoms for older adults and highlight the importance of assessing older adults’ suitability for CBT. Several recommendations for adapting CBT protocols for older adults with anxiety disorders are described, such as extending psychoeducation, altered treatment pacing, use of content aids, and medical contraindications for interoceptive exposure. A case study is included that illustrates helpful assessment and treatment adaptions for an older woman with panic disorder. We highlight the pressing need to increase research and dissemination of CBT for anxiety disorders for older adults to meet the needs of an increasing segment of the population worldwide.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTrauma-focused psychological treatments are recommended as first-line treatments for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), but clinicians may be concerned that the good outcomes observed in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) may not generalize to the wide range of traumas and presentations seen in clinical practice. This study investigated whether Cognitive Therapy for PTSD (CT-PTSD) can be effectively implemented into a UK National Health Service Outpatient Clinic serving a defined ethnically mixed urban catchment area.MethodA consecutive sample of 330 patients with PTSD (age 17–83) following a wide range of traumas were treated by 34 therapists, who received training and supervision in CT-PTSD. Pre and post treatment data (PTSD symptoms, anxiety, depression) were collected for all patients, including dropouts. Hierarchical linear modeling investigated candidate moderators of outcome and therapist effects.ResultsCT-PTSD was well tolerated and led to very large improvement in PTSD symptoms, depression and anxiety. The majority of patients showed reliable improvement/clinically significant change: intent-to-treat: 78.8%/57.3%; completer: 84.5%/65.1%. Dropouts and unreliable attenders had worse outcome. Statistically reliable symptom exacerbation with treatment was observed in only 1.2% of patients. Treatment gains were maintained during follow-up (M = 280 days, n = 220). Few of the selection criteria used in some RCTs, demographic, diagnostic and trauma characteristics moderated treatment outcome, and only social problems and needing treatment for multiple traumas showed unique moderation effects. There were no random effects of therapist on symptom improvement, but therapists who were inexperienced in CT-PTSD had more dropouts than those with greater experience.ConclusionsThe results support the effectiveness of CT-PTSD and suggest that trauma-focused cognitive behavior therapy can be successfully implemented in routine clinical services treating patients with a wide range of traumas.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that treatment of childhood memories is an effective way to change personality disorder related schemas and psychopathology in cognitive therapy for personality disorders. To test this hypothesis, a crossover design was used to compare the effectiveness of methods focusing on the present and methods focusing on childhood memories. After the exploration period, the therapist focused either first on the present during 24 sessions and than for 24 sessions on childhood memories, or followed the reverse order. Twenty-one patients with one or more Axis II disorders were included. Participants were randomly assigned to order of focus. Results indicate that CT methods focusing on childhood memories produce good outcomes, comparable to those of methods focusing on the present. There was no significant effect of order, but both patients and therapists preferred the past-present order. Total effects of the package were large and were maintained till one-year follow-up (d's 0.97-1.90). Experience of the therapist with CT for personality disorders was related to better outcome (d=0.73).  相似文献   

Fourteen children with significant depressive symptoms from an open clinical trial of Primary and Secondary Control Enhancement Training augmented with Caregiver–Child Relationship Enhancement Training, participated in a 2- to 3-year follow-up assessment. The results suggested that the significant decreases in depressive symptoms observed at posttreatment were maintained at 2- to 3-year follow-up. Mothers' reports of significant improvement of child psychosocial functioning were also maintained, providing social validation of the effects. Pretreatment child-rated mother-child relations predicted depressive symptoms at 2- to 3-year follow-up. These long-term data support the use of the combined intervention and suggest the need for further research on caregiver involvement in treatment.  相似文献   

Depression prevalence is between 15% and 20% in coronary heart disease patients, such as those with angina, or after a myocardial infarction or coronary artery bypass graft surgery. The presence of depression places a coronary heart disease patient at twofold higher risk for further major cardiac events and death, as well as poor quality of life and early exit from the labour force. As a consequence, several learned societies, including the National Heart Foundation of Australia, have published guidelines that recommend questionnaire screening to improve identification and management strategies for depression in coronary heart disease patients. Psychologists in hospitals, community settings, and private practice can have a key role in the realisation of the National Heart Foundation of Australia's aims. We review the recent guidelines and outline implications for psychologists to identify and manage depression in coronary heart disease patients. The evidence reviewed suggests that cognitive‐behavioural therapy and problem‐solving therapy are frontline non‐pharmacological interventions for depression in CHD patients.  相似文献   

This article reports a clinical case study of “Grace”, a black Zimbabwean woman with post-abortion syndrome (PAS), a form of post-traumatic stress disorder precipitated by aborting an unwanted pregnancy. She was treated by a middle class white South African trainee Clinical Psychologist. The case narrative documents the assessment and the course of treatment which was guided by ongoing case formulation based on current evidence-based models. Factors that made her vulnerable to developing PTSD included active suppression of the memory of the event and lack of social support. An understanding of these factors was used to guide an effective intervention. In spite of the differences in culture and background between client and therapist, there was considerable commonality in their experience as young women and students who each had to balance personal and occupational priorities. The narrative also highlights the commonalities of Grace's experiences with those reported in the literature on post-abortion syndrome, which is mostly from the U. S. A. and Europe.  相似文献   

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