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This article describes the process of using Virginia Satir's Temperature Reading, a communication tool, to increase intimacy with couples. It presents a rationale and theory for using a daiiy couple Temperature Reading to develop communication skills for learning how to share intimately in relationships. Temperature Reading provides a safe environment where each member of the couple can learn to share personal information and can practice listening to the other in a supportive and cooperative manner. Therapists and couples alike can utilize this process as described here.  相似文献   


This paper challenges the idea that differences between partners in couple relationships are inherently problematic. A “cross-cultural” perspective on differences in couples that considers partners' reactions to difference as the problem is presented. Couples therapy from a cross-cultural perspective begins with a detailed' assessment of perceived differences, reactions to differences, the context in which the differences have developed, and the purposes they serve. Therapeutic tasks involve managing maladaptive reactions to differences, learning to accept differences, and co-designing a common couple culture.  相似文献   


This study examined self-compassion and forgiveness versus marital satisfaction in 200 couples aged 20-40?years, with a marriage history of 1-10?years. We collected the data, using the Enrich couple, self-compassion and family forgiveness scales. Pearson’s correlation and multiple regressions for women showed that marital satisfaction was associated with self-compassion; however, forgiveness predicted marital satisfaction in men. Self-compassion primarily and forgiveness, to a lesser extent, could predict marital satisfaction in the total samples. These variables were the predictors of marital satisfaction in the young couples. Family counselors should encourage couples to improve upon these attributes to enhance their marital relationships.  相似文献   


This study focuses on the comparison of individual variables of bereavement, depression, and stress with variables associated with the couple relationship, including cohesion, adaptability, communication, satisfaction, and partner support. In total, 24 couples completed self-report instruments within 2 weeks after a miscarriage. Mothers had significantly stronger grief reactions than fathers. Fathers and mothers perceived their relationships similarly as highly functional. Except for mothers' depression and their satisfaction with the couple relationship, the correlations between individual and relationship variables were rather weak. Implications of the results for family professionals are discussed.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to empirically assess the reliability of the plan formulation method for couples, a procedure for formulating the case, planning, and monitoring the couple therapies according to control-mastery theory. We hypothesized that when couples are looking for couple therapy, they have an unconscious couple’s plan for the therapy, which includes the couple’s goals; the pathogenic beliefs that the partners want to disprove; the traumas from which these beliefs originated and that the partners want to master; the vicious relational circles that make the couple suffer and that the couple wants to break; the virtuous relational circles that are expressions of the couple’s resources and that the couple wants to fuel; and the relational insights that may help the couple get better. Our study involved 15 couples treated by four experienced therapists. Four raters independently formulated each couple’s plan based on the first three sessions following a standard procedure, and we calculated the intraclass correlation for pooled judges’ ratings. For a subsample of three couples—who before and after treatment had completed the dyadic adjustment scale (DAS) and the outcome questionnaire-45.2 (OQ-45.2)—the compatibility of the therapists’ interventions with the couples’ and partners’ plans was assessed. The relationship between the ratings of compatibility, DAS and OQ-45.2, was assessed. The results showed excellent interjudge reliability for each couple’s plan formulation (average ICC?=?0.82), attesting to the validity of the procedure; and preliminary data on the therapeutic process suggested that therapists’ interventions compatible with couple’s plans could help partners achieve good outcomes.



This article focuses on the treatment of couples with a collective personal history of multiple traumatic experiences, and central related concepts. Referred to as the intertrauma couples therapy (InTCT) model, this article outlines an approach to treating trauma victim couples in which each partner has suffered one or more traumatic experiences (i.e., war, rape, criminal assault, incest, community violence, etc.). InTCT is a structured five-phase model of care, derived from a long trauma treatment tradition, and the author's clinical experience in the treatment of multitrauma persons for over 20 years.

This comprehensive, integrative approach to treatment is designed to resolve chronic interpersonal hostility, isolation in marriage, fears of intimacy and engulfment, and the persistent revivifications of partners' traumatic memories as a painful product of daily relational encounters. Unfortunately, these encounters represent trauma structures interacting with trauma structures, with no end or relief to the mutual pain-generating interactional patterns. The phases of the treatment takes the couple from disorganization and intense emotional reactivity to stabilization through integration to an end phase with a post-integration life skills building program for lasting results. Also presented are issues such as attachment, specific trauma responses to include interactive concepts of trauma bonding and systems theory in the context of trauma and dissociation. The article also presents a multitrauma couple case study, and discusses the critical role of therapist's functions.  相似文献   


This study was designed to explore the various relationship patterns and the role religion plays as a coping resource for elderly couples in which at least one spouse has a chronic illness. Elderly couples were interviewed and also completed marital satisfaction and couple communication inventories. Five different relationship patterns emerged from the data: active couples, short-term caregivinjg couples, long-term caregiving couples, survival couples, and live-in caregiver couples. Various aspects of religion emerged as an important coping resource among the different relationship patterns. Ideas and questions for research and practice, generated by the study, are presented.  相似文献   


This paper presents a study of a structural couple therapy approach to the treatment of inhibited sexual desire (ISD). ISD is first conceptualized as a relational phenomenon that may be most effectively treated in a couple context. Structural couple therapy is advanced and applied to the treatment of a clinical sample of couples presenting with ISD. Results of the study suggest that a structural couple therapy approach to ISD is effective in reducing symptoms of the sexual disorder and in increasing couple satisfaction.  相似文献   


In working with couples and families, the occasional clinical use of mental imagery techniques can frequently promote therapeutic breakthroughs. When sessions focused on a couple's (family's) current communication problems reach a point where progress seems slow and laborious, a therapist can encourage the couple (parents and perhaps even older children) to try one or more imagery sessions to understand their interactional patterns within the context of their own developmental periods. This article describes how imagery can lead couples to new and more constructive perspectives on the meaning of their interactions.  相似文献   


Most theories and methods about couple dierapy are developed and tested in Anglo-Saxon countries. In this clinical study, we tested these theories and methods within a Swedish public health context. We assessed the outcomes of 131 couples (262 individuals) using the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS) and the Family Climate (FC) survey. Initially, the couples displayed severe marital distress and a dysfunctional family climate. Both marital satisfaction and family climate improved considerably, which confirmed the effectiveness of these methods in a Swedish context.  相似文献   


Discrepant alcohol use between partners has been shown to impact couples’ relationship functioning, emphasizing couples therapists’ need for careful assessment and informed treatment. This study recruited 514 participants from online crowdsourcing platforms to participate in an online survey. Participants were predominantly male (62.4%), heterosexual (76.1%), and Caucasian (47.6%). Ages ranged from 18 to 65 years and mean age was 33. Results indicated a negative association between couple satisfaction and both alcohol-related conflict and discrepant alcohol consumption. Being female combined with higher levels of alcohol discrepancies and couple satisfaction predicted increased alcohol-related conflict.  相似文献   

A sample of 520 Australian heterosexual couples participating in the PREPARE premarital program completed the multidimensional PREPARE relationship assessment inventory (Olson D. H. Prepare-Enrich Counsellor’s Manual. Brisbane, Australia: Prepare-Enrich, 1996) providing measures of couple relationship satisfaction and individual levels of self-confidence, assertiveness, avoidance, and partner dominance. Multiple regression analyses indicated that, after controlling for idealistic distortion and couple relationship status, high individual male and female self-confidence and assertiveness, and low individual male and female avoidance and partner dominance, were all significant independent predictors of couple satisfaction. Couples in which both partners were high on self-confidence were significantly more satisfied than couples in which one or both of the partners were low on self-confidence. A similar result was evident for couple patterns involving mutually high assertiveness, low avoidance or low partner dominance, relative to couple patterns in which one or both partners were unassertive, highly avoidant or high in partner dominance. These aspects of self-view point to a salient evidence-based intrapersonal and interpersonal context in which to conduct couple therapy.  相似文献   


This article articulates the major premises of Sheldon Z. Kramer's book, Transforming the Inner and Outer Family: Humanistic and Spiritual Approaches to the Mind-Body Systems Therapy(The Haworth Press, Inc., 1995). This overview briefly introduces and explains the power of meditation in psychotherapy, meditation and the use of the body, creating congruent communication, working with incongruence in couples and bridging the inner and outer couple.  相似文献   

In the context of relationship trauma, partners' reactive patterns of engagement can disrupt and derail attempts at relationship correction and healing. A circumplex typology of couple patterns of engagement in relational trauma context is defined in terms of partners' underlying views of self in relation to other (VSIRO). VSIRO is conceptualized along a continuum anchored at opposite poles by inflated (self-aggrandizing) versus collapsed (self-abnegating) VSIRO, with a balanced (egalitarian) VSIRO, characterized by accountability and forbearance, as the target position. The circumplex model delineates four problematic couple configurations—a dejected couple, a taker–enabler couple, an ultimate fighting couple, and a debtor–collector couple. Where problematic engagement occurs, therapists need to reshape couple engagement toward the balanced, egalitarian position prior to relational trauma work. Clinical vignettes depict these couples and springboard an analysis of unique needs and interventions associated with each couple configuration. Reshaping couple patterns of engagement using a circumplex model of couple configurations is an essential prerequisite to effective and ethical relational trauma work.  相似文献   


Four couples who had been diagnosed as clinically infertile were seen in experientially oriented couples therapy. Each couple conceived a baby shortly after a particularly powerful session. These ' sessions are described. The commonality across these sessions involved opening up the clients' inner experiencing and enabling these clients to actualize and integrate whatever was deeper within. The conventional biomedical and psychoanalytic approaches to infertility are described. The experiential model provides an alternative way to understand the timing of pregnancy or lack thereof. It also offers a holistic approach to working with infertile couples.  相似文献   


Although gay male couples share with all couples three essential tasks of couplehood-creating boundaries in order to form a couple identity, negotiating closeness and distance, and accommodating to their individual differences-gay male couples face special complications in each task. These complications, examined herein, are largely the result of the marginalization gay men experience from living in a homophobic culture, and male gender acculturation that makes male-to-male intimacy difficult. A model of brief couple therapy for gay men is presented that is designed to honor, as well as challenge, the relationship the men have co-constructed and specifically addresses the difficulties men have in maintaining intimate bonds. A case study illustrates the treatment of clinical issues presented by male couples.  相似文献   


The bisexual identity of a partner in a same-sex couple may not be an issue in the relationship, or it may introduce fear, mistrust, and divisiveness. Mixed-orientation couples face problems stemming from the dichotomizing of sexuality, negative myths and stereotypes, and lack of awareness of models and resources. It can be particularly problematic when a partner's bisexuality is first addressed within a committed relationship. Case examples illuminate some of the issues. Therapeutic tasks include addressing the context of oppression, assessing developmental stages of sexual identity and the relationship, clarifying personal meanings of bisexuality, providing education and resources, and, possibly, facilitating negotiations regarding safer sex and polyamory. Optimal couple therapy provides affirmation of bisexuality, validation of same-sex relationships, and reflection of the partner's and relationship's strengths.  相似文献   

This study examined the differences among lesbians, gay men, and heterosexuals at two points in time (1975 and 2000) using responses of 6,864 participants from two archival data sets. Groups were compared on variables representing equality of behaviors between partners in seven realms: traditionally "feminine" housework, traditionally "masculine" housework, finances, support, communication, requesting/refusing sex, and decision-making. In addition, the current study compared monogamy agreements and monogamy behaviors reported by the two cohorts of couple types. Overall, the results indicate that on the equality variables, there have been many statistically significant behavioral shifts among the different sexual orientations across 25 years. In addition, all couple types reported substantially greater rates of monogamy in the year 2000 than in 1975. The present study has important clinical implications for therapists working with couples because it provides new baseline evidence regarding how couples now interact with one another (especially about monogamy) and how this has shifted over time. In addition, it elucidates the differences that still exist between different couple types, which could serve to inform couple therapists as they strive to become more culturally competent working with same-sex couples.  相似文献   

The Mating Game     

Mate selection processes of couples have been of interest to a multitude of disciplines ranging from biology to psychology to social psychology. Debates usually center around “like marries like” or “opposites attract.” While generally the research indicates, at least with regard to social variables, that similarities among couples is the norm, little systematic empirical research exists which examined this basic belief. Family therapists, also adhering to this basic assumption in their notions of couple selection, collusion, and reciprocal patterns of interaction, have not empirically tested this assumption either. The present paper examines the literature from the biological, psychological, and social psychological disciplines and discusses these assumptions in family therapy theory. A discussion of the implications for couple therapy is then presented.  相似文献   

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