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Research has demonstrated a high prevalence of language impairments (LI) and reading disabilities (RD) in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Since RD is also associated with LI, it is unclear whether the language impairments are specific to ADHD or associated with comorbid RD. The language abilities of ADHD children with and without RD were investigated in a task requiring recall of a lengthy narrative, and in tests assessing knowledge of the semantic aspects of language. The study was conducted with 50 boys—14 ADHD, 14 ADHD + RD, 8 RD, and 14 normal controls, aged 7 to 11. Children with ADHD (ADHD-only, ADHD + RD) exhibited difficulties in organizing and monitoring their story retelling. Children with RD (RD-only, ADHD + RD) demonstrated deficits in receptive and expressive semantic language abilities on the language processing tests. The comorbid group (ADHD + RD) exhibited the deficits of both ADHD and RD children. The deficiencies of ADHD children are consistent with higher-order executive function deficits while the deficits of RD children are consistent with deficits in the basic semantics of language processing.  相似文献   

This study evaluated parental anxiety and parenting practices associated with comorbid Anxiety Disorders among children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Clinic-referred families (n=143) were diagnosed using DSM criteria. Parents and children completed measures of parenting practices. Comorbid anxiety in children was significantly associated with maternal anxiety, overprotectiveness, and a lack of positive parenting. The relative odds of comorbid anxiety appeared to be especially high when all three factors were present. These findings are consistent with theory linking those three family factors to the development of anxiety in all children. Implications for adjunctive treatment of anxiety that is comorbid with ADHD are discussed.  相似文献   

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) tends to emerge during the early teenage years and is particularly refractory to change even when standard evidence-based CBT treatments are delivered. Efforts have been made to develop novel, mechanistic-driven interventions for this disorder. In the present study, we examined Attention Bias Modification Treatment (ABMT) for youth with SAD. Participants were 58 adolescents (mean age = 14.29 years) who met diagnostic criteria for SAD and who were randomized to ABMT or a placebo control condition, Attention Control Training (ACT). We predicted that ABMT would result in greater changes in both threat biases and social anxiety symptoms. We also explored potential moderators of change including the severity of social anxiety symptoms, the level of threat bias at pretreatment, and the degree of temperament-defined attention control. Contrary to our hypotheses, changes in attention bias were not observed in either condition, changes in social anxiety symptoms and diagnosis were small, and significant differences were not observed between the ABMT and ACT conditions. Little support for the proposed moderators was obtained. Reasons for our failure to find support for ABMT and its potential moderators are explored and recommendations for changes in the ABMT paradigm are suggested.  相似文献   

The present paper contends that children with learning disabilities are better served when assessment and intervention are conceptualized within an ecological neuropsychology perspective than within the traditional deficit model perspective, which is the predominant approach to intervention in medical and educational settings. The deficit method conceptualizes problems as within the child, and the major consequence of this approach is that little time is spent analyzing the learning environment or other systems that might impact the child's ability to be successful in an academic setting. Therefore, rehabilitation efforts have had limited success. In contrast, ecological neuropsychology is a strength-based approach that considers the child, as well as the systems within which he/she interacts, when assessing, diagnosing, and intervening with students who are experiencing learning difficulties.  相似文献   

Learning, attention, graphomotor, and processing speed scores were analyzed in 149 typical control children and 886 clinical children with normal intelligence. Nonsignificant differences were found between control children and children with anxiety, depression, and oppositional-defiant disorder. Control children performed better than children with ADHD and autism in all areas. Children with ADHD and autism did not differ, except that children with ADHD had greater learning problems. Attention, graphomotor, and speed weaknesses were likely to coexist, the majority of children with autism and ADHD had weaknesses in all three areas, and these scores contributed significantly to the prediction of academic achievement.  相似文献   

Inhibition and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This paper updates the author's earlier hypothesis that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) reflects underactivity in Gray's Behavioral Inhibition System. Five areas of research are reviewed: (1) studies using the stop-signal task, (2) studies of errors of commission, (3) a study of inhibition indexed by eye movements, (4) a neuroimaging study of the corpus callosum, and (5) a study on the prediction of response to methylphenidate. Data from the many different dependent variables in these studies are interpreted as supporting disinhibition as a core deficit in ADHD.  相似文献   

State dependent learning (SDL) occurs when learning acquired in one context is not retrievable in a different context. Although traditionally SDL is thought of in the context of substance use, the role of SDL should be considered during combined medication and exposure treatment for anxiety disorders. Data are presented from a within-subjects, case-series design of four participants with social anxiety disorder. Participants engaged in a series of situational exposures while taking either alprazolam (0.75 mg), propranolol (40 mg), placebo or no medication. They returned 48 h later and engaged in the same situational exposure in an unmedicated state to determine retention of learning following the shift in drug context. Results suggest that SDL effects are possible when combining pharmacotherapy (alprazolam) with exposure therapy. Future research is needed determine the conditions under which SDL is most likely to occur and ways to facilitate transfer of learning across different contexts.  相似文献   

学习困难儿童的注意、行为特性及同伴关系的研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
本文对学习困难儿童的注意、行为特性及同伴关系进行了研究.516名四、五、六年级的、学参加了本研究,有效被试505人.研究结果表明,学习困难儿童与学习优秀、学习一般儿童相,其注意力更不集中,更容易分心;他们更多动,冲动性更强,行为问题更多;他们的同伴关系更糟糕,在同伴中的地位更低.  相似文献   

Converging findings from recent research suggest a functional relationship between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)-related hyperactivity and demands on working memory (WM) in both children and adults. Excessive motor activity such as restlessness and fidgeting are not pathognomonic symptoms of ADHD, however, and are often associated with other diagnoses such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Further, previous research indicates that anticipatory processing associated with anxiety can directly interfere with storage and rehearsal processes of WM. The topographical similarity of excessive motor activity seen in both ADHD and anxiety disorders, as well as similar WM deficits, may indicate a common relationship between WM deficits and increased motor activity. The relationship between objectively measured motor activity (actigraphy) and PH and visuospatial WM demands in adults with ADHD (n = 21), adults with GAD (n = 21), and healthy control adults (n = 20) was examined. Although all groups exhibited significant increases in activity from control to WM conditions, the ADHD group exhibited a disproportionate increase in activity, while activity exhibited by the GAD and healthy control groups was not different. Findings indicate that ADHD-related hyperactivity is uniquely related to WM demands, and appear to suggest that adults with GAD are no more active relative to healthy control adults during a cognitively demanding laboratory task.  相似文献   

情绪对学习不良青少年选择性注意和持续性注意的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
俞国良  董妍 《心理学报》2007,39(4):679-687
以学习不良青少年为被试,采用成绩反馈法诱发情绪,考察了情绪对学习不良青少年选择性注意和持续性注意的影响,结果表明:(1)情绪会影响学习不良青少年的选择性注意,具有积极低唤醒情绪的学习不良青少年,他们的选择性注意的反应时显著短于消极情绪下的被试;(2)学习不良青少年的情绪会影响到他们的持续性注意能力,消极高唤醒的情绪能够增加虚报率,而积极高唤醒的情绪能够提高判断标准,降低虚报率  相似文献   

In previous research, children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) have demonstrated impaired response inhibition on the stop paradigm. In this study we examined whether this impairment in fact reflects a motivational deficit. Four groups of children (age range 7–13 years) participated in the study: 14 AD/HD children, 21 normal controls, 14 disruptive children, and 14 anxious children. The psychopathological groups were recruited from special educational services and mental health outpatient clinics. Parent, teacher, and child questionnaires were used to select children with pervasive disorders. Normal controls attended regular classes and scored low on all questionnaires. Children were tested once with reward contingencies and once with response cost contingencies in a randomized cross-over design. We hypothesized that if a motivational deficit underlies poor response inhibition in AD/HD children, this deficit will be remedied by response contingencies. Despite the presence of response contingencies, AD/HD children showed poor response inhibition compared with normal controls. Findings argue against a motivational explanation for the response inhibition deficit in AD/HD children  相似文献   

Ample work has already been conducted on worry and rumination as negative thought processes involved in the etiology of most of the anxiety and mood related disorders. However, minimal effort has been exerted to investigate whether one type of negative thought process can make way for another type of negative thought process, and if so, how it subsequently results in experiencing a host of symptoms reflective of one or the other type of psychological distress. Therefore, the present study was taken up to investigate whether rumination mediates the relationship between worry and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and between worry and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) in two clinical groups. Self-report questionnaires tapping worry, rumination, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) were administered to a clinical sample of 60 patients aged 30–40. Worry, rumination, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) correlated substantially with each other, however, rumination did not mediate the relationship between worry and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and between worry and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). We also analyzed differences of outcome variables within two clinical groups. These results showed that worry and rumination were significantly different between GAD and OCD groups.  相似文献   

The view that Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is associated with a diminished ability to control interfference is controversial and based exclusively on results of (verbal)-visual interference tasks, primarily the Stroop Color Word task. The present study compares medication-naïve children with ADHD (n?=?35 and n?=?51 in Experiments 1 and 2, respectively) with normal controls (n?=?26 and n?=?32, respectively) on two interference tasks to assess interference control in both the auditory and the visual modality: an Auditory Stroop task and a Simon task. Both groups showed reliable but equal degrees of interference on both tasks, suggesting that children with ADHD do not differ from normal controls in their ability to control interference in either modality.  相似文献   

The literature is conflicted around the subject of the emotional abilities of individuals with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLDs): While many claim cognitive challenges are associated with emotional difficulties, some suggest emotional and interpersonal abilities are not compromised in such disorders and may help individuals compensate and cope effectively with the challenges they meet in learning environments. Two studies explored differences in emotional intelligence (EI) between young adults with and without SLD. Two samples (matched on gender, approximate age, and program of study; n = 100, and unmatched; n = 584) of college students took self-report and performance-based tests of EI (Ability-EI) as well as a measure of self-esteem and demographics associated with college performance (e.g.: SAT scores, gender, etc.). The results showed that while SAT scores and ability emotional intelligence (Ability-EI) were associated with college GPA, Ability-EI did not differ between the two groups, while self-report measures of EI and self-esteem did show differences, with the group with learning disabilities ranking lower. The effects remained stable when we controlled for demographics and potential intervening factors. The results suggest that EI may play a protective role in the association between background variables and college attainment in students with SLD. The results may provide a basis for interventions to empower students with SLD in academia.  相似文献   

分散注意条件下学优生与学困生视空间工作记忆的比较研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
张明  隋洁 《应用心理学》2003,9(1):29-34
通过控制干扰刺激量 ,研究分散注意对学优生和学困生视空间WM的影响。实验一的结果表明 :在不同干扰条件下 ,学困生视空间WM均比学优生差 ;干扰任务不仅影响学困生视空间WM的加工能力 ,也影响他们的存储能力。这说明学困生不能有效抑制外界干扰可能是他们视空间WM存在缺陷的主要原因之一。实验二的结果表明 :视空间WM有缺陷是各类学困生普遍存在的问题 ;对于学优生来说 ,不同类型学优生视空间WM不同 ,语文学优比数学学优的学生的视空间WM能力更强 ,主要表现在加工功能上。  相似文献   

Conduct disorder (CD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) are common childhood externalizing disorders that frequently co-occur. However, the causes of their comorbidity are not well understood. To address that question, we analyzed data from > 600 Finnish twin pairs, who completed standardized interviews at age 14. Behavior genetic methods were used to examine how genetic/environmental factors contribute to each disorders symptoms and to their covariation. We found significant genetic effects on each disorder with only modest evidence of shared environmental influences. Our data suggest the comorbidity among CD, ADHD, and ODD is primarily explained by shared genetic influences; however, each disorder was also under unique genetic influence, supporting the distinction of each disorder.  相似文献   

Anxiety sensitivity (AS), or fear of anxious arousal, is a higher-order cognitive risk-factor for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) composed of lower-order physical, cognitive, and social concerns regarding anxiety symptoms. Brief and effective interventions have been developed targeting AS and its constituent components. However, there is limited evidence as to whether an intervention aimed at targeting AS would result in reductions in PTS symptoms and whether the effects on PTS symptoms would be mediated by reductions in AS. Furthermore, there is no evidence whether these mediation effects would be because of the global or more specific components of AS. The direct and indirect effects of an AS intervention on PTS symptoms were examined in a sample of 82 trauma-exposed individuals (M age = 18.84 years, SD = 1.50) selected based on elevated AS levels (i.e., 1 SD above the mean) and assigned to either a treatment (n = 40) or an active control (n = 42) condition. Results indicated that the intervention led to reductions in Month 1 PTS symptoms, controlling for baseline PTS symptoms. Furthermore, this effect was mediated by changes in global AS and AS social concerns, occurring from intervention to Week 1. These findings provide an initial support for an AS intervention in amelioration of PTS symptoms and demonstrate that it is primarily reductions in the higher-order component of AS contributing to PTS symptom reduction.  相似文献   

本研究对122名本科生《心理统计学》课程的学习经验进行调查,其结果为:(1)在该课程的学习经验和考试成绩上男、女生差异显著,它表现在学习态度层面的有用性和成就态度,投入动机层面的自我投入上女生均优于男生;研究还发现,考分低则焦虑水平较高;(2)学习焦虑、学习态度、投入动机与考试成绩之间有显著相关,其中学习焦虑与成绩呈负相关,学习态度、投入动机与成绩呈正相关;(3)学习焦虑,学习态度和投入动机均影响学习成绩。学习成绩不仅受到学习焦虑和投入动机的直接影响,还受到学习态度等因素的间接影响。  相似文献   

Data from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care were examined to test whether: attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms remain stable from 54 months through early elementary school; behavioral inhibition and attention deficits assessed at 54 months predict ADHD symptoms in elementary school, even after controlling for their temporal stability; and early behavioral inhibition and attention deficits moderate the longitudinal stability in ADHD symptoms. Data were examined using continuous and categorical measures of symptoms. Modest stability in ADHD symptoms from 54 months to third grade was found. Measures of inhibition and inattention predicted later teacher ratings uniquely, but no evidence was found for moderation. Measures of preschool behavioral inhibition also predicted “persistently at risk status” defined by elevated teacher ratings over time. Results are discussed in terms of executive and motivational facets of inhibition that may be related to early signs of ADHD.  相似文献   

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