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荣格作为心理学家在研读《易经》的过程中获得了诸多启示,他对《易经》中关于人类心理的潜意识呈现做了较为详细的论述,并从《易经》的感应观中获得启示,成为他大胆质疑因果率的唯一性,并最终提出"同时性"原则的关键.但是荣格对于《易经》的心理学思想并没有任意夸大,而是极为客观的做出评价.他指出《易经》的精神对某些人,可能明亮如白昼,对另外一个人,则熹微如晨光;对于第三者而言,也许就黝黯如黑夜.  相似文献   

Theories, as well as history itself, are subject to their archetypal underpinnings, as well as to synchronicity, cyclic and sequential change. Some of Jung's early life experiences, his theories, and their permutations in his followers are considered in relation to Hexagram 4 of the I-Ching.
Jung's infantile wounds, his lack of adequately mirroring and metabolizing parents gave rise to a Puer Aeternus complex. This complex is explored as it is brought out through the lines of Hexagram 4 in the I-Ching. The complex is considered as pertinent to some problematical parts of Jung's theory and its impact on analytic history and behavior. Jung's genius and adaptive healing use of the building blocks of this complex are also discussed.
It is proposed that the descendants of Freud and Jung internalize the problems of their forefathers in much the same way that patients internalize the problems of their parents. Particular theories suggest similar personal affinities (and even histories) in their followers. Jung's childhood problems are considered for the way they may reverberate in Jungian practice today.  相似文献   


This article seeks to help clinicians make the translation from theory to practice when using self psychology to do brief psychotherapy. After a theoretical overview and review of the literature, a series of organizing questions and frameworks is provided to facilitate the clinician's capacity to apply a self psychological point of view to the understanding and conduct of brief treatment.  相似文献   

A growing body of research suggests that rejection sensitivity, a form of interpersonal guardedness associated with familial rejection and societal bias, is a transdiagnostic risk factor for anxiety and mood disorders in gay men. From a behavioral perspective, rejection sensitivity is conceptualized as avoidance of intimacy as the result of systematic social punishment of vulnerable behaviors. Despite the implications of rejection sensitivity for psychological well-being, clinical psychology lacks specific behavioral interventions for emotional intimacy at the level of the individual. Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) is a therapeutic approach developed to enhance interpersonal behaviors that promote intimacy and closeness through identification of, and contingent responding to, clinically relevant behaviors.A nonconcurrent between-participants design examined the effectiveness of 4 to 8 sessions of FAP on reducing intimacy-avoiding behaviors and increasing intimacy-promoting behaviors in three Colombian gay men.FAP implementation yielded significant increases in intimacy promoting behaviors (β = 65.65, S.E. = 11.48, p = .0004) with a large effect size calculated by the between-case standardized mean difference (BC-SMD (17.01) = 1.66, CI [0.69–2.73]). The increase in intimacy-promoting behaviors occurred without evidence for reduction or elimination of intimacy-avoiding behaviors.Recommendations for future research include (1) the implementation of longitudinal intensive studies to capture participants' out-of-session behavioral changes and (2) further research to determine FAP’s effectiveness for increasing intimacy-promoting behaviors among other sexual or gender minority individuals.  相似文献   

文化心理学视域下的心理治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,心理治疗的文化取向日益为心理学界所关注。在概要分析文化心理学理论取向和传统心理治疗特点的基础上,重点对文化心理学取向下的心理病因观、医患关系、心理治疗方法、心理治疗效果评价观做了相应分析,并对未来文化取向下的心理治疗理论进行了展望,希望对我国心理治疗理论和实践有所帮助。  相似文献   

心理分析与中国文化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
申荷永  徐峰  宋斌 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1432-1434
无意识水平的工作、象征性的分析原理和感应性的转化机制是心理分析的三大基本原则,其中都包含着中国文化的意义;梦的分析、积极想象和沙盘游戏是心理分析的三种主要方法.其中都具有中国文化的渊源;安其不安与心理治疗、安其所安与心理教育和安之若命与心性发展,包含着心理分析的目的和实践,本身也都具有中国文化的内涵。在中国文化的基础上可以发展一种整合性的心理分析体系。  相似文献   

Martin S. Livingston 《Group》2001,25(1-2):15-26
This paper presents one leadership style within a self-psychological approach to working with dreams in group psychotherapy. It stresses an empathic attunement, the creation of safety, and an experience-near playful relationship. Playful is not used lightly here. It is used in the spirit of Winnicott's intermediate space where a mother suspends questions of what is real or not real and what is me and not me. Freud's analogy to a playspace forms a metaphor for the creation of a special atmosphere in a group, or for that matter in individual work as well, that encourages exploration, risk taking, and vulnerability. Working with dreams in this playspace deepens the curative process, not only for the dreamer, but for the entire group.  相似文献   

K. Helmut Reich 《Zygon》1998,33(1):113-120
This essay is an introduction to systematic nonsectarian psychology of religion—its nature and scope, and its history. Among major issues, the study of motivation for being religious and stages of religious development are discussed, as well as counseling and psychotherapy. I summarize current trends.  相似文献   

行为治疗与行为心理学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行为主义心理学的发展可以分成两个时期。以20世纪五六十年代之交为分界线,此前为理论准备时期,此后为形成和发展期。行为治疗的基本理论主要包括3个部分:经典的条件反射原理、操作条件作用原理和模仿学习的原理。行为治疗中的常用技术有系统脱敏法、满灌疗法、厌恶疗法和强化的方法等。行为疗法以短、平、快见长,已成为我国心理治疗的主要方法之一,为心理学的发展奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

Abstract :  This paper provides a historical, religious-philosophical context for the study of the Daoist text known as  The Secret of the Golden Flower . An updated study is conducted into the controversy over the source of the text including the editions translated by Richard Wilhelm and Thomas Cleary. The main teachings of the text and the basics of two major denominations of Daoism are introduced to ground later critiques of Jung's commentary. The psychodynamics of analytical psychology, especially those concerned with integration of unconscious contents and the realization of the self (individuation) are compared with the psycho-spiritual dynamics of integration in Eastern spirituality based on the Golden Flower text. The paper concludes that it was amiss for Jung to have equated the Western 'unconscious' with states of higher consciousness in Eastern meditation practices, although his claim that Eastern higher consciousness is characterized by a nebulous state of non-intentionality does raise questions about the appropriateness of calling Eastern meditative states 'consciousness'. A new concept is required to characterize the special qualities of this psychic state shared generally by Eastern spiritual traditions and a more meaningful comparison may be found in Jung's concept of the self.  相似文献   

Background: Increasing numbers of HIV‐infected gay men acquire hepatitis C virus (HCV) co‐infection, which causes serious medical consequences. Treatment for HCV is associated with many severe side effects, in some cases psychological, and many patients subsequently fail to adhere, even when psychological services are utilised, to improve treatment adherence. Objective: This qualitative study aimed to explore the experiences of HIV‐infected gay men undergoing treatment for HCV in order to inform psychological services to better meet specific treatment needs of this population. Methods: Thirteen HIV‐infected gay men who had undergone HCV treatment were interviewed and a qualitative analysis was conducted. Participants described HCV and its treatments in the context of their relationships and lifestyles. Findings: Four domains emerged: HCV diagnosis and treatment; HCV treatment education; change in sense of self; and sexual risk‐taking. Adhering to treatment was a significant challenge for all participants and emerged across all domains. Discussion: Psychological services for this population of co‐infected gay men should assist this clinical population not only with adherence to hepatitis C treatment but should also be available at an earlier stage in the process to help patients make informed choices about whether or not to begin a course of treatment. Assessing factors such as coping strategies, treatment readiness and knowledge, self‐awareness, and level of risk‐taking, can guide clinicians in tailoring treatment and adherence planning for HIV/HCV‐co‐infected gay men.  相似文献   

The need for psychological services to limited English proficient clients is increasing. Psychologists who provide clinical services to limited English proficient clients are frequently required to use the services of spoken language interpreters. Research has shown that the quality and consistency of interpretation services are often in question. Interpreters are generally not required to hold any certifications or to meet training requirements prior to providing interpretation services. This lack of oversight leaves the psychologist responsible for the quality of the interpretation when adhering to the American Psychological Association’s (APA) 2010 Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. This article includes a discussion of the ethical and clinical issues inherent in providing psychological services through an interpreter, how those issues affect a psychologist’s adherence to the APA Ethics Code, and recommendations for meeting the ethical standards while providing sound clinical services through the use of spoken language interpreters.  相似文献   

This paper considers the claim that C. G. Jung used a Lamarckian model of evolution to underwrite his theory of archetypes. This claim is challenged on the basis of Jung's familiarity with and use of the writings of James Mark Baldwin and Conway Lloyd Morgan, both of whom were noted and forceful opponents of neo-Lamarckian theory from within a neo-Darwinian framework. The paper then outlines the evolutionary model proposed by Baldwin and Lloyd Morgan, which has come to be known as Baldwinian evolution or the Baldwin effect. This model explicitly views psychological factors as central to the evolutionary process. Finally, the use of Baldwinian thinking in contemporary theorizing regarding language and other symbolic systems is reviewed and suggestions are made regarding the implications of Baldwinian models for theory building in analytical psychology.  相似文献   

今天的心理学是否仍然具有理论魅力和教化力量,心理学者是否真的在思考和创造,关键在于心理学研究的思维方式和话语方式是否发生真正的改变。中国心理学传统以关注人生命的完整性、目标的人本性和价值性以及方法论的关系化取向,在与科学心理学之间的关联与互动中,成为科学心理学高举"反思之刀"实现自救和新生的重要学术资源、创新资源和借鉴资源。  相似文献   

Extant historical scholarship in the Jungian literature and the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) literature does not provide a complete picture of the treatment of Rowland Hazard by C. G. Jung, an analysis that AA co-founder Bill Wilson claimed was integral to the foundation of AA in theory and practice. Wilson's original report resulted in archivists and historians incorrectly calibrating their searches to the wrong date. The current work definitively solves the mystery of the timing of Hazard's treatment with Jung by placing his preliminary analysis with Jung in the year 1926, rather than 1930 or 1931. Previously unexamined correspondence originating from Jung, Hazard, his cousin Leonard Bacon, his uncle Irving Fisher, and his aunt Margaret Hazard Fisher is supplemented by relevant primary and secondary source material.  相似文献   

This paper is a preliminary communication of several years of research into the life and work of the Austrian psychoanalyst and anarchist Otto Gross (1877–1920). Although he played a pivotal role in the birth of modernity, acting as a significant influence upon psychiatry, psychoanalysis, ethics, sociology and literature, he has remained virtually unknown to this day. Following a biographical sketch and an overview of his main theoretical contributions, the impact of Gross' life and work on the development of analytical theory and practice is described. His relationship with some of the key figures in psychoanalysis is presented, with particular emphasis on his connections to Jung. The paper concludes with an account of relevant contemporary interest in his work: the founding of the International Otto Gross Society, the first edition of The Collected Works of Otto Gross on the Internet, and the 1st and 2nd International Otto Gross Congresses which took place in Berlin in 1999 and at the Burghölzli Clinic, Zürich, in October 2000.  相似文献   

Donelson R. Forsyth 《Group》2000,24(2-3):147-155
Will fields that study groups in general, such as social psychology, and fields that use groups to achieve therapeutic goals, such as group psychotherapy, move toward unification in the future or will they drift apart? One possible future assumes that these two approaches to groups will become better integrated as (a) societal changes increase individuals' reliance on groups; (b) research and theory on group processes become more sophisticated; and (c) basic and applied researchers work together more closely in examining groups. Such unification requires, however, changes in the training, outlook, and procedures used by both practitioners and researchers.  相似文献   

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