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Core energetics is a method of psychotherapy that seeks the integration of all aspects of humanity: the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual. Based on a deep understanding of the ways in which energy and consciousness work together, the therapy, developed by John C. Pierrakos, MD, invites couples to experience their inner truth and to identify their universal life goals and core feelings. Core energetics emphasizes wholeness and unification without loss of individuation for the couple. This article describes core energetics as it is used in couples work; the theory, therapeutic stance, methods of diagnosis, and energetic techniques are discussed, as well as the focus on sexuality and Spirituality.  相似文献   

Traditionally, sexuality has not been a focus in couples therapy training, research, or practice, although it is an important, often complex issue for many couples. This article tells the story of a couple presenting for sex therapy due to their unconsummated marriage, and is told to exemplify how sex therapy and couples therapy can be integrated in order to best meet the needs of couples. As the story unfolds, the multilayered facets of the presenting issue are revealed. The therapy incorporates and weaves together family of origin history, intrapsychic and cognitive issues, relational dynamics, patterns of interaction, and physiological/medical concerns into a postmodern couples therapy with behavioral interventions. This combined approach recognizes the value of each method on its own and their greater usefulness when blended together.  相似文献   

In the author's view, the intensity of couples/family treatment arises from a suppressed acknowledgment of reciprocity, of interconnectedness among family members, beyond the often familiar dynamics of blaming and deprivation. Eliciting a recognition of profound interdependence raises anxiety, and stands in opposition to culturally prescribed concepts of autonomy and independence. To this end, a dramaturgical model of couples/family is proposed and discussed, involving the therapist's participation as director, witness or audience, and protagonist.  相似文献   

This article describes emotionally focused couple therapy and the contribution of this model to the field of couple therapy. A focus on emotional processing in the present moment, on process factors and on a genuine empathic connection with both clients is at the heart of this model. The creation of new patterns of emotional responses results in the creation of key new interactional responses. EFT is empirically validated on several levels: on the level of treatment outcome, and on the levels of the relational theory in which it is based and key moments and factors in the change process.  相似文献   

The authors randomly assigned 54 ethnically diverse, low‐income married couples with children to receive relationship education either immediately or in 6 months. Couples attended 12 hours of relationship education using the Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program curriculum. The authors collected pre‐ and postassessment data and compared differences in relationship satisfaction between treatment and wait‐list control couples. Results indicated significant differences in relationship satisfaction between the 2 groups. Findings support relationship education as an efficacious intervention for low‐income couples.  相似文献   

This article describes a pilot study to examine the usefulness of adding a couples therapy component to inpatient drug and alcohol treatment for women. The treatment model was modified from a 12-week integrative systems model that has been empirically supported in outpatient treatment settings. A team of student-therapists received intensive training and supervision in the modified version. This article discusses the ability of chemical dependency counselors to implement this model, includes pre and post treatment comparisons, and qualitative findings regarding the efficacy of the project. The treatment model promises to be usable, safe, and practical in inpatient settings, and merits a more thoroughgoing clinical trial.  相似文献   


Though depression is one of the most common presenting problems treated by systemic therapists, there have been relatively few attempts to describe how specific systemic therapy models can be applied to treat couples dealing with depression. In this paper, we discuss how contextual therapy can be used to treat depression in couples therapy. We identify multidirected partiality as an intervention and as a characteristic. We introduce letter writing and internalized other interviewing as contextual interventions that help to facilitate partiality and understanding between clients. A clinical vignette illustrates our discussed concepts.  相似文献   

Twenty treatment outcome studies, 13 of which evaluated behavioral couples therapy (BCT) and seven of which evaluated emotionally focused therapy (EFT) were reviewed, leading to the following conclusions. BCT leads to short and long-term gains for moderate to severe couple distress. In the long term BCT probably leads to no better outcomes than its constituent components—behavioral exchange training and communication and problem solving skills training. Addition of a cognitive therapy component to BCT or the use of a variety of treatment formats does not improve the efficacy of BCT. Integrative couples therapy and insight-oriented marital therapy may be more effective than BCT, but studies supporting this conclusion require replication. EFT leads to short and long-term gains for mild to moderate couple distress. Addition of a cognitive therapy component to EFT does not enhance its efficacy. EFT may be more effective than problem solving therapy and less effective than integrated systemic therapy, but the two studies supporting this conclusion require replication.Michael Byrne, PhD, is a Clinical Psychologist, Midland Health Board, Ireland; Alan Carr, PhD, is Director of the Clinical Psychology Training Programme, Department of Psychology, Arts Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland (alan.carr@ucd.ie). Marie Clark, PhD, is Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of Surrey, United Kingdom.  相似文献   

Military life can place excess strain on couple relationships. The Couple CARE relationship education program was tailored to address the challenges of military couples. Thirty-two Australian military couples participated in a pilot feasibility study assessing the Couple CARE in Uniform adaptation against an active control. Relationship satisfaction and communication improved in both conditions, with no significant difference between the conditions. Couples' high relationship satisfaction on presentation, paired with modest statistical power, might have contributed to the null results. However, Couple CARE in Uniform had significantly higher consumer satisfaction than the comparison condition, suggesting it is a program worthy of further evaluation.  相似文献   


This study explores the therapeutic experience of lesbian couples who had received couples psychotherapy earlier in their relationship. It examines their feelings regarding their own levels of acceptance, disclosure of sexual orientation, and connectedness with the professional providing services using qualitative methodology. The perspectives of both members of the lesbian couple were taken into account and explored. Lesbian couples who had accepted their sexual orientation appeared to have higher levels of satisfaction in their therapeutic experience and reported having an improved sense of self. Couples who had a therapist that portrayed a positive acceptance of homosexuality, low levels of heterosexism, and knowledge of issues relevant to the lesbian community reported an experience that was conducive to growth and development thus leading to an enriched relationship.  相似文献   

Therapists working with couples are likely to see gay male couples in their practice yet there is a lack of training to prepare therapists to work with gay couples. Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is an empirically supported approach to couples therapy and offers a clear structure and map for working with gay male couples. This article reviews some of the issues that are specific to EFT work with gay men. Given the range of minority stressors that gay men contend with EFT is particularly appropriate for work with gay male couples because of the focus on the attachment bond. Building a secure relationship is an important source of resilience that can buffer against prejudice and discrimination and provide a secure base for individual and couple exploration.  相似文献   

The current study is a pilot project conducted at Baltimore VA Medical Center investigating the use of emotionally focused couples therapy (EFT) for couples in which one partner is a veteran who has been diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Fifteen couples enrolled in the study and seven of these couples completed treatment (26 to 36 weekly sessions of EFT). Both partners were assessed on measures of relationship satisfaction, psychological distress, depression, and quality of life, and veterans were assessed on measures of PTSD symptoms at baseline and 2 weeks after the intervention. Paired t-tests were used to compare scores before and after EFT. In terms of results, the veterans' partners reported significant improvements in relationship and life satisfaction and in decreased depression and a decrease in psychological distress. Veterans demonstrated a significant decrease in self-reported symptoms of PTSD. These results provide preliminary evidence for the usefulness of EFT to help foster improved relationship satisfaction, and psychological well-being for veterans with PTSD and their partners who completed treatment.  相似文献   

Teaching communication techniques to couples is a common way for therapists to begin treatment. In many cases, couples then use these newly acquired skills to express negative or even hostile information to each other, sometimes doing more harm than good to the relationship. Based upon years of clinical experience with hundreds of couples in treatment, this article presents the idea that having the couple see themselves as an entity first, not as two individuals, may be necessary before clear communication can be maximally therapeutic. The article outlines the Couple Power model of treatment, suggesting that four basic tasks—commitment, cooperation, communication and community—need to be accomplished in that order, postponing the teaching of communication skills until later in therapy. Theory behind the tasks and suggestions for effective techniques to achieve the “Four C’s” of Couple Power are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the growing popularity of narrative approaches to couple and family therapy and the demonstrated effectiveness of enactments—a clinical process typically articulated and utilized in more modern or positivistic approaches to therapy—there is very little, if any, literature exploring how enactments may fit within a narrative therapeutic framework. In this paper we suggest: That narrative therapy theoretical assumptions, principles, and therapeutic processes may coexist within an enactment framework articulated by Butler and Gardner; that such assumptions and processes may be enhanced when clinicians use an enactment scaffolding throughout the therapeutic process; and that this enactment framework empirically informs the narrative therapy process and strengthens the stance of narrative therapy under the scrutiny of those claiming a need for an evidence basis in psychotherapy.  相似文献   


Same-sex couples are presented widiin tiieir cultural contexts to examine how those contexts might influence me strength and resilience of their relationships. We are particularly interested in the ability of the couple relationship to fulfill family functions that serve the social, psychological, and physical needs of each of the partners and society (Patterson, 2002a). Three family functions: family formation and membership, nurturance and socialization, and protection of vulnerable members, are particularly germane to same-sex couples. We examine several topic areas related to these three functions in order to assist clinicians in identifying factors that may prohibit same-sex couples from becoming and remaining strong and resilient.  相似文献   

Men's difficulty with emotional intimacy is a problem that therapists regularly encounter in working with heterosexual couples in therapy. The first part of this article describes historical and cultural factors that contribute to this dilemma in men's marriages and same-sex friendships. Therapeutic men's groups can provide a corrective experience for men, helping them to develop emotional intimacy skills while augmenting their work in couples therapy. A model for such groups is presented, including guidelines for referral, screening, and collaboration with other therapists. Our therapeutic approach encourages relationship-based learning through direct emotional expression and supportive feedback. We emphasize the development of friendship skills , core attributes of friendship ( connection, communication, commitment, and cooperation ) that contribute to emotional intimacy in men's relationships. Case examples are included to illustrate how this model works in clinical practice, as well as specific suggestions for further study that could lead to a more evidence-based practice.  相似文献   


Sex therapy with gay male couples is difficult for many family and relationship therapists. Family therapists lack knowledge of the nature of sex therapy, gay male culture and sexuality, the dynamics of gay male couples, and the sexual issues gay male couples are likely to bring to sex therapy. Countertransference also makes sex therapy with gay male couples difficult for some family and relationship therapists. This paper addresses those issues and then explains a systems approach to sex therapy with gay male couples.  相似文献   

采用问卷法对454名处于亲密恋爱关系中的未婚个体进行调查,考察了沟通质量在科技侵扰与亲密关系满意度之间的中介效应,及信任对这一中介过程的调节效应。结果表明:(1)科技侵扰对亲密关系满意度具有显著负向预测作用;(2)沟通质量在科技侵扰与亲密关系满意度之间起中介作用;(3)科技侵扰通过沟通质量对亲密关系满意度的中介受到信任的调节,具体来说,个体对伴侣信任水平较高时,将减弱沟通质量变差对亲密关系满意度的破坏作用。本研究在新的时代背景下探究智能手机使用在亲密互动中的影响及其中的机制和边界条件。研究结果提示,科技侵扰可以通过破坏沟通质量影响恋爱个体的亲密关系满意度,且在此过程中信任可以缓冲沟通质量变差对亲密关系的影响。  相似文献   

When reviewing past and current research on the role of emotion in couples therapy, there appeared to be a lack of articulation concerning how emotional expressions and relational dynamics are affected by emotional trauma that has not been accessed. The authors demonstrate how emotionally and experientially oriented therapy with couples can be enhanced by accessing stored trauma through the use of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). This approach is called Eye Movement Relationship Enhancement (EMRE) therapy and includes key clinical areas such as accessing and tolerating previously disowned emotion, reprocessing emotional experiences, and amplifying couple intimacy. These key areas are discussed and illustrated with case examples.  相似文献   

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