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The authors examined whether gay men and lesbians are evaluated more negatively than individuals of unspecified sexual orientation when attributional ambiguity surrounds evaluations and whether they are evaluated similarly to unspecified others when no attributional ambiguity is present. One male and one female lecturer delivered either a strong or a weak lecture to students who either (a) believed that the lecturer was a gay man or a lesbian or (b) did not receive sexual orientation information. Contrary to predictions, the quality of the lecture did not influence the ratings of known gay male and lesbian lecturers, although lecture quality strongly influenced ratings of lecturers whose sexual orientation was unspecified. After strong lectures, participants rated known gay male and lesbian lecturers more negatively than they did lecturers whose sexual orientation was unspecified. After weak lectures, participants rated known gay male and lesbian lecturers more positively than they did the others. The authors discussed the possibility that students might moderate their ratings to avoid discriminating against gay and lesbian lecturers.  相似文献   

《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(16):67-96

Capetz reviews the significance of Luther's polemic against celibacy in the light of the decision of the Presbyterian Church (USA) to amend its constitution and require that gays and lesbians vow celibacy as a condition of holding office in the church. His historical investigations lead him to draw parallels between Luther's anguished attempts to live as a celibate monk and the dilemmas he experiences as a gay man. While the institution continues to disavow the radical potential inherent in its own tradition, Capetz, like many others, feels compelled to follow Luther and leave the monastery behind, along with the religious ideals it represents, in order to engage in the bold experiment of creating new models of Christian life.  相似文献   

Past research demonstrates that heterosexuals perceive gay men to have traditionally feminine characteristics. Guided by Social Role Theory (Eagly, 1987), we predicted that this stereotype would differ depending on a gay man’s specific social role. To test this idea, participants rated five gay targets (father, single man, hairdresser, truck driver, typical gay man) on stereotypically masculine (e.g., ambitious, leader) and feminine (e.g., affectionate, sensitive) personality attributes. Gay men in traditionally masculine roles (truck driver, single man) were rated as less feminine than gay men in traditionally feminine roles (hairdresser, parent). In addition, gay men in feminine roles were perceived as more similar to the typical gay man than were those in masculine roles. Suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   


Although gay male couples share with all couples three essential tasks of couplehood-creating boundaries in order to form a couple identity, negotiating closeness and distance, and accommodating to their individual differences-gay male couples face special complications in each task. These complications, examined herein, are largely the result of the marginalization gay men experience from living in a homophobic culture, and male gender acculturation that makes male-to-male intimacy difficult. A model of brief couple therapy for gay men is presented that is designed to honor, as well as challenge, the relationship the men have co-constructed and specifically addresses the difficulties men have in maintaining intimate bonds. A case study illustrates the treatment of clinical issues presented by male couples.  相似文献   

《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(16):21-31

Long begins this article by posing the question, ‘What makes good gay porn?’ His reflections lead him to suggest that images of ‘good sex’, ‘real sex’, ‘hot sex’ point towards ideal forms of masculinity. Employing the Platonic linkage between the good, the true and the beautiful he argues that such ideal images lead towards the divine who constitutes ‘the authority of the truly ideal’. In this frame ‘good porn’ is not merely an escape from the present imperfection of life but a foretaste of eternal happiness in the face of its seeming impossibility.  相似文献   


Sex therapy with gay male couples is difficult for many family and relationship therapists. Family therapists lack knowledge of the nature of sex therapy, gay male culture and sexuality, the dynamics of gay male couples, and the sexual issues gay male couples are likely to bring to sex therapy. Countertransference also makes sex therapy with gay male couples difficult for some family and relationship therapists. This paper addresses those issues and then explains a systems approach to sex therapy with gay male couples.  相似文献   

《Psychoanalytic Social Work》2013,20(3-4):145-159

This report explores representative dilemmas of gay youth in the transition from late adolescence to young adulthood and shows how brief treatment may facilitate efforts to work toward greater authenticity in sense of self and identity, revise maladaptive relational patterns, and strengthen coping capacities. It presents the case of an 18-year-old male who was seen in supportive psychodynamic treatment for 13 sessions in a university counseling service. Developmental and relational deficits, rooted in a stigmatized identity, perpetuated problems in functioning. The relational functions and supportive elements of the therapeutic process are emphasized in discussion of curative factors. Establishment of the selfobject bond with the therapist strengthened self, facilitated coping, and improved social functioning. The author emphasizes the importance of considering the impact of internalized homophobia and self-alienation in assessment of functioning and establishment of treatment goals.  相似文献   

《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(2):123-124

This article explores the theology of procreation in marriage from traditional Catholic and traditional Evangelical viewpoints. Both groups believe that children are an integral aspect of Christian marriage, yet the barren couple is welcomed in the community despite Church insistence on children in marriage. Voluntary childfree unions and gay marriages, however, are both rejected by traditional Catholics and traditional Evangelicals. I contend that in this particular cultural climate of gay rights, one hurdle to accepting childfree straight marriages in traditional Christian branches is the perceived dissolution of conventional marriage. If traditionalists affirm that a married couple may choose to not procreate, then there is very little to distinguish straight childfree marriages from gay childfree marriages. Removing one pillar of conventional marriage – children – will bring Christian unions closer to theoretical support for gay marriage, a move that many traditionalists would be loath to make.  相似文献   

《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(3):233-249

This qualitative study based on interviews with Anglican gay men suggests spiritually significant reasons for which many gay men in England, including gay Evangelicals, are attracted to Anglo-Catholicism or, more largely, to Catholic forms of spirituality. Catholic spirituality is more aware of the body and helps some of these men to make Christian sense of their sexual desires. The Catholic tradition also provides them with alternative patterns to the heteronormative ‘church family’ model of community life that Evangelical churches, in particular, like to offer. As a consequence Catholic spirituality may appear to be better equipped than its Protestant counterpart to help the interviewees re-imagine their place as gay men at the heart of the Church with a gift to offer.  相似文献   

《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(1):107-109

In response to the constructive criticism of four male scholars of religious studies, this piece clarifies some of the arguments of my earlier essay, ‘Who's Afraid of Gay Theology?’. It argues for a cautious approach to identify one's gendered and sexed identity as an author within men's studies since such self-revelation may narrow the range of possible textual readings. The unintended consequence may be lesser rather than the wished-for greater transparency of both text and author. This essay makes a few suggestions of how to navigate the difficult terrain of language, gender, social privilege, and male intimacy.  相似文献   


Prompt/orientation cues delivered through an automatic system were combined with one or two reinforcement events in order to promote mild physical exercise independent of staff in a man with profound multiple disabilities. The exercise sessions were gradually extended to 60 minutes. Data indicated that the man achieved high levels of exercise engagement. There were minimal differences in terms of engagement between sessions with one reinforcement event and those with two reinforcement events. Yet, in the latter sessions, the man had higher levels of positive mood. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(1):110-117

Taking his childhood experiences in the American South as a starting point, Lindsey explores the scapegoating of marginalized groups. Vicious processes of social exclusion are resisted by those targeted as ‘demeaned outsiders’. However, their experience gives them a special knowledge of how structures of power function. Gay Christians are in a position to translate this knowledge into a call for radical transformation that is vital for the survival of the church. The gift gay believers offer is a vision of the church as it might become; an imagined community of the future rather than a memorial of the past.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to describe the struggle that gays and lesbians face as they incorporate their sexual orientation and identity within the context of an existing religious or spiritual identity. An overview of the religious and spiritual context that makes individuals unique will be followed by how the narrative perspective can help individuals who identify themselves as gay or lesbian with their struggle for identity. Finally, new narrative directions will be suggested for marriage and family therapists and their work with gays and lesbians who are confronted with these issues.  相似文献   

Journal file     

The marriage of the “collapsible” man of prominence, by H. W. Byrd, P. A. Martin &; A. Schuham, 1983, 140, 290–295.  相似文献   

《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(15):66-93

This paper considers the fact that the academic resources of contemporary biblical scholarship are employed by both sides in the Church debate on homosexuality. When historical and critical evidence has been marshalled, decisions continue to be made on the basis of prior commitments to deeply held theological convictions. This being the case it is important to consider the role that biblical scholars play in debate. It can no longer be considered adequate that they continue to supply supposedly objective knowledge concerning the texts while remaining silent concerning the ethics of interpretation. In the future queer theology will exercise a profound impact and queer readings that move beyond the current boundaries of ‘legitimate’ interpretations will proliferate. This will radically reshape the terrain on which debate takes place. However, at the present moment, there is an urgent need to question the ethics of interpretation within the academy itself.  相似文献   

《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(1):49-61

The mystery of the one-triune God sheds light onto the mystery of the one-dyadic human being. In their union, man and woman experience life as a loving communion, which means, as a mutual indwelling of difference and unity. The Fall brought about an adversarial existence between man and woman and set gender as a priority over personhood. Male-centredness lowers the woman into an idol or an object, thus dehumanizing or depersonalizing her. Christ restores the relationship of man and woman as a mystery where the absolute otherness of the persons, but also their indivisible unity are both elevated at the same time.  相似文献   


Research examining sexual orientation in sport settings has been limited in scope and lacked theoretical frameworks. To extend this body of research, the current study was framed within social identity theory and examined the impact of Gay Games participation on: (a) social identity, self-esteem, and collective esteem; and (b) expected subsequent social change activities following the Games. One hundred and twenty-five lesbian and bisexual athletes competing in Gay Games V participated in this investigation. The athletes completed a demographic profile and an open-ended questionnaire that asked about their Gay Games experience as well as expected social change activities after the Games. A content analysis of the responses revealed themes consistent with social identity theory. Specifically, these individuals identified the role of the Gay Games on social categorization, personal and social identity, and self and collective esteem. Additionally, these women revealed that following the Gay Games they felt more likely to work towards social change by becoming more out, educating others, and working through political channels.  相似文献   

《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(15):94-113

In this wide-ranging article Long explores the spiritual problem of aging with particular reference to the gay male community. Long analyses the construction of beauty and its association with goodness and youth in contemporary (and indeed ancient Christian) culture. He rejects the transgressive gender theories that characterize queer theory, regarding modern homosexuality as a reinforcing and widening of masculinity. He argues that the process of ageing gives gay men the chance to become the men that their youthful looks declared them to be.  相似文献   


This article considers how the insights of gay and lesbian Christians can be situated in relation to a sex-negative religious tradition. Are they to be seen as anomalous appendages or as integral to the tradition itself? Thinking of the Bible as a ‘faith family photo album’ offers a useful analogy for exploring this methodological issue. The image of a photo album provokes questions as to which characters and primal scenes achieve archival status within religious communities and which are removed from public view. In this frame we can discern that what is received from the past is produced out of messy familial disputes often provoked by radical and subversive practice. The work of disputing which images can be displayed in the family album must continue as it is in the interplay between traditional teachings and transgressive performance that transformative adaptations occur without which Christianity cannot thrive as a living tradition.  相似文献   


This article presents Merleau‐Ponty's concept of “flesh” as a possible factor in the (re)defining of the Rogerian theory in terms of its concept (perspective) of man and the world. It describes Merleau‐Ponty's study of phenomena, emphasizing those aspects which are most closely related to his concept of man, on the course which brings one to his concept of “flesh.” It will include some cases of therapeutic treatment from the view point of “man in the world,” which is proposed by the philosopher.  相似文献   

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