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Urban students who have witnessed psychological casualties among family members often feel guilty about being spared. “Survivor guilt” frequently results in emotional and academic difficulties.  相似文献   

Guilt and shame are emotions commonly associated with motherhood. Self-discrepancy theory proposes that guilt and shame result from perceived discrepancies between one’s actual and ideal selves. Fear of negative evaluation by others may enhance the effects of self-discrepancy especially for shame, which involves fear of others’ reproach. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between self discrepancy, guilt, shame, and fear of negative evaluation in a cross-sectional, self report study of mothers. Mothers of children five and under (N = 181) completed an on-line survey measuring guilt, shame, fear of negative evaluation, and maternal self-discrepancies. Guilt and shame were related to maternal self-discrepancy and fear of negative evaluation. In addition, fear of negative evaluation moderated the relationship between maternal self-discrepancy and shame such that mothers who greatly feared negative evaluation had a very strong relationship between these variables. Maternal self-discrepancy and shame were not related among mothers who had low fear of negative evaluation. The results are discussed in terms of the detrimental effects of internalizing idealized standards of perfect motherhood.  相似文献   

We compared negative and positive ads in the context of a fictitious election. Participants read a strong or weak message supporting one candidate (positive ad) or derogating the opposition candidate (negative ad). The strong positive message had a greater impact on attitudes toward the candidates than the weak positive message, but message strength had no significant effect for negative messages, suggesting that positive messages are centrally processed, and negative messages serve mainly as peripheral cues. Accordingly, a strong positive message was more effective than a weak positive message, but a weak positive message was less effective than a weak negative message. We conclude that negative political ads are advisable only when candidates cannot provide strong arguments to support their candidacy.  相似文献   

Male and female college students were asked to rate the truth of myths about rape either before or after contemplating how they would react if a close friend or relative told them she had been raped. It was expected that such contemplation would decrease endorsement of rape myths, by increasing sympathy for victims and reducing the tendency to blame victims for sexual assault. Typically, studies have found that women are less accepting of rape myths and more sympathetic to rape victims than men. A reason for this may be that women have thought about rape more and are more likely to have experienced sexual assault or to be acquainted with a survivor. Based on the above findings, it was hypothesized that contemplating exposure to a rape survivor would be particularly beneficial to men's attitudes. Results contradicted the hypothesis and showed that contemplating exposure increased rejection of rape myths for women but slightly increased men's endorsements. In contrast, men and women who were actually acquainted with a rape survivor rejected rape myths more strongly than those who did not claim acquaintance.  相似文献   

My ambition in this paper is to provide an account of an unacknowledged example of blameless guilt that, I argue, merits further examination. The example is what I call carer guilt: guilt felt by nurses and family members caring for patients with palliative-care needs. Nurses and carers involved in palliative care often feel guilty about what they perceive as their failure to provide sufficient care for a patient. However, in some cases the guilty carer does not think that he has the capacity to provide sufficient care; he has, in his view, done all he can. These carers cannot legitimately be blamed for failing to meet their own expectations. Yet despite acknowledging their blamelessness, they nonetheless feel guilty. My aims are threefold: first, to explicate the puzzling nature of the carer guilt phenomenon; second, to motivate the need to solve that puzzle; third, to give my own account of blameless guilt that can explain why carers feel guilty despite their blamelessness. In doing so I argue that the guilt experienced by carers is a legitimate case of guilt, and that with the right caveats it can be considered an appropriate response to the progressive deterioration of someone for whom we care.  相似文献   

目前反科学主义者所提出的所谓科学知识的负面影响,实际存在着大口下几种情况: 第一,是对科学知识的不适当应用。例如办工业而不治理污染,特别在我国目前的条件下,一些小工业对环境的污染;某些大国拒不签订国际环保条约等等。 第二,由于国家、民族或者其他利益集团的利益对抗,把科  相似文献   

The aim of the present research was to investigate the mediating role of group-level forgiveness and guilt in the relationship between victimhood (the extent to which the conflict affected an individual's life), exposure to violence (the level of violence in their area of residence), and group identity on the one hand, and mild psychiatric morbidity on the other. Specifically the study focused on the psychological impact of the ethnopolitical conflict in Northern Ireland, utilizing people's identification with either the Catholic or Protestant community. Our results revealed that intergroup forgiveness mediated the relationship between both victimhood and group identification, as predictors, and mild psychiatric morbidity. Collective guilt, on the other hand, mediated the relationship between both exposure to violence and group identification, as predictors, and intergroup forgiveness. Overall this study shows that forgiveness and collective guilt can act as mediators in the relationship between impact of ethnopolitical conflict and mental health, at the group level, and thus demonstrates their centrality to the reconciliation process. Implications for intergroup reconciliation initiatives in Northern Ireland are discussed.  相似文献   

There is a long and interesting history in the study of the positive and negative effects of sacrifice, but few researchers have focused on how one’s marital partner being the recipient of sacrifice may lead to different outcomes. Based on conservation of resources theory, we suggested that a partner’s social support could be a potential moderator between sacrifice and well-being. To examine our hypothesis, we invited 141 Taiwanese couples to participate in our study. As expected, we found that only for those individuals whose partners provided less social support to them, the more they sacrificed, the lower marital satisfaction and the higher depressive symptoms they reported. In contrast, this effect was not found for the context in which a partner provided more social support. In addition, the negative correlation between a partner’s sacrifice and one’s depressive symptoms became stronger when an individual provided more support to their sacrificing partner. Our findings highlight that the relationship between sacrifice and well-being are contingent upon context, and are particularly dependent on whether the recipient of sacrifice can provide a supportive relationship.  相似文献   

羞耻和内疚的差异   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
羞耻和内疚是日常生活中经常出现的两种十分相似的情感,难以对此作出明确的区分。近年来研究发现两者在概念、认知评价、情感体验和外显表现等方面都有着明显的差异,而且在与心理障碍之间的关系上羞耻比内疚更密切。这些研究发现无疑对情绪的理论研究和心理障碍的临床治疗都起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

These studies examine employees’ emotional reactions to performance feedback from their supervisors as well as subsequent effects on attitudes and (intentions to show) affect‐driven work behaviors (counterproductive behavior, turnover, citizenship, and affective commitment). A pre‐study (N= 72) illustrates that employees regularly receive performance feedback from supervisors and that this feedback elicits different positive and negative emotions. Next, a scenario experiment (Study 1) comparing the effects of positive/negative feedback given in public/private was conducted, with a student sample (N= 240) and a sample of working adults (N= 107). In both samples, feedback has an impact on emotions and subsequently on work attitudes and behavioral intentions. The results from the scenario experiment were validated in a survey study (Study 2) among employees of a for‐profit research firm (N= 86) who reported on recalled emotions and work behaviors after receiving performance feedback during appraisals. Again, different types of feedback relate to different emotions. In turn, these emotions were related to subsequent work behaviors and attitudes. Together, these studies show that feedback affects recipients’ emotions and that such emotional reactions mediate the relationship between feedback and counterproductive behavior, turnover intentions, citizenship, and affective commitment. Ces travaux abordent les réactions émotives des salariés suite au feedback sur leurs performances en provenance de leur supérieur, ainsi que l’impact sur les attitudes et, au niveau des intentions, sur les conduites professionnelles soumises aux affects (comportements contre‐productifs, démissions, citoyenneté et implication affective). Une préenquête (N= 72) a montré que les salariés reçoivent régulièrement des informations sur leurs résultats de la part de leur supérieur et que cette situation provoque des émotions à la fois positives et négatives. Ensuite, une expérience (Etude n° 1) comparant les conséquences d’un feedback positif ou négatif exprimé en public ou en privé a été menée à bien sur un échantillon d’étudiants (N= 240) et sur un échantillon de travailleurs (N= 107). Dans les deux cas, la rétroaction avait des retombées sur les émotions et par suite sur les attitudes professionnelles et les intentions comportementales. Les conclusions de cette expérience ont été confirmées lors d’une enquête (Etude n? 2) réalisées auprès de salariés d’une société commerciale qui décrirent leurs émotions et leurs comportements professionnels à l’issue d’une rétroaction sur leur performance lors d’une évaluation. Comme prévu, les différentes sortes de feedback sont en relation avec des émotions différentes; puis ces émotions provoquent des attitudes et des conduites professionnelles spécifiques. Au total, ces travaux montrent que le feedback affecte les émotions des individus concernés et que ces réactions émotives s’insèrent dans la relation entre la rétroaction et les comportements contre‐productifs, les projets de démission, la citoyenneté et l’implication affective.  相似文献   

汉代已有经典《玄女经》和与素女有关的房中图书流传。东晋葛洪《抱朴子内篇·遐览》著录的《素女经》,是汉代的传本、改名本或改编本。六朝以来,《玄女经》和《素女经》广为流传,玄素成为一种房中术的专称。日本永观二年,即宋太祖雍熙元年(984),日人丹波康赖编《医心方》。该书保留着汉代《玄女经》和《素女经》的基本内容,流传至今。《玄女经》和《素女经》教授的玄素之道的主要内容及理论底蕴,与马王堆帛书房中术一脉相承,唯重点有所不同,且有所发展。此外,还增加了一些新内容。  相似文献   

The Survivor Interaction Contrast (SIC) is a powerful tool for assessing the architecture and stopping rule of a model of mental processes (Townsend & Nozawa, 1995). Despite its demonstrated utility, the methodology has lacked a method for statistical testing until now. In this paper we briefly describe the SIC then develop some basic statistical properties of the measure. These developments lead to a statistical test for rejecting certain classes of models based on the SIC. We verify these tests using simulated data, then demonstrate their use on data from a simple cognitive task.  相似文献   


Suicide is the leading cause of mortality in the world. The major factors of suicidal behavior are depressive symptoms. Using data from the Korean General Social Survey conducted in 2012, this study identified the causes of suicidality using general strain theory (GST). The total sample size was 1,396. The results showed that physical punishment and mental abuse experienced in childhood increased the mediating variable, level of depression, in adulthood. This study also found that suicidality was significantly associated with depression level. Furthermore, physical punishment and mental abuse had significantly direct effects on the suicidality. As a result, this study found that negative experiences before 18 years of age have an influence on later depression, which increases the likelihood of suicide. Also, this study strongly supported GST. Therefore, reducing the causes of depression during adolescent period would be a key strategy to decrease suicide risk during adulthood.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether perceptions of guilt for both male and female suspects co‐varied with masculine physical appearance. In addition, the study tested whether the relationship between masculine physical appearance and perceptions of guilt was dependent upon whether the crime is stereotypically male perpetrated. Participants read one of three crime scenarios (burglary, child abuse and neglect, fraud and forgery) and evaluated the likelihood that suspects of varying masculine appearance committed the crime in question. Masculine physical appearance significantly affected guilt ratings across all crime types for both male and female suspects. Additionally, guilt ratings for male compared with female suspects were higher for burglary, a crime that was viewed as stereotypically male perpetrated by research participants. The results are discussed in relation to applied implications and future research directions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article is intended to serve as an introduction to the concept of the marriage contract, which has proved to be a useful clinical tool for clarification and treatment of troubled marriages. Transactional as well as intrapsychic factors are important aspects of marital dynamics. The contract concept employs both these behavioral parameters and facilitates therapeutic intervention at both levels.  相似文献   

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