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In this report, we examine tachistoscopic perception of lines in structured figures. Previous research has shown that perception of lines is facilitated when the lines occur as parts of coherent three-dimensional figures. Experiment 1 demonstrates that it is not necessary for the figure to be three-dimensional to obtain facilitation. Experiments 2 and 3 show that three-dimensionality is not sufficient either. What is important is that the target lines be structurally relevant to the figure. However, structural relevance of a target segment to the figure as perceived with unlimited viewing time is not perfectly correlated with perceptibility under tachistoscopic conditions; it appears that the targets which fall on the external contour of a figure may be facilitated even without a high degree of structural relevance. In view of this, we suggest a model in which perceivers use processing heuristics to direct processing to aspects of the input that are potentially important for determining the structure of the final figure, working primarily from the outside in.  相似文献   

Threatening things are often perceptually exaggerated, such that they appear higher, closer, of greater duration, or more intense than they actually are. According to the Resources and Perception Model (RPM) psychosocial resources can prevent this exaggeration, leading to more accurate perception. Two studies tested RPM. Study 1 showed that the perceived closeness of a threatening object (a live tarantula) but not an innocuous object (a cat toy) was moderated by induced self-worth. Further, the more self-worth that participants experienced, the less close the tarantula appeared to them. Study 2 showed that greater levels of self-esteem reduced perceived height, but only among participants prevented from holding a protective handrail while looking down. Together, these studies confirm that resources moderate the physical perception of both distance and height, that resources moderate perception of threats but not nonthreats, that different resources have similar moderating effects, and that psychosocial resources can supplant physical resources.  相似文献   

Moreton E 《Cognition》2002,84(1):55-71
Native-language phonemes combined in a non-native way can be misperceived so as to conform to native phonotactics, e.g. English listeners are biased to hear syllable-initial [tr] rather than the illegal [tl] (Perception and Psychophysics 34 (1983) 338; Perception and Psychophysics 60 (1998) 941). What sort of linguistic knowledge causes phonotactic perceptual bias? Two classes of models were compared: unit models, which attribute bias to the listener's differing experience of each cluster (such as their different frequencies), and structure models, which use abstract phonological generalizations (such as a ban on [coronal][coronal] sequences). Listeners (N=16 in each experiment) judged synthetic 6 x 6 arrays of stop-sonorant clusters in which both consonants were ambiguous. The effect of the stop judgment on the log odds ratio of the sonorant judgment was assessed separately for each stimulus token to provide a stimulus-independent measure of bias. Experiment 1 compared perceptual bias against the onsets [bw] and [dl], which violate different structural constraints but are both of zero frequency. Experiment 2 compared bias against [dl] in CCV and VCCV contexts, to investigate the interaction of syllabification with segmentism and to rule out a compensation-for-coarticulation account of Experiment 1. Results of both experiments favor the structure models (supported by NSF).  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships among support types (i.e., emotional, instrumental, and nonintimate social participation), gender, sex role orientation, and stress level among college undergraduates (N=253). Dependent variables included need, perceived availability, and satisfaction with support. Sex differences were found only in emotional support, with men reporting less need, perceived availability, and marginally less satisfaction than women. The only gender by sex role interaction was on need for emotional support. Traditional sex-typed men reported less need than traditional women, whereas there was no difference between androgynous men and women. While sex differences do exist for emotional support, the effects of sex role orientation on perceptions of social support appears to be somewhat circumscribed.  相似文献   

Summary The Structural Memory, a network model for human perception of serial objects, such as series, is presented. Our theoretical assumptions originate from the Structural Information (Theory (SIT) (Buffart & Leeuwenberg, 1983; Leeuwenberg, 1969), a theory concerning the perceptible structures in an object and the human preference for one of these structures. A symbolic notation of such a perceptible structure in an object is called a representation. For a given maximum number of symbols we can generate all representations automatically. From this procedure we define G(eneration)-relations between the representations. We also define S(tructure)-relations based upon the structures described by the representations. The representations and relations can be seen as respectively the nodes and links in a network. This network is the basis for the Structural Memory. We therefore assign an activation value to each representation in the network, expressing the strength of the preference for the described structure at a certain moment. By means of a process model we are able to make predictions for the strength of the preference for a perceptible structure in an object. The process is only based upon the network structure, because of a relation found between the preference measure, used in SIT, for a perceptible structure in an object and the number of G- and S-relations of the corresponding representation in the network. It is shown that with two of these process models some experiments by Van Leeuwen and Buffart can be simulated.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present experiment was to investigate the extent to which subjects can perceive, at very slow velocities, an angular rotation of the support surface about the medio-lateral axis of the ankle, knee, hip, or neck joint when visual cues are not available. Subjects were passively displaced on a slowly rotating platform at .01, .03, and .05 deg/sec. The subjects’ task was to detect movements of the platform in four different postural conditions allowing body oscillations about the ankle, knee, hip, or neck joint. In Experiment 1, subjects had to detect backward and forward rotation (pitching). In Experiment 2, they had to detect left and right rotations of the platform (rolling). In Experiment 3, subjects had to detect both backward/forward and left/right rotations of the platform, with the body fixed and the head either fixed or free to move. Overall, when the body was free to oscillate about the ankle, knee, or hip joints, a similar threshold for movement perception was observed. This threshold was lower for rolling than for pitching. Interestingly, in these postural conditions, an unconscious compensation in the direction opposite to the platform rotation was observed on most trials. The threshold for movement perception was much higher when the head was the only segment free to oscillate about the neck joint. These results suggest that, in static conditions, the otoliths are poor detectors of the direction of gravity forces. They also suggest that accurate perception of body orientation is improved when proprioceptive information can be dynamically integrated.  相似文献   

Mark and Todd (1983) reported an experiment in which the cardioidal strain transformation was extended to three dimensions and applied to a three-dimensional (3-D) representation of the head of a 15-year-old girl in a direction that made the transformed head appear younger to the vast majority of their subjects. The experiments reported here extend this research in order to examine whether subjects are indeed detecting cardioidal strain in three dimensions, rather than detecting changes in head slant or making 2-D comparisons of the shape of the occluding contour. Three-dimensional surfaces were obtained by measuring a real head manually (Experiment 1) and with a laser scanner (Experiment 2), and transformed to different age levels using the 3-D strain transformation described by Mark and Todd (1983). There were no statistically significant differences in the accuracy with which relative age judgments could be made in response to pairs of profiles, pairs of 3/4 views, or pairs of mixed views (profile plus 3/4 view), suggesting that subjects can indeed extract the cardioidal strain level of the head in three dimensions. However, an additional effect that emerged in these studies was that judgments were crucially affected by the instructions given to subjects, which suggests that factors other than cardioidal strain are important in making judgments about rich data structures.  相似文献   

We used a preferential looking technique to investigate the effect of support ratio (a ratio of the physically specified contours to the total edge length) on the perception of Kanizsa illusory contours in infants aged 3-8 months. Previous work has shown that for adult observers the illusory-contour strength increases proportionally with the support ratio. When the support ratio was relatively high (66%), infants preferred illusory contours to non-illusory figures by 3-4 months of age (experiment 1). In contrast, only infants 7-8 months old showed this preference for illusory contours when the support ratio was reduced to 37% (experiment 3). Further, infants showed no preference for an outline version of the illusory-contour figure, which produced no illusory contours (experiment 2). This result confirms that the infants' preference reflects their perception of illusory contours. Our results show that (i) illusory-contour perception emerges at around 3-4 months of age, but (ii) that this ability is very limited until around 7-8 months of age.  相似文献   

Gender is an important influence on support-relevant social interactions, however findings of studies on gender differences in social support are not definitive. Although differences between men and women in the various social support measures have been found in numerous studies, neither the cause nor the explanatory process is known. This study examines gender differences in the dimensionality of social support. A large sample (N=3210) from the general population of women (60%) and men aged between 18 and 65 years old (Mean AGE=34.1) responded to a brief scale with items assessing the distinct functions of the perceived availability of social support. Confirmatory factor analyses yielded one factor in the women's sample that measures global social support perceived, and two in the men's. The first factor in the men's sample measures emotional support (providing empathy, caring, validation of self-worth), and the second measures instrumental support (e.g. practical assistance or financial aid). We concluded that there are gender differences in the structure of perceived social support and that these differences can be explained by socialization experiences and social roles associated with gender.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present experiment was to investigate the extent to which subjects can perceive, at very slow velocities, an angular rotation of the support surface about the medio-lateral axis of the ankle, knee, hip, or neck joint when visual cues are not available. Subjects were passively displaced on a slowly rotating platform at .01, .03, and .05 deg/sec. The subjects' task was to detect movements of the platform in four different postural conditions allowing body oscillations about the ankle, knee, hip, or neck joint. In Experiment 1, subjects had to detect backward and forward rotation (pitching). In Experiment 2, they had to detect left and right rotations of the platform (rolling). In Experiment 3, subjects had to detect both backward/forward and left/right rotations of the platform, with the body fixed and the head either fixed or free to move. Overall, when the body was free to oscillate about the ankle, knee, or hip joints, a similar threshold for movement perception was observed. This threshold was lower for rolling than for pitching. Interestingly, in these postural conditions, an unconscious compensation in the direction opposite to the platform rotation was observed on most trials. The threshold for movement perception was much higher when the head was the only segment free to oscillate about the neck joint. These results suggest that, in static conditions, the otoliths are poor detectors of the direction of gravity forces. They also suggest that accurate perception of body orientation is improved when proprioceptive information can be dynamically integrated.  相似文献   

《Acta psychologica》1986,63(2):117-131
People with healthy motor systems often expose themselves to natural conditions that induce errors in registered eye or limb position. Visual illusions accompany such errors in the oculomotor system. In the present study, natural conditions induced illusions that disturbed the ability of batters to hit a pitched baseball. Theoretical implications include the conclusion that a better understanding of perception and action relationships will emerge from studies of the interaction between motor information and rich visual information. Practical implications concern performance of athletes and aircraft pilots.  相似文献   

In a visual occlusion task, 4-month-olds were given a dynamic sound cue (following the trajectory of an object), or a static cue (sound remained stationary). Infants' oculomotor anticipations were greater in the Dynamic condition, suggesting that representations of visual occlusion were supported by auditory information.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The dimensions of perceiving other people were compared from two types of data, one representing a person's individual constructs and indexed by two different rating methods (Reptest technique and Similarity Ratings), the other constructs provided by the experimenter, also measured by two methods (Semantic Differential and Personality Differential). Thirty-one female psychology students, rated fifteen role figures by using the four methods. Indices of factorial and cluster similarity of roles showed that the different rating methods yielded highly similar role structures. Each congruent factor and cluster could also be characterized by identical trait properties, but there were also important differences between the methods. Especially family roles formed factors and clusters that were not similar in the four sets of data. The results are discussed within the context of Kelly's personal construct theory.  相似文献   

School as an institution is not powerful enough to fight external mechanisms leading to gender inequalities. Sport, as Physical Education (PE), remains a male domain and appears as a site for the reproduction of hegemonic masculinity. In PE, girls obtain lower grades than boys; teachers support boys more. This paper focuses upon the French pupils’ perceptions of injustice with respect to teacher support and grades relative to gender and social gender role orientation. Data were collected through questionnaires from 1620 pupils in secondary school. Although boys, Androgynous and Masculine pupils, obtained significantly higher grades in PE, they felt more deprivation. Concerning teacher support, girls’ perceptions of injustice were similar to boys’ perceptions, and Undifferentiated pupils perceived the highest deprivation level. Pupil’s perceptions may not be free of gender stereotypes. Vanessa Lentillon is in the third year of PhD in the Centre de Recherche et d’Innovation sur le Sport (C.R.I.S.). She is employed as a temporary personal for teaching and research (A.T.E.R.) at the University of Sport in Lyon, France. Her research concerns injustices perceived in Physical Education related to gender issues. She has written various book chapters and articles on her research. E-mail: vanessa.lentillon@univ-lyonl.fr Geneviè Cogérino is Professor at the University and works in the Centre d’Innovation et de Recherche sur le Sport (C.R.I.S.), France. Her research mainly concerns the gender issue in physical education. She has authored a recent book and several articles on this subject. E-mail: cogerino. genevieve@upicardie.fr Mattias Kaestner works at the International Academy of Sport Science and Technology (AISTS) in Lausanne, Switzerland. He is a 2004 graduate of the Master of Advanced Studies in Sport Administration and Technology (MSA). E-mail: matthias.kaestner@aists.org  相似文献   

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