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The term hysteria has been used in the history of the psychoanalytical movement to describe a large variety of psychic modalities. What is the common denominator of the hysterias? The author suggests that ambivalence in relation to penetration in its passive form (vaginal desire), in its pregenital and genital valences, constitutes the essence of hysteria. It seems that the issue of hysteria thus configured finds its best resolution in the fantasy of an incorporeal penetration, which leads to orgasm, and spares one from the anxiety of destruction to the internal space as well as from the anxiety of guilt following the hoped for climax. The author is attempting to discern, by means of two case studies, how disembodied penetration, depending on whether it is fantasized or delusional, constitutes a solution, neurotic or psychotic respectively, to the issue of hysteria: the private theatre in neurosis, as well as the inhabited and influenced mind in psychosis (delusion of control), act as psychic figurations of vagina.  相似文献   

Various theories of temporal control and schedule induction imply that periodic schedules temporally modulate an organism's motivational states within interreinforcement intervals. This speculation has been fueled by frequently observed multimodal activity distributions created by averaging across interreinforcement intervals. We tested this hypothesis by manipulating the cost associated with schedule-induced activities and the availability of other activities to determine the degree to which (a) the temporal distributions of activities within the interreinforcement interval are fixed or can be temporally displaced, (b) rats can reallocate activities across different interreinforcement intervals, and (c) noninduced activities can substitute for schedule-induced activities. Obtained multimodal activity distributions created by averaging across interreinforcement intervals were not representative of the transitions occurring within individual intervals, so the averaged multimodal distributions should not be assumed to represent changes in the subject's motivational states within the interval. Rather, the multimodal distributions often result from averaging across interreinforcement intervals in which only a single activity occurs. A direct influence of the periodic schedule on the motivational states implies that drinking and running should occur at different periods within the interval, but in three experiments the starting times of drinking and running within interreinforcement intervals were equal. Thus, the sequential pattern of drinking and running on periodic schedules does not result from temporal modulation of motivational states within interreinforcement intervals.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of directional properties of lateral organization on evaluation of paintings. Lateral organization, as defined here, has two dimensions: (1) left or right location of the principal figure; and (2) left-to-right or right-to-left sequence of figures represented by the direction of suggested movement, action, or lines. That previous studies have failed to demonstrate consistently a relationship between evaluations and directional properties is attributed to methodological shortcomings involving lack of control of stimulus properties and exposure time. Here, on the basis of a well-defined judging procedure, paintings were distinguished according to whether each dimension of lateral organization depicted one or more than one direction. Under two exposure conditions, 5 and 20 s, three evaluations (general preference, balance, and dynamics) were made for paintings which were presented simultaneously in the artist-created, original view, and the mirror-image, reversed view. It was found that evaluations were influenced by directional properties (sequence of figures) with a 5 s exposure and by more inclusive formal features with a 20 s exposure. Implications of the findings for perception and aesthetics are considered.  相似文献   

A critical step in visual perceptual processing is integrating local visual elements into contours so that shapes can be derived from them. It is often assumed that contour integration may reflect hardwired coding of low-level visual features. In this study, we present novel evidence indicating that integration of local elements into contours can be learned subliminally, despite being irrelevant to the training task and despite the local properties of the display varying randomly during training. Learning occurred only when contours were consistently paired with task-relevant targets--echoing the findings of previous studies on subliminal learning of low-level features. Our data indicate that task-irrelevant, exposure-based learning extends beyond local low-level visual features and may play a critical role at multiple levels of visual perceptual organization.  相似文献   

Deliberation often begins with the question ‘What do I want to do?’ rather than a question about what one ought to do. This paper takes that question at face value, as a question about which of one’s desires is strongest, which sometimes guides action. The paper aims to explain which properties of a desire make that desire strong, in the sense of ‘strength’ relevant to this deliberative question. The paper argues that one’s judgment about one wants most will sometimes play a verdictive role, partially determining what the agent most wants, and so making itself true.  相似文献   

Summary Perceptions tend often to be proportional to proximal stimuli with reduced conditions of observation and proportional to distal stimuli under multicue conditions. Two explanations of this phenomena are examined. One, termed the core context hypothesis, postulates that the response to the proximal stimulus (the core) is modified by distance information (the context). The second, termed invariance hypotheses, postulates an interaction between two or more perceptions, one of which is often perceived distance. In order for invariance hypotheses to be valid it is necessary that a perceived distance occur under reduced cues of distance. It is asserted that perceived distance under these conditions is supplied by observer tendencies termed the specific distance and equidistance tendency. Perceptual interactions occur in situations other than those relevent to invariance hypotheses and the evidence for perceptual interactions is discussed in relation to perceived motion, perceived depth from exocentric cues, the adjacency principle, and other phenomena. It is suggested that the analysis of many perceptions in terms of perceptual interactions is parsimonious in that the effect of the independent perception, e.g., perceived distance, upon the dependent perception, e.g., perceived size, motion, or depth, is the same regardless of the cues by which the particular value of the independent perception is achieved.Preparation of this chapter was supported by PHS research grant number MH 15651 from the National Institute of Mental Health and PHS research grant number NS 18883 from the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke.  相似文献   

The social organization of deviance refers to the structure of the deviant transaction, the pattern of relations among its roles. Deviant transactions can be arrayed along a dimension of complexity. Three forms are distinguished: individual deviance can be carried out by a single actor; deviant exchange requires two deviant actors in reciprocal roles; and deviant exploitation needs an offender and a target Organizational complexity has consequences for deviants and social control agents. As complexity increases, deviants are more likely to be seen as responsible for their actions, those actions are more likely to be defined as serious, the response to deviance is more likely to be punitive, the risks of the deviant's identification and capture become greater, the range of tactics used by deviants expands, and the tactics of social control agents become reactive. The complexity of transactions’ organization has implications for the study of deviant and respectable action.  相似文献   

The preattentive visual information processing of hypothetically psychosis-prone college subjects was evaluated using three different paradigms, target detection (n = 57), visual suffix effect (n = 57), and configural superiority effect (n = 68). It was hypothesized that anhedonic subjects would show the same perceptual organization deficits reported in process schizophrenics and that perceptual aberration-magical ideation subjects and depressed subjects would perform similarly to control subjects. In each study, anhedonics performed similarly to each comparison group, even though there was adequate power to detect performance differences if they existed. A framework for understanding the visual information-processing deficits of schizophrenics and high-risk subjects is proposed.  相似文献   

College students appear to subjectively organize U.S. presidents into three groups and to use this organization to help them learn new information. Results of a paired comparison task in Experiment 1 suggested that subjects organized the presidents into Founding Fathers (Washington through John Quincy Adams), post-World War II presidents (Truman through Reagan), and noncontemporary presidents (Jackson through Franklin Roosevelt). This hypothesized organization was tested in Experiment 2 by presenting subjects with several lists with alternative organizations of the presidents. Difficulty of learning classifications of particular presidents within each list was predicted on the basis of the relation between that president's classification in the list and in the hypothesized preexisting organization. Instances where the preexisting and new classifications were consistent both for the particular president and for all other members of the group were easiest to learn. Instances where the particular president's classification was consistent but where some other presidents in the group were classified differently were of intermediate difficulty. Instances where neither the individual president's classification nor that of the entire group were consistent were most difficult. The results provided converging evidence for the hypothesized subjective organization of the presidents and also demonstrated the usefulness of a method that may be applicable to testing subjective organizations in a wide variety of other areas.  相似文献   

The current paper introduces relational frame theory (RFT) as a functional contextual approach to complex human behaviour and examines how this theory has contributed to our understanding of several key phenomena in psychological science. I will first briefly outline the philosophical foundation of RFT and then examine its conceptual basis and core concepts. Thereafter, I provide an overview of the empirical findings and applications that RFT has stimulated in a number of key domains such as language development, linguistic generativity, rule‐following, analogical reasoning, intelligence, theory of mind, psychopathology and implicit cognition.  相似文献   

Bravais (1850/1949) demonstrated that there are five types of periodic dot patterns (or lattices): oblique, rectangular, centered rectangular, square, and hexagonal. Gestalt psychologists studied grouping by proximity in rectangular and square dot patterns. In the first part of the present paper, I (1) describe the geometry of the five types of lattices, and (2) explain why, for the study of perception, centered rectangular lattices must be divided into two classes (centered rectangular andrhombic). I also show how all lattices can be located in a two-dimensional space. In the second part of the paper, I show how the geometry of these lattices determines their grouping and their multistability. I introduce the notion ofdegree of instability and explain how to order lattices from most stable to least stable (hexagonal). In the third part of the paper, I explore the effect of replacing the dots in a lattice with less symmetric motifs, thus creating wallpaper patterns. When a dot pattern is turned into a wallpaper pattern, its perceptual organization can be altered radically, overcoming grouping by proximity. I conclude the paper with an introduction to the implications of motif selection and placement for the perception of the ensuing patterns.  相似文献   

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