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Despite support for a number of consequences emanating from social identity in sport, much less is known pertaining to potential antecedents. This study sought to extend preliminary findings from recent youth sport research (e.g., Bruner et al., 2015 Bruner, M. W., Eys, M. A., Evans, M. B., &; Wilson, K. (2015). Interdependence and social identity in youth sport teams. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 27, 351358.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) by investigating perceptions of groupness and leadership status in relation to social identity in 480 athletes. Results indicated that perceptions of groupness at the individual and team levels were positively related to social identity, as was being a formal or informal leader. As such, both identifying as a leader and perceiving an increased amount of groupness among teammates increased social identity.  相似文献   

From a constructivist perspective we studied the experience of motherhood in a comparative study with 15 adopted women and 15 nonadopted women, all of them also biological mothers. We used the social self grid, and it was analyzed by means of the program RECORD 5.0 and also through content analysis. Results show similarities and differences between the two groups in the construction of identity as a mother. Although in both samples the self as a mother is constructed similarly to the self in their couple relationship, this is more evident in the case of adoptive daughters, and the difference is statistically significant. The meanings attributed to their own motherhood are similar in both samples and have to do with enjoying motherhood. Nonetheless, in the adoptive sample there are more constructs related to control and doing things right, and in the biological sample there are more constructs referring to naturalness and devotion. Moreover, in the adoptive sample there appears a higher presence of cognitive conflicts and lower self-esteem, and both results tend to significance.  相似文献   

This paper explores the alliance between the analytic couple and the analytic process. The patient doesn't ally only with the analyst, but also with the unfolding of an experiential world. The developmental origins of this alliance are described in terms of infant and child being inside a forming intelligence; womb, mother and family—transforming the mental state of the subject. The structure of the experience is pictured by the resemblance to a simple—experiencing—self being inside a dream, and a rhetoric “I” speaking in an internal dialogue to an unanswering, but present, “you”. The writer describes the negative therapeutic reaction as an attempt to break into this forming intelligence; as an attempt to see who is the creator of the experiential universe. Staying inside the unfolding process is further investigated through the experiences of aloneness and presential immediateness.  相似文献   

Compared with the declarations related to ecological concerns produced by other ecclesial bodies, the Accra Confession is not a latecomer.2 But in view of the increasingly severe situation the world is now facing (for example, the nuclear threat, from Chernobyl to Three Mile Island and, recently, Fukushima), it seems that the “prophetic” voice from the Christian church always comes too late. Be that as it may, every Christian should share the common mission of being a peacemaker with all of God's creation, despite the groaning of the earth in face of all sorts of threat and injustice. In this paper, I first review the Accra Confession in relation to ecological concerns. Then, as it seems to me that the interfaith perspective has received less attention, I develop a theological reflection based on my East Asian cultural resources in order to make a contribution to the global problem from a regional stance. Finally I provide some practical suggestions.  相似文献   

This phenomenological study explored the gender and career identity development of 13 urban minority young men, with an emphasis on the potential impact of father absence and single‐mother parenting. Six themes were identified: (a) emotional intelligence and maternal appreciation and internalization, (b) consequent assumption of a parentified role, (c) nontraditional perception of masculinity, (d) experienced paternal void, (e) resilience, and (f) the limitations and aspirations in career pathways. Implications for practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

Conceptualizations of Erikson's (1968) fifth psychosocial stage, identity formation, have been criticized for failing to be inclusive of an individual's sense of self-continuity. However, recent research has shown that identity commitment is significantly correlated to measures of continuity. This study further examined the relation among measures of identity, including identity commitment and continuity. The results suggest that many of the current measures of identity do indeed share a significant amount of variance with continuity. The specific results concerning identity commitment and continuity add to the growing evidence that these constructs are reliably related.  相似文献   

Variables thought to be associated with the magnitude of interrelationship observed among the elements in a system of social attitudes were investigated. Subjects (N = 753) were asked to respond to an inventory requesting self-report and background data. Several weeks later, Ss were given two forms of the Social Attitude Scale, a scale tapping the liberalism-conservatism domain. The results indicated that those Ss who reported recent changes in religious, moral, or political attitudes displayed a more highly interconnected system of liberal-conservative attitudes than those who did not. Variables relating to active participation in social affairs tended to be associated with higher levels of attitude system organization. Sex differences were observed, with men displaying higher levels of system organization than women. This relationship held even when participation rates were taken into consideration.  相似文献   

去个性化效应的社会认同模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
去个性化效应的社会认同模型(Social identity model of deindividuation effects, SIDE)是从去个性化理论发展而来,它挑战了去个性化是一定条件下个体失去自我而做出反规则、反社会行为的观点。SIDE从认知维度和策略维度对去个性化现象作了新的解释。新近研究为SIDE提供了证据,也在认同行为表达、网络交流等方面对理论进行了拓展和应用。SIDE的提出在一定程度上更适合现代社会心理学对群体影响和群体行为的研究,同时也需要在更加广泛的文化背景中进一步验证和完善  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of ethnic identity in psychological adjustment. A sample of 209 college students in a multiethnic region completed questionnaires on ethnic identity, self‐esteem, and ego identity. The results indicated that ethnic identity was positively related to self‐esteem, especially with the affirmation and belonging component among Japanese and Filipino American students, and with the ethnic identity achievement component among multiethnic students. The overall relationship between ethnic and ego identities was positive, particularly in ethnic identity achievement scores. The combination of strong ethnic identity and a positive attitude toward other groups was related to advanced ego identity. Ethnic identity was different among ethnic groups, revealing that the development of ethnic identity is interactive in social contexts. Suggestions for future research and implications for multiculturalism are discussed.  相似文献   

Michael C. Rea 《Ratio》1998,11(3):316-328
In this paper, I present an Aristotelian solution to the problem of material constitution. The problem of material constitution arises whenever it appears that an object a and an object b share all of the same parts and yet are essentially related to their parts in different ways. (A familiar example: A lump of bronze constitutes a statue of Athena. The lump and the statue share all of the same parts, but it appears that the lump can, whereas the statue cannot, survive radical rearrangements of those parts.) I argue that if we are prepared to follow Aristotle in making a distinction between numerical sameness and identity, we can solve the problem of material constitution without recourse to co-location or contingent identity and without repudiating any of the familiar objects of common sense (such as lumps and statues) or denying that these objects have the essential properties we ordinarily think that they have.  相似文献   

Ethnic identity encompasses self‐concept and self‐identification, a sense of belonging, and positive and negative attitudes toward one's ethnic group. The author describes an exercise that introduces and facilitates awareness of the concept of ethnic identity by illustrating, with real‐life experiences and examples, the multidimensionality of ethnic identity. La identidad Etnica abarca el concepto del ser y la identificación del ser, es un sentido de pertenencia, y de las actitudes positivas y negativas hacia el grupo étnico de cada uno. El autor describe un ejercicio que introduce y facilita el conocimiento del concepto de la identidad étnica ilustrando su multidimensionalidad con el uso de ejemplos y experiencias de vida diaria.  相似文献   

A basic component of moral objections to embryonic stem cell research is the claim that human embryos have the same moral status as typical adult human beings. There is no reason to accept this claim, however, unless adult humans once existed as embryos—that is, unless the developmental history of adult humans contains embryos to which the adults are numerically identical. The purpose of this paper is to argue that there are no such identities, and hence that no adult human being ever existed as an embryo.  相似文献   

Book Information An Identity Theory of Truth. By Dodd Julian. Macmillan. Basingstoke. 2000. Pp. ix + 199. Hardback, £42.50.  相似文献   

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