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催产素被誉为“爱的荷尔蒙”, 与依恋有着密切关系。以往研究已证明不同来源的催产素对不安全依恋者的人际适应性会产生不同的影响, 主要表现为内源性催产素水平越低, 不安全依恋者的人际适应性越差; 外源性催产素增强了依恋回避个体的人际适应性, 但降低了高依恋焦虑个体的人际适应性; A、G等位基因与不安全依恋者的人际适应性有关。此外还借助依恋理论和社会显著假说解释了上述影响, 不安全依恋者的防御性排斥、环境因素和个体差异调节了催产素的效应。未来应比较催产素受体基因与不安全依恋者人际适应性关系的差异, 催产素影响不安全依恋者人际适应性的性别差异问题, 并在人际互动过程中研究催产素对不安全依恋者人际适应性的影响, 以增强催产素研究的生态效度。  相似文献   

如何准确识别并缓解焦虑易感群体的焦虑情绪具有重要的社会意义和应用价值。目前焦虑识别与消退的研究缺乏客观和直接的手段,而且在作用机制上也不清晰。本项目以催产素在高依恋焦虑个体焦虑识别与消退中的作用机制为主要研究内容,创造性地将焦虑识别与消退整合在催产素的研究框架内,从生理测量和药物干预的视角为焦虑识别和消退提供新的研究思路。研究成果对于理解焦虑反应中的神经荷尔蒙机制具有重要科学意义,也为高依恋焦虑群体的焦虑评估和干预提供了新的路径参考,对维护和提升个体的心理健康具有重要价值。  相似文献   

The special relationship that dogs have developed with humans has been studied not only from the social sciences perspective, but also from the perspectives of psychology and human medicine. Recently, in cognitive science, it has been suggested that dogs may have acquired the superior cognitive ability to communicate with humans, particularly using human-like visual cues during evolution, and that emotional bonding has developed between humans and dogs by means of similar social cues. This article discusses the biological aspects of human-dog attachment. Attachment requires the distinction of a specific figure using species-specific social cues and specific responses to the figure, brought about by neuroendocrinological homeostatic functions as well as behavioral aspects. It has been shown that dogs can distinguish a particular human figure (e.g. the owner) and exhibit specific autonomic reactions. Moreover, when dogs gaze at their owners, the latter's urinary oxytocin levels increase after the interaction. This understanding of the biological aspect of interspecies attachment suggests the possible elements that form the basis of cross-species empathy and the development of evolutionary cognitive abilities that may depend on not merely their genetic dendrogram.  相似文献   

垂体后叶加压素(Arginine Vasopressin, AVP)是神经内分泌激素之一, 简称加压素。研究发现加压素对人类复杂的社会行为有着重要的调节作用。首先, 在家庭关系方面加压素能够促进男性的性行为和父亲行为。其次, 在社会评定方面, 加压素能诱发男性之间的敌意和女性之间的亲和行为。最后, 在社会决策方面加压素能提升男性的自利性的社会决策和促进女性调和人际关系。目前此领域研究存在的问题包括:男女被试比例失衡, 当前研究关注男性为主; 对于心理疾病的临床治疗有待进一步研究和缺乏对其他变量的控制。未来研究应继续探究加压素对人类的情绪调节、学习等各方面的调节作用。  相似文献   

Research examining the relationship between adult attachment styles and exploratory behavior has shown that anxious and avoidant attachment styles are negatively related to exploration. However, little research has been conducted on the mediation process between adult attachment styles and exploration. Given that perceived social support has been shown to be the basis for secure attachment and may be related to exploration behavior, the current study examines whether perceived social support mediates the relationship between adult attachment and exploration. University students in Taiwan (N = 168) completed questionnaires that assessed attachment styles; perceived social support from their father, mother, and best friend; and their intellectual, social, and environmental exploration. Our results revealed that perceived social support mediates the relationship between avoidant attachment and exploration behavior.  相似文献   

两个实验考察催产素对社会善念的作用以及面孔吸引力对二者关系的影响。实验1采用双盲实验,使用安慰剂作对照,发现催产素可以促进社会善念,不受面孔性别的影响。实验2依然采用双盲实验,进一步考察面孔吸引力与面孔性别对催产素与社会善念关系的作用,发现催产素对社会善念的作用不受面孔吸引力的影响;女性面孔(与男性面孔相比)吸引力对男性的社会善念影响更大。研究表明,催产素可以稳定地提高社会善念水平。  相似文献   

李旭  陈世民  郑雪 《心理科学》2015,(3):721-727
为探讨成人依恋影响病理性网络使用(PIU)的内在机制,采用自陈式问卷调查了483名大学生,通过结构方程模型和bootstrap法考察了社交自我效能感和孤独感在成人依恋与PIU关系中的中介作用。结果表明:(1)孤独感在依恋焦虑和依恋回避对PIU的影响中起中介作用;(2)社交自我效能感和孤独感在依恋回避对PIU的影响中起链式中介作用。研究结论:成人依恋通过社交自我效能感和孤独感的中介作用影响PIU,且依恋焦虑和依恋回避两个维度的中介机制有差异。  相似文献   

We investigated the relationships among attachment representation, social withdrawal, and depressive symptomatology in childhood. A total of 326 children aged 8 to 10 years participated in the study. Children completed a family drawing procedure to assess attachment representation, the Children's Depression Inventory and the Social Withdrawal subscale of the Personality Inventory for Youth. Social withdrawal and attachment representations indicative of attachment dysfunction were each found to be positively correlated with depressive symptomatology. Further, attachment representation was found to significantly moderate the relationship between withdrawal and depression such that the positive relationship between withdrawal and depression was attenuated in the absence of attachment representations indicative of attachment dysfunction.  相似文献   

催产素(oxytocin)被称为“社会键(social bonds)荷尔蒙”, 时刻影响着社会行为和认知, 其中包括情绪识别。目前, 关于催产素对情绪识别的影响主要有3种观点:(1)催产素选择性地促进个体对积极情绪的识别、减慢对消极情绪的识别; (2)催产素选择性地增强对消极情绪的识别; (3)催产素提高对所有情绪的识别, 与情绪效价无关。催产素影响情绪识别神经机制的研究主要集中在3个方面:情绪效价、性别差异和精神疾病。此外, 还运用社会显著假说解释催产素对情绪识别的作用。催产素可能对情绪识别障碍类精神疾病有潜在的治疗效果, 未来的研究应深入探究催产素与情绪效价的关系, 考虑性别等个体因素的影响, 进一步探讨催产素的临床应用并拓展研究范围。  相似文献   

The moderating effects of two psychological resources—attachment style and perceived social support—on adjustment were studied in 109 infertile women, examining the effects of duration of infertility and of primary (the woman has no child of her own) versus secondary (the woman already has a child of her own) infertility. Subjects were administered questionnaires measuring marital adjustment, psychological distress, and well-being. A model viewing attachment style and social support as moderators between stress psychological well-being was explored. The results showed that among the objective characteristics, only duration of infertility had any impact on the psychological measures. Furthermore, the psychological resources were highly associated with the adjustment scores in general. A hierarchical regression analysis showed that attachment style and social support both were related to marital quality and to psychological well-being and that these two resources function as stress moderators. It was concluded that attachment style and social support are important resources for individuals in times of stress, as exemplified in the infertility situation.  相似文献   

梁熙  王争艳 《心理科学进展》2014,22(12):1911-1923
母婴依恋是婴儿期形成的首要关系之一, 同时也是影响儿童早期社会化的关系性背景。以亲子互动中形成依恋安全感差异的相关研究为基础, 从特质观、领域特殊观和社会认知观的角度对它们进行梳理, 有助于提炼出母亲的敏感性、特定的互动情境以及儿童的社会预期分别在预测母婴依恋关系中的作用。3种研究取向的整合有赖于细致地区分特质观和社会认知观在看待亲子互动中双方情绪状态、认知能力和回应过程上的差别; 制定新的依恋干预方案应当以提高父母识别和应对婴儿消极情绪的能力, 以及为婴儿提供适当的依随性学习经验为目的。  相似文献   

The aim of the present research was to investigate the relationship between oxytocin and maternal affect attunement, as well as the role of affect attunement in the relationship between oxytocin and infant social engagement during early mother-infant interactions. Forty-three mother-infant dyads participated in the present study when infants were 4 months. They were observed during (1) a situation where no communication took place and (2) a natural interaction between mother and infant. During this procedure, three saliva samples from mothers and their infants were collected to determine their levels of oxytocin at different time points. Maternal affect attunement (maintaining attention, warm sensitivity) and infant interactive behaviors (gaze, positive, and negative affect) were coded during the natural interaction. Results indicated that overall maternal oxytocin functioning was negatively related to her warm sensitivity, while infant oxytocin reactivity together with maternal affect attunement were associated with infant positive social engagement with their mothers. Specifically, infant oxytocin reactivity was significantly related to their gazes at mother, but only for infants of highly attuned mothers. These results point to the complex role oxytocin plays in parent-infant interactions while emphasizing the need to analyze both overall oxytocin functioning as well as reactivity as different indices of human affiliative behavior.  相似文献   

以593名初高中学生为被试, 用问卷法考察中学生同伴依恋的特点, 并探讨同伴依恋与交往目标、友谊质量的关系。结果表明:(1)中学生同伴依恋可分为安全型、专注型、回避型和恐惧型, 它们在中学生群体中的比例分别为34.5%、23.8%、22.1%和19.6%;(2)中学生同伴依恋的年级、性别差异显著:依恋焦虑初二显著高于高一, 依恋回避初一显著高于初二、高一和高二;男生依恋焦虑显著低于女生, 依恋回避显著高于女生;(3)不同依恋类型中学生交往目标、友谊质量差异显著;(4)交往目标中的帮助与支持、亲密性在同伴依恋和总体友谊质量关系中起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

A combined social constructivist and attachment theory approach can help in work with affairs. Using past empirical research, a case is made that vulnerability to affairs derives primarily from pressures on partnerships stemming from the dominant discourse of modern partnerships. This discourse exalts sharing and joining, subjugating the more common experience of couples that other meaningful relationships (including non‐sexual ones) augment and fill in gaps. Affairs may be seen as, perhaps misguided, attempts to address untenable goals of the dominant discourse. Concomitantly, attachment theory explains both the need to be in a variety of relationships, normally within a hierarchy (‘multiple attachments’) and also the extreme wounds attendant to the discovery of secret affairs. Using both these perspectives can be useful preceding attempts at forgiveness. It is argued that they help therapists to establish an empathic positioning toward both partners in the couple, rather than the moralistic one too frequently attendant in work with affairs.  相似文献   

冲突与支持影响情侣依恋的文化差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用香港和美国的被试,运用亲密关系经历量表、冲突量表和社会支持量表,考察了冲突和支持对于情侣依恋影响的文化差异。结果发现,当以依恋焦虑为因变量时,冲突、支持和文化 × 冲突 × 支持都是显著的预测变量;当以依恋逃避为因变量时,仅文化和文化 × 支持是显著的预测变量。由此可见,文化影响冲突 × 支持与依恋焦虑的关系:在香港,情侣之间的冲突和支持各自对于依恋焦虑的作用在很大程度上相互抵消;在美国,情侣之间冲突的负面影响比支持的积极影响要强,冲突 × 支持越高,依恋焦虑越高。对于依恋逃避,文化差异仅调节支持与依恋逃避的关系:在香港,支持对依恋逃避的影响要比美国强。整个研究表明,对不同类型的情侣依恋,文化的调节作用不同。  相似文献   

认知革命背景下, 依恋研究出现了社会认知转向, 研究兴趣正在从关注依恋个体差异转向差异背后的依恋图式, 研究范式也从观察测量转向以启动为代表的精细测量实验范式。依恋启动实验范式分为安全启动和不安全启动, 启动材料会激活不同依恋图式, 促使个体分别采用安全依恋策略、过度激活或抑制激活策略, 进而表现出不同的心理和行为模式, 而这些模式又会调节启动效应, 形成动态的启动反馈回路。未来研究应对依恋图式的成分、结构进一步细化, 关注依恋焦虑与依恋启动的关系, 并从加工时间进程视角探究依恋启动对后续认知加工过程的影响。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between three types of maternal attachment bonds: anxious romantic, avoidant romantic and prenatal. The moderating role of perceived social support is also analysed. Ninety-one pregnant women in or near their thirtieth week of gestation (M = 29.59; SD = 4.57) were recruited, all of whom completed a series of questionnaires to assess the quality of their romantic and prenatal attachment bonds and their levels of perceived social support. The results reveal that both anxious and avoidant romantic attachments were significantly associated with low levels of maternal prenatal attachment. Moreover, the level of social support perceived during pregnancy moderated the relationship between anxious and prenatal attachments but had no effect on avoidant romantic and prenatal attachments. Our discussion of these findings considers the emotional and behavioural characteristics of various forms of insecure romantic attachments. Overall, the data highlight the relevance of the quality of intimate close relationships on maternity experiences and women's caregiving abilities.  相似文献   

传统依恋理论认为个体依恋心理和行为模式具有相对稳定性, 但无论在信息加工还是个体发展过程中, 个体依恋模式均表现出二重性, 即既具有相对稳定性, 又具有情境敏感性。个体在情境中所表现出的依恋模式是个体相对稳定的特质性依恋和情境特征相互作用的结果。依恋启动研究中特质性依恋特征与依恋启动效应之间的交互作用模式为理解依恋二重特征及其关系提供了窗口。依恋系统激活的两阶段模型为整合和解释这些相互作用模式提供了框架。未来研究应优化依恋二重特征关系研究中启动效应的操作检验, 考虑依恋焦虑和回避维度的交互作用, 关注高焦虑群体内的依恋差异, 以理析依恋二重特征之间的相互作用方式, 同时关注依恋策略影响依恋启动效应的时间进程, 探究依恋二重特征相互作用的机制。  相似文献   

社会人格取向的成人依恋研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
侯珂  邹泓  蒋索 《心理科学进展》2005,13(5):640-650
国外有关成人依恋的研究大致可以分为两大类:发展临床取向和社会人格取向,文章简要概述了两种取向的差异,并重点从社会人格取向的角度介绍了有关成人依恋的内部工作模型表征的社会认知研究和情绪调节策略的依恋类型差异的研究,以及成人依恋对亲密人际关系中目标信念、沟通和自我表露、归因和冲突解决、支持寻求和照顾行为等的影响研究。最后展望了该领域未来研究的趋势和方向。  相似文献   

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