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An agenda for day care research that is tailored to current policy concerns is presented. Familiar developmental issues related to the quality of day care are recast within a policy perspective. Largely unexamined issues pertaining to the costs and supply of day care, the preventative role of day care services, economic and employment-related effects, links between day care and other settings that comprise children's environments, and alternative approaches to day care such as employer-sponsored care, are also identified. It is argued that these issues extend current conceptualizations of interdisciplinary and ecological research. By way of introduction, an overview of recent sociodemographic trends and changes in federal day care policy is provided. A discussion of emerging policy issues that could profit from input by child development research then serves as background to detailed suggestions for research that can advance the dual goals of informing day care policy-makers and contributing to developmental theory.  相似文献   

Infant day care. Maligned or malignant?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Today, the mothers of half the infants in the United States work outside the home. This concerns psychologists and parents because of the possible detrimental effects on these infants of separations from mother and experience in day care. Available data suggest that infants whose mothers work full time are somewhat more likely as one-year-olds to avoid their mothers after a brief separation and later to be less compliant with their mothers and more aggressive with their peers. The argument that these behaviors indicate that infants in day care are at risk for emotional insecurity and social maladjustment is evaluated in light of current research results. It is concluded that other interpretations of the data are more plausible and that further research on the factors moderating and mediating the effects of infant day care is needed.  相似文献   

Teacher ratings of social competence and academic achievement were obtained from a sample of 127 Bermudian children at ages 5, 6, 7 and 8 years. The children were studied first during their pre-school years, when they had been exposed to various amounts and qualities of day care. Quality of care was found to be important to the children's intellectual and social development while they were in the day care settings but not after 1–4 years of primary schooling. In hierarchical and simultaneous regressions, family background characteristics, not child care amounts or qualities, were found to be predictive of social competence and academic achievement in the primary grades. By school age, the effects of infant and preschool child care experiences were no longer influential in children's development, but family background continued to be important. These findings and their implications for child care are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the rate, type and duration of respite care use in carers of an adult with mental illness, and the differences between respite care users and non‐users on demographic, caregiving context and adjustment variables. A total of 106 carers completed a postal survey questionnaire. The majority (76%) of carers who accessed care used it weekly, fortnightly or monthly. The most common types of respite services were in‐home, day programs, and residential respite. The mean duration of respite care periods was 58.18 hr each time respite was used. Compared to respite care non‐users, carers who accessed respite care were more likely to live with their care‐recipient and provide more caregiving. They also reported more benefits associated with their caregiving. Findings suggest that respite care services need to be varied, available for carers on a weekly to monthly basis with a range in duration, but catering for higher use of 2‐day respite periods. Carers who are highly engaged in a range of caregiving tasks and who live with their care recipient are more likely to have a greater need for respite care. Future research should examine the effects of a range of respite care factors on carer adjustment outcomes.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between family background and child care quality for 636 children enrolled in 120 day care centres in three states in the US with widely varying regulations for child care centre quality. Family characteristics accounted for a substantial portion of the variance in day care quality. Mother' attitudes towards child-rearing and parent' education were the most potent family-level predictors of quality. State child care policy variables were also strong predictors of quality. Findings also suggest that the influence of environment on children's development cannot be partitioned simply into family and out-of-home child care effects; rather, the child care environment is an extension of the family environment, with parents determining characteristics of both.  相似文献   

In the debate concerning the effects of day care on infant development, insufficient attention has been paid to the potential relationship between pre‐existing emotional differences among mothers and the type of care they choose for their infants. To shed light on this issue, this study examines the attachment representations of mothers who choose day‐care centres as opposed to mothers who choose to remain at home with their infants. Participants were 76 primiparous mothers. Mothers' attachment classifications were assessed by the Adult Attachment Interview [AAI; Main M, Kaplan N, Cassidy J. 1985. Security in infancy, childhood, and adulthood: a move to the level of representation. In Growing Points of Attachment Theory and Research. Monograph of the Society for Research in Child Development, 50, (1–2, serial no. 209), Bretherton I, Waters E (eds); 66–104]. Results indicate that more Day‐care than Home‐Care mothers are classified as insecurely attached. These results highlight the contribution of maternal emotional characteristics to the effects of diverse child care arrangements on infant development. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two groups of matched mother-child pairs, a day care sample (N = 38) and a home reared sample (N = 38) participated in a study testing mothers for degree of decentred teaching and children for degree of decentred educability. The children were seven years old. Mother and child were tested in separate settings, thus preventing interdependency among scores. The study used a matched-pair design with control of five background variables; age of the child, mother's educational level, mother's occupational status, family SES level, and type of family. The results showed strong positive effects of both day care experience and maternal teaching on child educability. Day care experience improved the educability of children independent of the mother's teaching strategy and gender of the child.  相似文献   

苏格拉底伦理思想的渊源主要有智者、奥尔弗斯教和伊流欣努秘仪、古希腊悲剧作家等,其基本内容包括"认识你自己"、"美德即知识"和"照料好自己的灵魂",对当代和谐文化建设的作用体现在对和谐的多层意义、对践行荣辱观的指导作用、对寻求终极关怀的启示三个方面。  相似文献   

Caregiver-child interaction and social participation were compared in community-based day care centers and group day care homes for three year olds. Use of group day care homes made it possible to control for group size and adult-child ratio. Day care homes were found to be more structured in terms of curriculum, and more flexible in terms of overall schedule and social-emotional climate. Adult child interaction was of higher quality during structured periods in day care homes. Social participation was of higher quality in day care homes. The adult-child interaction in both types of day care was impersonal and neutral in affective tone.  相似文献   

Social problem-solving programs for withdrawn and hyperactive children within a school context were developed and implemented in a day care center, a Montessori nursery school, a Catholic elementary school, and a Catholic high school. This article describes the program implementation for each of the four schools and some of the effects on the consultative relationship.  相似文献   

The changing landscape of maternal employment in the USA has led to more and more children at younger and younger ages experiencing routine, non-maternal care. Great debate about the effects of day care beginning very early in life led to the launch of a major study in the USA, following more than 1000 children from birth. Study findings through the start of school are summarized. These highlight the fact that good quality child care and exposure to centre-based care predict somewhat advanced cognitive-linguistic functioning, but that lots of time spent in any kind of care (irrespective of its quality) and greater exposure to centre-based care are related to elevated—but not clinical—levels of externalizing problem behaviour. Clearly, risks and benefits are associated with early child care, at least as routinely experienced in the USA. It is critically important to distinguish distinctive aspects of the child-care experience (i.e., quality, quantity, type) in order to understand its complex effect on child development.  相似文献   

Systems of care and other health-related initiatives have encouraged the proliferation of parent support policies in mental health, child welfare and education systems. However, the juvenile court system has relatively few programs that provide direct peer support for parents and little is known about the impact of parent support on families navigating the court process. Juvenile Justice 101 is one of only a few such programs. The present study examined the effect of the peer support element of Juvenile Justice 101 compared to video-only and no intervention conditions in a pre/post-test design. One hundred and ten parents agreed to participate in the study, 54 on a day with the peer support condition, 28 on a video-only day and 28 on a no-intervention day. Sixteen parents in the peer support condition were able to participate in the full program and seven parents in the video-only condition participated in the full video. Analyses disaggregate the effects of condition assignment and participation. Self-efficacy in navigating the juvenile court process improved for parents who participated in peer support but no improvement was observed for the other conditions. Parents in the peer support condition also rated peer partners higher than court staff on a dimension assessing process of care. The implications for practice and policy for peer support and family-driven services in juvenile court are discussed.  相似文献   

In an effort to examine relationships between variations within day care settings and adult caregiving behaviors the social experiences of 40 toddlers and their caregivers in family and center care were systematically observed. Caregivers were interviewed and conditions of caregiving recorded. Caregivers in both settings with fewer children in their care, who worked shorter hours, with less housework responsibilities engaged in more facilitative social stimulation, expressed more positive affect, were more responsive, and less restrictive and negative. Family day care caregivers who worked in spaces specifically designed to be safe and appropriate for children were less restrictive of toddler activity. Adult-child ratio and caregiver training appeared to be the best indicators of quality care in center day care, while a safe and appropriate caregiving environment and small groups appeared as quality indicators in family day care.  相似文献   

This study presents estimates of the economic benefits to society from community-based substance abuse treatment. The analysis focused on the impact of length of stay and frequency of counseling on clients' crime-related and health care costs, welfare receipts, and income taxes. The results indicate that the benefits from an additional day of treatment were on average $21 for short-term residential treatment (or 29% the cost of a day of care), $13 for outpatient drug-free treatment (or 94% the cost of a day of care), and $5 for long-term residential treatment (or 9% the cost of a day of care). No benefits were found from additional counseling provided by a client's primary therapist. Withthe exception of short-term residential care, estimated increases in client earnings from longer lengths of stayexceeded the benefits to society. Our estimates do not include benefits realized during treatment or beyond the year after treatment.  相似文献   

The authors sought to determine the characteristics of individuals enrolled in adult day care who are most likely to enter a nursing home. The status of 201 adult day care participants was assessed at baseline and at least 3 years after baseline evaluation. Risk factors for nursing home entry were identified on the basis of staff and family caregiver reports, participant testing, chart review, and physician evaluations. Cox regression analyses of baseline data such as medical diagnoses, affect, and demographic information were used to identify risk factors for institutionalization. Multivariate Cox regression analysis identified depressed affect of the care recipient as an important predictor of institutionalization; other predictors were low frequency of socializing with relatives and friends, higher number of psychiatric diagnoses, and increased age. The findings highlight the importance of socialization and suggest that a focus on successful and reinforcing socialization should be an important component of adult day care programming. The results also suggest that addressing patient mental health variables may be important in delaying institutionalization in this population.  相似文献   

Many young children are reared today in both family and child-care settings. The relation that exists between these two settings has important implications for child care. Bronfenbrenner's (1979) ecological model is used as a way to view the interrelations among children, families, and child-care programs. Data from a study of infants in day care provide information on the time infants spend in family and day-care contexts, how parents and caregivers view children's behavior in these two settings, and rates of otitis media (ear infections) and other illnesses for these children. Results show that infants spend about twice as many hours per day awake with parents as in day care. Regarding child behaviors, parents and caregivers seem to have similar behaviors they like and dislike, but they each see particular children quite differently with respect to these behaviors. Finally, infants in this sample were diagnosed with illnesses 60% to 70% of the time. Findings are discussed in terms of the ecological model with particular attention given to relations between parents and caregivers.  相似文献   

Debate about infant care tends to focus on still unresolved questions about whether or not day care is harmful, while research studies often confine care options to an unrealistic axis of choice between group care and mother care. Research that delineates constituents of day care quality in relation to measurable outcomes for different groups of children is urgently needed and should be based on a broader view of infant care options. A postal opinion survey sought the confidential views of members of an international organization of infant mental health professionals as to the kinds of care they considered likely to be best for infants from birth to 36 months, assuming that all types of care were of equally high quality and availability. Surprisingly lengthy periods of care by mothers were consistently endorsed; fathers were almost entirely disregarded as principal or joint caregivers; all forms of family care were endorsed over all forms of purchased care, but all forms of individual care were preferred to full-day group care for all age groups and to half-day group care up to the age of 2. The patterns of care judged by these respondents as likely to be best for infants are very different from those which most infants experience now, and from those which policy- and opinion-makers, practitioners and parents aspire, publicly at least, to provide for infants in the future. ©1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Parents of infants who had been enrolled in a day-care center were asked to evaluate their day-care experience as well as their children's current development status. In general, parent evaluations provided strong support for day care as an effective means of supplementary infant care. When dissatisfaction with day care was expressed, it focused on matters pertaining to infant health, physical resources of the center, parent involvement in center activities, and caregiver-infant ratios. Parents perceived their children to be advanced in competence skills relative to their peers. With few exceptions, parents viewed group day care as the most desirable type of supplementary infant care, but only if high-quality staff and programs could be assured.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the mental health aspects of infant day care emphasizing that mental health input into the design, implementation and ongoing supervision/evaluation of the majority of day care programs is minimal at the present time. The author proposes the following three criteria by which the adequacy of mental health input in a day care program could be judged: 1) ongoing mental health consultation to the caregiver staff on a weekly basis and by the same clinician(s), 2) assignment of primary caregivers to the infants, 3) periodic naturalistic observations of the infants to be recorded and discussed by the caregivers. The author postulates that consultation to the caregiver staff of infant day care programs represents the opportunity to establish a new frontier of prevention. Therefore, the mental health profession should consider it a goal that every infant day care setting would have a mental health clinician as a consultant. The methods, preventive functions and manpower aspects of such consultation work is discussed.  相似文献   

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