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Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy - Psychotherapists can experience various kinds of emotions in response to their patients’ communications and behaviors over the course of therapy. These...  相似文献   

Value neutrality in psychotherapy is widely acknowledged to be a myth, and a majority of US physicians report that their religious faith influences their practice. Most attention to therapists’ religious and spiritual commitments has focused on ethical boundaries, transference/countertransference dynamics and questions about how to relate religious and psychological truth. No consensus exists about the legitimate place in psychotherapy of clinicians’ differing value commitments. Therapists’ virtues are vitally important in psychotherapy, not least in the relational and aspirational process by which the patient identifies with the therapist as they engage together in confronting obstacles which the patient has been unable to surmount alone. Among the individual and cultural factors that shape a therapist’s virtues are spiritual traditions, which encourage preferred or characteristic virtues. Arguably, these include for Jews, communal responsibility and critical thought; for Christians, love and grace; for Muslims, reverence and obedience; for Buddhists, equanimity and compassion; for Hindus, appreciation of Dharma and Karma; and for secularists, respect for scientific evidence and intelligibility. These have differing implications for treatment, as illustrated through the use of a hypothetical case. Attention to differing spiritual and religious virtues in a pluralistic culture offers opportunities for creative dialogue, collaborative teaching and interdisciplinary research.  相似文献   

Right‐wing authoritarianism, social dominance orientation, Australian and human identity salience, and perceived Australian and human norms were related to the attitudes, feelings and behaviors toward asylum seekers of 242 Australian students and activists. Those high in right‐wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation were less welcoming, as were participants who identified strongly as Australians and perceived hostile national norms. Independently, participants who identified strongly as humans were significantly more welcoming to asylum seekers, and an interaction was found such that those who identified strongly as Australians were more welcoming when they also identified strongly as humans. Implications for theories of identity and prejudice are examined, and interventions to reduce conflict by utilizing the human level of identification are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study shows that being ‘spiritual’ and being ‘religious’ are becoming different life orientations for a large part of the population. As far as we know, for the first time, a sample from an European country shows that these orientations are reflected in two coherent clusters of beliefs, experiences, and practices of what we call ‘new spirituality’ on the one hand and ‘traditional, church-related religion’ on the other hand. In addition, it appears that ‘only spiritual’ (and not ‘religious’) people and ‘only religious’ (and not ‘spiritual’) people have less ‘intensive’ spiritual/religious lives than people who describe themselves as ‘both spiritual and religious’. The ‘both’ category is not homogenous, probably as a result of the different associations which its members have of the conceptions of ‘spiritual’ and ‘religious’. The people in this category can be sub-divided in two sub-groups which show different profiles.  相似文献   

Loneliness can be regarded as an epidemic of modern society that is becoming increasingly problematic for millions of people. Adolescents are particularly susceptible to the development of this kind of emotional distress. Although many causes of loneliness can be identified, some researchers are of the opinion that it can also be attributed to unpleasant childhood experiences that result in unfulfilled needs relating to intimacy. In this research study, the relationship between loneliness and adolescents’ attitudes towards their fathers was investigated. In order to achieve this goal, information was gathered from 1068 South African respondents. Biographical questionnaires were administered and a Loneliness Scale was applied. In addition, adolescents’ attitudes towards their fathers were measured by means of a Fathers Questionnaire. Steps were taken to determine which of the independent variables, namely gender, age, race, language and socio-economic status, contributed significantly to the prediction of loneliness. In order to process the acquired information, a stepwise multiple regression analysis was conducted. The most important finding of this study is that adolescents’ attitudes towards their fathers comprise the most prominent predictor of loneliness during adolescence. The results also indicated that all of the independent variables had a statistically significant influence on loneliness.  相似文献   

Financial and employment concerns are frequently identified as salient factors in women’s childbearing behaviour in low fertility, developed countries. The contribution of attitudinal variables is not well understood. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between attitudes toward women and motherhood and women’s childbearing desires and outcomes. A broadly representative sample of 569 women aged 30–34 years living in Victoria, one Australian state, was recruited from the Australian Electoral Roll. Participants completed a self administered anonymous questionnaire which included a new measure of attitudes toward women and motherhood. Women with more traditional attitudes had larger desired and actual family sizes. The findings indicate that attitudes toward women and motherhood are related to women’s childbearing behaviour.  相似文献   

The Schools Council Careers Education and Guidance Project is discussed with particular reference to its use in school. The purpose is to focus attention on the likelihood of school-based constraints on careers education, which it is argued can best be uncovered through an ‘illuminative’ model of evaluation. Such an ‘illuminative’ approach is applied to the implementation of the project's pedagogy, which laid particular stress on pupil participation in lessons as a means of operationalising a more general concern with the development of autonomy. In practice, school lessons diverged considerably from the project's ideal. Factors responsible for the transformation are proposed, and their significance as barriers to this type of pedagogy is discussed.  相似文献   

This two-wave panel study among mothers (N = 508) of children between ages six months and six years investigated a) the possibility of a reciprocal relationship between mothers’ attitudes toward television and children’s television viewing, and b) the conditional probability of this reciprocal relationship. Two-wave multigroup cross-lagged analyses provided evidence for reciprocal patterns that depend on the level of maternal stress. The findings indicated that mothers’ attitudes toward television predicted children’s subsequent television viewing among non-stressed mothers, but not among stressed mothers. Children’s television viewing predicted mothers’ subsequent negative attitudes toward television among stressed mothers, but not among non-stressed mothers. Implications for the role of parents’ attitudes regarding children’s television viewing are discussed.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study presents the first examination of the relation between hope, spirituality, religious practice and life satisfaction of students in Portugal. A sample of 227 adolescents aged 15–19 completed the Portuguese versions of the Children Hope Scale, Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale and a single item for each spirituality and religious practice variable. The results from the cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses suggest that hope and spirituality, but not religious practice, were strongly linked to adolescents’ life satisfaction. Hope significantly predicted life satisfaction at a single time point, 6-months and 1-year later, and spirituality scores added significant variance beyond hope scores. All the variables demonstrate moderate to high stability across 6-months and 1-year time frame; no significant changes were found between the variables across the administrations. These results parallel recent studies of adult and child life satisfaction and suggest strategies to promote life satisfaction in adolescents.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence suggests that concentrating on patients’ internal and external strengths serves a preventative function against psychopathology. However, standardized tools assessing strengths of patients suffering from mental disorders are rare and often limited to research purposes. As current practice in mental health rarely stresses the importance of patients’ personal resources, the feasibility of strengths-based assessments has rarely been validated within such a population. We designed a new instrument, the Strengths Q-sort Self-Assessment Scale, aimed at identifying patients’ strengths profile. This new scale measures 30 strengths classified in three sections: (i) personal characteristics, (ii) hobbies/passions, (iii) environmental/social strengths. In order to be adjusted for patients with cognitive or language impairments, this instrument is based on a Q-Sort method with figurative items. The aim of this study was to test the feasibility and acceptability of this scale in a sample of 21 psychiatric patients. Preliminary results showed that this tool can easily be administered and is well appreciated by patients. Feedback from clinicians highlight the benefits of identifying the strengths profiles in order to help defining realistic shared clinical objectives based on patients’ strengths.  相似文献   

Social workers have always advocated for outreach to clients in their environments. As early as 1893, Mary Richmond was instructing the first social workers, known then as "friendly visitors" in the value of this approach. Such advice remains valuable for modern independent social workers. In this article, the aothor's use of home visits in private clinical social work practice demonstrates the relevancc of thc earliest thcories and traditions of the profession. This rediscovery celebrates one hundred years of friendly visiting.  相似文献   

Founded and led by a U.S.-born white pastor, Amor Poderoso is a nondenominational, evangelical megachurch in El Paso, Texas, almost entirely composed of Mexican-Americans, recent Mexican immigrants, and current Mexican citizens. Ethnographic fieldwork from 2014 to 2017, supplemented with interviews with pastors, worship leaders, and attendees, reveal that much of congregational life orients around intentionally showcasing “Mexican” culture through sounds, images, and artifacts that appropriate an array of idealized ethnic references (e.g., food, dress, mannerisms, clichés) from Northern Mexico. Ongoing ethnic displays do not originate spontaneously or impromptu from membership but rather serve as a form of tactical authenticity derived from U.S. racial schemas mobilized by congregational leaders as a distinctive religious resource. Weekly worship services featuring dialect-inflected Spanish preaching and singing project ethnic signals that elicit connections to both a common ancestral heritage and a common religious identity. In short, church leaders at this southern border Latino church deliberately deploy sounds, images, and artifacts to assert racialized performances of being “Mexican” for distinctly religious purposes, especially evangelization. In the process, the distinctive practices of religious racialization effectively structure church members’ ethnic and religious identities around racial tropes to buttress a cogent corporate identity for enacting institutionalized evangelical narratives and legitimating charismatic authority.  相似文献   

A group’s norms are reflected in the group’s social climate, and social climate dimensions have been associated with treatment outcomes in group therapy. However, novice group therapists are often not clear about which norms to develop in a given group. We describe a procedure in which clinicians specify their ideal social climate for a therapy group or a treatment setting on the Group Environment Scale (Moos, 2002) or the Community-Oriented Program Environment Scale (Moos, 1988) and compare their ideals with various reference groups and with one another. Discrepancies in ideal social climate ratings between co-therapists or among clinical staff can be explored in order to enhance coordinated interventions. This procedure has been used with experienced clinicians, trainees, and graduate students in group therapy courses.  相似文献   

Journal of Religion and Health - This article explores expressions in how the local Shi’as Muslim women refugees define and interpret their religious identity and gender citizenship in...  相似文献   

This study examined siblings’ knowledge about the teaching concept during naturalistic teaching contexts, wherein children’s communicative interactions were used as a gateway to their social understanding (Turnbull, Carpendale, & Racine, 2009). Participants included 39 sibling dyads (older age group, Mage = 6;4; younger age group, Mage = 4;5) observed for six 90-min sessions at home. Teaching episodes were identified and coded for: a) initiation of teaching (i.e., assumes role or learner requests teaching), b) knowledge states (i.e., knowledge, lack of knowledge, questioning knowledge), c) transfer of knowledge (i.e., learning), and d) teaching strategies (e.g., direct instruction). Children who assumed the teaching role referenced knowledge and questioning knowledge, whereas learners requested teaching by referencing a lack of knowledge. Firstborn learners were more likely to reference knowledge versus second-born learners who referenced a lack of knowledge. Transfer of knowledge occurred when teachers referenced knowledge. When learners referenced knowledge states, teachers were more likely to use direct instruction, demonstration, and negative feedback. Results underscore the developmental significance of sibling teaching and demonstrate a novel approach to studying children’s social understanding in the teaching context (Turnbull et al., 2009).  相似文献   

Referring to Alessandro Cavelzani and Ed Tronick’s paper, the authors discuss the problems inherent in the application of theoretical tenets to clinical practice. They propose the idea that theoretical tenets tend to be associated to devotion to the theory of reference or to bedrock epistemic assumptions and that they may often generate self-referential outcomes. In particular, they delve into the issue of change in psychotherapy, starting from some questions about the theoretical tenets and their consequences on change, with special reference to Samantha’s case (presented here).  相似文献   

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