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《马路天使》是30年代左翼电影的代表作之一,是一部具有深刻的社会思想意义和极高艺术成就的现实主义优秀影片。影片在表现社会现实时采用管中窥豹的手法,在看似无意中不露痕迹地揭露现实的黑暗与腐败。影片采用喜剧手法,在笑声和眼泪中深刻地暴露了社会的黑暗,留给观众以深刻的思考。  相似文献   

马克·吐温被誉为美国文学之父,《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》是他极具代表性的作品,被人们广泛关注和研究。在众多研究角度下,本文将从他的现实主义表达手法出发,分析作品中作者在谎言之下所要表达的真实,对社会黑暗和罪恶的批判。  相似文献   

一、现实主义艺术的概念和基本特征 (一)现实主义艺术的概念 作为一种文艺思潮和流派,现实主义产生于19世纪50年代。画家库尔贝和小说家尚弗勒初次应用“现实主义”这一名词来标明当时的新文艺。  相似文献   

1 心为血肉之心心是象形字 ,象人和动物的心脏。王筠在《文字蒙求》中说 :“心 ,中象心形 ,外兼象心包络也。”心的初义是指称人和动物的心脏器官。《说文》 :“心 ,人心 ,土藏 ,在身之中 ,象形。”《庄子·秋水》 :“目怜心。”为眼睛羡慕心 ,此文提及的“心”是指实体的心。中医理论中 ,心主血脉的心亦为血肉之心。《难经·四十二难》对心的实体作了如下论述 :“心重十二两 ,中有七孔三毛 ,盛精汁三合。”《黄帝内经》认为心有主管血液在脉中运行的生理功能 ,对全身各脏腑组织起到滋润濡养的作用。如《素问·痿论》曰 :“心主身之血脉。…  相似文献   

清华简《心是谓中》提供了先秦心论与命论的新材料,其中首章对心之地位、功能的阐论与传世文献多有牵连。该篇所讨论的心并非伦理心性,与思孟学派的侧重点不尽相同,但《五行·经》崇尚圣智以及心具有主导性的观念可能为《心是谓中》提供了直接启发。该篇的心论与《管子》诸书也有相似之处,然不甚合黄老的思想倾向。从心论和命论两方面看,该篇与《荀子》的思想可为同调,当为后来的《荀子》提供了思想资源。《心是谓中》总体而言更接近儒家的旨趣,具体来说处于《五行·经》与《荀子》之间,且与稷下之学多有交集,有助于我们重新审视战国中晚期思想交融过程中的复杂面向。  相似文献   

心主在《黄帝内经》时代即为专有名词,但对其归属性质、功能特点的论述与研究鲜少触及。对《黄帝内经》中与心主及与其相关的膻中、胸中、心包、包络的概念进行细致的比较分析,厘清了膻中、心包、包络各自所指的范畴。认为心主是第六藏,由膻中与心包共同构成;包络只是心之包络简称,原本即属于"心主"之脉;胸中泛指胸腔。心包体现了"心主之藏"阴的功能,明确界定出心的功能范围与神的状态;而膻中具体执行"心主之藏"阳的功能,它以宗气为媒介,在体腔内敷布,与心包共同完成五藏之间气机和情志活动的协调功能。  相似文献   

“十一月份,《幼儿文学》报就可以在全国各地邮局订阅了。这张报纸由上海少年儿童出版社编辑出版,它将刊登许多有趣的故事、童话、诗歌,还有阅读指导和插图,家长和老师可以给一至八岁的孩子讲,也可以让他们自己读”。(1984年10月14日《北京日报》这段话错误地理解了“故事”和“童话”之间的外延关系。“故事”和“童话”虽然是两种文学体裁,但二者并不具有并列关系。因为童话从属于故事,童话本身就是一种故事。《现代汉语词典》中对于“童话”的释义是:“儿童文学的一种体裁,通过丰富的想象、幻想和夸张编  相似文献   

《中庸》"未发"问题曾引起许多学者的探讨,其中朱子、船山和牟宗三是较具代表性的三位思想家,其观点分别代表了理学、气论哲学与新儒家学说。朱子持分离解,以心性二分立论,主张以实然之心凝聚众理,然后发之中节合宜;船山持生成解,他认为"未发之中"包含着气化良能之心的挺立、意志之起用、人性之生成、人情之表露,是一个动态的、生成的过程;牟宗三持内在超越解,他以超越之心为核心解释"未发之中",强调超越之心在逆觉工夫下实现自我超越,主宰情感使之顺畅条贯,中节合宜。以上三家学说,各有立论依据,皆具合理之处。然通过分析《中庸》与简帛《五行》,可以看到"未发之中"指涉的是认知心对道德实践的作用,其核心是偏向于理性认知的心之思。  相似文献   

陈壁生 《哲学动态》2023,(10):66-75
“天地之心”是《礼记》与《周易》中的一个概念。唐文明在近期的一系列论文中证明,天地之“心”是一个最高的主宰者,能够创生天地。吴飞反驳了唐文明的观点。回到经典中,详细考察经典中的“天地之心”,可以发现,在气论的背景中,天地之心是指人在天地之中的地位,即人得天地之气最清,所以贵于万物。在传统思想中,圣人德合天地,圣人之“心”,便是“天地之心”的体现。同时,圣人制作六经,使人贵于万物,而又敬畏天道,合于自然。在中国文明史上,正是因为“六经”的尊崇地位,中国文明始终在不断重新理解自然,并且在不断保持一种超越自然与回归自然的张力中前进。  相似文献   

当代英国小说在战后一度经历了"末日论"的寒冬,站在十字路口的小说家们不断探索,重新发现了现实主义传统的价值,推动了英国小说的复兴。本文以女作家拜厄特及其"自觉现实主义"为例,探讨现实主义传统与当代英国小说的演进脉络。拜厄特积极探索小说语言与真实世界之间的互动,既以精准细腻的笔触努力接近客观真实,又将语言的能动性和创造力发挥到了极致。现实主义伟大传统在自我更新和兼容并蓄中获得新生,在揭示拜厄特成功奥秘的同时,展现了战后英国小说的演进轨迹。  相似文献   

The author uses the lens of myth and fairy tales to examine the narratives generated by the analytic experience. Fairy tales are understood as representing fundamental developmental conflicts, accounting for their enduring power over time. The analytic encounter is seen as an analogue of the fairy tale in which the hidden self, damaged by loss and abandonment, reemerges only through the redemptive power of [an] other's love. Clinical material is presented in which hidden parts of the patient's self are projected into the analyst for safekeeping; these hidden parts resonate with the analyst's own lost, unrealized potential and form an intersubjective experience which the author believes is transformative. The patient's dormant powers emerge in a newly experienced atmosphere of recognition, and in this way, the analytic encounter resembles the fairy tale in providing an identificatory bond and a protective space for the patient's hidden vitality.  相似文献   

Fairy tales have been used successfully in addressing difficult therapeutic issues in indirect ways. This paper describes how the Grimm's tale Brier Rose can help engage families with an academically gifted child in family therapy. The metaphor concepts of derivational search, indirection, and embedded commands are briefly discussed, the fairy tale is summarized, and the story is applied to the three metaphor concepts.  相似文献   

Philosophia - When the meta-philosophies of Nominalism and Realism are compared, it is often said that Nominalism is motivated by a methodology of ontological economy, while Realism would be...  相似文献   

A statement by a famous contemporary novelist is presented that indicates how he and others, independently of formal behaviorism, used behavioristic methods-specifically, self-recording charts and regularly scheduled daily work hours-to accelerate and maintain their writing outputs. On the basis of his statement and an analysis of his self-recorded data, it is argued that a meaningful and useful analogy can be drawn between writing a novel and emitting a simple operant response on a fixed-ratio schedule.  相似文献   

In the analysis of a woman with multiple childhood traumas, the fairy tale “Hansel and Gretel” figured prominently. The author discusses the use of the fairy tale in this case at various levels. He suggests an interplay between a national myth, the fairy tale, and a personal myth—the patient's psychodynamics. The fairy tale can be used to illuminate personal meanings derived from it. In the experience of childhood trauma, the repeated reading of a fairy tale can help organize and defend against terrifying anxiety.  相似文献   

This article is an introduction to an ancient Egyptian text called The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant and an argument that it ought to be seen as a classic of political philosophy. After contextualizing the tale as part of a tradition of moral and political philosophy in ancient Egypt, I explore the methods by which the text defines the proper roles of political authority and contrast its approach to justifying political authority with the argument from the state of nature so common in modern Western political philosophy. I claim that the tale's argument from dysfunction anticipates the move in contemporary Western political philosophy towards privileging non-ideal over ideal theory. I discuss challenges in translating the key term in the tale – ma'at – in light of the fact that it can be taken to mean ‘justice’ and/or ‘truth’. Finally, I discuss how the irony at the heart of its narrative can lead us to interpret the tale as having either conservative or revolutionary implications for the political system it depicts.  相似文献   

“Coyote Kills the Giant” is an American Indian tale of the Flathead or Salish-Kootenai tribe of the northwest plateau areas of Montana, Idaho, and Western Washington. This story functions as a teaching tale, and it caught my imagination as a lens through which we can view our dreaming selves. I use this tale as an analogue to a dream, applying Jung's four stages of individuation to investigate a dream as a way to introduce how complexes hijack us.  相似文献   

In this article, we focus on the Tooth Fairy legend that emerged in the United States and Britain in the nineteenth century and on the bedtime rituals associated with it. Drawing on various children’s books, we present this legend and these rituals as among the many legends and rituals found around the world for dealing with the loss of baby teeth in early childhood. Our particular concern is with some of the psychological issues that are associated with the development of teeth in the second stage of infancy. We also draw on the clinical observations of Erik H. Erikson, as we focus especially on the role that teeth play in the loss of the original unity between the infant and its mother. We take note of Erikson’s suggestion that this is, ontogenetically speaking, the experience that is portrayed in the biblical story of the Fall and expulsion from the Garden in Genesis 3. We view the rituals associated with the Tooth Fairy legend as a mythological means of enabling children to address and work through these psychological issues.  相似文献   

Beyond talent. John Irving and the passionate craft of creativity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although laypeople and creativity theorists often make the assumption that individual creativity depends primarily on talent, there is considerable evidence that hard work and intrinsic motivation--which can be supported or undermined by the social environment--also play central roles. In this article, the author uses the thoughts and work of the novelist John Irving to illustrate the prominence of nontalent components in the componential model of creativity.  相似文献   

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