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中原传统武术文化是中国传统文化的一脉,其间蕴涵着十分丰富的生态伦理精神、生命伦理意向和道德教育内涵。对其探究对于化解现代体育所出现的道德危机、构建"和谐体育"乃至于构建和谐的社会主义精神文明都具有十分重大的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

传统武术除了具有防身、健身和娱乐等功能外,其习练中的动与静的变化、快与慢相间的节奏、形与神的相辅和相融等表现形式,更凸显出它独特的艺术美学价值.对传统武术习练文化的理解和套路练习中蕴含的审美要素进行归纳和分析,可使人们了解传统武术的韵昧与内涵.  相似文献   

打坐是一种席地端坐时将两腿交叉相压并调息入静的锻炼方式。打坐行为历史悠久,具有良好的健身作用,近年还发现对心脑血管疾病有一定治疗康复作用。但在中国由于打坐经常被认为属于宗教修炼而被普通大众忽视。本文将打坐与宗教分离开来,通过现代医学理论从调整呼吸、入静、远程缺血预适应保护等对神经系统、内脏功能(肺、消化系统、心血管系统及淋巴循环功能)的影响方面探讨了打坐的健身机制,为进一步研究并向大众推广这种安全有效的健身方法提供一管之见。特别是对心血管系统的保护作用值得进一步研究利用。  相似文献   

中华传统武术套路,传统武术整体的韵律美、意境美使武术的本质融于行云流水般的套路演练中,以势夺人,以形娱人,以神感人,以气贯穿始终,与中国古代道家美学思想一脉相承.而现代武术更是通过其无与伦比的韵律把这种美表现得淋漓尽致.  相似文献   

《管子》的健身养生思想是中国传统养生思想的重要组成部分之一。健身养生的终极目的是健康长寿。在新世纪人类物质财富迅速增长的同时,一个因生活方式不合理而导致的各种疑难病症,即“现代文明病”正日益侵害着人们的机体,制约着人类的寿命。为寻求解决途径,众多西方学者将目光转向了中国的传统养生。这其中《管子》天人合一、形性相葆、节食慎居、充摄和成的健康观、生命观既与当今世界的整体健康观不谋而合,又对“现代文明病”的保健医疗发挥着惊人的效果。  相似文献   

长春全民健身干预活动的主要特征是多部门和全社会积极参与、政府高度重视、健全政策及法规、明确发展目标、以主题活动为核心和以社区为载体.长春市大力推进全民健身活动已取得了明显的效果,但还存在健身资源不足、监督管理机制和管理法规不健全等问题.提出全民健身管理体制与运行机制逐步向社会化、专业化和科学化发展等建议.  相似文献   

“发展”这一概念本身内蕴着对事物变化的价值评判,新发展观将人置于社会发展价值的核心,但对人的自身发展的价值缺乏深入追问.劳动实践是人的特殊生存方式,它既要满足人的保存生命的需要,又要满足人的表现生命的需要;保存生命需要的满足形成人的发展的功利价值维度,表现生命需要的满足形成人的发展的审美价值维度.人的当代发展的物质主义价值取向用人的发展的“有用性”取代人的发展的功利价值维度,同时物化了人的发展的审美价值维度,因而促进人的全面发展必须重建人的发展的功利价值维度和审美价值维度.  相似文献   

许多宗教思想家对于“人生究竟值得度过吗?”和“人生有(或能有)任何意义吗?”这些问题,在以下前提下作了肯定的回答。这些前提是:除非大多数西方宗教的两个基本命题——人的生命是神圣注定的宇宙计划的组成部分,并且在死后至少有一些人会得到永恒的天堂幸福——是正确的,这些回答才能得到证实。这样,C.H.D.克拉克(Clark)通过评论罗素关于不仅每一个体的生命必定会终止,而且一般的生命最终也将死亡的观点,用基督教  相似文献   

梁磊 《美与时代》2004,(11):89-90
一前言 健美操是以人体为对象,以健美为目标,以身体练习为内容,以艺术创造为手段,融体操、舞蹈、音乐为一体的一项新兴体育运动项目.练习者在明快的音乐节奏中进行全身各关节、各部位的节律运动,陶醉于音乐的旋律之中,融化在物我两忘的艺术审美境界之内,在欢乐中健身、美体、减肥.所以健美操正以它强大的生命力风靡全球.  相似文献   

The effects of reinforcement and extinction on response variability and stimulus generalization in the punching and kicking techniques of 2 martial arts students were evaluated across drill and sparring conditions. During both conditions, the students were asked to demonstrate different techniques in response to an instructor's punching attack. During baseline, the students received no feedback on their responses in either condition. During the intervention phase, the students received differential reinforcement in the form of instructor feedback for each different punching or kicking technique they performed during a session of the drill condition, but no reinforcement was provided for techniques in the sparring condition. Results showed that both students increased the number of different techniques they performed when reinforcement and extinction procedures were conducted during the drill condition, and that this increase in response variability generalized to the sparring condition.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was conducted with 605 practitioners of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) to test the hypothesis that high arousal rituals promote social cohesion, primarily through identity fusion. BJJ promotion rituals are rare, highly emotional ritual events that often feature gruelling belt-whipping gauntlets. We used the variation in such experiences to examine whether more gruelling rituals were associated with identity fusion and pro-group behaviour. We found no differences between those who had undergone belt-whipping and those who had not and no evidence of a correlation between pain and social cohesion. However, across the full sample we found that positive, but not negative, affective experiences of promotional rituals were associated with identity fusion and that this mediated pro-group action. These findings provide new evidence concerning the social functions of collective rituals and highlight the importance of addressing the potentially diverging subjective experiences of painful rituals.  相似文献   

This study addresses two issues associated with the relationship between martial arts training and aggressiveness. The first is a replication of two recent findings, that for students trained traditionally, length of training varies inversely with aggressiveness, whereas for students trained in a “modern” style, length of training and aggressiveness are related directly. Second, we examine two competing explanations for the findings above. One is the training hypothesis, which holds that elements present in traditional approaches to martial arts but absent in modern approaches act to reduce aggression levels of students. These may include meditation, philosophy, emphasis on the kata (the forms of combat), etc. The alternate hypothesis, selection, holds instead that these findings are artifactual, a result of differential mortality in a setting characterized by high drop-out rates. Two categories of students were interviewed: “movers,” students who had trained in more than one school, and “quitters,” students who had terminated their training, for any reason. These students were compared with “stayers” from an earlier study. Our results are consistent with the opposite effects of traditional and modern martial arts training on aggressiveness. Further, the data generally support the training hypothesis as against selection.  相似文献   

This study compared motor actions and spatiotemporal changes between weight divisions from Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC™), conducting a practical application for mixed martial arts (MMA) training. For this, we analyzed 2814 rounds of all weight divisions by motor actions and spatiotemporal changes according actions and time of the Keeping distance, Clinch and Groundwork combat phases. We observed differences between weight divisions in the keeping distance on stand-up combat (p  0.001; with lower time in Featherweight 131.4 s and bantamweight 127.9 s) clinch without attack (p  0.001; with higher timer in Flyweight 11.4 s and Half-middleweight 12.6 s) and groundwork without attack (p  0.001; with higher timer in Half-middleweight 0.9 s). During keeping distance, half-middleweight presented a higher frequency of Head Strikes Landed (p = 0.026; 7 ± 8 times) and attempted (p = 0.003; 24 ± 22 times). In clinch actions heavyweight present a higher frequency (p  0.023) of head strike landed (3 ± 7 times) and attempted (4 ± 9 times) and half-middleweight for body strikes (p  0.023) landed (2 ± 5 times) and attempted (3 ± 5 times). At the last, during groundwork, Bantamweight present a higher frequency (p  0.036) of head strikes landed (8 ± 10 times) and attempted (10 ± 13 times) body strikes landed (p  0.044; 3 ± 5 times) and attempted (3 ± 6 times). This study reveals important point to training and provide a challenge applied referential to the conditioning plains. From the weight divisions differences should be aware of the increase in the frequency of distance actions, especially in light and middleweights. On the Ground, bantamweight can focus on striking and grappling actions than others.  相似文献   

对文科大学生自我同一性地位进行实证研究。结果表明:文科大学生的自我同一性地位在年级间存在差异,大一阶段均数高于其他各年级,到大二阶段程度在不断降低,大三阶段逐渐回升,大四阶段又开始降低;自我同一性地位的性别差异研究显示,大一、大三女生自我同一性总体上高于男生;大二、大四男女生的三项指标均数差异不显著;从自我同一性地位频数分布数据上看,A-F地位与D-M地位居多。  相似文献   

易学思想与中国传统建筑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从卦象、易数与阴阳合德三方面论述了易学思想与中国传统建筑之间不可分割的联系,中国建筑作为中华文明的重要组成部分,其本源是来自<周易>,与易学思想的发展变化密切相关.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop and validate an indigenous measure of Chinese traditional values using Chinese proverbs. A sample of 363 Mainland Chinese undergraduates participated in Study 1, in which a 26‐item Chinese Proverb Scale (CPS) was developed through factor analysis on an initial pool of 118 Chinese proverbs. Four factors were clearly identified: (a) Diligence, (b) Integrity, (c) Self‐Preservation, and (d) Self‐Interest. The CPS showed satisfactory convergent validity with personal values (S. H. Schwartz, 1992, Advances In Experimental Social Psychology, San Diego, Academic Press) and social axioms (K. Leung et al., 2002, Journal of Cross‐Cultural Psychology, 33, p. 286). For incremental validity, the CPS predicted life satisfaction beyond the Big Five personality, personal values, and social axioms. In Study 2, a sample of 239 Mainland Chinese participants completed the CPS across two measurement occasions with an interval of 6 months. Longitudinal structural equation modeling (SEM) revealed the structure of the CPS was robust and invariant over time. In Study 3, a sample of 167 Chinese undergraduates from Hong Kong responded to an adapted version of the CPS. Multigroup SEM showed structural equivalence of the scale across the mainland and Hong Kong samples. The cultural origins of the factors in the CPS and future applications of the scale in various research areas are discussed.  相似文献   

刍议恽代英精神   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
恽代英精神有着丰富的内涵,它集中体现在以下几个方面:爱国主义精神、为人民服务的精神、为崇高理想而奋斗的精神和追求真理、发展真理的精神。这种精神是对中华传统民族精神的升华,是毛泽东精神的组成部分,是21世纪中国人民继续奋发图强实现民族伟大复兴的精神动力。  相似文献   

Approaching a milestone in his teaching career, the author set out to document his observations on mentoring reflective journal writing with the aims of capturing his own learning journey and providing insights into future practice. Such recollections of teachers’ learning from experience in the higher education context have been subject to relatively little investigation. Some key points emerge: reflective journal writing is considered fundamental to advancing the core principles of the liberal arts tradition, specifically by allowing students to articulate their understanding of the more abstract concepts fundamental to undergraduate learning. Over time, mentoring of journal writing can provide rich individual and collective portraits of learner development. At the heart of this discussion is the belief that the ‘art’ of mentoring good journal writing lies in taking cues from the students, and acknowledging and incorporating their insights and first-hand experience of the process into classroom instruction. It is hoped that these reflections may be beneficial for teachers beginning or continuing their reflective journal mentoring.  相似文献   


This article draws on insights from the sociology of professions to explore the regulatory debate in the psychotherapy and counselling field contrasted with the regulation of arts therapists (art, drama and music therapists). A partial explanation is offered, illustrating the applicability of theory to these groups, but with adaptations to reflect the modern context in which professions and regulation now exist.  相似文献   

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