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无论国内还是国外,都对"什么是应用伦理学"的问题有多种不同界说.但每种界说都存在困窘.究其原因,均是"应用伦理学"之"名不正则言不顺"所致.这就需要正名,以"部门伦理学"之谓取而代之.这个称谓符合学科划分标准,有充分的学理依据.这个新称谓能澄清不少用"应用伦理学"之谓所解释不清的理论问题.  相似文献   

In times of social and moral crises, sport has often been called to boost individual moral development. By the same token, outdoor activities are viewed as good educational practices to enhance environmental responsibility. However, the present paper argues that these physical activities are currently following the same technological development trend as the mainstream society, and challenges this trend itself in terms of sustainability by critically asking this question: Do outdoor activities really enhance environmental responsibility? The research supporting this paper is based on a qualitative inquiry using interviews with outdoor activities practitioners: mountain guides and white water sports instructors. The findings of this research show that environmental responsibility development depends on the sport contexts. It is fostered in slow and none-technological activities (e.g. trekking) and lowered in fast and technological activities (e.g. canoeing, kayaking). The paper concludes with the following paradox reached by the preliminary research results: the birth of modern technology calls for greater need of environmental responsibility, but it may also prevent its development at the same time.  相似文献   

Seumas Miller 《Philosophia》2009,37(2):185-201
The last few decades have seen a dramatic increase in concern with matters of ethics in all areas of public life. This ‘applied turn’ in ethics raises important issues not only of focus, but also of methodology. Sometimes a moral end or moral feature is designed into an institution or technology; sometimes a morally desirable outcome is the fortuitous, but unintended, consequence of an institutional arrangement or technological invention. If designing-in ethics is the new methodological orientation for applied ethics, globalisation is providing many of the practical ethical problems upon which to deploy this methodology. This is a revised version of an article that was presented at the 2007 Applied Ethics Conference in Sapporo, Japan, hosted by the University of Hokkaido. Thanks to Jeroen van den Hoven for the key idea of ‘designing-in-ethics’.  相似文献   

针对<中国人民大学学报>2003年第1期的专题研究"应用伦理学:伦理学的新视野"中的三篇论文,[1]笔者在<中国人民大学学报>2003年第5期发表了题为<基本价值观还是程序方法论--论应用伦理学的基本特性>的论文,提出了应用伦理学"作为基本价值观和程序方法论相统一"的观点,并对甘绍平教授等三位学者的观点提出了自己的看法.令人高兴的是,笔者的商榷得到了甘教授的积极回应.  相似文献   

以现实生活为原点的应用伦理学研究方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

abstract   Normative argument is supposed to guide ways in which we might change the world, rather than to fit the world as it is. This poses certain difficulties for the notion of applied ethics. Taken literally the phrase 'applied ethics' suggests that principles or standards with substantial philosophical justification, in particular ethical and political principles with such justification, are applied to particular cases and guide action. However, the 'cases' which applied ethics discusses are themselves indeterminate, and the relation of principles to these 'cases' differs from the relation of principles to cases in naturalistic, truth-oriented inquiry. Writing in 'applied ethics', I shall argue, does not need elaborate case histories or scenarios, since the testing points for normative principles are other normative principles rather than particular cases. Normative principles and contexts to which they are applicable are indeed needed for any reasoning that is practical, but they are not sufficient. Practical ethics needs principles that can not merely be applied in certain cases or situations, but also enacted in certain ways, and requires an account of practical judgement and of the public policies that support that judgement .  相似文献   


Counselors will inevitably encounter ethical dilemmas. Since they are expected to practice within the code of ethics, the skills to make an appropriate decision are necessary. It is generally agreed that the best place to start this training is in graduate school. More than a standard didactic approach is desired to address student attitudes, values, and beliefs while developing cognitive complexity. Creative approaches can address the specialized goals inherent in ethics education. This article reviews the use of a reflective writing assignment to guide students’ exploration of their values and beliefs when confronted with a value based ethical dilemma. The students’ writings demonstrate an increase in cognitive complexity because of this assignment.  相似文献   

刘可风 《哲学动态》2003,(12):40-41
20 0 3年 1 0月 2 0~ 2 2日 ,第十一次中韩伦理学国际学术研讨会在中南财经政法大学举行。大会由中国伦理学会、中南财经政法大学主办 ,中国人民大学伦理与道德建设研究中心协办。来自中、韩两国的 1 2 0余名学者以“信息时代的应用伦理”为主题 ,就应用伦理学的学科性质以及信息时代的应用伦理论题展开了热烈的探讨。现将会议涉及的主要问题综述如下 :关于应用伦理学的学科性质与信息时代应用伦理学的精神气质 部分论者认为 ,应用伦理学的核心问题在于 :应用伦理学到底是一种基本价值观还是一种程序方法论。针对国内学者偏执于两端的倾向…  相似文献   

关于应用伦理学的几个问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用伦理学本质上属于规范伦理学 ,必然在一定程度上具备理论伦理学的性质。应用伦理学的研究对象不仅应当包括道德境遇的判断方法和伦理规范的选择原则 ,而且必须包括伦理道德行为的实施技巧。应用伦理学既要借鉴传统规范伦理学的方法 ,又要形成独具特色的方法。  相似文献   

As scientists advance knowledge of the brain and develop technologies to measure, evaluate, and manipulate brain function, numerous questions arise for religious adherents. If neuroscientists can conclusively establish that there is a functional network between neural impulses and an individual??s capacity for moral evaluation of situations, this will naturally lead to questions about the relationship between such a network and constructions of moral value and ethical human behavior. For example, if cognitive neuroscience can show that there is a neurophysiological basis for the moral appraisal of situations, it may be argued that the world??s religions, which have traditionally been the keepers and purveyors of ethical values, are rendered either spurious or irrelevant. The questions point up broader dilemmas in the interface between science and religion, and raise concerns about the ethics of neurological research and experimentation. Since human beings will still arbitrate what is ??moral?? or ??ethical,?? how can religious perspectives enrich the dialogue on neuroethical issues and how can neuroscience enrich dialogue on religion? Buddhist views on the nature of consciousness and methods of practice, especially meditation practice, may contribute to discussions on neuroscience and theories about the interrelationship between consciousness and ethical awareness by exploring the role that karma, intentionality, and compassion play in Buddhist understandings of the interrelationship between consciousness and ethics.  相似文献   

《Ethics & behavior》2013,23(3):223-242
As part of a project on professionals' lived experience of ethics, this article explores the guiding concepts and values concerning ethics of mental health professionals in Cuba. The data, obtained through individual interviews and focus groups with 28 professionals, indicate that Cubans conceptualize applied ethics in terms of its central role in professional practice and its connection to the social context and subjective processes. Findings also show that Cuban professionals are guided not only by a set of professional values but by a specific set of civic values as well. The former are subdivided into other-oriented values and self-oriented values. The study of ethics in another culture such as Cuba offers a unique point of view from which to critique the social construction of our own conceptions of applied ethics in North America.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Is free will a necessity or a luxury for an understanding of applied ethics? This paper offers an argument for why it is the former. First some reasons are offered why applied ethics, under the influence of Rawls's metaethics, has eschewed the topic of free will. It is shown why this is a mistake — namely, how applied ethics will falter without such a theory. The paper then argues for a conception of free will and indicates what ethical and public policy implications may flow from this theory.  相似文献   

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