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Four experiments investigated the role of information value, or stimulus validity, in human electrodermal conditioning. Conditioned stimuli (CSs) were long, variable duration (10-50-sec) slides or sounds, the unconditioned stimulus (US) was shock, and the primary measures were change in tonic skin conductance level and self-report expectancy of shock. In Experiment 1 electrodermal responding to a target stimulus was marginally lower in a blocking group than in a superconditioning group. This difference failed to occur in Experiment 2, despite increased sensitivity of the electrodermal measure. Explicit instructions to pay attention to the relationship between each stimulus and shock improved learning, but did not lead to group differences (Experiment 3). In Experiment 4 expectancy ratings in a blocking group were lower than in an overshadowing group, but no electrodermal differences occurred. The results were interpreted in terms of non-additive learning processes such as occasion-setting, in addition to a general lack of transfer of learning about a stimulus from one context to another (element to compound or vice versa). It was suggested that sensitivity to stimulus validity might be observed if conditioning were embedded in a causally familiar task, as in contingency judgement research.  相似文献   

Four experiments with rat subjects examined the effects of contextual conditioning on conditioned appetitive performance. Experiment 1 compared the effects of contextual conditioning on performance to conditioned stimuli (CSs) with different conditioning histories. Contextual conditioning enhanced performance to the CS if the CS had first been conditioned and then extinguished, but had no effect on performance when the CS had been merely paired or unpaired with food. Experiments 2 and 3 then asked whether the effect on the extinguished CS was due to contextual conditioning acting as a cue for conditioning. In Experiment 2, extinction procedures in which extra unconditioned stimuli (USs) were presented during the intertrial intervals were found to reduce the CS's sensitivity to enhancement by contextual conditioning, but had no effect on spontaneous recovery. In Experiment 3, USs added to conditioning or extinction acquired the ability to cue the corresponding performance. Under some conditions, USs added to conditioning could suppress performance (Experiment 4). The results suggest that contextual conditioning has complex effects that can be better understood by recognizing that contextual conditioning, as well as the USs that create it,Mayacquire discriminative control over conditioned responding.  相似文献   

Pavlovian conditioning of heart rate in the white rat was attempted using milk presentation as reinforcement, and with both trace and delay paradigms. Delay conditioning produced positive results that were statistically significant, whereas trace conditioning exhibited the same trends but did not reach statistical significance. In both cases, CR had the same direction as UCR to milk (acceleration of heart rate) and opposite to the unconditional reaction to CS. Extinction and reconditioning were both accomplished. Some indications of complex response interactions were noted in the occurrence of the cardiac CR on conditioning trials where the instrumental response to the UCS (drinking) eventually occurred, as against the absence of cardiac CR on trials where the instrumental response did not occur. The existence of such interactions was also indicated by the fact that CR on individual trials within any single session could vary in direction between acceleration and deceleration, although averages might be stable.  相似文献   

A model for stimulus generalization in Pavlovian conditioning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science - Many investigators have assumed that the conditional emotional response (CER) with its attendant response measure, response suppression, can be...  相似文献   

An account was given of the development within the Russian literature of a uniprocess formulation of classical and instrumental conditioning, known as the bidirectional conditioning hypothesis. The hypothesis purports to offer a single set of Pavlovian principles to account for both paradigms, based upon a neural model which assumes that bidirectional (forward and backward) connections are formed in both classical and instrumental conditioning situations. In instrumental conditioning, the bidirectional connections are hypothesized to be simply more complex than those in classical conditioning, and any differences in empirical functions are presumed to lie not in difference in mechanism, but in the strength of the forward and backward connections. Although bidirectional connections are assumed to develop in instrumental conditioning, the experimental investigation of the bidirectional conditioning hypothesis has been essentially restricted to the classical conditioning operations of pairing two CSs (sensory preconditioning training), a US followed by a CS (backward conditioning training) and two USs. However, the paradigm involving the pairing of two USs, because of theoretical and analytical considerations, is the one most commonly employed by Russian investigators. The results of an initial experiment involving the pairing of two USs, and reference to the results of a more extensive investigation, leads us to tentatively question the validity of the bidirectional conditioning account of instrumental conditioning.  相似文献   

Conditional stimuli (CS) associated with painful unconditional stimuli (US) produce a naloxone-reversible analgesia. The analgesia serves as a negative-feedback regulation of fear conditioning that can account for the impact of US intensity and CS predictiveness on Pavlovian fear conditioning. In Experiment 1 training under naloxone produced learning curves that approached the same high asymptote despite US intensity. Shifting drug treatment during acquisition had effects that paralleled US intensity shifts. In Experiment 3 naloxone reversed Hall-Pearce (1979) negative transfer using a contextual CS, indicating that conditional analgesia acquired during the CS-weak-footshock phase retards acquisition in the CS-strong-footshock phase. Experiment 5 used a tone CS in both a latent-inhibition and a negative-transfer procedure. Only negative transfer was blocked by naloxone. Therefore, negative transfer but not latent inhibition is mediated by a reduction of US processing.  相似文献   

The effects of unconditional stimulus (US) valence (aversive electro-tactile stimulus vs. non-aversive imperative stimulus of a RT task) and conditioning paradigm (delay vs. trace) on affective learning as indexed by verbal ratings of conditional stimulus (CS) pleasantness and blink startle modulation and on relational learning as indexed by electrodermal responses were investigated. Affective learning was not affected by the conditioning paradigm; however, electrodermal responses and blink latency shortening indicated delayed learning in the trace procedure. Changes in rated CS pleasantness were found with the aversive US, but not with the non-aversive US. Differential conditioning as indexed by electrodermal responses and startle modulation was found regardless of US valence. The finding of significant differential blink modulation and electrodermal responding in the absence of a change in rated CS pleasantness as a result of conditioning with a non-aversive US was replicated in a second experiment. These results seem to indicate that startle modulation during conditioning is mediated by the arousal level of the anticipated US, rather than by the valence of the CS.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to investigate the part played by background stimuli during Pavlovian conditioning. Groups of rats were presented with tone CSs and unavoidable footshock USs. Two components of the inter-stimulus interval, namely CS duration and the duration of a trace interval, were manipulated across groups. Subsequently subjects were tested for their reactions to background stimuli by being re-exposed to the training environment in the absence of both the CS and US. The degree to which rats failed to avoid this environment was found to relate to CS duration by an inverted U curve. The manipulation of the trace interval however did not significantly affect avoidance.  相似文献   

The effects of Pavlovian conditioning on diurnal cardiac rate were studied in four rhesus monkeys. A three-hour conditioning period, consisting of 18 CS-UCS pairings with UCS an aversive tail-shock, produced cardiac-rate elevation which persisted for as long as 12 hours after the session.  相似文献   

An investigation was carried out into the part played by background stimuli during Pavlovian conditioning. Groups of rats were presented with tone CSs and unavoidable foot-shock USs. Both CS-US conditional probabilities and US intensity were manipulated across groups. Subsequently all animals were tested for their reactions to the environment in which they had previously been trained. During tests neither the CS nor the US was presented. It was found that the degree to which rats avoided the environment was inversely related to the probability of the CS being followed by a US and directly related to the level of US intensity to which they had been exposed during training. The results largely supported Rescorla and Wagner's (1972) theory of Pavlovian conditioning.  相似文献   

Ethical considerations can prohibit the use of traditional unconditional stimuli (USs), such as electric shocks or loud tones, when children or adolescents participate in aversive Pavlovian conditioning experiments. The present study evaluated whether an unpleasant sound provides a viable alternative. Fifteen boys and girls aged 13 to 17 years completed a differential Pavlovian conditioning procedure in which a conditional stimulus (CS) was followed by the sound of metal scraping on slate. Acquisition of conditioned responses was found in startle blink magnitude, expectancy judgments of the sound, and skin conductance responses. Extinction of conditioned responses was found in all measures when the CS was no longer followed by the unpleasant sound. Subjective ratings and skin conductance responses indicated that the sound was unpleasant because of its qualitative features, rather than its intensity. The results support the use of an unpleasant sound as a low-risk alternative to traditional USs in aversive Pavlovian conditioning experiments with children and adolescents.  相似文献   

Two experiments on rats tested predictions of a Pavlovian conditioning model of drug tolerance which holds that tolerance is the result of compensatory conditioned responses, developed to environmental stimuli accompanying the drug administrations, which attenuate the direct effects of the drug. In Experiment I, the acquisition of tolerance-modulating properties by the tone component of a tone-light compound stimulus which accompanied morphine administrations was reduced by prior light-morphine pairings (blocking). In Experiment II, a tone stimulus acquired tolerance-modulating properties through prior pairings with a light stimulus which later accompanied morphine administrations (sensory preconditioning). These findings are uniquely predicted by the Pavlovian conditioning model of drug tolerance and are incompatible with traditional theories which assign no role to environmental stimuli present at the time of drug administration.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted employing a continuous measure of conditional stimulus/unconditional stimulus (CS/US) contingencies as perceived by the subject (i.e., subjective contingency or SC). It is argued that direct measurement of relational learning, as indexed by SC, can lead to a better understanding of Pavlovian conditioning processes. The first two experiments applied this approach to a methodologic controversy, raising the debate from a procedure-based argument to testing what the subject actually learns about CS/US relationships. While the issue was not resolved, testable hypotheses for future research were generated from the data. The third experiment contrasted the contingency stimulus-stimulus (S-S) account of Pavlovian conditioning with an earlier stimulus-response (S-R) continguity-reinforcement account. In this experiment, both SC and skin resistance were measured. Evidence for the existence of both cognitive-propositional and response-learning processes in conditioning was obtained.  相似文献   

In her commentary of Field (1999), Hammerl (1999) has drawn attention to several interesting points concerning the issue of contingency awareness in evaluative conditioning. First, she comments on several contentious issues arising from Field's review of the evaluative conditioning literature, second she critiques the data from his pilot study and finally she argues the case that EC is a distinct form of conditioning that can occur in the absence of contingency awareness. With reference to these criticisms, this reply attempts to address Hammerl's comments by exploring the issues of how awareness is defined, how it is best measured, and whether it is reasonable to believe that EC uniformly occurs in the absence of contingency awareness. The article concludes that the available evidence supports Field's proposition that EC is, in fact, Pavlovian learning. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.  相似文献   

Three experiments on lateralization of electrodermal orienting and conditioned behavior are reported. The basic findings show effects of hemispheric asymmetry on initial magnitude and rate of habituation of phasic stimulus-elicited electrodermal responses. In summary, responses to verbal stimuli repeatedly flashed to the right visual half-field are larger than corresponding responses in the left half-field. Similarily, spatially relevant stimuli initially presented to the left half-field result in larger responses than when the same stimuli are repeatedly presented in the right half-field. In the auditory modality, data show asymmetrical control of responding to verbal material in a dichotic conditioning paradigm with greater resistance to extinction when the conditioned stimulus is initially fed only to the left hemisphere as compared to when it is fed only to the right hemisphere. It is argued that the present approach taps on basic mechanisms for the lateralization of attentional and associative functions.  相似文献   

Understanding stimulus control generated in instrumental learning requires the direct investigation of discriminated response and reinforcer (incentive) processes acquired exclusively through the response-reinforcer contingencies operating on complex (multicomponent) baselines. Two series of stimulus-compounding studies accomplished this direct investigation. In one series, the independent variable was the relative reinforcement between schedule components; in the second series, it was relative response rate between components. Stimulus-compounding tests revealed that response and incentive processes enhanced each other when in agreement, counteracted each other when in opposition, and produced intermediate results when only one factor was operating. This pattern of results led to the conclusion that these factors were algebraically combining and to the development of a response/incentive matrix reflecting these dynamics. This two-factor analysis was extended to the peak-shift effect in stimulus generalization experiments and to the generation of inhibitory control. Two decades of stimulus compounding and peak-shift research were organized within this two-factor framework, extending this traditional approach to learning to active research areas heretofore not systematically considered in these terms.  相似文献   

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