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The perception of linear extent in haptic touch appears to be anisotropic, in that haptically perceived extents can depend on the spatial orientation and location of the object and, thus, on the direction of exploratory motion. Experiments 1 and 2 quantified how the haptic perception of linear extent depended on the type of motion (radial or tangential to the body) when subjects explored different stimulus objects (raised lines or solid blocks) varying in length and in relative spatial location. Relatively narrow, shallow, raised lines were judged to be longer, by magnitude estimation, than solid blocks. Consistent with earlier reports, stimuli explored with radial arm motions were judged to be longer than identical stimuli explored with tangential motions; this difference did not depend consistently on the lateral position of the stimulus object, the direction of movement (toward or away from the body), or the distance of the hand from the body but did depend slightly on the angular position of the shoulder. Experiment 3 showed that the radial-tangential effect could be explained by temporal differences in exploratory movements, implying that the apparent anisotropy is not intrinsic to the structure of haptic space.  相似文献   

Lakatos S  Marks LE 《Perception》1998,27(6):737-754
To what extent can individuals accurately estimate the angle between two surfaces through touch alone, and how does tactile judgment compare to visual judgment? Subjects' ability to estimate angle size for a variety of haptic and visual stimuli was examined in a series of nine experiments. Triangular wooden blocks and raised contour outlines comprising different angles and radii of curvature at the apex were used in experiments 1-4 and it was found that subjects consistently underestimated angular extent relative to visual baselines and that the degree of underestimation was inversely related to the actual size of the angle. Angle estimates also increased with increasing radius of curvature when actual angle size was held constant. In contrast, experiments 5-8 showed that subjects did not underestimate angular extent when asked to perform a haptic-visual match to a computerized visual image; this outcome suggests that visual input may 'recalibrate' the haptic system's internal metric for estimating angle. The basis of this cross-modal interaction was investigated in experiment 9 by varying the nature and extent of visual cues available in haptic estimation tasks. The addition of visual-spatial cues did not significantly reduce the magnitude of haptic underestimation. The experiments as a whole indicate that haptic underestimations of angle occur in a number of different stimulus contexts, but leave open the question of exactly what type of visual information may serve to recalibrate touch in this regard.  相似文献   

In daily life, people interact with textiles of different degrees of wetness, but little is known about the mechanics of wetness perception. This paper describes an experiment with six conditions regarding haptic discrimination of the wetness of fabrics. Three materials were used: cotton wool, sponge-structured viscose and thin viscose. Two ways of touching were investigated: static touching, in which only thermal cues were available, and dynamic touching, in which additional mechanical cues were available. For dynamic touching, average Weber fractions for discrimination were around 0.3, whereas for static touching, they ranged from 0.34 to 0.63. The results show that people can make use of the additional mechanical cues to significantly improve their discrimination performance. There was no significant difference between Weber fractions for the three materials, showing that wetness can be judged as a separate perceptual quantity, independent of the material.  相似文献   

The magnitude of perceived roughness was haptically estimated as subjects freely explored linear gratings with either the bare finger or a rigid stylus-shaped probe. A considerably expanded range of ridge and groove width was investigated, relative to the extant literature. The four experiments collectively indicate that, for both finger and probe-end effectors, the variance in the estimates of perceived roughness was predominantly predicted by a single parameter: groove width. The functions relating perceived roughness to groove width increased over a narrow band relative to the full range of values, then flattened. These data have archival values for models of roughness perception involving both direct and indirect touch.  相似文献   

Two experiments using different procedures were performed in which newborns’ ability to process information about object shape with their hands was explored. In the first experiment, a haptic fixed‐trial procedure was used and a decrease in holding times was found for both right and left hands. In the second experiment, discrimination between objects was studied in which a shifted procedure associated to an infant‐control procedure followed by a dishabituation procedure was used. Habituation to an object and a reaction to the novelty of a new object were shown for both right and left hands, showing that neonates are able to process and encode some information about object shape and then to discriminate between different shapes. It is the first evidence of such an ability in neonates. Methodological procedure and haptic cognition with regard to sensory symmetry are discussed and some developmental perspectives are proposed.  相似文献   

Holmes E  Hughes B  Jansson G 《Perception》1998,27(8):993-1008
To pick up 3-D aspects of pictures is arguably the most difficult problem concerning tactile pictorial perception by the blind. The aim of the experiments reported was to examine the potential utility of texture gradients in this context. Since there is no theoretical basis for predicting absolute values of 3-D properties from 2-D patterns read by the finger pads, the abilities of participants to perceive gradients lying between known maxima and minima were assessed. Experiment 1 involved blindfolded sighted participants making verbal magnitude estimations of texture-gradient magnitudes corresponding to plane surfaces at different slants. In experiment 2 the participants' task was to orient a surface at a slant corresponding to the texture gradients depicted tactually, and experiment 3 required early-blind participants to attempt the same task. The results revealed that participants can scale the magnitudes of texture gradients with high precision and that they can also accurately produce surface slants from depictions, providing the extreme conditions are clearly defined and there are opportunities for learning. Texture gradients appear as informative to the blind as they do to the sighted. To what extent these data can be generalised to other gradients and textures or to other projections of 3-D scenes remains to be investigated.  相似文献   

Haptic perception of spatial relations   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
There are some indications that haptic space like visual space is not Euclidean (e.g. Blumenfeld, 1937 Acta Psychologica 2 125-174). In a series of experiments, we investigated the haptic perception of spatial relations in a systematic way. We restricted ourselves to a horizontal plane at waist height. Blindfolded subjects were asked to perform three tasks with their right hand: (i) a reference bar was presented under four different orientations and subjects were asked to rotate a test bar such that it felt to be parallel to the reference bar; (ii) subjects had to rotate two test bars in such a way that they felt collinear; (iii) subjects had to point a test bar in the direction of a marker. Bars and marker could appear at nine different locations. In all experiments large systematic deviations (up to 40 degrees) were made. The deviations strongly correlated with horizontal (right-left) but not with vertical (forward-backward) distance. Subjects showed qualitatively identical trends but the size of the deviations was strongly subject-dependent. In addition, a significant haptic oblique effect was found. These results provide strong evidence that haptic space in non-Euclidean.  相似文献   

Haptic perception of parallelity in the midsagittal plane.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Previous studies [Perception 28 (1999) 1001; Perception 28 (1999) 781] on the haptic perception of parallelity on a horizontal plane showed that what subjects haptically perceive as being parallel deviates considerably from what is physically parallel. The deviations could be described with a subject-dependent orientation gradient in the left-right direction. The gradients found in the bimanual conditions were significantly larger (about 70%) than those in the unimanual conditions. The questions to be answered in the present study are the following: (1) Does the haptic perception of parallelity in the midsagittal plane also show systematic deviations from veridicality? (2) Are the unimanual and bimanual performances again quantitatively but not qualitatively different? The set-up consisted of a plate positioned in the midsagittal plane of the subject. The subject touched the right side of the plate with his/her right hand and the left side with the left hand. The results show again large systematic deviations. The major part of the deviations can be described by means of a subject-dependent orientation gradient in the vertical direction. The quantitative (but not qualitative) difference between the unimanual and the bimanual conditions is much larger in the midsagittal plane than in the horizontal plane.  相似文献   

This tutorial focuses on the sense of touch within the context of a fully active human observer. It is intended for graduate students and researchers outside the discipline who seek an introduction to the rapidly evolving field of human haptics. The tutorial begins with a review of peripheral sensory receptors in skin, muscles, tendons, and joints. We then describe an extensive body of research on “what” and “where” channels, the former dealing with haptic perception of objects, surfaces, and their properties, and the latter with perception of spatial layout on the skin and in external space relative to the perceiver. We conclude with a brief discussion of other significant issues in the field, including vision-touch interactions, affective touch, neural plasticity, and applications.  相似文献   

The ability to detect the distance walked when blindfolded using only haptic information generated by the walking activity was investigated. Participants walked a straight path until told to stop, turned, and attempted to return to their starting point. The path was completely featureless. Counting was prevented. Blindfolded, sighted participants traveled with a long cane or a trained sighted guide. Gait was varied or distorted. In all experiments the return distance was a linear function of the set distance, with some participants giving and some conditions resulting in remarkably sensitive performances. The magnitude of errors was a linear function of step length.  相似文献   

In this study, we are interested in the following two questions: (1) how does perceived roughness correlate with physical roughness, and (2) how do visually and haptically perceived roughness compare? We used 96 samples of everyday materials, such as wood, paper, glass, sandpaper, ceramics, foams, textiles, etc. The samples were characterized by various different physical roughness measures, all determined from accurately measured roughness profiles. These measures consisted of spectral densities measured at different spatial scales and industrial roughness standards (R(a), R(q) and R(z)). In separate haptic and visual conditions, 12 na?ve subjects were instructed to order the 96 samples according to perceived roughness. The rank orders of both conditions were correlated with the various physical roughness measures. With most physical roughness measures, haptic and visual correspondence with the physical ordering was about equal. With others, haptic correspondence was slightly better. It turned out that different subjects ordered the samples using different criteria; for some subjects the correlation was better with roughness measures that were based on higher spatial frequencies, while others seemed to be paying more attention to the lower spatial frequencies. Also, physical roughness was not found to be the same as perceived roughness.  相似文献   

M A Heller 《Perception》1992,21(5):655-660
An experiment placed vision and touch in conflict by the use of a mirror placed perpendicular to a letter display. The mirror induced a discrepancy in direction and form. Subjects touched the embossed tangible letters p, q, b, d, W, and M, while looking at them in a mirror, and were asked to identify the letters. The upright mirror produced a vertical inversion of the letters, and visual inversion of the direction of finger movement. Thus, subjects touched the letter p, but saw themselves touching the letter b in the mirror. There were large individual differences in reliance on the senses. The majority of the subjects depended on touch, and only one showed visual dominance. Others showed a compromise between the senses. The results were consistent with an attentional explanation of intersensory dominance.  相似文献   

We examined haptic perception of the horizontal in visually impaired people. Blind people (late blind and congenitally blind), persons with very low vision, and blindfolded sighted individuals felt raised-line drawings of jars at four angles. They had to demonstrate their understanding that water remains horizontal, despite jar tilt, by selecting the correct raised-line drawing given four choices. Low-vision subjects, with near perfect scores, performed significantly better than the other groups of subjects. While the late-blind and blindfolded sighted subjects performed slightly better than the congenitally blind participants, the difference between the late-blind and congenitally blind groups was nonsignificant. The performance of the congenitally blind subjects indicates that visual experience is not necessary for the development of an understanding that water level stays horizontal, given container tilt.  相似文献   

Can humans, like other animals, perceive distance by mechanical vibrations transmitted in a solid medium? In seven experiments, subjects perceived the distances from the hand of occluded metal disks attached to a taut nylon strand. Mechanical waves were initiated at the hand by the subject or at the disk by the experimenter. The results of Experiments 1 and 2 showed that perceived distance was linearly dependent on object distance with or without practice. The results of Experiments 3 and 4 revealed an inverse dependency of perceived distance on strand tension. In Experiment 5, a constant difference in perceived distance between vertical and horizontal strand manipulations was found. The results of Experiments 6 and 7 showed that distance was perceptible when the mechanical wave was not initiated by the subject. The informational basis for this haptic spatial ability was sought in the dynamics expressed by the one-dimensional wave equation, specifically, in the constants relating strand forces to strand motions.  相似文献   

When we examine objects haptically, do we weight their local and global features as we do visually, or do we place relatively greater emphasis on local shape? In Experiment 1, subjects made either haptic or visual comparisons of pairs of geometric objects (from a set of 16) differing in local and global shape. Relative to other objects, those with comparable global shape but different local features were judged less similar by touch than by vision. Separate groups of subjects explored the same objects while wearing either thick gloves (to discourage contour-following) or splinted gloves (to prevent enclosure). Ratings of similarity were comparable in these two conditions, suggesting that neither exploratory procedure was necessary, by itself, for the extraction of either local or global shape. In Experiment 2, haptic exploration time was restricted to 1, 4, 8, or 16 sec. Limiting exploration time affected relative similarity in objects differing in their local but not their global shape. Together, the findings indicate that the hepatic system initially weights local features more heavily than global ones, that this differential weighting decreases over time, and that neither contour-following nor enclosure is exclusively associated with the differential emphasis on local versus global features.  相似文献   

Can humans, like other animals, perceive distance by mechanical vibrations transmitted in a solid medium? In seven experiments, subjects perceived the distances from the hand of occluded metal disks attached to a taut nylon strand. Mechanical waves were initiated at the hand by the subject or at the disk by the experimenter. The results of Experiments 1 and 2 showed that perceived distance was linearly dependent on object distance with or without practice. The results of Experiments 3 and 4 revealed an inverse dependency of perceived distance on strand tension. In Experiment 5, a constant difference in perceived distance between vertical and horizontal strand manipulations was found. The results of Experiments 6 and 7 showed that distance was perceptible when the mechanical wave was not initiated by the subject. The informational basis for this haptic spatial ability was sought in the dynamics expressed by the one-dimensional wave equation, specifically, in the constants relating strand forces to strand motions.  相似文献   

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