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人体实验是一种特殊的交易活动.信息不完备与不对称、交易制度监督漏洞都使卫生研究机构在交易博弈中处于优势地位.集体机会主义行为是导致违规人体实验的重要因素.对违规人体实验的宽容在一定程度上怂恿了这种行为.从健全制度、完善法治、加强教育等方面提出了对策.  相似文献   

本文概述了1932-1945年侵华日军在中国实施残酷人体实验的历史事实,认为侵华日军人体实验践踏了医学伦理和科研伦理,是违反人道主义的罪行,并分析了源于侵华日军人体实验又具有一般意义的"事后同谋"、"非人化"合理化和"权威化"合理化等问题。  相似文献   

德国纳粹人体实验与德国现代伦理思想中的超人道德和种族主义思想密切相关。超人道德是纳粹人体实验的“意志-伦理”基础,种族主义则是纳粹人体实验的“科学—伦理”依据。  相似文献   

田伯平 《学海》2002,(6):29-30
一、诚信 :必须成为自律性的制度约束诚信是市场经济的基础和支柱 ,市场经济是法制经济 ,更是信用经济。由于买卖双方的信息不对称 ,市场交易必须借助一定的规范约束才能顺利进行。法律无疑是规范约束市场交易的主要手段 ,但在许多情况下法律往往无能为力 ,因为法律是由第三方实施的 ,它不仅要求双方当事人能观察到交易行为 ,而且要求法庭能鉴证这种行为 ,这在许多情况下是很困难的。此外 ,依靠法律手段的成本往往很高 ,谁也不愿意每次买瓶醋、买包盐都签一份合同、准备诉诸公堂。因此 ,在实际生活中 ,绝大多数交易是依靠交易双方的诚信来维…  相似文献   

现实生活中,违反规则事例时有发生。来自心理学、行为经济学等领域的研究发现,违规会影响人们的知觉与判断,并导致社会不期望行为和自利行为等。三种机制可以解释违规后的心理与行为效应:认知机制解释人们对规则违反的认知过程与主动适应,社会影响机制强调他人与社会规范对违规行为的影响,而社会学习机制则强调社会学习策略以及强化在单次或多次违反中的作用。未来研究需进一步整合理论,深入挖掘规则违反的认知机制,揭示规则违反后社会影响和学习的动态特征,以及提高实验研究的外在效度。  相似文献   

针对中国目前机动车数量猛增造成的道路交通问题,提出了不友善驾驶行为的定义,并通过系列研究,围绕不友善驾驶行为的影响因素进行探讨,获得了含有“有意为之”与“无心之失”二因子22条目的“不友善驾驶行为量表”,该量表的信度与效度良好.进一步通过问卷调查,发现:(1)驾驶人员的人口学特征、驾驶经验、竞争特质、个人主义人格与集体主义人格都能预测其不友善驾驶行为的发生频率;(2)“驾驶技术问卷”的“对汽车的熟练操控”因子与不友善驾驶行为呈正相关,“安全驾驶习惯”因子与其呈负相关;(3)驾驶人员在“不友善驾驶行为量表”上的得分能够预测其违规扣分情况与交通事故数量.  相似文献   

中国企业中,员工组织公民和职场偏差两种相反的行为,都与管理者亲社会违规有密切正向联系。为解释此矛盾现象,将管理者亲社会违规在组织层次和个体层次上分别视作一种客观实际和员工知觉,并结合情与理相对立的视角,探究其对员工行为的跨层次影响机理。具体包括四项内容:(1)管理者亲社会违规在中国情境下的概念化和量表开发;(2)领导信任和制度信任在知觉的管理者亲社会违规与公民和偏差行为间的不同中介效应,以及中庸思维和中国正义观的调节效应;(3)关怀氛围和规则氛围在实际的管理者亲社会违规与公民和偏差行为间的不同中介效应,以及领导沟通和关系实践的调节效应;(4)实际的管理者亲社会违规对个体层次上中介机制的调节效应。有助于管理者理性应对规则和人情的冲突,并为管理实践变革提供启示。  相似文献   

本研究通过抵制诱惑情景的实验范式,以100名3-6岁儿童为被试,考察学前儿童对成人不同水平的承诺对其在游戏中出现违规及违规后说谎行为的影响。结果表明:学前儿童并不能有效履行对成人的承诺,承诺不能明显减少他们的违规行为;虽然儿童在违背承诺后的说谎行为没有显著增长,但会通过语言及肢体动作的表现更努力地掩饰他们的违规行为,以维护好自己的承诺。  相似文献   

针对少数教师利用职务之便违规收受礼品礼金等行为,教育部近日发文设立六条“红线”,其中包括严禁教师以任何方式索要或接受学生及家长赠送的礼品礼金、有价证券和支付凭证等财物。这份名为《严禁教师违规收爱学生及家长礼品礼金等行为的规定》的文件明确了六条“红线”:一是严禁以任何方式索要或接受学生及家长赠送的礼品礼金、有价证券和支付凭证等财物;二是严禁参加由学生及家长安排的可能影响考试、考核评价的宴请;三是严禁参加由学生及家长安排支付费用的旅游、健身休闲等娱乐活动;四是严禁让学生及家长支付或报销应由教师个人或亲属承担的费用:五是严禁通过向学生推销图书,报刊、生活用品,社会保险等商业服务获取回扣;六是严禁利用职务之便谋取不正当利益的其他行为。  相似文献   

商业或贸易是互通有无的行为,通常被认为是对交易双方都有利的事情,但是这种交换却有可能对不参与交易的人或自然界造成危害.传统商业伦理研究交易双方之间的关系,环境伦理视野下的商业伦理则侧重研究交易双方与自然界之间的关系.现代商业活动中的基本伦理关系是卖方、买方及自然界三者之间的双向互动关系.商业活动之所以造成许多环境问题,就是因为交易双方出于利己之目的而不惜牺牲生态环境的结果.  相似文献   

Seventy-eight dyads of male university students participated in a bargaining experiment. The bargaining situation was asymmetrical insofar as the two players had different payoff possibilities. Experimental instructions did not provide information about the opponent's payoff possibilities but players could ask each other for such information (except in the control condition). It was found that the players in the advantaged position (with better payoff possibilities) bluffed more frequently and communicated less with the opponent than their disadvantaged opponents. But there were no differences in the frequency of refusing to give requested information, nor in the frequency of requesting information. Verbal communication opportunities reduced the frequency of bluffing (false information) but did not by themselves lead to smaller payoff differences between the two players. Payoff differences were smallest when information exchange was obligatory and truthful and they were greatest when neither information exchange nor communication was possible.  相似文献   

The experiment deals with the impact of self-esteem and liking for the partner on the attribution of agreement and deadlock in bargaining. Fifty-eight male and 70 female students played the Harsanyi-Selten bargaining game with incomplete information eight times, allegedly each time with a randomly selected partner. In fact in four games a computer program simulated the partner. Combining an experimental variation of liking (liking—disliking), own costs (low, high), partner costs (low, high) the experiment followed a 2×2×2 repeated measures design. As predicted by a path model from balance theory (a) failure (deadlock) was attributed more to the partner and less to self than success (agreement), (b) success was attributed more to the liked than the disliked partner, whereas failure was attributed more to the disliked than the liked partner.  相似文献   

时序信息加工机制及其通道效应的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
王振勇  黄希庭 《心理学报》1996,29(4):345-351
研究由两个实验组成,实验一采用纯粹的视听方式,以线段长度和声音频率为材料,对时序信息的加工方式(自动加工与控制加工)、编码特点(时序信息是何时编码的)以及通道效应进行了研究。实验二以汉字为材料重复实验一的过程;结果表明,时序信息的加工存在视听通道效应,其机制源于记忆,且与实验材料的加工深度以及加工方式有关;时序信息既包含有自动加工,又包含有控制加工。视觉刺激倾向于自动加工,而听觉则倾向于控制加工;时序信息是在项目学习时编码获得的,而不是在提取时建构的。  相似文献   

The present research investigates the influence on cooperative behavior of accessibility experiences associated with the retrieval of fairness‐relevant information from memory. We argue that the decision whether to cooperate in negotiations depends not only on information about the appropriateness of the negotiation procedure, but also on the experience of how difficult or easy it is to come up with this information. Supporting this hypothesis, it is shown that in the context of a bargaining experiment, participants' experiences of ease or difficulty in retrieving unfair aspects of the respective negotiation procedure strongly influence their cooperation behavior. In addition, we hypothesize and empirically substantiate that the influence of accessibility experiences on cooperation behavior occurs particularly in situations of certainty salience. Implications for future research on cooperation and on accessibility experiences are discussed. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Four models of coalition formation are tested in a computer-controlled experiment in which three players negotiated to form coalitions in order to gain rewards for themselves. Formation of the grand coalition of all three players as well as any of the three possible 2-person coalitions is permitted. The results indicate that the grand coalition is the most likely to form, followed by the coalition between the two strongest players. The individually rational bargaining set model of coalition formation is supported over an egalitarian model, the Shapley value, and the coalitionally rational bargaining set model. Various measures of the progress of negotiations are introduced, examined, and discussed in an effort to provide an increased data base for the establishment of a behavioral theory of bargaining and coalition formation.  相似文献   

To study how perceptual asymmetries in the recognition of emotion reflect developmental changes in processing affective information, a fused rhyming dichotic word test with positive, negative, and neutral stimuli was administered to adults and children. Results suggested that the hemisphere in which affective information is initially processed affects the strength of perceptual asymmetry and that children's perceptual processing of emotional information is constrained by limited computational resources. Another experiment ruled out effects of volitional shifting of attention to emotional stimuli. These data further confirm that emotional processing involves integration of neural systems across brain regions, including distributed systems that support arousal and recognition. General developmental factors, such as processing capacity, contribute to the coordination of multiple systems responsible for processing emotional information.  相似文献   

文本阅读中背景信息的加工过程:激活与整合   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
王瑞明  莫雷  吴俊  崔磊 《心理学报》2007,39(4):589-601
采用移动窗口技术和眼动技术探讨了文本阅读中当前信息跟背景信息的具体加工过程。被试为华南师范大学本科生92名。实验1使用移动窗口技术,计算机屏幕上每次只呈现一个句子,让被试自己按键逐句进行阅读,通过分析不同实验条件下探测词的再认反应时间和不同实验条件下目标句的阅读时间来探讨文本阅读中信息加工的具体过程。实验2使用眼动技术在一种更自然的情境中通过分析不同实验条件下眼动指标的差异来进一步探讨文本阅读中信息加工的具体过程。实验结果表明,文本阅读中背景信息的加工过程包括激活和整合两个阶段,这两个阶段相互独立但又紧密联系,激活是整合发生的前提,有整合必先发生激活,但激活发生后并不一定会发生整合;文本阅读过程中读者阅读时间的延长主要发生在整合阶段  相似文献   

StrØmnes, F. J. A semiotic theory of imagery processes with experiments on an Indo-European and a Ural-Altaic language: Do speakers of different languages experience different cognitive worlds?Scand. J. Psychol., 1973, 14, 291–304.-A theory of information transmission by symbol systems is presented. The theory is related to results on imagery and verbal behaviour found in the literature, and a new experiment is briefly reported. It is argued that information transmission can exclusively take place by the transmission of geometric isomorphs. Some of the conditions which must be fulfilled by a sign system which can transmit geometric isomorphs are pointed out. A supporting experiment, which purports to show that the underlying geometric systems of Ural-Altaic (represented by Finnish) and Indo-European (represented by Swedish) are strikingly different, is reported.  相似文献   

重读在口语语篇理解加工中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨玉芳  李晓庆 《心理学报》2004,36(4):393-399
用三个实验探索了重读在口语语篇理解加工中的作用。其中实验1利用以句子为单位的口语动窗法,考察了重读如何影响语篇的临场加工速度。实验2和实验3利用词汇再认任务,考察了重读对语篇临场加工效果(即信息在语篇表征中的激活水平)的影响。结果表明:与控制条件相比,一致性重读加快语篇的临场加工,不一致性重读减慢语篇的理解加工;与控制条件相比,一致性重读提高了新信息在语篇表征中的激活水平;不一致性重读虽然促进了所标示的旧信息的激活,但是对于相对重要的新信息的激活具有抑制作用。从而说明一致性重读对语篇理解具有促进作用,而不一致性重读阻碍语篇理解。这一促进和抑制作用不仅体现于语篇的临场加工过程中,而且表现在即时的语篇加工效果中。  相似文献   

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