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Selective adaptations was used to determine the degree of interactions between channels processing relative depth from stereopsis, motion parallax, and texture. Monocular adaptations with motion parallax or binocular stationary adaptation caused test surfaces, viewed either stationary binocularly or monocularly with motion parallax, to appear to slant in the opposite direction compared with the slant initially adapted to. Monocular adaptations on frontoparallel surfaces covered with a pattern of texture gradients caused a subsequently viewed test surface, viewed either monocularly with motion parallax or stationary binocularly, to appear to slant in the opposite direction as the slant indicated by the texture in the adaptation condition. No aftereffect emerged in the monocular stationary test condition. A mechanism of independent channels for relative depth perception is dismissed in favor of a view of an asymmetrical interactive processing of different information sources. The results suggest asymmetrical inhibitory interactions among habituating slant detector units receiving inputs from static disparity, dynamic disparity, and texture gradients.  相似文献   

Ooi TL  Wu B  He ZJ 《Perception》2006,35(5):605-624
Correct judgment of egocentric/absolute distance in the intermediate distance range requires both the angular declination below the horizon and ground-surface information being represented accurately. This requirement can be met in the light environment but not in the dark, where the ground surface is invisible and hence cannot be represented accurately. We previously showed that a target in the dark is judged at the intersection of the projection line from the eye to the target that defines the angular declination below the horizon and an implicit surface. The implicit surface can be approximated as a slant surface with its far end slanted toward the frontoparallel plane. We hypothesize that the implicit slant surface reflects the intrinsic bias of the visual system and helps to define the perceptual space. Accordingly, we conducted two experiments in the dark to further elucidate the characteristics of the implicit slant surface. In the first experiment we measured the egocentric location of a dimly lit target on, or above, the ground, using the blind-walking-gesturing paradigm. Our results reveal that the judged target locations could be fitted by a line (surface), which indicates an intrinsic bias with a geographical slant of about 12.4 degrees. In the second experiment, with an exocentric/relative-distance task, we measured the judged ratio of aspect ratio of a fluorescent L-shaped target. Using trigonometric analysis, we found that the judged ratio of aspect ratio can be accounted for by assuming that the L-shaped target was perceived on an implicit slant surface with an average geographical slant of 14.4 degrees. That the data from the two experiments with different tasks can be fitted by implicit slant surfaces suggests that the intrinsic bias has a role in determining perceived space in the dark. The possible contribution of the intrinsic bias to representing the ground surface and its impact on space perception in the light environment are also discussed.  相似文献   

A series of experiments provided evidence that the representational structure of categories comprising dot patterns is based on pattern parts and pattern configuration rather than on pattern elements. We found that similarity judgments and postacquisition classification data could not be explained in terms of element-level perceptual units, even for categories of dot patterns with seven of their eight dots in the exact same relative location. The importance of higher order perceptual units was indicated by evidence that the long-term retention of information specific to previously learned category exemplars, which is typical of natural objects, can also be obtained for artificial dot patterns, providing their structure reflects the perceptual characteristics identified in Tversky and Hemenway's (1984) study of natural objects: Members of the same category had to be perceptually distinctive at the level of pattern configuration and perceptually similar at the level of pattern parts. The level of within-category similarity for a set of categories (relative to between-categories similarity) did not predict whether item-specific information would be retained; long-term retention appears to require both within-category similarity and dissimilarity, but at different levels of perceptual structure.  相似文献   

Performance on a visually guided action may improve with practice because observers become perceptually attuned to more reliable optical information. Fajen and Devaney (2006) investigated perceptual attunement, using an emergency braking task in which subjects waited until the last possible moment before slamming on the brakes. The subjects in that study learned to use more reliable optical variables with practice, allowing them to perform the task more successfully across changes in the size of the approached object and the speed of approach. In Experiment 1 of the present study, subjects completed blocks of normal, regulated braking before and after practice on emergency braking. Size and speed effects that were present at early stages diminished or were eliminated after practice, suggesting that perceptual attunement resulting from practice on emergency braking transfers to normal, regulated braking. In Experiment 2, practice on regulated braking alone also resulted in perceptual attunement. The findings suggest that braking is not always guided on the basis of an optical invariant and that perceptual attunement plays an important role in learning to perform a visually guided action.  相似文献   

Three experiments were carried out to investigate the hypothesis that the impression of visual depth given by gradient patterns is due to the operation of a principle of “perceptual economy.” The first experiment showed that the greater the number of values of the gradient variables in a pattern, the stronger was the tridimensional impression given by that pattern. The second showed that the greater the number of gradient variables, the less the amount of the pattern that had to be exposed before a tridimensional response was elicited. The third showed that judged slants increased as a function of the number of gradient variables in each pattern. The results suggest that the impression of visual depth given by a pattern represents a compromise between the economy gained from making a tridimensional specification of the elements in the pattern and the possible cost of making an error in coding the information in this way.  相似文献   

Four experiments are presented in which printed texts are read for their meaning. Some of the texts were mutilated by altering the size of selected letters. In Experiments 1, 2, and 3, the number of words mutilated per passage and the number of letters changed per word were both manipulated. In all three experiments, reading was slowed as a function of the number of words changed per passage, while the number of letters changed per word had a much smaller effect. The interaction between the number of words and number of letters changed was not significant in any of the experiments. It is difficult to explain these results merely in terms of changes in the discriminability of letters. In Experiment 2 all uppercase text was used, which argues against an explanation in terms of supraletter features such as word envelope. We propose an explanation in terms of visual attention and the perceptual grouping required prior to feature recognition. The last experiment supports this explanation through the counterintuitive finding that adding letters of intermediate size can improve legibility by allowing grouping processes to associate large and small letters as belonging to the same word object.  相似文献   

The attribute structure of a set of dot patterns was studied by having subjects segment (parse) the dots of each pattern into parts or subunits by drawing circles around groups of dots from each pattern. These parsing data were obtained for subjects who had no prior experience with the patterns and for subjects who had previously learned to identify the patterns as members of one of four categories. Analyses of the parsing data indicated that category learning increased the salience of large subunits that were similar in orientation for patterns that were members of the same category. This evidence for perceptual learning was obtained even when the category training procedure required learning to identify the patterns individually, suggesting that attribute abstraction and item learning are not incompatible. It was also obtained without an increase in overall intersubject agreement. The latter result led us to question the usefulness of intersubject agreement as an index of category knowledge.  相似文献   

The authors present 10 experiments that challenge some central assumptions of the dominant theories of visual search. Their results reveal that the complexity (or redundancy) of nontarget items is a crucial but overlooked determinant of search efficiency. The authors offer a new theoretical outline that emphasizes the importance of nontarget encoding efficiency, and they test this proposal using dot pattern stimuli adapted from W. R. Garner and D. E. Clement (1963). The results provide converging support for the importance of nontarget encoding efficiency in accounting for visual search performance.  相似文献   

We often feel that our perceptual experience is richer than what we can express. For instance, when flashed with a large set of letters, we feel that we can see them all, while we can report only a few. However, the nature of this subjective impression remains highly debated: while many favour a dissociation between two forms of consciousness (access vs. phenomenal consciousness), others contend that the richness of phenomenal experience is a mere illusion. Here we addressed this question with a classical partial-report paradigm now modified to include unexpected items in the unreported parts of the stimuli. We show that even in the presence of unexpected pseudo-letters, participants still felt that there were only letters. Additionally, we show that this feeling reflects an illusion whereby participants reconstruct letters using partial letter-like information. We propose that the feeling of seeing emerges from the interplay between partially accessible information and expectations.  相似文献   

The aftereffects of viewing diagonal lines for 50, 500, and 1,000 msec were measured by the speed and accuracy of identification of a variably tilted test grating. Significant RT and tilt aftereffects were found as functions of the duration of orientation-specific adaptation and the angle of separation between inspection and test lines. The results throw light on anchoring effects of the main visual coordinates and support a structural interpretation of orientational selectivity in human vision.  相似文献   

The split-brain approach was utilized in 6 cats to test the degree of functional autonomy in the visual system. The central visual cortex of one hemisphere was isolated by the removal of most of the extravisual neocortex of the same hemisphere. Visual inflow was restricted to the isolated side in four cases by sectioning the crossed optic fibres at the chiasma and masking one eye and in two cases by section of the contralateral optic tract. The isolation produced severe deficits in visual performance, although all cases retained some ability to learn and to recall simple pattern discriminations. The results of two- and three-stage removals of the non-visual cortex, and of terminal section of the callosum, as well as histology of the lateral geniculate nucleus indicated that geniculo-striate damage was not the limiting factor. Removal of fronto-parietal cortex produced as much or more decrement in visual discrimination than did removal of temporal cortex.  相似文献   

K Lobley  V Walsh 《Perception》1998,27(10):1245-1255
Perceptual learning in colour/orientation visual conjunction search was examined in five experiments. Good transfer occurred to other conjunction arrays when only one element of the conjunction (either colour or orientation) was changed. When both elements (colour and orientation) were changed, but the same feature spaces were used (i.e. other colours and orientations) or when a new dimension was introduced to the transfer task (shapes instead of orientation), transfer was poor. The results suggest that perceptual learning of visual conjunction search is constrained mainly by stimulus parameters rather than by changes in cognitive strategies which are common to all search tasks. Contrary to other reports we found little evidence of long-term retention of learning.  相似文献   

Models of job cognition have neglected the perceptual process by which units of task behavior are organized prior to making task judgments. Perceptual organization was examined in this study using an unobtrusive observational technique adapted from the psycholinguistic literature. In each of two experiments, the structure of a task was manipulated to vary the relationship between task behavior and feedback. These manipulations were found to be reflected in the measure of perceptual organization. In Experiment 2, perceptual organization was found also to correlate with higher order judgments about the task. The implications of these results for expanding models of job cognition to include perceptual processes are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies of the spatial distribution of visual attention have shown that attentional facilitation monotonically decreases in a graded fashion with increasing distance from an attended location. However, reaction time (RT) measures have typically shown broader gradients than have signal detection (SD) measures of perceptual sensitivity. It is not clear whether these differences have arisen because the stages of information processing indexed by RT measures are different from those indexed by SD measures, or whether these differences are due to methodological confounds in the SD studies. In the present set of experiments, the spatial distribution of attention was studied by using a luminance detection task in an endogenous cuing paradigm that was designed to permit accurate calculations of SD and RT measures for targets at cued and uncued locations. Subjects made target-present/absent decisions at one of six possible cued or uncued upper visual hemifield locations on each trial. The results from three experiments suggest that the differences between broad and focal attentional distributions are not the result of different stages of information processing indexed by RT measures as opposed to SD measures. Rather, the differing distributions appear to reflect variations in attentional allocation strategies induced by the perceptual requirements typical of RT paradigms as opposed to SD paradigms. These findings support numerous prior studies showing that spatial attention affects perceptual sensitivity and that the strategic allocation of attention is a highly flexible process.  相似文献   

Stimulus orientation discrimination was investigated in visual and haptic modalities under conditions of simultaneous matching and memory. Discrimination of vertical and horizontal was significantly more accurate than discrimination of oblique stimulus orientations (45°, 135°, 225°, and 315°) for both modalities; haptic errors, however, were significantly greater at each orientation. While subjects were reliably more accurate in visually matching oblique stimulus orientations to a standard than producing them from memory, for the haptic modality, differences between memory and matching conditions were less consistent across the orientations sampled.  相似文献   

Object-based representations in visual short-term memory (VSTM) were examined using a change detection memory task. A display comprising two rows of four differently colored elements was followed by a probe display in which only one of the rows reappeared. On same trials, the probed row was identical to the corresponding row in the memory display. On different trials, two of the elements in the probed row had their colors exchanged. In each memory display, a task-irrelevant visual element appeared between the two rows, with the potential to function as an occluder. Performance was enhanced when perceptual completion meant that four, rather than eight, objects were perceived in the memory display and when the probe display revealed that the occluded elements continued behind the occluder. It appears that several forms of representation can co-occur to support VSTM, one of which is object based.  相似文献   

The influence of the Gestalt grouping principles of similarity, closure, and proximity on the size of the response-compatibility effect was examined in a focused attention task. In three studies, subjects responded to a centrally located target and attempted to ignore adjacent distractors. The distractors, which served as targets on other trials, could be compatible, incompatible, or neutral with respect to the response of the target. In addition, the distractors and the target could be embedded in the same object, presented in the same color, presented on different objects, or presented in different colors. The typical response-compatibility effect (B. A. Eriksen & C. W. Eriksen, 1974) was found when the target and distractors were embedded in the same object or presented in the same color. Performance was poorer when the target was surrounded by response-incompatible distractors than when it was surrounded by response-compatible distractors. However, the response-compatibility effect was eliminated when the target and distractors were embedded in different objects, even when the distance between the items was less than .25 degrees of visual angle. Furthermore, the response-compatibility effect was of intermediate size when the distractors were not grouped strongly with the target or with neutral flankers. The results are discussed in terms of space- and object-based models of visual attention.  相似文献   

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