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十五年来中国男性择偶标准的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对《中国妇女》1985年至2000年15年间每隔5年选择一年,并在每一季度中选择一期杂志,统计男性刊登的征婚启事,总共得到332例。采用统计学方法进行定量研究。发现中国男性在15年间对自身的人品、财产、相貌的重视程度显著增高,对自身的婚史和事业的重视程度明显降低;对女方的持家能力的重视程度显著增高,对女方的健康和工作的重视程度显著降低。当代中国男性的择偶标准随时间的推移有了明显的变化,但仍受到中国传统观念的影响。  相似文献   

This study, which involved older subjects of both sexes (113 women, 75 men) and variables drawn from a psychodynamic perspective, is an extension of an earlier investigation that explored parenthood motivation in young women. Though feminism was not significantly related to motivation for older subjects of either sex, in both investigations psychological variables accounted for greater variance in female motivation than did demographic variables. The uniquely significant psychological variables in this investigation were narcissism, self-esteem, and memories of father's love. However, demographic variables alone accounted for differences in male motivation. Perceived importance of having a child to the fulfillment of life values was studied as well, with self-esteem, judged effect on one's own parents, and age as instrumental variables for women, and religious background, socioeconomic status, age, and marital status as key correlates for men.  相似文献   

The extent of assumed sex differences in preferences for work attributes is explored utilizing data from five representative national samples. The results indicated only minimal differences in preferred job attributes between males and females. Both sexes identified meaningfulness of the work as the most important job attribute, and rank ordered the other four attributes studied in the following sequence: promotion, income, security, and hours. Factors such as education, occupational prestige, age and one's commitment to continue working were more important than sex of the respondent as predictors of job attribute preferences. However, these status variables did not affect the relationship of sex and job attribute preferences. Furthermore, these factors had approximately the same relative predictive value for both males and females. Nevertheless, these statistically significant predictors explained a small proportion of the variance in job attribute preferences. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

College students (78 females, 79 males) were placed in all-female, all-male, or mixed-gender groups. In the presence of a male or female experimenter, subjects evaluated an article written by a female or male job applicant. Subjects in mixed-gender groups generally evaluated the female applicant more favorably in the presence of the female experimenter than the male experimenter. Subjects in mixed-gender groups also rated the female applicant more favorably than the male applicant in the presence of the female experimenter. Male subjects generally were more influenced than were females by the experimenter's gender, tending to give higher ratings to the applicant of the same gender as the experimenter.  相似文献   

Avoidance strategy use refers to the techniques that people use to deal with unwelcome requests from other individuals. Previous research has shown that avoidance strategies in intimate relationships vary along two dimensions: compliance and bilateral dimensions. To determine whether individuals from Mexico and the United States differ in their use of these avoidance strategies with their intimate partners, a study was conducted on males and females from Mexico and the United States. The results indicated that women from the United States reported using more nonverbal disapproval and voices objections types of avoidance strategies with their intimate partners than did women from Mexico and men from both the United States and Mexico. The discussion focuses on the use of social influence strategies among men and women from Mexico and the United States.  相似文献   

In an examination of aspirations for leadership in the United States and Spain, male and female students envisioned themselves as a chief executive officer, vice president, or mid-level manager in an industry with a feminine image (clothing manufacturing) or a masculine image (auto manufacturing). Although men and women perceived these roles as equally positive, women perceived them as less possible and less facilitative of close relationships and gender relationships. Other gender effects included more positive perceptions of the roles by women in the feminine industry and by men in the masculine industry. Cross-nationally men perceived the roles as more positive than women did only in Spain, and U.S. students perceived the roles as more possible than Spanish students did.  相似文献   

Although significant progress has been made on research concerning stereotypes of feminist women, very little is known about the stereotypes of feminist men. College students rated one of four terms—"feminist man,""feminist woman,""man," or "woman." Compared to "feminist woman,""feminist man" was evaluated more positively, but as less potent (i.e., lower in stereotypically masculine characteristics) and less heterosexual. Although feminist man had the highest evaluative ratings of the four terms and was rated similarly in confidence to woman and man, compared to the other terms it was rated low in attractiveness and potency. These results suggest that at least on some dimensions a feminist man's masculinity may be questioned, which in turn may be a hindrance to men in adopting the feminist label.  相似文献   

Factors that differentiate women and men who choose a science career from those who do not were investigated using longitudinal data from 1980 and 1990. The participants (N = 459) were ninth or twelfth graders at six midwestern high schools in 1980. Women in science compared to women in other careers were significantly more likely to value math and science for their future career goals, whereas men in science compared to men in other careers had significantly higher high school grade point averages in natural science and higher career aspirations. Not unexpectedly, both women and men in science careers compared to those in nonscience careers took more high school elective science courses because they wanted to, aspired to higher prestige careers as young adults, and attributed their math successes more to their ability. The male model accounted for more than twice the variance accounted for by the female model, and context variables were not predictive for either model. Suggestions for revising the model and improving the assessment of context influences are made. Implications for research and practice include designing and evaluating programs to increase the number of intellectually able girls valuing math and science as these relate to their future goals.  相似文献   

Two experiments were concerned with scaling affective meanings of posed facial expressions using a specially devised form of semantic differential and with determining the extent to which the meaning of stereoscopically fused facial expressions could be predicted. Both experiments provided evidence for at least three dimensions. High reliability for scaling the affective meanings of facial expressions was demonstrated. Two methods were employed for predicting the meaning of a composite expression. The results indicated that the predictions based on the congruity principle do no better than those based on a simple algebraic mean of the two components.  相似文献   

仲晓波  杨玉芳 《心理学报》2003,35(2):143-149
研究包括2部分。在第一部分,通过对由10个发音人发音的148条句子中的4个词时长方面的声学特征的分析发现:(1)当句子重音强调词时,时长的增加主要集中在这个词的重读音节上;(2)当句子重音强调词的某个音节时,时长的延长主要集中在这个音节上。在第二部分,通过使用上述语句的知觉实验发现,句子重音强调词的语句和句子重音强调这个词的重读音节的语句相对于它们的语境是可以相互替换的, 这种相互可替换性起因于这两种语句声学表现方面的相似性  相似文献   

Attitudes about feminism, gender equality, and gender differences were assessed for male and female students enrolled in three women's studies courses and four control courses at the beginning and end of an academic semester. Compared to control students, women's studies students agreed more with feminist and equality items, and disagreed more with gender difference items, at the beginning of the term. Nonetheless, belief in gender differences decreased among men, but not women, enrolled in women's studies courses. Additionally, women's studies courses produced increased feminist attitudes among women, but decreased feminist attitudes among the small sample of men in the study.  相似文献   

This study examines relational health, parental attachment, and psychological distress in college men and women from the perspective of the relational-cultural model ( Jordan, Kaplan, Miller, Stiver, & Surrey, 1991 ; Miller, 1984 ). Peer, mentor, and community relationships, as well as secure parental attachment and year in school, were hypothesized to predict psychological distress, although predictive patterns were expected to differ in women and men. Overall, results supported the hypotheses. Secure parental attachment predicted decreased distress for both women and men. Authentic, empowered, and engaged community relationships significantly predicted decreased distress for women and men. However, for women, peer relational quality was also a significant predictor. The relational-cultural model, which suggests that differentiation and the "felt sense of self" ( Jordan, 1997 , p. 15) evolve through meaningful connections with others rather than as a result of the separation-individuation process, is applied as a framework for interpreting the findings.  相似文献   

Men with high belief in a just world evaluated a videotaped rape victim more negatively than did men with low belief in a just world. Women with high belief in a just world were less negative toward the rape victim than women with low belief in a just world. Participants with low belief in a just world recommended significantly longer prison sentences for the rapist. Evaluations of the rapist and rape victim were not influenced by information about the outcome of the case (the rapist was never caught, the rapist was caught and sentenced to either 1 or 15 years in prison). Implications for just-world beliefs of jurors in rape trials were discussed.  相似文献   

Using a projective method with college students, this study assessed sex differences in the motivation to share personal concerns in a friendship context. As expected, women were found to be significantly more likely than men to imagine that they would confide worries to a friend (Intimacy Imagery). Women's Intimacy Imagery stories included positive outcomes significantly more often than did men's Intimacy Imagery stories, and the theme of self-enhancement as a consequence of confiding occurred in one-quarter of the women's Intimacy Imagery stories and in none of the men's. For men, Intimacy Imagery was associated with high social confidence and a strong preference for confiding in women. For women, stories suggesting avoidance of confiding or anxiety around confiding were associated with low social confidence.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess the effects of sex of subject, sex of photo, and hemispheric specialization on the ability of male (n = 21) and female (n = 21) subjects to recognize previously seen black and white male and female faces. Results indicated better performance with female faces and a significant interaction for sex of photo and laterality. Overall performance was best for female photos and worst for male photos in the LVF. A greater number of false alarms occurred in the LVF with male photos. The differential processing of distinctive cues of male and female faces by the LVF and RVF was discussed.  相似文献   

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