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Speech-mediated retention in dyslexics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dyslexics (6 to 9 yr. old) and a control group of 12 normal readers (second-graders) were tested on a memory task with rhyming and non-rhyming items. The most important finding is that both groups were penalized by rhyme, indicating speech coding. It was observed that the dyslexics were not less penalized by rhyme than were controls. The present results are compared with those of other recent studies.  相似文献   

Recent studies of single-word processing in dyslexic populations have focused on the differential predictions made by ‘delay’ and ‘deviance’ models. Many experiments in this area have sought to determine whether the reading process in dyslexia is idiosyncratic or similar to processing in younger non-dyslexic readers. Most relevant research has, however, failed to take account of recent developments in theoretical models of reading. Furthermore, relatively little research has examined the reading behaviour of ‘highly compensated’ subjects, who achieve high-level academic qualifications despite their developmental dyslexia. The present paper examines such a population, and concludes that its single-word reading is governed by the same spelling-to-sound word characteristics as reading by other groups. The implications of the results for the deviance/delay hypothesis and for models of word naming are discussed.  相似文献   

Neuropsychological profile of adult dyslexics   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
One hundred and fifteen adults with well-documented childhood reading status underwent a series of neuropsychological tests including tests of memory, attention, phonological processing, and visual perceptual skills in an attempt to define the neuropsychological profile of dyslexia in adulthood. Compared to a normal nonreading disabled sample, subjects with a history of reading disability performed consistently poorer on most neuropsychological tests. However, after covarying for intelligence and socioeconomic status, only tests of rapid naming, phonological awareness, and nonword reading were significant discriminating measures. The hypothesis that deficits in phonological processing comprise the core cognitive deficits in adults with a history of reading disability was supported. Independent of current adult reading ability, measures of nonword reading, phonological awareness, and rapid naming serve as indicators of a childhood history of reading disability.  相似文献   

Developmental dyslexics reportedly discriminate auditory frequency poorly. A recent study found no such deficit. Unlike its predecessors, however, it employed multiple exposures per trial to the standard stimulus. To investigate whether this affects frequency discrimination in dyslexics, a traditional two-interval same-different paradigm (2I_1A_X) and a variant with six A-stimuli per trial (2I_6A_X) were used here. Frequency varied around 500 Hz; interstimulus interval (ISI) ranged between 0 and 1,000 msec. Under 2I_1A_X, dyslexics always had larger just noticeable differences (JNDs) than did controls. Dyslexic and control JNDs were equal at shorter ISIs under 2I_6A_X, but dyslexics became worse than controls at longer ISIs. Signal detection analysis suggests that both sensory variance and trace variance are larger in dyslexics than in controls.  相似文献   

Neuroanatomical evidence suggests that poor readers may have abnormal lateral (LGN) and medial (MGN) geniculate nuclei responsible for temporal processing in visual and auditory domains respectively (Livingstone & Galaburda, 1993). Although behavioral evidence does support this neuroanatomical evidence in that poor readers have performed poorly on visual and auditory tasks thought to require the utilization of the LGN and MGN, respectively, appropriate examination of the coexistence of these behavioral abnormalities in the same population of poor readers has yet to take place. The present study examined correlations between visual and auditory temporal processing scores of all readers (collapsed groups), good readers, and poor readers who were isolated into phonological and surface dyslexic subtypes. The same subjects and data from Cestnick and Coltheart (1999) and Cestnick and Jerger (2000) were used to run the analyses. Results demonstrated a multitude of correlations between these tasks for the phonological dyslexic group only. It is contended that cross-modality temporal processing deficits may exist in poor nonlexical (phonological dyslexics) as opposed to poor lexical (surface dyslexics) readers. It is conceivable that phonological dyslexics may also have deficiencies within the LGN and MGN, or perhaps within systems related to these nuclei. The precise cause of these processing patterns and correlations is still unknown.  相似文献   

Lateral specialization for speech and spatial construction was investigated in a highly screened group of dyslexic and normal-reading boys, age 9-13, by examining the extent to which their EEG alpha asymmetry changed from one task to the other. EEG was recorded from central, midtemporal, and parietal leads during several minutes of spontaneous narrative speech, and while the child constructed block designs. The dyslexics showed the same strongly task-dependent asymmetry as the normal readers, comparable to that observed in our adult populations. The observations were confirmed with a second independently chosen cohort of subjects. This result is discussed in terms of the constraints it places on models of dyslexia which invoke disorders of lateral specialization and hemisphere integration.  相似文献   

Cerebellar mutism occurs in about 25% of children following posterior fossa tumor surgery. It is usually accompanied by other neurological and behavioral disturbances. Mutism is transient in nature lasting several days to months and is frequently followed by dysarthria. In addition, impairment of language and other neuropsychological functions can be found after long term follow up in the majority of patients. The pathophysiological background of mutism may be higher speech dysfunction mediated by crossed cerebello-cerebral diaschisis which is frequently found during the mute period. Foremost injury to the bilateral dentatothalamocortical tract appears to be critical for the development of cerebello-cerebral diaschisis and subsequent mutism. Direct cerebellar injury is the likely reason for persisting deficits after the mute period. Minimization of injury to the dentatothalamocortical tract during surgery may be promising in the prevention of mutism. While there is no established treatment of mutism, early speech and rehabilitation therapy is recommended.  相似文献   

Using regional cerebral blood flow as an index of cerebral activity we studied dyslexic and control subjects during simple word reading tasks. The groups were pre-tested for reading skill and the dyslexic group had a lower reading performance but could read and comprehend standard texts. The aim was to elucidate differences in the cerebral activation pattern during reading. The tasks were simple enough that performance differences between the groups could be excluded. We found specific differences between the two groups that were dependent on the language task. When the visual route for language information was used, minor qualitative differences were found between the groups pertaining to the dominant hemisphere. Increasing the complexity of the task by using pseudowords activated the left frontal region more in the dyslexic group than in the control group. A similar effect was seen in a minor region in extrastriate lateral occipital cortex (BA 19). This finding indicates that the dyslexics used areas in these regions that the controls did not. On the other hand, the dyslexics activated less in the right angular gyrus, right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and in the right pallidum. Reading skill correlated with the level of activity in the right frontal cortex. We conclude, that cerebral activation pattern elicited by reading is different in dyslexics compared to controls in spite of an almost complete functional compensation.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the impact of inter-character spacing on saccade programming in beginning readers and dyslexic children. In two experiments, eye movements were recorded while dyslexic children, reading-age, and chronological-age controls, performed an oculomotor lateralized bisection task on words and strings of hashes presented either with default inter-character spacing or with extra spacing between the characters. The results of Experiment 1 showed that (1) only proficient readers had already developed highly automatized procedures for programming both left- and rightward saccades, depending on the discreteness of the stimuli and (2) children of all groups were disrupted (i.e., had trouble to land close to the beginning of the stimuli) by extra spacing between the characters of the stimuli, and particularly for stimuli presented in the left visual field. Experiment 2 was designed to disentangle the role of inter-character spacing and spatial width. Stimuli were made the same physical length in the default and extra-spacing conditions by having more characters in the default spacing condition. Our results showed that inter-letter spacing still influenced saccade programming when controlling for spatial width, thus confirming the detrimental effect of extra spacing for saccade programming. We conclude that the beneficial effect of increased inter-letter spacing on reading can be better explained in terms of decreased visual crowding than improved saccade targeting.  相似文献   


An examination is undertaken of conclusions drawn from some case studies of developmental dyslexia which have categorised subjects as phonological or surface dyslexics. Various criticisms are advanced of the conclusions drawn from these studies, such as the absence of data from a proper sample of poor readers to illustrate the distribution of performance on specific aspects of reading, the lack of agreed criteria for the classifications made, and inadequate analysis of the error data.

It is concluded that no good grounds exist for the claim that developmental dyslexics fall into clearly distinguishable categories, determined by different specific processing deficits. Seymour (1986) reached a similar conclusion and suggested that a large number of different patterns of deficit exist. However, it is suggested here that all the cases discussed showed a deficit in phonological processes and that differences in performance on such aspects of reading as the ability to read irregularly spelled words, the frequency of “don't know” responses, and ability to read nonwords result from differences in the strategy adopted to cope with the difficulty. Snowling (1987) has made a similar suggestion. The importance of considering strategic differences when investigating reading behaviour is stressed, together with the need to consider factors affecting strategy choice.  相似文献   

P Bryant  L Impey 《Cognition》1986,24(1-2):121-137

A word-learning task was used to investigate variation among developmental dyslexics classified as phonological and surface dyslexics. Dyslexic children and chronological age (CA)- and reading level (RL)-matched normal readers were taught to pronounce novel nonsense words such as veep. Words were assigned either a regular (e.g., "veep") or an irregular (e.g., "vip") pronunciation. Phonological dyslexics learned both regular and exception words more slowly than the normal readers and, unlike the other groups, did not show a regular-word advantage. Surface dyslexics also learned regular and exception words more slowly than the CA group, consistent with a specific problem in mastering arbitrary item-specific pronunciations, but their performance resembled that of the RL group. The results parallel earlier findings from Manis, Seidenberg, Doi, McBride-Chang, & Petersen [Cognition 58 (1996) 157-195] indicating that surface dyslexics and phonological dyslexics have a different profile of reading deficits, with surface dyslexics resembling younger normal readers and phonological dyslexics showing a specific phonological deficit. Models of reading and reading disability need to account for the heterogeneity in reading processes among dyslexic children.  相似文献   

The vestibulo-ocular reflex, because of its close relationship with the cerebellum and its marked adaptiveness, has become a model system for studying the functions of the cerebellum. It has been hypothesized that an evolutionarily old part of the cerebellum, the flocculus, forms a modifiable accessory pathway for the vestibulo-ocular reflex arc for adaptive control, and that the modification is due to the synaptic plasticity induced by retinal errors conveyed by a unique structure of the cerebellum, the climbing fibers. The flocculus hypothesis has been supported by several lines of evidence, including lesioning or functionally impairing the flocculus and recording the activity of flocculus Purkinje cells, and, more recently, from pharmacologically or genetically inhibited synaptic plasticity, which produces long-term depression. There has also been debate on a possible site for memory retention in vestibulo-ocular-reflex adaptation, and about the signal content in flocculus Purkinje cells. This article reviews recent studies on the learning mechanisms of the cerebellum that underlie the adaptation of the vestibulo-ocular reflex.  相似文献   

A computational model of reading was developed based upon the notion that the structural relationship between orthography and phonology is of greater importance than the dimension of semantics for the reading aloud of single words. Degradation of this model successfully simulated the reading performance of two patients with atypical acquired dyslexia. The first patient CAV, studied and described in the literature by Warrington in 1981, presented with unusual concrete word dyslexia, i.e., he had a category-specific reading deficit for concrete words compared with abstract words. The second patient BG is a phonological dyslexic who, although displaying a strong concreteness effect (concrete words read better than abstract words), was able to read functors individually perfectly well, a pattern that is rarely if ever seen. The computational model was used to generate a set of words for which it was predicted that BG would show no concreteness effect. The results of BG's reading of these words were consistent with this prediction, thereby providing greater support for the validity of the model. It is concluded that a computational approach that attempts not only to reproduce the core symptoms of the major varieties of acquired dyslexia but also to simulate clinical data from specific patients has much to contribute to the understanding of cognitive deficits and to the design of effective rehabilitation strategies.  相似文献   


Six subjects with a reading problem were tested on a variety of reading and other tasks including tests of phonological awareness and processing, short-term memory, visual analysis and synthesis, memory for faces and pictures, and matching of letters and shapes. The subjects demonstrated differences in their reading strategies, but these showed no relation to any differences in the patterns of deficit on non-reading tasks. Five of them showed severe problems on tasks involving phonological processing and short-term memory but the seventy of these was unrelated to reading strategy. There were some indications of visual weaknesses, but these were severe in only one subject who had a pronounced defect in memory for faces; there was no evidence that the visual weaknesses were consistently related to reading ability or strategy.

It is concluded that all the subjects in this sample (with one 'possible exception) had a deficit in phonological processing but adopted different strategies to cope with this when faced with the task of converting print to sound. Differences in strategy are likely to be affected by the relative efficiency of other cognitive processes, personality and introdctional factors.  相似文献   

The effect of lexicality and stimulus length was studied in 32 third- and fourth-grade Italian dyslexics and in 86 age-matched controls. A visual lexical decision task was used. As proposed by Faust et al. (1999), the results were analyzed in terms of raw reaction time (RT) data and using the z-score transformation to control for the presence of overadditivity effects. In terms of RTs, dyslexics showed a larger difference between words and nonwords (lexicality effect) and between short and long stimuli (length effect) than proficient readers. When data were transformed into z scores, only the group by length interaction remained significant while that with lexicality vanished. This pattern indicates that stimulus length has a specific role in Italian dyslexics' reading deficit; in contrast, slowness in responding to nonwords was not specific but was interpreted as one aspect of dyslexics' general inability to deal with alphabetical material (overadditivity effect).  相似文献   

Phonological developmental dyslexics remain impaired in phonetic categorical perception (CP) even in adulthood. We studied the brain correlates of CP in dyslexics and controls using a block design fMRI protocol and stimuli from an phonetic continuum between natural /Pa/ and /Ta/ syllables. Subjects performed a pseudo-passive listening task which does not imply voluntary categorical judgment. In the control group, categorical deviant stimuli elicited specific activations in the left angular gyrus, the right inferior frontal gyrus and the right superior cingulate cortex. These regions were not activated in the dyslexic group in which activation was observed for acoustic but not phonetic changes in stimuli. Failures to activate key regions for language perception and auditory attention in dyslexic might account for persistent deficits in phonological awareness and reading tasks.  相似文献   

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