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Commercial academic-industry relationships (AIRs) are widespread in biotechnology and have resulted in a wide array of restrictions on academic research. Objections to such restrictions have centered on the charge that they violate academic freedom. I argue that these objections are almost invariably unsuccessful. On a consequentialist understanding of the value of academic freedom, they rely on unfounded empirical claims about the overall effects that AIRs have on academic research. And on a rights-based understanding of the value of academic freedom, they rely on excessively lavish assumptions about the kinds of activities that academic freedom protects.  相似文献   

Organizational trust is an important element of an organization's long‐term success, as it is a central component of effective work relationships. This study examines the extent to which one's trust in the organization mediates the relationship between three drivers of social exchange relationships and three attitudinal outcomes. The results from a sample of 1,300 manufacturing employees revealed that trust in the organization partially mediated the relationship between perceived supervisor support and turnover intentions, affective organizational commitment and job satisfaction, and fully mediated the relationship between distributive justice and information receiving and these outcomes. This paper extends the empirical literature about the antecedents and consequences of trust in organization, giving special attention to the mediating role of trust in organizations.  相似文献   

Those who would enquire into therelationship between “health conceptions” and “health care consequences” are faced with a formidable task. In order to make this challenge manageable it is necessary to define the scope of the task as precisely as possible. Are we, for instance, faced with a purely theoretical challenge; a task for applied philosophy, or must we employ multi-disciplinary methods? This paper argues that while philosophy has a central clarifying role, inquiry into the relationship between “health conceptions” and “health care organisation” can be done properly only through the combined efforts of several disciplines. Unless we are to be concerned only with abstract models it is essential to take account of the reality of health care situations. Given this it is suggested that the study of “health conceptions” is only a part of a greater task (unless all conceptions are to count as “health conceptions”). What is needed is understanding of the possible and actual purposes of health care, and detailed study of their practical implications.  相似文献   

Although work and family social support predict role stressors and work-family conflict, there has been much ambiguity regarding the conceptual relationships among these constructs. Using path analysis on meta-analytically derived validity coefficients (528 effect sizes from 156 samples), we compare three models to address these concerns and clarify relationships. Results revealed that social support, controlling for role involvement, is best viewed as an antecedent of role stressors and subsequent work-family conflict. Controlling for work and family involvement, work and family social support were most related to same domain role conflict (β = −.46, p < .05; β = −.43, p < .05) and role ambiguity (β = −.28, p < .05; β = −.33, p < .05). Subsequently, work role conflict and time demands were most related to work-to-family conflict (β = .39, p < .05; β = .21, p < .05), while family role conflict and role ambiguity were most related to family-to-work conflict (β = .22, p < .05; β = .24, p < .05). Implications for research and practice, along with suggestions for theoretical advances, are discussed.  相似文献   

The construct of perfectionism is related to many important outcome variables. However, the term perfectionism has been defined in many different ways, and items comprising the different existing scales appear to be very different in content. The overarching aim of the present set of studies was to help clarify the specific unidimensional personality constructs that contribute to perfectionistic behavior. First, trained raters reliably sorted items from existing measures of perfectionism into nine dimensions. An exploratory factor analysis, followed by a confirmatory factor analysis on an independent sample, resulted in a 9-scale, 61-item measure, called the Measure of Constructs Underlying Perfectionism. The nine scales were internally consistent and stable across time, and they were differentially associated with relevant measures of personality in theoretically meaningful ways.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest in Ethical Intuitionism, whose core claim is that normal ethical agents can and do have non‐inferentially justified first‐order ethical beliefs. Although this is the standard formulation, there are two senses in which it is importantly incomplete. Firstly, ethical intuitionism claims that there are non‐inferentially justified ethical beliefs, but there is a worrying lack of consensus in the ethical literature as to what non‐inferentially justified belief is. Secondly, it has been overlooked that there are plausibly different types of non‐inferential justification, and that accounting for the existence of a specific sort of non‐inferential justification is crucial for any adequate ethical intuitionist epistemology. In this context, it is the purpose of this paper to provide an account of non‐inferentially justified belief which is superior to extant accounts, and, to give a refined statement of the core claim of ethical intuitionism which focuses on the type of non‐inferential justification vital for a plausible intuitionist epistemology. Finally, it will be shown that the clarifications made in this paper make it far from obvious that two intuitionist accounts, which have received much recent attention, make good on intuitionism's core claim.  相似文献   

Résumé Une forme originale de débats poétiques en relation avec la lyrique courtoise s'élabore aux XIIé et XIIIè s. Appelés jeux-partis en langue d'oïl ils connaissent un certain succès dans le cadre urbain du puy d'Arras. Formulant une casuistique amoureuse, ils sont à la croisée de différentes formalisations: poétique, juridique et scolastique.L'enjeu du débat est exprimé sous le mode dilemmatique. L'argumentation mise en oeuvre se déploie autour de trois énoncés fondamentaux: sentences, proverbes et images.La sentence, inscrite dans le discours lyrique qu'elle érige en axiomatique de l'amour, occupe une fonction ambivalente: elle est l'énonce 'e que l'on se propose de discuter et al forme qu'adopte la démonstration. Se combinant avec une syntaxe de la démonstration, elle ne produit que l'illusion de la dialectique et révèle, en creux, le caractère tautologique du jeu-parti. Sur 120 poèmes, il n'y a pas moins de 80 expressions proverbiales qui s'articulent différemment sur le contexte — quoique majoritairement par des formules assertives — mais qui toutes rompent avec son isotopie, illustrant et énonçant en même temps la règle. La procédure d'exemplarisation, sous la forme d'énoncés imagés, opére d'autres déplacements. Si le proverbe, issu de l'univers empirique, universalise la situation à laquelle il se réfère, l'image procède à l'inverse: d'un thème général, elle offre l'exemple d'une ou de plusieurs situations anecdotiques, d'où surgit l'universalité de la règle.Or aucun de ces énonc'es n'entrent dans une logique démonstrative et proprement argumentative. Ils resten clos sur eux-mêmes. Les interlocuteurs ne reprennent pas ce qui vient d'être dit, sinon sous une forme brutale de réfutation. La véritable formalisation est polémique. Discours qui manipule l'ironie, frôle l'insulte et recherche l'effet plus que le raisonnement Discours qui bâtit sa vérité -contradictoire-comme un jeu tourné vers un auditoire dont on saisit et quête les complicités.Car la vérité reste bien au coeur du débat et elle est sans cesse assertée. Comme elle l'est dans les disputes, ces combats des clercs.Disputes et ieux-partis mettent en scéne une logique de la controverse. Ils sont des argumentations spectacles. L'élaboration de la vérité se fait ailleurs, dans les sommes par exemple. Le jeu-parti est aporétique. S'il est une réponse á son questionnement, elle se lit dans le poéme d'amour dont la forme enferme le sic et non de la joy, joie et jeu d'amour.
An original form of poetical debate is elaborated in the 12th and 13th century in relation to court lyricism. Under the appellation of jeux-partis in oil tongue, they meet some success in the urban frame of the puy d'Arras. As they formulate a sophistry of love, they intersect a number of different formalisations such as the poetical, juridical and scholastic ones.What is at stake in the debate is expressed on the dilemmatic mode. The argumentation is worked out at large through three basic enunciations: maxims, proverbs and images.The maxim, inscribed as it is in the lyrical discourse that it lays down as being axiomatical for love, has an ambivalent function: on one hand it is the enunciation one intends to dispute, on the other hand it is the form taken by the demonstration. As it combines with a syntax of demonstration it only brings out the illusion of dialectics incidentally revealing the reduddant tautology of le jeu-parti. Out of a number of 120 poems, there are no less than 80 proverbial expressions which articulate themselves on the context differently — although they do so in majority through assertive formulations — yet disrupting with its isotopy in so much as they illustrate and enunciate the rule at the same time. The process of examplarisation, in the form of imaged enunciations operate other alterations. If the proverb, descending from the empirical universe, universalizes the situation it refers to, the image alone proceeds inversely: from a general theme it gives an example of one or several anecdotical situations out of which the universalness of the rule emerges.Now, none of those enunciations proceeds from a demonstrative or even properly argumentative logic. They are enclosed in themselves. The interlocutors do not resume what has just been said, unless it be in a blunt form of refutation. The true formalisation is polemical. It consists in a discourse which handles irony, lightly touches insult and seeks after effect rather than reasoning. It builds up its own truth — contradictorily though — as a game played on an audience whose complicity is to be grasped and then requested — for truthfulness does lie right in the midst of the debate and asserts itself unendlessly, such as it is in les disputes, those contests between scholars. Disputes and jeux-partis promote a logic of controversy. They are argumentations-spectacles. The elaboration of truth lies elsewhere, in the Summae for example. Le jeu-parti is aporhetical. If ever there exists an answer to its questioning, it can be found in love poetry the form of which includes the sic et non of la joy, mirth and play on love.

As the debate over how to manage or discourage physicians' financial conflicts of interest with the drug and medical device industries has become more heated, critics have questioned or dismissed the concept of "conflict of interest" itself. A satisfactory definition relates conflict of interest to concerns about maintaining social trust and distinguishes between breaches of ethical duty and temptations to breach duty. Numerous objections to such a definition have been offered, none of which prevails on further analysis. Those concerned about conflicts of interest have contributed to misunderstandings, however, by failing to demonstrate when social arrangements leading to temptations to breach duties are in themselves morally blameworthy. Clarifying "conflict of interest" is important if we are eventually going to develop productive modes of engagement between medicine and for-profit industry that avoid the serious ethical pitfalls now in evidence.  相似文献   

In their evaluation of Tzeng and Tzeng's (1982) concerns over the level of sophistication currently evident in the study of Implicit Personality Theory (IPT), Jackson and Strieker (1982) and Mirels (1982a) reaffirm their disputed positions at the opposing extremes of the myth-vs.-fact continuum of IPT. The present paper re-examines major measurement and statistical issues in the empirical study of IPT that are still unacknowledged by either Jackson and Strieker, or Mirels, or both. It is demonstrated that their dispute is artificial and can be accounted for by their lack of measuremental sophistication and their statistical partialities. Researchers are cautioned to consider more than “mechanical computability” and “statistical adoptability” in conducting and/or judging similar empirical studies.  相似文献   

This article explores the benefits of clarifying subsystem boundaries in grandfamilies, families in which grandparents are primary caregivers to their grandchildren. The author reviews what is known about grandfamilies, presents the theory and research behind the importance of clear subsystem boundaries, and argues that grandfamilies are particularly vulnerable to problematic subsystem boundaries. Case examples are used to demonstrate how clarifying subsystem boundaries with grandfamilies in family therapy can open up resources for improved family functioning.  相似文献   

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