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Three group sessions were run for postgraduate students. These showed that the students wanted a close personal relationship with their supervisors, and that they often had little idea of what their research work involved. The students were shocked by the difference between their own attitudes and the supervisors'. Simple group work did much to help.  相似文献   

In this study it is suggested that for some postgraduate research students, their ability to learn and their coping resources to deal with the emotionally demanding process of undertaking a PhD may derive in part from their attachment style, which in turn derives from early attachment experience. A time-limited counselling intervention resulted in a reduction in the CORE-OM global index of psychological distress from above the clinical cut-off point to below it in 10 out of 12 participants, and a significant reduction in the remaining two cases. All participants presented with concerns over their ability to complete their theses and yet all did so within four years or its part time equivalent. Self-report ratings of the degree of perceived impairment also reduced significantly and these correlated positively with reduction in global distress. It is further proposed that although a direct link between a counselling intervention and outcome of study has not been shown, the correlation shown here between global distress and reported academic impairment coupled with an earlier reported statistical association between difficulties experienced by students and outcome strongly suggests such a link.  相似文献   

This study examined the mediating effect of career decision self-efficacy on the relationship between the Five-Factor Model of personality and the career commitment process (i.e., vocational commitment and the tendency to foreclose) in a sample of 785 Chinese graduate students. The multiple regression analyses showed that neuroticism and conscientiousness related significantly to progress in vocational commitment both directly and indirectly through career decision self-efficacy. High agreeableness related to less premature foreclosure. In addition, career decision self-efficacy associated with greater progress in vocational commitment but also a strong tendency to foreclose. The implications for career development theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

近年来,随着封建迷信沉渣泛起,算命术也热了起来,不少城市的大街小巷经常会看到算命  相似文献   

当前我国人民正在为全面建设小康社会而奋斗,很需要倡导先进文化、普及科学知识和宣传科学思想,而充满封建迷信的老黄历之类的历书却仍充斥市场,毒害人们的思想。因此有必要对其进行剖析。 我国传统历有文字记载的可追溯到夏代,以后经过多次修改,日臻完善。而历书最早的形式只是编排每年的月份,每月的日期,每年每月每日的干支,以后又间或在日期下增加个别的历注。这样的形式比较简单,只能称作历谱。例如汉武帝元光元年(公元前134年)历谱(山东临沂县银雀山西汉墓出土的竹简)即是。随着阴阳五行学说和星占学的发展,历谱中日期下面逐渐增加越来越多的吉凶宜忌之类的历注,以至于大大超过历谱的篇幅。这才是真正意义上的历书,例如宋宝祐四年(公元1251年)会天历书就是典型的历书。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among sex and math/science career self-efficacy, interests, and consideration for disadvantaged students who participated in a precollege program. The findings indicate sex differences in self-efficacy for three math/science careers; no sex differences emerged for non-math/science careers. Results of regression analyses suggest that consideration of careers is most highly related to interest in the career. For females, confidence in meeting educational requirements was also shown to be related to consideration of a career.  相似文献   

Superstition in the pigeon   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

民俗是民间历代相沿积久而成的风尚、习俗,而民俗节日通常则比较集中地展现民俗。世界各国各民族都有自己的民俗节日。我国历史悠久,民俗节日繁多,但随着时间的推移,民俗也与时俱进。  相似文献   

去年公历是2002年,传统历(夏历)是壬午年,也称马年,按习俗,凡去年出生的人属相都是马。  相似文献   

一日,笔者正在办公室公干,突然进来一位陌生男子,穿得衣冠楚楚,操着一口蹩脚的普通话,自称是安徽人。相互之间作了简单的例行寒暄之后,陌生人突然对我说:“你今年有一次升迁的机会,将要官升一级。”说话人不是管我升迁的上司,而是一陌生客人,如此“喜讯”在我看来仅是一句笑话而已,便问他:“你有什么依据?”那人说:  相似文献   

Superstitions and anti-Semitism are generally based on irrational beliefs. To date, no research has examined the relationship between anti-Semitism and superstition. Four groups, Arab-Muslim, Arab-Christian, Non-Arab Muslim, and Non-Arab Christian, responded to anti-Semitism and superstition measures. With respect to anti-Semitism scores, Arabs scored higher than non-Arabs and Muslims scored higher than Christians. Superstitions varied, however, with Arabs endorsing more New Age beliefs, while Muslims endorsed more traditional superstitious beliefs. The correlations between anti-Semitism and superstitious beliefs were significant, but low, and are explained in terms of cultural differences.  相似文献   

历忌学说古已有之,战国时期已大体形成。西汉时期逐渐同历谱相结合。唐宋时期历谱逐渐发展成为历书。每年每月每日都有繁多的历注,吉凶宜忌项目也越来越多。因此.历书几乎成为迷信教科书。人们办事、出行、修造、会亲、求婚、安床、动土、上梁、赴任、临政、祭祀、祈福、修仓、捕捉、栽种、牧养、纳畜、开仓、出货、沐浴、剃头、穿井、迁徙、安葬等须查阅皇历或请人卜日。  相似文献   

安徽《文摘周刊》9月2日报道,近日,在河南某县有传言说:“外公、外婆给外孙、外孙女送把红伞能免灾”,整个县城陡然掀起抢购红伞的风潮,商家数万把红伞竟然迅速售罄。一条毫无根由的传言,何以有如此大的“威力”呢? 其一,传言击中了人们的从众心理。红伞抢购风潮的兴起, 仅仅源于一句传言。不少人是  相似文献   

本文分析了一年多来,由自然灾害频发使国家、民族蒙受损失,导致人们精神上的迷茫,媒体中伪科学和迷信的话语权决不可低估的现实,提醒人们要用科学的知识、精神与方法去鉴别真伪,指出科学与伪科学迷信的较量,面临的形势仍很严峻。希望《科学与无神论》杂志向各级领导干部、公务员、媒体编辑记者、学者和教师进行科学与无神论的宣传。  相似文献   

一、迷信内涵及其本质 迷信是指非理性的、无根据地盲目信仰和崇拜神仙鬼怪等超自然物的行为和思想,是“相信不该信的东西”。中国社会的迷信思想比较深厚。胡适说,中国百姓“天旱了,只会求雨;河决了,只会拜金龙大王;风浪大了,只会祷告观音菩萨或天后娘娘;荒年了,只好逃荒:瘟疫来了,只好闭门等死;病上身了,只好求神许愿”。迷信活动和迷信思想形形色色,古代有图腾崇拜、巫术、解梦鬼神、相术、占卜、算命、风水、拆字、祥异、择吉、符咒、求雨等等。 迷信的本质是非科学的,是愚昧无知的表现。迷信存在的原因是多方面的,有社会原因、认识原因和心理原因等等。 从历史角度分析,迷信思想、巫术意识是中国传统文化的一部分,有些思维方式不科学。何祚庥在《追踪到公审——胡万林事件采访内幕》中认为,“为什么反对伪科学有较大的阻力。中国社会的历史本来就是个封建社会,迷信思想本来就有比较深厚的传统。不仅在老百姓中,在相当一些干部里面,  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the interrelationship of elementary students’ perceived responsibility for learning, self-efficacy, and sources of self-efficacy in mathematics, and differentiation as a function of gender and grade level. Participants in this study included 442 third-, fourth-, and fifth-grade students from U.S. International Baccalaureate schools. Self-report measures were used to assess key study variables. Students in grade five reported higher levels of mathematics self-efficacy and perceived responsibility for learning than those in grade three. Grade four students also reported higher levels of perceived responsibility than grade three students. In addition, regression results revealed that mastery experience, vicarious experience, social persuasion, and physiological state accounted for a significant amount of variance in students’ mathematics self-efficacy, with social persuasion being the strongest predictor. Educational implications for practice within the context of International Baccalaureate schools are discussed.  相似文献   

王歆睿  韩布新 《心理科学》2023,46(1):230-237
积极心理学提出三件好事(three good things,TGT)练习可有效减轻抑郁症状,提升幸福感和心理健康。为检验基于微信社交平台的“三件好事”练习(TGT-SN)能否提升幸福感,本研究招募北京某高校研究生232名,自愿加入三个被试组(TGT-SN组133人,TGT组53人,对照组46人),体验、评估40天TGT前后及干预后一个月幸福感、抑郁水平、人际关系以及干预效果。研究发现抑郁得分持续改善,其他问卷得分无显著差异,但被试自评干预效果评估确认练习有积极作用。TGT练习效果有限,涉及方法有效性、样本量、参与者动机以及外部影响因素等,未来可基于优秀传统文化开展进一步研究以提高被试依从性及主动健康行为。  相似文献   

The Social Cognitive Career Model proposes that career interests arise from beliefs about capability to execute a course of activity (self-efficacy), and beliefs about the consequences of performing particular activities (outcome expectations). In our study, 301 Japanese university students were given questionnaires including the Vocational Preference Inventory and scales assessing Career Self-efficacy and Career-outcome Expectations. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated both self-efficacy and outcome expectations were significantly related to vocational interests. Outcome expectations accounted for significant incremental variance in explaining interests across six of Holland's vocational environments. Implications of social cognitive theory for career development and interventions among Japanese university students are discussed.  相似文献   

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