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Two imaging experiments were performed—one involving an algebraic transformation task studied by Anderson, Reder, and Lebiere (1996) and the other an abstraction symbol manipulation task studied by Blessing and Anderson (1996). ACT-R models exist that predict the latency patterns in these tasks. These models require activity in an imaginal buffer to represent changes to the problem representation, in a retrieval buffer to hold information from declarative memory, and in a manual buffer to hold information about motor behavior. A general theory is described about how to map activity in these buffers onto the fMRI blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) response. This theory claims that the BOLD response is integrated over the duration that a buffer is active and can be used to predict the observed BOLD function. Activity in the imaginal buffer is shown to predict the BOLD response in a left posterior parietal region; activity in the retrieval buffer is shown to predict the BOLD response in a left prefrontal region; and activity in the manual buffer is shown to predict activity in a motor region. More generally, this article shows how to map a large class of information-processing theories (not just ACT-R) onto the BOLD response and provides a precise interpretation of the cognitive significance of the BOLD response.  相似文献   

Researchers are increasingly studying close relationships across cultural contexts. One issue that arises when applying scales originally developed in Western countries to a different cultural context is measurement invariance. Researchers often do not examine whether scales show invariance across cultures and thus can be used with confidence. The goal of this article is to discuss the importance of measurement invariance, to discuss what testing invariance involves, and to test the measurement properties of scales of relationship satisfaction, commitment, intimacy, and trust across 4 samples (United States, Canada, Indonesia, and China). Analyses indicated that weak measurement invariance was met for all 4 scales, and assumptions of strong measurement invariance had to be relaxed for only a few items in each scale. Findings are discussed and recommendations are made regarding using these or other scales that have been shown to meet assumptions of invariance across different cultural groups.  相似文献   

Two experiments examining developmental changes in the use of context in single word reading are reported. The first experiment investigated how effectively children can access conceptual knowledge and use this to help their word recognition. The results indicated that young readers can on demand direct their attention to semantic information, and this allows them to reap a relatively greater benefit from context than older more skilful readers. The second experiment attempted to clarify the way such use of contextual information might help in the specific case when a child attempts to decode a new word for the first time. Skilled and unskilled readers pronounced pseudohomophonic nonwords faster when they were primed by a semantic context, and the context effect was greater for unskilled readers. The nonword's graphemic similarity to a lexical item was also important.

In general, the results were consistent with Stanovich's (1980) interactive-compensatory model of reading, and they suggest that in learning to read, several already existing stores of information (e.g. auditory, visual and conceptual) are integrated in order to achieve a solution to the word recognition problem.  相似文献   

The ten subtests comprising the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children —Revised (WISC-R) were independently factor analyzed for middle and low socioeconomic status children. Two factors described the structure of the test in both cases. These two factors corresponded quite closely to the Verbal Comprehension and Perceptual Organization factors usually reported for the WISC-R. After testing for the equivalence of covariance matrices between the two socioeconomic status groups, coefficients of congruence between the factors were calculated. These coefficients indicated equivalence in the constructs being measured across the two groups.  相似文献   

The research literature on defensive attribution of responsibility is reviewed within the framework of a nonmotivational information-processing model which proposes that attributed responsibility is a function of the difference between the perceived contingent probability (congruence) of an outcome, given a perpertrator's behavior, and the noncontingent probability (prior expectancy) of that outcome. Results of previous research on effects of the characteristics of outcomes, perpetrator, and victim on responsibility ratings are reinterpreted in terms of the influence these factors have on estimates of congruence and prior expectancy. Secondary analyses of data from a recent study of causal reasoning resulted in a correlation of .78 between attribution of responsibility and a simple additive model of estimated contingent and prior probabilities of an accident.  相似文献   

Everyday cognition: age and intellectual ability correlates   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The primary aim of this study was to examine the relationship between a new battery of everyday cognition measures, which assessed 4 cognitive abilities within 3 familiar real-world domains, and traditional psychometric tests of the same basic cognitive abilities. Several theoreticians have argued that everyday cognition measures are somewhat distinct from traditional cognitive assessment approaches, and the authors investigated this assertion correlationally in the present study. The sample consisted of 174 community-dwelling older adults from the Detroit metropolitan area, who had an average age of 73 years. Major results of the study showed that (a) each everyday cognitive test was strongly correlated with the basic cognitive abilities; (b) several basic abilities, as well as measures of domain-specific knowledge, predicted everyday cognitive performance; and (c) everyday and basic measures were similarly related to age. The results suggest that everyday cognition is not unrelated to traditional measures, nor is it less sensitive to age-related differences.  相似文献   

Previous work on face recognition has concentrated on the processing of unfamiliar faces. This paper examines the recognition of already familiar faces, specifically politicians. Three experiments are described in which the subject's task was to search through a series of faces for particular target politicians. In Experiment I the function relating search time to target set size was found to be negatively accelerated. A similar function was observed when names were used as search items. In Experiment II all subjects searched for four targets, and the relationship between distractors and target items was varied. Distractors rated visually similar to the targets took longer to reject than those rated dissimilar. Distractors who were other politicians took longer to reject than actors, and this effect of semantic category was independent of visual similarity. In Experiment III, where subjects searched for a single target, semantic category appeared only to have an effect when the distractors were also visually similar to the target. Models of the rejection process are discussed, and the similarities between the effects observed here, with faces, and those reported elsewhere for words are pointed out.  相似文献   

Forty children between ages 6 and 8 were administered a set of spatial perspective tasks. On half of the items, children responded by rotating a duplicate of the target display; on the remainder, children reconstructed the displays to correspond to a perspective view. The displays differed as to whether they contained marked or unmarked objects. On the basis of an information-processing analysis of these tasks, we predicted that the response-type variables and stimulus variables would interact in known ways. Analysis of variance results revealed a good fit with the hypothesized outcomes. Main effects were detected for age, which favored older children, and for display, which favored unmarked objects; the rotation task proved easier. Significant interactions revealed that task demands increasing task difficulty were more problematic in the construction task than in the rotation task, as predicted.  相似文献   

The essay introduces and defines the concept of an intellectual Nebuchadnezzar—one who, despite his hostility to religion, serves God's purposes by the depth of his ideas. In terms of this notion, some of Friedrich Nietzsche's views are explored. Specifically, Nietzsche's perspective on artistic creativity is analyzed and applied to the notion of creativity in human relationships. In addition to concluding that Nietzsche is himself an intellectual Nebuchadnezzar, the broader point is made that truth and insight should be welcomed by the religious community even if the source of that truth is one ostensibly hostile to religion.  相似文献   

Service jobs in the health care industry continue to face difficulties in recruiting, selecting, and retaining quality employees. We conducted two studies to examine potential cognitive and personality predictors of job performance, satisfaction, and turnover among direct support professionals (i.e., individuals providing long‐term residential care and support to persons with disabilities). Data from a concurrent validation study was used to create a unit‐weighted combination of agreeableness, conscientiousness, optimism, and numerical ability. This composite predictor was significantly correlated with job performance and job satisfaction. The composite was further supported in a follow‐up predictive validation study of turnover.  相似文献   

We review likely neurobiological substrates of cognitions related to fear and anxiety. Cognitive processes are linked to abnormal early activity reflecting hypervigilance in subcortical networks involving the amygdala, hippocampus, and insular cortex, and later recruitment of cortical regulatory resources, including activation of the anterior cingulate cortex and prefrontal cortex to implement avoidant response strategies. Based on this evidence, we present a cognitive-neurobiological information-processing model of fear and anxiety, linking distinct brain structures to specific stages of information processing of perceived threat.  相似文献   

The National Registry of Exonerations tracks cases of individuals who have been wrongly convicted and exonerated since 1989. Their most recent report revealed that 12% of those exonerated gave false confessions. The current study used data from the National Registry of Exonerations and focused on a sample of 2,378 individuals convicted of felonies with a focus on sexual offenses, as such crimes tend to be viewed as particularly heinous with increased consequences for those convicted. After examining various legal and extralegal factors, the results showed that those accused of sexual offenses, particularly sexual murders, had a greater likelihood of giving a false confession than those accused of non-sexual offenses. The likelihood of falsely confessing was higher among juveniles, those with mental illness and intellectual disabilities, and cases with multiple suspects. Females had a greater odds of falsely confessing to murder than males. Implications and recommendations are discussed.  相似文献   


Longitudinal performance on the Boston Naming Test (BNT) was evaluated in 53 normal subjects aged 30 to 79 who were each tested three times over a 7-year span. Naming performance showed a significant decline over time that was greatest for the oldest subjects. These results confirm that decline in naming is a real phenomenon in normal aging that cannot be attributable primarily to cohort effects. We conclude that the changes in naming ability across the life span reflect more than simply a breakdown in lexical retrieval and that perceptual and semantic processing may be implicated.  相似文献   

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