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Although analyses of the ‘sacred’ and ‘profane’ tend to remain within the discipline of religious studies, categories of sacrality and profane-ness actively shape and label all bodies in the United States. Combining theories of the sacred and profane with formulations of race, gender and sexuality, I investigate the social de/valuation of specific bodies at the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. During each period, three structural factors influence these categorisations: empires of hegemonic social time, dominant Christian narratives of salvation and the role of prison. A comparative analysis demonstrates both continuity and specificity in producing sacred and profane bodies.  相似文献   

Arland J. Hultgren 《Dialog》2006,45(3):215-222
Abstract : Salvation takes several forms in the New Testament, including earthly‐historical saving acts by the earthly Jesus and eschatological salvation by God's saving work in Christ. The dynamics of salvation can be considered from both anthropocentric and theocentric approaches. In the former salvation is by works, faith, or grace, but issues can be raised about each. In the latter salvation is spoken of as the act of God in Christ (a theopractic approach) or by the act of Christ on God's behalf (a Christopractic approach). Issues arise concerning canonical contexts, whether something happened at the cross effective for humanity and the cosmos, and the scope of redemption.  相似文献   

Abstract: The quest to find a doctrinal framework that faithfully reflects Pentecostalism continues among Pentecostal theologians. Among the variety of proposals offered, a consensus has emerged on the centrality of the doctrine of salvation for a Pentecostal theology. Using theological models as a methodological approach, the claim is made that a Pentecostal theology best functions within a model of salvation that can be expressed in terms of two dominant metaphors: acquisition of God's life and deliverance. Consequently, a Pentecostal understanding of salvation concerns the ongoing deliverance from sin in all of its permutations through the increasing acquisition of God's triune life.  相似文献   

Three studies provide evidence that the judgments and behaviors of contemporary Americans are implicitly influenced by traditional Puritan-Protestant values regarding work and sex. American participants were less likely to display traditional values regarding sexuality when implicitly primed to deliberate, as opposed to intuition and neutral primes. British participants made judgments reflecting comparatively liberal sexual values regardless of prime condition (Study 1). Implicitly priming words related to divine salvation led Americans, but not Canadians, to work harder on an assigned task (Study 2). Moreover, work and sex values appear linked in an overarching American ethos. Asian-Americans responded to an implicit work prime by rejecting revealing clothing and sexually charged dancing, but only when their American cultural identity was first made salient (Study 3). These effects were observed not only among devout American Protestants, but also non-Protestant and less religious Americans.  相似文献   

Abstract : This article is an exercise in what might be called “comparative soteriology.” It is both constructive and essential for Christians to examine non‐Christian expressions of soteriology that challenge their own, in order to see with new eyes what salvation can and perhaps should connotate. Thus, this article intends to lead the reader to a deeper appreciation of the Christian doctrine of salvation through the exploration of three different images of salvation: from Hinduism, the Nataraja—the Dancing Shiva; from Buddhism, the Bodhisattva of Compassion, Avalokiteshvara; and from Christianity, an icon of the crucifixion, the San Damiano Crucifix.  相似文献   

Marit Trelstad 《Dialog》2006,45(3):236-245
Abstract : Luther's understanding of salvation can be summed up with the phrase “justification by grace through faith.” The doctrine of justification is the focal point for all theological categories in Luther's theology, including salvation. That said, this article examines various ways grace or salvation is understood to be conveyed in Luther's theology through: the cross, the resurrection or through God's election and covenant with humankind. Throughout the article, it evaluates these foci for salvation in terms of their ability to speak gospel to women's lives today. In particular, it evaluates the appropriate usage of Luther's epistemology of the cross.  相似文献   

随着妇女社会地位的提高,以及人们对健康与生活质量要求的提高,绝经后雌激素替代疗法(HRT)日益成为人们关注的话题,越来越多的妇女选择在进入围绝经期后开始接受HRT,以改善因内源性雌激素分泌不足而引起的种种不适,确实提高了生活质量.但是,这种方法有增加子宫内膜癌、乳腺癌等其他疾病发病率的潜在危险,于是我们在临床应用时应该用辨证的眼光去看待它,试图抓住其主要矛盾,尽可能扬其利,避其害,以达到安全而有效地提高广大中老年妇女生活质量的目的.  相似文献   

I critically examine Edward Oakes' claim that Hans Urs von Balthasar's theology of the descent into hell provides the best answer regarding the possible salvation of the unevangelized non-Christian. First, I contest Oakes' claim based on christological and trinitarian difficulties in Balthasar's descent theology. Second, I utilize the early Christian tradition's understanding of Christ's descent into the limbo of the just to address the problem of the salvation of the unevangelized. Third, I draw on Joseph DiNoia's use of purgatory to further elaborate upon the 'descent' tradition as a resource to address the question of the salvation of the unevangelized. My overall claim is that the descent into hell is indeed an important theological resource for addressing the question of the possible salvation for the unevangelized, but not in the way that Balthasar and Oakes construe it.  相似文献   

How do we deal with our own sexuality as teachers and as learners in the classroom? As a seminary professor in a mainline Christian context, I find that discussing sexuality increases student discomfort levels by threatening to raise questions about the connections between morality, behavior, and bodies of those in the room – questions we have been culturally trained to avoid. In order to decrease discomfort, many instructors approach sexuality only as content‐based subject matter. Particularly for ministry students, this approach can be a disservice to their discernment process and preparation for future ministry contexts, especially for those in turmoil regarding sexuality‐related issues. By explicitly engaging how personal experience and cultural contexts shape our sexuality, pedagogical models can promote critical self‐reflection and seek perspective transformation, not values change, as a resource for professional sexual ethics training in ministry.  相似文献   

The theory of evolution challenges the traditional temporal pattern of creation, fall, and restoration that lies behind Christian soteriology. This paper explores the possibility of interpreting soteriology without tying it to this temporal pattern. To do so, it examines how salvation is presented in John Wesley's theology to see whether his soteriological concerns can be maintained when the temporal pattern is broken. Certain features of his theology allow a reconception of salvation in light of humans as having evolved to be biocultural.  相似文献   

Doctrines of salvation and damnation of the major world religions—Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam—provide different incentives for performing economic activities and charitable deeds. A comparative analysis of the four religions shows that each promotes accumulation of wealth and hard work, while discouraging idleness, debt, and poverty. The primary difference across the religions is with respect to charity. Religions that allow believers to contribute to their own salvation tend to emphasize varieties of selective charity. Religions that hold salvation is only possible through divine selection stress universal charity.  相似文献   

Munawar A. Anees 《Dialog》2006,45(3):275-279
Abstract : The Islamic soteriological doctrine advocates good deeds and God's mercy as the pre‐requisites for human salvation. This article introduces these two important dimensions of the Muslim belief of salvation. In contemporary settings it addresses some of the motives behind the spate of suicide bombings by Muslims and argues that taking one's own life is totally forbidden in Islam. The moving notion that suicide bombing is an open door to salvation is, therefore, untenable. Whatever the mitigating factors, there is no legitimacy in Islamic Law (shariah) to the crime of suicide or the derived terrorism.  相似文献   

Abstract : This article reflects on the connection between Christian hope for salvation and Christian praxis today. Following a discussion of Christian approaches to hope, salvation, and reconciliation, the eschatological potential of love is explored in conversation with significant theologies of love in Western Christianity. It is argued that love, properly understood, offers the most adequate and dynamic horizon for approaching God's coming reign and for being transformed in the process.  相似文献   

According to Karl Barth, the obedience of the eternal Son in the economy of salvation is the proper mode whereby he enacts the undivided work of the Trinity ‘for us and our salvation’. This thesis now enjoys rather wide acceptance among contemporary theologians. In many instances, adopting this viewpoint has resulted in significant revisions of traditional trinitarian metaphysics. The purpose of the present article is to demonstrate that adopting Barth's thesis does not require such revision and that this thesis can and should be appropriated within the orbit of traditional trinitarian theology. We will endeavor to establish our claim by considering the relationship between the Son's eternal generation and his economic obedience, and by addressing three major objections that might be raised against our claim.  相似文献   

Existing research suggests that culture has a significant influence on the sexuality of culturally and linguistically diverse communities in Australia. However, few studies have explored the influence of both religion and culture on sexuality of young Muslim women. This paper qualitatively examines the influence of Islam, Muslim culture and Australian culture on the sexuality of young Muslim women in Melbourne, Australia. This research employed an in-depth interview technique to gather data on the lived experiences of 11 young Muslim women. The findings revealed a marked influence of religion and culture on the sexuality of young Muslim women. Additionally, this study highlights the challenges that young Muslim women face in regards to balancing Muslim culture, Australian culture and Islamic religion. This study contributes to knowledge about the lived experiences of young Muslim women in Australia regarding meanings of sexuality and the difficulties they have in balancing the influences of religion and culture. This knowledge can be useful for the provision of sexual health care that reflects a culturally and religiously sensitive approach for young Muslim women in Australia and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Traumatic experiences can become the central mental content in our psychic structure and can deeply mark all our later perceptions and experiences of our surroundings. We can claim something similar also for addictions of all kinds. In this article, we will demonstrate that recurring traumatic experiences and abuse as well as addiction represent a hidden mission of psyche for resolution and a great cry of longing for salvation.  相似文献   

Self-renunciation or self-denial, although often misunderstood, is a foundational concept in several major religions and is frequently associated with spiritual maturity. In spite of this, the action of self-renunciation has been viewed with suspicion by the psychological community and criticized as repressive. This article argues that the concept of self-denial found in the Sufi tradition of rebirth and the salvation paradox found in the synoptic Gospels can bring a valuable perspective to psychotherapy. First, a brief summary of the history of psychotherapy and its contributions to the understanding of the self are provided. Next, a cursory overview of the Sufi tradition of rebirth is given. Third, the salvation paradox found in the synoptic Gospels is reviewed. It is argued that these two traditions offer valuable insight into ideas surrounding the self. Finally, the clinical implications of self-denial are discussed, and conclusions are drawn related to how psychotherapy can benefit self-renunciation.  相似文献   

Health and salvation are related terms, because each seeks the well-being of the whole person. When placed within the Judeo-Christian context, health as salvation can be defined as the highest good for the total human community. This good is denied to humanity through the unequal use of the world's resources, a fact underscored by the current energy crisis. Two questions must be answered: 1) Do we possess the scientific means to rectify this ethically unacceptable situation? 2) Do we desire to implement the necessary steps to change, should they be found?  相似文献   


The recent media coverage of child sexual abuse charges involving priests is likely to trigger various needs among the public for professional services. Family therapists should prepare to respond effectively to the high anxiety that these media stories trigger. Family therapists with expertise in human sexuality should use such reports to promote a fuller understanding of all aspects of sexuality for individuals and families. Professionals can integrate much needed aspects of sexuality education in dealing with the mass media, in crisis intervention for persons at risk, and in therapy that centers on child or adult experiences of sexual abuse.  相似文献   

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